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# Function to check the connectivity
function Test-Network
$timeout = 0
# Test connectivity during 30 min then timeout
Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'Checking internet connection...' -LogColor 'Yellow'
While ($timeout -lt 1800)
$URLtoTest = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/main/LICENSE'
$URLcontent = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URLtoTest -UseBasicParsing).content)
if ($URLcontent -like '*MIT License*')
Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'Connected !' -LogColor 'Green'
# Check for metered connection
$null = (Add-Type -AssemblyName Windows.Networking)
$null = [Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkInformation, Windows, ContentType = WindowsRuntime]
$cost = [Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkInformation]::GetInternetConnectionProfile().GetConnectionCost()
if ($cost.ApproachingDataLimit -or $cost.OverDataLimit -or $cost.Roaming -or $cost.BackgroundDataUsageRestricted -or ($cost.NetworkCostType -ne 'Unrestricted'))
Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'Metered connection detected.' -LogColor 'Yellow'
if ($WAUConfig.WAU_DoNotRunOnMetered -eq 1)
Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'WAU is configured to bypass update checking on metered connection'
return $false
Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'WAU is configured to force update checking on metered connection'
return $true
return $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
$timeout += 10
# Send Warning Notif if no connection for 5 min
if ($timeout -eq 300)
# Log
Write-ToLog -LogMsg "Notify 'No connection' sent." -LogColor 'Yellow'
# Notif
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[0].title
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[0].message
$MessageType = 'warning'
$Balise = 'Connection'
Start-NotifTask -Title $Title -Message $Message -MessageType $MessageType -Balise $Balise
# Send Timeout Notif if no connection for 30 min
Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'Timeout. No internet connection !' -LogColor 'Red'
# Notif
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[1].title
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[1].message
$MessageType = 'error'
$Balise = 'Connection'
Start-NotifTask -Title $Title -Message $Message -MessageType $MessageType -Balise $Balise
return $false