
89 lines
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#Function to Update an App
Function Update-App ($app) {
#Send available update notification
Write-Log "Updating $($app.Name) from $($app.Version) to $($app.AvailableVersion)..." "Cyan"
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].title -f $($app.Name)
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].message -f $($app.Version), $($app.AvailableVersion)
$MessageType = "info"
$Balise = $($app.Name)
Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise
#Winget upgrade
Write-Log "########## WINGET UPGRADE PROCESS STARTS FOR APPLICATION ID '$($App.Id)' ##########" "Gray"
#Run Winget Upgrade command
& $Winget upgrade --id $($app.Id) --all --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements -h | Tee-Object -file $LogFile -Append
#Check if mods exist
$ModsTest = Test-Mods $($app.Id)
if (($null -ne $ModsTest) -And ($ModsTest -ne 0)){
$ModsTest = $ModsTest.split()
$ModsInstall = $ModsTest[0]
$ModsUpgrade = $ModsTest[1]
if ($ModsUpgrade){
Write-Log "Modifications for $($app.Id) during upgrade are being applied..." "Yellow"
& "$ModsUpgrade"
#Check if application updated properly
$CheckOutdated = Get-WingetOutdatedApps
$FailedToUpgrade = $false
foreach ($CheckApp in $CheckOutdated){
if ($($CheckApp.Id) -eq $($app.Id)) {
#If app failed to upgrade, run Install command
& $Winget install --id $($app.Id) --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements -h | Tee-Object -file $LogFile -Append
if ($ModsInstall){
Write-Log "Modifications for $($app.Id) during install are being applied..." "Yellow"
& "$ModsInstall"
#Check if application installed properly
$CheckOutdated2 = Get-WingetOutdatedApps
foreach ($CheckApp2 in $CheckOutdated2){
if ($($CheckApp2.Id) -eq $($app.Id)) {
$FailedToUpgrade = $true
Write-Log "########## WINGET UPGRADE PROCESS FINISHED FOR APPLICATION ID '$($App.Id)' ##########" "Gray"
#Notify installation
if ($FailedToUpgrade -eq $false){
#Send success updated app notification
Write-Log "$($app.Name) updated to $($app.AvailableVersion) !" "Green"
#Send Notif
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].title -f $($app.Name)
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].message -f $($app.AvailableVersion)
$MessageType = "success"
$Balise = $($app.Name)
Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise
$InstallOK += 1
else {
#Send failed updated app notification
Write-Log "$($app.Name) update failed." "Red"
#Send Notif
$Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].title -f $($app.Name)
$Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].message
$MessageType = "error"
$Balise = $($app.Name)
Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise