<# FUNCTIONS #> function Init { #Var $Script:WorkingDir = $PSScriptRoot #Log Header $Log = "##################################################`n# CHECK FOR APP UPDATES - $(Get-Date -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy')`n##################################################" $Log | Write-host try{ #Logs initialisation [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $LogPath = "$WorkingDir\logs" if (!(Test-Path $LogPath)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LogPath } #Log file $Script:LogFile = "$LogPath\updates.log" $Log | out-file -filepath $LogFile -Append } catch{ #Logs initialisation $LogPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Winget-AutoUpdate\logs" if (!(Test-Path $LogPath)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LogPath } $Script:LogFile = "$LogPath\updates.log" $Log | out-file -filepath $LogFile -Append } #Get locale file for Notification #Default en-US $DefaultLocale = "$WorkingDir\locale\en-US.xml" #Get OS locale $Locale = Get-WinSystemLocale #Test if OS locale config file exists $LocaleFile = "$WorkingDir\locale\$($locale.Name).xml" if(Test-Path $LocaleFile){ [xml]$Script:NotifLocale = Get-Content $LocaleFile -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $LocaleNotif = "Notification Langugage : $($locale.Name)" } else{ [xml]$Script:NotifLocale = Get-Content $DefaultLocale -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $LocaleNotif = "Notification Langugage : en-US" } Write-Log $LocaleNotif "Cyan" } function Write-Log ($LogMsg,$LogColor = "White") { #Get log $Log = "$(Get-Date -UFormat "%T") - $LogMsg" #Echo log $Log | Write-host -ForegroundColor $LogColor #Write log to file $Log | Out-File -filepath $LogFile -Append } function Start-NotifTask ($Title,$Message,$MessageType,$Balise) { #Add XML variables [xml]$ToastTemplate = @" $Title $Message $Balise "@ #Check if running account is system or interactive logon $currentPrincipal = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-4") #if not "Interactive" user, run as system if ($currentPrincipal -eq $false){ #Save XML to File $ToastTemplateLocation = "$env:ProgramData\Winget-AutoUpdate\" if (!(Test-Path $ToastTemplateLocation)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $ToastTemplateLocation } $ToastTemplate.Save("$ToastTemplateLocation\notif.xml") #Run Notify scheduled task to notify conneted users Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Winget-AutoUpdate-Notify" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Start-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } #else, run as connected user else{ #Load Assemblies [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null [Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null #Prepare XML $ToastXml = [Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument]::New() $ToastXml.LoadXml($ToastTemplate.OuterXml) #Specify Launcher App ID $LauncherID = "Windows.SystemToast.Winget.Notification" #Prepare and Create Toast $ToastMessage = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification]::New($ToastXml) $ToastMessage.Tag = $ToastTemplate.toast.tag [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::CreateToastNotifier($LauncherID).Show($ToastMessage) } #Wait for notification to display Start-Sleep 3 } function Test-Network { #init $timeout = 0 $ping = $false #test connectivity during 30 min then timeout Write-Log "Checking internet connection..." "Yellow" while (!$ping -and $timeout -lt 1800){ try{ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://api.github.com/zen" Write-Log "Connected !" "Green" return $true } catch{ Start-Sleep 10 $timeout += 10 Write-Log "Checking internet connection. $($timeout)s." "Yellow" #Send Notif if no connection for 5 min if ($timeout -eq 300){ Write-Log "Notify 'No connection'" "Yellow" $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[0].title $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[0].message $MessageType = "warning" $Balise = "connection" Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise } } } Write-Log "Timeout. No internet connection !" "Red" #Send Notif if no connection for 30 min $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[1].title $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[1].message $MessageType = "error" $Balise = "connection" Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise return $ping } function Get-WingetOutdated { class Software { [string]$Name [string]$Id [string]$Version [string]$AvailableVersion } #Get WinGet Location $WingetCmd = Get-Command winget.