# Winget-AutoUpdate This project uses the Winget tool to daily update apps (with system context) and notify users when updates are available and installed. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96626929/150645599-9460def4-0818-4fe9-819c-dd7081ff8447.png) ## Intallation Just [download project](https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/archive/refs/heads/main.zip), unzip, run install.bat as admin. ## Configurations ### Keep some apps out of Winget-AutoUpdate You can exclude apps from update job (for instance, apps you want to keep at a specific version or apps with built-in auto-update): Add the apps' ID you want to disable autoupdate to 'sample-excluded_apps.txt' and rename it to 'excluded_apps.txt'. (File must be placed in scripts' installation folder, or re-run install.bat). ### Default install location By default, scripts and componants will be placed in ProgramData location (inside a Winget-autoupdate folder). You can change this with script argument. ### Notification language You can easily translate toast notifications by creating your locale xml config file (and share it with us :) ). ### When does the script run? Scheduled task is set to run: - At user logon - At 6AM eveyday (with the -StartWhenAvailable option to be sure it is run at least once a day) This way, even without connected user, powered on computers get updated anyway. ### Log location You can find logs in install location, in log folder. ## Optimization As scripting is not my main job, feel free to give us any suggestions or optimizations in code. ## Security context As these scripts are unkonwn for Defender (or other AV), it can scream to protect your PC. Always check the script before running them. ![defender_issue](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96626929/151709095-a4b44be5-8394-4d71-8b24-69a1cf37bba4.PNG) Once everything is checked, click "more info" and execute.