file_watch_support = false snippet_support = true verbosity = 2 [server] # exit session if no requests were received during given period in seconds # set to 0 to disable timeout = 1800 # seconds = 30 minutes # This section overrides language IDs. # By default, kakoune-lsp uses filetypes for the IDs. # See [language_ids] c = "c_cpp" cpp = "c_cpp" javascript = "javascriptreact" typescript = "typescriptreact" protobuf = "proto" sh = "shellscript" [language_server.bash-language-server] filetypes = ["sh"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "bash-language-server" args = ["start"] [language_server.clangd] filetypes = ["c", "cpp"] roots = ["compile_commands.json", ".clangd", ".git", ".hg"] command = "clangd" [language_server.clojure-lsp] filetypes = ["clojure"] roots = ["project.clj", ".git", ".hg"] command = "clojure-lsp" settings_section = "_" [language_server.clojure-lsp.settings._] # See # source-paths-ignore-regex = ["resources.*", "target.*"] [language_server.cmake-language-server] filetypes = ["cmake"] roots = ["CMakeLists.txt", ".git", ".hg"] command = "cmake-language-server" [language_server.crystalline] filetypes = ["crystal"] roots = ["shard.yml"] command = "crystalline" [language_server.css-language-server] filetypes = ["css"] roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"] command = "vscode-css-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] # [language_server.deno-lsp] # filetypes = ["javascript", "typescript"] # roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"] # command = "deno" # args = ["lsp"] # settings_section = "deno" # [language_server.deno-lsp.settings.deno] # enable = true # lint = true [language_server.less-language-server] filetypes = ["less"] roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"] command = "vscode-css-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] # See [language_server.metals] filetypes = ["scala"] roots = ["build.sbt", ".scala-build"] command = "metals" args = ["-Dmetals.extensions=false"] settings_section = "metals" [language_server.metals.settings.metals] icons = "unicode" isHttpEnabled = true statusBarProvider = "log-message" compilerOptions = { overrideDefFormat = "unicode" } [language_server.nil] filetypes = ["nix"] command = "nil" roots = ["flake.nix", "shell.nix", ".git", ".hg"] [language_server.scss-language-server] filetypes = ["scss"] roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"] command = "vscode-css-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] [language_server.dls] filetypes = ["d", "di"] roots = [".git", "dub.sdl", "dub.json"] command = "dls" [language_server.dart-lsp] # start shell to find path to dart analysis server source filetypes = ["dart"] roots = ["pubspec.yaml", ".git", ".hg"] command = "sh" args = ["-c", "dart $(dirname $(command -v dart))/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot --lsp"] [language_server.jdtls] filetypes = ["java"] roots = ["mvnw", "gradlew", ".git", ".hg"] command = "jdtls" [language_server.jdtls.settings] # See # "java.format.insertSpaces" = true [language_server.elixir-ls] filetypes = ["elixir"] roots = ["mix.exs"] command = "elixir-ls" settings_section = "elixirLS" [language_server.elixir-ls.settings.elixirLS] # See # dialyzerEnable = true [language_server.elm-language-server] filetypes = ["elm"] roots = ["elm.json"] command = "elm-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] settings_section = "elmLS" [language_server.elm-language-server.settings.elmLS] # See runtime = "node" elmPath = "elm" elmFormatPath = "elm-format" elmTestPath = "elm-test" [language_server.elvish] filetypes = ["elvish"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "elvish" args = ["-lsp"] [language_server.erlang-ls] filetypes = ["erlang"] # See for more information and # how to configure. This default config should work in most cases though. roots = ["rebar.config", "", ".git", ".hg"] command = "erlang_ls" [language_server.gopls] filetypes = ["go"] roots = ["Gopkg.toml", "go.mod", ".git", ".hg"] command = "gopls" [language_server.gopls.settings.gopls] # See # "build.buildFlags" = [] hints.assignVariableTypes = true hints.compositeLiteralFields = true hints.compositeLiteralTypes = true hints.constantValues = true hints.functionTypeParameters = true hints.parameterNames = true hints.rangeVariableTypes = true "ui.completion.usePlaceholders" = true [language_server.haskell-language-server] filetypes = ["haskell"] roots = ["hie.yaml", "cabal.project", "Setup.hs", "stack.yaml", "*.cabal"] command = "haskell-language-server-wrapper" args = ["--lsp"] settings_section = "_" [language_server.haskell-language-server.settings._] # See # haskell.formattingProvider = "ormolu" [language_server.html-language-server] filetypes = ["html"] roots = ["package.json"] command = "vscode-html-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] settings_section = "_" [language_server.html-language-server.settings._] # quotePreference = "single" # javascript.format.semicolons = "insert" [language_server.intelephense] filetypes = ["php"] roots = [".htaccess", "composer.json"] command = "intelephense" args = ["--stdio"] settings_section = "intelephense" [language_server.intelephense.settings.intelephense] storagePath = "/tmp/intelephense" [language_server.json-language-server] filetypes = ["json"] roots = ["package.json"] command = "vscode-json-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] # Requires Julia package "LanguageServer" # Run: `julia --project=@kak-lsp -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageServer")'` to install it # Configuration adapted from [language_server.julia-language-server] filetypes = ["julia"] roots = ["Project.toml", ".git", ".hg"] command = "julia" args = [ "--startup-file=no", "--history-file=no", "-e", """ ls_install_path = joinpath(get(DEPOT_PATH, 1, joinpath(homedir(), ".julia")), "environments", "kak-lsp"); pushfirst!(LOAD_PATH, ls_install_path); using LanguageServer; popfirst!(LOAD_PATH); depot_path = get(ENV, "JULIA_DEPOT_PATH", ""); buffer_file = ENV["kak_buffile"]; project_path = let dirname(something( # 1. Check if there is an explicitly set project Base.load_path_expand(( p = get(ENV, "JULIA_PROJECT", nothing); p === nothing ? nothing : isempty(p) ? nothing : p )), # 2. Check for Project.toml in current working directory Base.current_project(pwd()), # 3. Check for Project.toml from buffer's full file path excluding the file name Base.current_project(dirname(buffer_file)), # 4. Fallback to global environment Base.active_project() )) end server = LanguageServer.LanguageServerInstance(stdin, stdout, project_path, depot_path); server.runlinter = true; run(server); """, ] [language_server.julia-language-server.settings] # See # Format options. See # "julia.format.indent" = 4 # Lint options. See # "" = true # Other options, see # "" = "true" [language_server.lua-language-server] filetypes = ["lua"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "lua-language-server" settings_section = "Lua" [language_server.lua-language-server.settings.Lua] # See # diagnostics.enable = true [language_server.markdown] filetypes = ["markdown"] roots = [".marksman.toml"] command = "marksman" args = ["server"] [language_server.nimlsp] filetypes = ["nim"] roots = ["*.nimble", ".git", ".hg"] command = "nimlsp" [language_server.ocamllsp] filetypes = ["ocaml"] # Often useful to simply do a `touch dune-workspace` in your project root folder if you have problems with root detection roots = ["dune-workspace", "dune-project", "Makefile", "opam", "*.opam", "esy.json", ".git", ".hg", "dune"] command = "ocamllsp" [language_server.pls] filetypes = ["protobuf"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "pls" # [language_server.purescript-language-server] filetypes = ["purescript"] roots = ["spago.dhall", "spago.yaml", "package.json", ".git", ".hg"] command = "purescript-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] [language_server.pylsp] filetypes = ["python"] roots = ["requirements.txt", "", ".git", ".hg"] command = "pylsp" settings_section = "_" [language_server.pylsp.settings._] # See # pylsp.configurationSources = ["flake8"] pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.include_params = true # [language_server.pyright] # filetypes = ["python"] # roots = ["requirements.txt", "", "pyrightconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"] # command = "pyright-langserver" # args = ["--stdio"] # [language_server.ruff] # filetypes = ["python"] # roots = ["requirements.txt", "", ".git", ".hg"] # command = "ruff-lsp" # settings_section = "_" # [language_server.ruff.settings._.globalSettings] # organizeImports = true # fixAll = true [language_server.r-language-server] filetypes = ["r"] roots = ["DESCRIPTION", ".git", ".hg"] command = "R" args = ["--slave", "-e", "languageserver::run()"] [language_server.racket-language-server] filetypes = ["racket"] roots = ["info.rkt"] command = "racket" args = ["-l", "racket-langserver"] [language_server.reason-ocamllsp] filetypes = ["reason"] roots = ["package.json", "Makefile", ".git", ".hg"] command = "ocamllsp" # [language_server.rls] # filetypes = ["rust"] # roots = ["Cargo.toml"] # command = "sh" # args = [ # "-c", # """ # if path=$(rustup which rls 2>/dev/null); then # exec "$path" # else # exec rls # fi # """, # ] # settings_section = "rust" # [language_server.rls.settings.rust] # # See # # features = [] [language_server.rust-analyzer] filetypes = ["rust"] roots = ["Cargo.toml"] command = "sh" args = [ "-c", """ if path=$(rustup which rust-analyzer 2>/dev/null); then exec "$path" else exec rust-analyzer fi """, ] [language_server.rust-analyzer.settings.rust-analyzer] # See # cargo.features = [] check.command = "clippy" [language_server.solargraph] filetypes = ["ruby"] roots = ["Gemfile"] command = "solargraph" args = ["stdio"] settings_section = "_" [language_server.solargraph.settings._] # See # diagnostics = false [language_server.taplo] filetypes = ["toml"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "taplo" args = ["lsp", "stdio"] [language_server.terraform-ls] filetypes = ["terraform"] roots = ["*.tf"] command = "terraform-ls" args = ["serve"] [language_server.terraform-ls.settings.terraform-ls] # See # rootModulePaths = [] [language_server.texlab] filetypes = ["latex"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "texlab" [language_server.texlab.settings.texlab] # See # # Preview configuration for zathura with SyncTeX search. # For other PDF viewers see forwardSearch.executable = "zathura" forwardSearch.args = [ "%p", "--synctex-forward", # Support texlab-forward-search "%l:1:%f", "--synctex-editor-command", # Inverse search: use Control+Left-Mouse-Button to jump to source. """ sh -c ' echo " evaluate-commands -client %%opt{texlab_client} %%{ evaluate-commands -try-client %%opt{jumpclient} %%{ edit -- %%{input} %%{line} } } " | kak -p $kak_session ' """, ] [language_server.typescript-language-server] filetypes = ["javascript", "typescript"] roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"] command = "typescript-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] settings_section = "_" [language_server.typescript-language-server.settings._] # quotePreference = "double" # typescript.format.semicolons = "insert" # [language_server.eslint] # filetypes = ["javascript", "typescript"] # roots = [".eslintrc", ".eslintrc.json"] # command = "eslint-language-server" # args = ["--stdio"] # workaround_eslint = true # [language_server.eslint.settings] # codeActionsOnSave = { mode = "all", "source.fixAll.eslint" = true } # format = { enable = true } # quiet = false # rulesCustomizations = [] # run = "onType" # validate = "on" # experimental = {} # problems = { shortenToSingleLine = false } # codeAction.disableRuleComment = { enable = true, location = "separateLine" } # codeAction.showDocumentation = { enable = false } [language_server.yaml-language-server] filetypes = ["yaml"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "yaml-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] settings_section = "yaml" [language_server.yaml-language-server.settings.yaml] # See # Defaults are at # format.enable = true [language_server.zls] filetypes = ["zig"] roots = ["build.zig"] command = "zls" # Semantic tokens support # See # for the default list of tokens and modifiers. # However, many language servers implement their own values. # Make sure to check the output of `lsp-capabilities` and each server's documentation and source code as well. # Examples: # - TypeScript: # - Rust Analyzer: [semantic_tokens] faces = [ {face="documentation", token="comment", modifiers=["documentation"]}, {face="comment", token="comment"}, {face="function", token="function"}, {face="keyword", token="keyword"}, {face="module", token="namespace"}, {face="operator", token="operator"}, {face="string", token="string"}, {face="type", token="type"}, {face="default+d", token="variable", modifiers=["readonly"]}, {face="default+d", token="variable", modifiers=["constant"]}, {face="variable", token="variable"}, ]