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($WingetCmd){ $script:upgradecmd = $WingetCmd.Source } elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\AppInstallerCLI.exe"){ #WinGet < 1.17 $script:upgradecmd = Resolve-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\AppInstallerCLI.exe" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path } elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\winget.exe"){ #WinGet > 1.17 $script:upgradecmd = Resolve-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\winget.exe" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path } else{ Write-Log "Winget not installed !" return } #Run winget to list apps and accept source agrements (necessary on first run) & $upgradecmd list --accept-source-agreements | Out-Null #Get list of available upgrades on winget format $upgradeResult = & $upgradecmd upgrade | Out-String #Start Convertion of winget format to an array. Check if "-----" exists if (!($upgradeResult -match "-----")){ return } #Split winget output to lines $lines = $upgradeResult.Split([Environment]::NewLine).Replace("¦ ","") # Find the line that starts with "------" $fl = 0 while (-not $lines[$fl].StartsWith("-----")){ $fl++ } #Get header line $fl = $fl - 2 #Get header titles $index = $lines[$fl] -split '\s+' # Line $i has the header, we can find char where we find ID and Version $idStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf($index[1]) $versionStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf($index[2]) $availableStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf($index[3]) $sourceStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf($index[4]) # Now cycle in real package and split accordingly $upgradeList = @() For ($i = $fl + 2; $i -le $lines.Length; $i++){ $line = $lines[$i] if ($line.Length -gt ($sourceStart+5) -and -not $line.StartsWith('-')){ $software = [Software]::new() $software.Name = $line.Substring(0, $idStart).TrimEnd() $software.Id = $line.Substring($idStart, $versionStart - $idStart).TrimEnd() $software.Version = $line.Substring($versionStart, $availableStart - $versionStart).TrimEnd() $software.AvailableVersion = $line.Substring($availableStart, $sourceStart - $availableStart).TrimEnd() #add formated soft to list $upgradeList += $software } } return $upgradeList } function Get-ExcludedApps{ if (Test-Path "$WorkingDir\excluded_apps.txt"){ return Get-Content -Path "$WorkingDir\excluded_apps.txt" } } function Start-WAUUpdateCheck{ #Get AutoUpdate status [xml]$UpdateStatus = Get-Content "$WorkingDir\config\config.xml" -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $AutoUpdateStatus = $UpdateStatus.app.autoupdate #Check if AutoUpdate is enabled if ($AutoUpdateStatus -eq $false){ Write-Log "WAU Current version: $CurrentVersion. AutoUpdate is disabled." "Cyan" return $false } #If enabled, check online available version else{ #Get Github latest version $WAUurl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/releases/latest' $LatestVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest $WAUurl | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name [version]$AvailableVersion = $LatestVersion.Replace("v","") #Get current installed version [xml]$About = Get-Content "$WorkingDir\config\about.xml" -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [version]$CurrentVersion = $About.app.version #If newer version is avalable, return $True if ($AvailableVersion -gt $CurrentVersion){ Write-Log "WAU Current version: $CurrentVersion. Version $AvailableVersion is available." "Yellow" return $true } else{ Write-Log "WAU Current version: $CurrentVersion. Up to date." "Green" return $false } } } function Update-WAU{ #Get WAU Github latest version $WAUurl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/releases/latest' $LatestVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest $WAUurl | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name #Send available update notification $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].title -f "Winget-AutoUpdate" $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].message -f $CurrentVersion, $LatestVersion $MessageType = "info" $Balise = "Winget-AutoUpdate" Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise #Run WAU update try{ #Force to create a zip file $ZipFile = "$WorkingDir\WAU_update.zip" New-Item $ZipFile -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null #Download the zip Write-Log "Starting downloading the GitHub Repository" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($WAUurl)/zipball/$($LatestVersion)" -OutFile $ZipFile Write-Log 'Download finished' #Extract Zip File Write-Log "Starting unzipping the WAU GitHub Repository" $location = "$WorkingDir\WAU_update" Expand-Archive -Path $ZipFile -DestinationPath $location -Force Get-ChildItem -Path $location -Recurse | Unblock-File Write-Log "Unzip finished" $TempPath = Resolve-Path "$location\Romanitho-Winget-AutoUpdate*\Winget-AutoUpdate\" Copy-Item -Path "$TempPath\*" -Destination ".