
420 lines
14 KiB

# Get the Working Dir
$Script:WorkingDir = $PSScriptRoot
# Get Functions
Get-ChildItem -Path "$WorkingDir\functions" | ForEach-Object {
. $_.FullName
<# MAIN #>
# Check if running account is system or interactive logon
$Script:IsSystem = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().IsSystem
# Run log initialisation function
# Get WAU Configurations
$Script:WAUConfig = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Winget-AutoUpdate')
#Log running context and more...
if ($IsSystem)
Write-ToLog 'Running in System context'
#Get and set Domain/Local Policies (GPO)
$ActivateGPOManagement, $ChangedSettings = Get-Policies
if ($ActivateGPOManagement)
Write-ToLog 'Activated WAU GPO Management detected, comparing...'
if ($null -ne $ChangedSettings -and $ChangedSettings -ne 0)
Write-ToLog 'Changed settings detected and applied' 'Yellow'
Write-ToLog 'No Changed settings detected' 'Yellow'
# Maximum number of log files to keep. Default is 3. Setting MaxLogFiles to 0 will keep all log files.
$MaxLogFiles = $WAUConfig.WAU_MaxLogFiles
if ($null -eq $MaxLogFiles)
[int]$MaxLogFiles = 3
[int]$MaxLogFiles = $MaxLogFiles
# Maximum size of log file.
$MaxLogSize = $WAUConfig.WAU_MaxLogSize
if (!$MaxLogSize)
[long]$MaxLogSize = 1048576 # in bytes, default is 1048576 = 1 MB
[long]$MaxLogSize = $MaxLogSize
#LogRotation if System
$LogRotate = Invoke-LogRotation $LogFile $MaxLogFiles $MaxLogSize
if ($LogRotate -eq $False)
Write-ToLog 'An Exception occured during Log Rotation...'
#Run post update actions if necessary if run as System
if (!($WAUConfig.WAU_PostUpdateActions -eq 0))
#Run Scope Machine funtion if run as System
$SettingsPath = "$Env:windir\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Settings\defaultState\settings.json"
Add-ScopeMachine $SettingsPath
Write-ToLog 'Running in User context'
#Get Notif Locale function
$LocaleDisplayName = Get-NotifLocale
Write-ToLog "Notification Level: $($WAUConfig.WAU_NotificationLevel). Notification Language: $LocaleDisplayName" 'Cyan'
#Check network connectivity
if (Test-Network)
#Check if Winget is installed and get Winget cmd
$TestWinget = Get-WingetCmd
if ($TestWinget)
#Get Current Version
$WAUCurrentVersion = $WAUConfig.DisplayVersion
Write-ToLog "WAU current version: $WAUCurrentVersion"
if ($IsSystem)
#Check if WAU update feature is enabled or not if run as System
$WAUDisableAutoUpdate = $WAUConfig.WAU_DisableAutoUpdate
#If yes then check WAU update if run as System
if ($WAUDisableAutoUpdate -eq 1)
Write-ToLog 'WAU AutoUpdate is Disabled.' 'Gray'
Write-ToLog 'WAU AutoUpdate is Enabled.' 'Green'
#Get Available Version
$Script:WAUAvailableVersion = Get-WAUAvailableVersion
if ([version]$WAUAvailableVersion.Replace('-', '.') -ne [version]$WAUCurrentVersion.Replace('-', '.'))
