# Make sure that kew is closed before editing this file in order for changes to take effect. path=/home/radio/media/music/by-artist coverEnabled=1 coverAnsi=0 visualizerEnabled=1 visualizerHeight=5 useProfileColors=1 allowNotifications=1 hideLogo=0 hideHelp=1 lastVolume=100 # Cache: Set to 1 to use cache of the music library directory tree for faster startup times. cacheLibrary=-1 # Color values are 0=Black, 1=Red, 2=Green, 3=Yellow, 4=Blue, 5=Magenta, 6=Cyan, 7=White # These mostly affect the library view. # Logo color: color=4 # Header color in library view: artistColor=4 # Now playing song text in library view: titleColor=4 # Color of enqueued songs in library view: enqueuedColor=7 # Key Bindings: volumeUp=+ volumeUpAlt== volumeDown=- previousTrackAlt=h nextTrackAlt=l scrollUpAlt=k scrollDownAlt=j switchNumberedSong= togglePause=p toggleColorsDerivedFrom=i toggleVisualizer=v toggleAscii=b toggleRepeat=r toggleShuffle=s seekBackward=a seekForward=d savePlaylist=x addToMainPlaylist=. updateLibrary=u # The different main views, normally F2-F6: showPlaylistAlt=Z showLibraryAlt=X showTrackAlt=C showSearchAlt=V showKeysAlt=B quit=q # For special keys use terminal codes: OS, for F4 for instance. This can depend on the terminal. # You can find out the codes for the keys by using tools like showkey. # For special keys, see the key value after the bracket "[" after typing "showkey -a" in the terminal and then pressing a key you want info about.