
138 lines
5.6 KiB

# Function to update an App
Function Update-App
# Get App Info
$ReleaseNoteURL = Get-AppInfo $app.Id
if ($ReleaseNoteURL)
$Button1Text = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[10].message
# Send available update notification
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('Updating {0} from {1} to {2}...' -f $app.Name, $app.Version, $app.AvailableVersion) -LogColor 'Cyan'
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].title -f $($app.Name)
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].message -f $($app.Version), $($app.AvailableVersion)
$MessageType = 'info'
$Balise = $($app.Name)
Start-NotifTask -Title $Title -Message $Message -MessageType $MessageType -Balise $Balise -Button1Action $ReleaseNoteURL -Button1Text $Button1Text
# Check if mods exist for preinstall/install/upgrade
$ModsPreInstall, $ModsOverride, $ModsUpgrade, $ModsInstall, $ModsInstalled = Test-Mods $($app.Id)
# Winget upgrade
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ("########## WINGET UPGRADE PROCESS STARTS FOR APPLICATION ID '{0}' ##########" -f $app.Id) -LogColor 'Gray'
# If PreInstall script exist
if ($ModsPreInstall)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('Modifications for {0} before upgrade are being applied...' -f $app.Id) -LogColor 'Yellow'
& "$ModsPreInstall"
# Run Winget Upgrade command
if ($ModsOverride)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('-> Running (overriding default): Winget upgrade --id {0} --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --override {1}' -f $app.Id, $ModsOverride)
& $Winget upgrade --id $($app.Id) --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --override $ModsOverride | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogFile -Append
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('-> Running: Winget upgrade --id {0} --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements -h' -f $app.Id)
& $Winget upgrade --id $($app.Id) --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements -h | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogFile -Append
if ($ModsUpgrade)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('Modifications for {0} during upgrade are being applied...' -f $app.Id) -LogColor 'Yellow'
& "$ModsUpgrade"
# Check if application updated properly
$FailedToUpgrade = $false
$ConfirmInstall = Confirm-Installation $($app.Id) $($app.AvailableVersion)
if ($ConfirmInstall -ne $true)
# Upgrade failed!
# Test for a Pending Reboot (Component Based Servicing/WindowsUpdate/CCM_ClientUtilities)
$PendingReboot = Test-PendingReboot
if ($PendingReboot -eq $true)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ("-> A Pending Reboot lingers and probably prohibited {0} from upgrading...`n-> install for {1} is NOT executed!" -f $app.Name) -LogColor 'Red'
$FailedToUpgrade = $true
# If app failed to upgrade, run Install command
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('-> An upgrade for {0} failed, now trying an install instead...' -f $app.Name) -LogColor 'Yellow'
if ($ModsOverride)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('-> Running (overriding default): Winget install --id {0} --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --force --override {1}' -f $app.Id, $ModsOverride)
& $Winget install --id $($app.Id) --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --force --override $ModsOverride | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogFile -Append
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('-> Running: Winget install --id {0} --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --force -h' -f $app.Id)
& $Winget install --id $($app.Id) --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --force -h | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogFile -Append
if ($ModsInstall)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('Modifications for {0} during install are being applied...' -f $app.Id) -LogColor 'Yellow'
& "$ModsInstall"
# Check if application installed properly
$ConfirmInstall = Confirm-Installation $($app.Id) $($app.AvailableVersion)
if ($ConfirmInstall -eq $false)
$FailedToUpgrade = $true
if ($FailedToUpgrade -eq $false)
if ($ModsInstalled)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('Modifications for {0} after upgrade/install are being applied...' -f $app.Id) -LogColor 'Yellow'
& "$ModsInstalled"
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ("########## WINGET UPGRADE PROCESS FINISHED FOR APPLICATION ID '{0}' ##########" -f $app.Id) -LogColor 'Gray'
# Notify installation
if ($FailedToUpgrade -eq $false)
# Send success updated app notification
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('{0} updated to {1} !' -f $app.Name, $app.AvailableVersion) -LogColor 'Green'
# Send Notif
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].title -f $($app.Name)
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].message -f $($app.AvailableVersion)
$MessageType = 'success'
$Balise = $($app.Name)
Start-NotifTask -Title $Title -Message $Message -MessageType $MessageType -Balise $Balise -Button1Action $ReleaseNoteURL -Button1Text $Button1Text
$Script:InstallOK += 1
# Send failed updated app notification
Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('{0} update failed.' -f $app.Name) -LogColor 'Red'
# Send Notif
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].title -f $($app.Name)
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].message
$MessageType = 'error'
$Balise = $($app.Name)
Start-NotifTask -Title $Title -Message $Message -MessageType $MessageType -Balise $Balise -Button1Action $ReleaseNoteURL -Button1Text $Button1Text