# Function to get AZCopy, if it doesn't exist and update it, if it does function Get-AZCopy { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $WingetUpdatePath ) $AZCopyLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://aka.ms/downloadazcopy-v10-windows -UseBasicParsing -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).headers.location $AZCopyVersionRegex = [regex]::new('(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') $AZCopyLatestVersion = $AZCopyVersionRegex.Match($AZCopyLink).Value if ($null -eq $AZCopyLatestVersion -or '' -eq $AZCopyLatestVersion) { $AZCopyLatestVersion = '0.0.0' } if (Test-Path -Path ('{0}\azcopy.exe' -f $WingetUpdatePath) -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $AZCopyCurrentVersion = & "$WingetUpdatePath\azcopy.exe" -v $AZCopyCurrentVersion = $AZCopyVersionRegex.Match($AZCopyCurrentVersion).Value Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('AZCopy version {0} found' -f $AZCopyCurrentVersion) } else { Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'AZCopy not already installed' $AZCopyCurrentVersion = '0.0.0' } if (([version]$AZCopyCurrentVersion) -lt ([version]$AZCopyLatestVersion)) { Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('Installing version {0} of AZCopy' -f $AZCopyLatestVersion) $null = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $AZCopyLink -UseBasicParsing -OutFile ('{0}\azcopyv10.zip' -f $WingetUpdatePath)) Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'Extracting AZCopy zip file' $null = (Expand-Archive -Path ('{0}\azcopyv10.zip' -f $WingetUpdatePath) -DestinationPath $WingetUpdatePath -Force -Confirm:$false) $AZCopyPathSearch = (Resolve-Path -Path ('{0}\azcopy_*' -f $WingetUpdatePath)) if ($AZCopyPathSearch -is [array]) { $AZCopyEXEPath = $AZCopyPathSearch[$AZCopyPathSearch.Length - 1] } else { $AZCopyEXEPath = $AZCopyPathSearch } Write-ToLog -LogMsg "Copying 'azcopy.exe' to main folder" $null = (Copy-Item -Path ('{0}\azcopy.exe' -f $AZCopyEXEPath) -Destination ('{0}\' -f $WingetUpdatePath) -Force -Confirm:$false) Write-ToLog -LogMsg 'Removing temporary AZCopy files' $null = (Remove-Item -Path $AZCopyEXEPath -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false) $null = (Remove-Item -Path ('{0}\azcopyv10.zip' -f $WingetUpdatePath) -Force -Confirm:$false) $AZCopyCurrentVersion = & "$WingetUpdatePath\azcopy.exe" -v $AZCopyCurrentVersion = $AZCopyVersionRegex.Match($AZCopyCurrentVersion).Value Write-ToLog -LogMsg ('AZCopy version {0} installed' -f $AZCopyCurrentVersion) } }