#If new version is available, update it
Write-ToLog "WAU Available version: $WAUAvailableVersion" 'Yellow'
Write-ToLog 'WAU is up to date.' 'Green'
#Delete previous list_/winget_error (if they exist) if run as System
if (Test-Path -Path "$WorkingDir\logs\error.txt")
Remove-Item -Path "$WorkingDir\logs\error.txt" -Force
#Get External ListPath if run as System
if ($WAUConfig.WAU_ListPath)
$ListPathClean = $($WAUConfig.WAU_ListPath.TrimEnd(' ', '\', '/'))
Write-ToLog "WAU uses External Lists from: $ListPathClean"
if ($ListPathClean -ne 'GPO')
$NewList = Test-ListPath $ListPathClean $WAUConfig.WAU_UseWhiteList $WAUConfig.InstallLocation.TrimEnd(' ', '\')
if ($ReachNoPath)
Write-ToLog "Couldn't reach/find/compare/copy from $ListPathClean..." 'Red'
if ($ListPathClean -notlike 'http*')
if (Test-Path -Path "$ListPathClean" -PathType Leaf)
Write-ToLog 'PATH must end with a Directory, not a File...' 'Red'
if ($ListPathClean -match '_apps.txt')
Write-ToLog 'PATH must end with a Directory, not a File...' 'Red'
$Script:ReachNoPath = $False
if ($NewList)
Write-ToLog "Newer List downloaded/copied to local path: $($WAUConfig.InstallLocation.TrimEnd(' ', '\'))" 'Yellow'
if ($WAUConfig.WAU_UseWhiteList -and (Test-Path -Path "$WorkingDir\included_apps.txt"))
Write-ToLog 'List (white) is up to date.' 'Green'
elseif (!$WAUConfig.WAU_UseWhiteList -and (Test-Path -Path "$WorkingDir\excluded_apps.txt"))
Write-ToLog 'List (black) is up to date.' 'Green'
Write-ToLog "Critical: White/Black List doesn't exist, exiting..." 'Red'
New-Item -Path "$WorkingDir\logs\error.txt" -Value "White/Black List doesn't exist" -Force
exit 1
#Get External ModsPath if run as System
if ($WAUConfig.WAU_ModsPath)
$ModsPathClean = $($WAUConfig.WAU_ModsPath.TrimEnd(' ', '\', '/'))
Write-ToLog "WAU uses External Mods from: $ModsPathClean"
if ($WAUConfig.WAU_AzureBlobSASURL)
$NewMods, $DeletedMods = Test-ModsPath $ModsPathClean $WAUConfig.InstallLocation.TrimEnd(' ', '\') $WAUConfig.WAU_AzureBlobSASURL.TrimEnd(' ')
$NewMods, $DeletedMods = Test-ModsPath $ModsPathClean $WAUConfig.InstallLocation.TrimEnd(' ', '\')
if ($ReachNoPath)
Write-ToLog "Couldn't reach/find/compare/copy from $ModsPathClean..." 'Red'
$Script:ReachNoPath = $False
if ($NewMods -gt 0)
Write-ToLog "$NewMods newer Mods downloaded/copied to local path: $($WAUConfig.InstallLocation.TrimEnd(' ', '\'))\mods" 'Yellow'
if (Test-Path -Path "$WorkingDir\mods\*.ps1")
Write-ToLog 'Mods are up to date.' 'Green'
Write-ToLog 'No Mods are implemented...' 'Yellow'
if ($DeletedMods -gt 0)
Write-ToLog "$DeletedMods Mods deleted (not externally managed) from local path: $($WAUConfig.InstallLocation.TrimEnd(' ', '\'))\mods" 'Red'
#Test if _WAU-mods.ps1 exist: Mods for WAU (if Network is active/any Winget is installed/running as SYSTEM)
$Mods = "$WorkingDir\mods"
if (Test-Path -Path "$Mods\_WAU-mods.ps1")
Write-ToLog 'Running Mods for WAU...' 'Yellow'
& "$Mods\_WAU-mods.ps1"
#If _WAU-mods.ps1 has ExitCode 1 - Re-run WAU
if ($ModsExitCode -eq 1)
Write-ToLog 'Re-run WAU'
Start-Process -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command `"$WorkingDir\winget-upgrade.ps1`""
if ($($WAUConfig.WAU_ListPath) -eq 'GPO')
$Script:GPOList = $True
#Get White or Black list
if ($WAUConfig.WAU_UseWhiteList -eq 1)
Write-ToLog 'WAU uses White List config'
$toUpdate = Get-IncludedApps
$UseWhiteList = $true
Write-ToLog 'WAU uses Black List config'
$toSkip = Get-ExcludedApps
#Fix and count the array if GPO List as ERROR handling!
if ($GPOList)
if ($UseWhiteList)
$WhiteList = $toUpdate.GetUpperBound(0)
if ($null -eq $WhiteList)
Write-ToLog "Critical: Whitelist doesn't exist in GPO, exiting..." 'Red'
New-Item -Path "$WorkingDir\logs\error.txt" -Value "Whitelist doesn't exist in GPO" -Force
exit 1
$toUpdate = $toUpdate.Data
$BlackList = $toSkip.GetUpperBound(0)
if ($null -eq $BlackList)
Write-ToLog "Critical: Blacklist doesn't exist in GPO, exiting..." 'Red'
New-Item -Path "$WorkingDir\logs\error.txt" -Value "Blacklist doesn't exist in GPO" -Force
exit 1
$toSkip = $toSkip.Data
#Get outdated Winget packages
Write-ToLog 'Checking application updates on Winget Repository...' 'yellow'
$outdated = Get-WingetOutdatedApps
#If something unusual happened
if ($outdated -like 'An unusual*')
Write-ToLog "$outdated" 'cyan'
$outdated = $False
#Run only if $outdated is populated!
if ($outdated)
#Log list of app to update
foreach ($app in $outdated)
#List available updates
$Log = "-> Available update : $($app.Name). Current version : $($app.Version). Available version : $($app.AvailableVersion)."
$Log | Write-host
$Log | out-file -filepath $LogFile -Append
#Count good update installations
$Script:InstallOK = 0
#Trick under user context when -BypassListForUsers is used
if ($IsSystem -eq $false -and $WAUConfig.WAU_BypassListForUsers -eq 1)
Write-ToLog 'Bypass system list in user context is Enabled.'
$UseWhiteList = $false
$toSkip = $null
#If White List
if ($UseWhiteList)
#For each app, notify and update
foreach ($app in $outdated)
if (($toUpdate -contains $app.Id) -and $($app.Version) -ne 'Unknown')
Update-App $app
#if current app version is unknown
elseif ($($app.Version) -eq 'Unknown')
Write-ToLog "$($app.Name) : Skipped upgrade because current version is 'Unknown'" 'Gray'
#if app is in "excluded list"
Write-ToLog "$($app.Name) : Skipped upgrade because it is not in the included app list" 'Gray'
#If Black List or default
#For each app, notify and update
foreach ($app in $outdated)
if (-not ($toSkip -contains $app.Id) -and $($app.Version) -ne 'Unknown')
Update-App $app
#if current app version is unknown
elseif ($($app.Version) -eq 'Unknown')
Write-ToLog "$($app.Name) : Skipped upgrade because current version is 'Unknown'" 'Gray'
#if app is in "excluded list"
Write-ToLog "$($app.Name) : Skipped upgrade because it is in the excluded app list" 'Gray'
if ($InstallOK -gt 0)
Write-ToLog "$InstallOK apps updated ! No more update." 'Green'
if ($InstallOK -eq 0 -or !$InstallOK)
Write-ToLog 'No new update.' 'Green'
#Check if any user is logged on if System and run User task (if installed)
if ($IsSystem)
#User check routine from:
$explorerprocesses = @(Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='explorer.exe'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
if ($explorerprocesses.Count -eq 0)
Write-ToLog 'No explorer process found / Nobody interactively logged on...'
#Run WAU in user context if the user task exist
$UserScheduledTask = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'Winget-AutoUpdate-UserContext' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($UserScheduledTask)
#Get Winget system apps to excape them befor running user context
Write-ToLog 'User logged on, get a list of installed Winget apps in System context...'
#Run user context scheduled task
Write-ToLog 'Starting WAU in User context'
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName $UserScheduledTask.TaskName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
exit 0
elseif (!$UserScheduledTask)
Write-ToLog 'User context execution not installed...'
Write-ToLog 'Critical: Winget not installed or detected, exiting...' 'red'
New-Item -Path "$WorkingDir\logs\error.txt" -Value 'Winget not installed or detected' -Force
Write-ToLog 'End of process!' 'Cyan'
exit 1
Write-ToLog 'End of process!' 'Cyan'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3