#Function to make actions post WAU update function Invoke-PostUpdateActions { #log Write-Log "Running Post Update actions..." "yellow" #Create WAU Regkey if not present $regPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Winget-AutoUpdate" if (!(test-path $regPath)) { New-Item $regPath -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name DisplayName -Value "Winget-AutoUpdate (WAU)" -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name NoModify -Value 1 -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name NoRepair -Value 1 -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name Publisher -Value "Romanitho" -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name URLInfoAbout -Value "https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate" -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name InstallLocation -Value $WorkingDir -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name UninstallString -Value "$WorkingDir\WAU-Uninstall.bat" -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name QuietUninstallString -Value "$WorkingDir\WAU-Uninstall.bat" -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name WAU_UpdatePrerelease -Value 0 -PropertyType DWord -Force #log Write-Log "-> $regPath created." "green" } #Convert about.xml if exists (previous WAU versions) to reg $WAUAboutPath = "$WorkingDir\config\about.xml" if (test-path $WAUAboutPath) { [xml]$About = Get-Content $WAUAboutPath -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name DisplayVersion -Value $About.app.version -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name VersionMajor -Value ([version]$About.app.version).Major -Force New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name VersionMinor -Value ([version]$About.app.version).Minor -Force #Remove file once converted Remove-Item $WAUAboutPath -Force -Confirm:$false #log Write-Log "-> $WAUAboutPath converted." "green" } #Convert config.xml if exists (previous WAU versions) to reg $WAUConfigPath = "$WorkingDir\config\config.xml" if (test-path $WAUConfigPath) { [xml]$Config = Get-Content $WAUConfigPath -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Config.app.WAUautoupdate -eq "False") {New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name WAU_DisableAutoUpdate -Value 1 -Force} if ($Config.app.NotificationLevel) {New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name WAU_NotificationLevel -Value $Config.app.NotificationLevel -Force} if ($Config.app.UseWAUWhiteList -eq "True") {New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name WAU_UseWhiteList -Value 1 -PropertyType DWord -Force} if ($Config.app.WAUprerelease -eq "True") {New-ItemProperty $regPath -Name WAU_UpdatePrerelease -Value 1 -PropertyType DWord -Force} #Remove file once converted Remove-Item $WAUConfigPath -Force -Confirm:$false #log Write-Log "-> $WAUConfigPath converted." "green" } #Remove old functions $FileNames = @( "$WorkingDir\functions\Get-WAUConfig.ps1", "$WorkingDir\functions\Get-WAUCurrentVersion.ps1", "$WorkingDir\functions\Get-WAUUpdateStatus.ps1" ) foreach ($FileName in $FileNames){ if (Test-Path $FileName) { Remove-Item $FileName -Force -Confirm:$false #log Write-Log "-> $FileName removed." "green" } } #Reset WAU_UpdatePostActions Value $WAUConfig | New-ItemProperty -Name WAU_PostUpdateActions -Value 0 -Force #Get updated WAU Config $Script:WAUConfig = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Winget-AutoUpdate" #log Write-Log "Post Update actions finished" "green" }