\" -Recurse -Force #Remove update zip file Write-Log "Cleaning temp files" Remove-Item -Path $ZipFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Remove update folder Remove-Item -Path $location -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Set new version to conf.xml [xml]$XMLconf = Get-content "$WorkingDir\config\about.xml" -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $XMLconf.app.version = $LatestVersion.Replace("v","") $XMLconf.Save("$WorkingDir\config\about.xml") #Send success Notif $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].title -f "Winget-AutoUpdate" $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].message -f $LatestVersion $MessageType = "success" $Balise = "Winget-AutoUpdate" Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise #Rerun with newer version Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Winget-AutoUpdate" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Start-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue exit } catch{ #Send Error Notif $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].title -f "Winget-AutoUpdate" $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].message $MessageType = "error" $Balise = "Winget-AutoUpdate" Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise Write-Log "WAU Update failed" } } <# MAIN #> #Run initialisation Init #Check network connectivity if (Test-Network){ #Check if WAU is up to date $CheckWAUupdate = Start-WAUUpdateCheck #If AutoUpdate is enabled and Update is avalaible, then run WAU update if ($CheckWAUupdate){ Update-WAU } #Get exclude apps list $toSkip = Get-ExcludedApps #Get outdated Winget packages Write-Log "Checking available updates..." "yellow" $outdated = Get-WingetOutdated #Log list of app to update foreach ($app in $outdated){ #List available updates $Log = "Available update : $($app.Name). Current version : $($app.Version). Available version : $($app.AvailableVersion)." $Log | Write-host $Log | out-file -filepath $LogFile -Append } #Count good update installs $InstallOK = 0 #For each app, notify and update foreach ($app in $outdated){ if (-not ($toSkip -contains $app.Id) -and $($app.Version) -ne "Unknown"){ #Send available update notification Write-Log "Updating $($app.Name) from $($app.Version) to $($app.AvailableVersion)..." "Cyan" $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].title -f $($app.Name) $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[2].message -f $($app.Version), $($app.AvailableVersion) $MessageType = "info" $Balise = $($app.Name) Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise #Winget upgrade Write-Log "########## WINGET UPGRADE PROCESS STARTS FOR APPLICATION ID '$($App.Id)' ##########" "Gray" #Run Winget Upgrade command & $UpgradeCmd upgrade --id $($app.Id) --all --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements -h | Tee-Object -file $LogFile -Append #Check if application updated properly $CheckOutdated = Get-WingetOutdated $FailedToUpgrade = $false foreach ($CheckApp in $CheckOutdated){ if ($($CheckApp.Id) -eq $($app.Id)) { #If app failed to upgrade, run Install command & $upgradecmd install --id $($app.Id) --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements -h | Tee-Object -file $LogFile -Append #Check if application installed properly $CheckOutdated2 = Get-WingetOutdated foreach ($CheckApp2 in $CheckOutdated2){ if ($($CheckApp2.Id) -eq $($app.Id)) { $FailedToUpgrade = $true } } } } Write-Log "########## WINGET UPGRADE PROCESS FINISHED FOR APPLICATION ID '$($App.Id)' ##########" "Gray" #Notify installation if ($FailedToUpgrade -eq $false){ #Send success updated app notification Write-Log "$($app.Name) updated to $($app.AvailableVersion) !" "Green" #Send Notif $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].title -f $($app.Name) $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[3].message -f $($app.AvailableVersion) $MessageType = "success" $Balise = $($app.Name) Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise $InstallOK += 1 } else { #Send failed updated app notification Write-Log "$($app.Name) update failed." "Red" #Send Notif $Title = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].title -f $($app.Name) $Message = $NotifLocale.local.outputs.output[4].message $MessageType = "error" $Balise = $($app.Name) Start-NotifTask $Title $Message $MessageType $Balise } } #if current app version is unknown elseif($($app.Version) -eq "Unknown"){ Write-Log "$($app.Name) : Skipped upgrade because current version is 'Unknown'" "Gray" } #if app is in "excluded list" else{ Write-Log "$($app.Name) : Skipped upgrade because it is in the excluded app list" "Gray" } } if ($InstallOK -gt 0){ Write-Log "$InstallOK apps updated ! No more update." "Green" } if ($InstallOK -eq 0){ Write-Log "No new update." "Green" } } #End Write-Log "End of process!" "Cyan" Start-Sleep 3