Create Write-CMTraceLog.ps1
As promised, the CMtrace-compatible logging function.pull/597/head
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# Obtain UTC offset (think about moving it to the parent method)
$DateTime = New-Object -ComObject WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime;
$UtcValue = $DateTime.Value;
$global:CMTraceLog_UtcOffset = $UtcValue.Substring(21, $UtcValue.Length - 21);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($DateTime) | Out-Null;
# Set context of process which writes a message
$global:CMTraceLog_Context = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name;
# set string templates for formating later
[string]$global:logline_part1_template_nonerror = "<![LOG[{0}: {1}]LOG]!>";
[string]$global:logline_part1_template_error = "<![LOG[{0}: {1}`r`r`nCommand: {2}`nScriptName: {3}`nLine Number: {4}`nColumn Number: {5}`nLine: {6}]LOG]!>";
[string]$global:logline_part2_template = "<time=`"{0}{1}`" date=`"{2}`" component=`"{3}`" context=`"{4}`" type=`"{5}`" thread=`"{6}`" file=`"{7}`">";
# (full help at the end of file)
enum CMTraceLogSeverity
Warning = 2
Error = 3
Verbose = 4
Debug = 5
Information = 6
Function Write-CMTraceLog
# Define and validate parameters
#Path to the log file
[String]$Logfile = "$Script:WorkingDir\logs\updates.log",
#The information to log
#The severity (Error, Warning, Verbose, Debug, Information)
[ValidateSet('Warning','Error','Verbose','Debug', 'Information', IgnoreCase=$True)]
#Write back to the console or just to the log file. By default it will write back to the host.
[switch]$WriteBackToHost = $True
# Get the info about the calling script, function etc
$callinginfo = (Get-PSCallStack)[1];
# Set Source Information
$Source = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Location;
# Set Component Information
$Component = (Get-Process -Id $PID).ProcessName;
# Set PID Information
$ProcessID = $PID;
# Set date/time of message
$dt = Get-Date;
[string]$time = [string]::Format("{0:HH:mm:ss.fff}", $dt);
[string]$date = [string]::Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", $dt);
# Set the order
'Warning' {$Severity = 2;} #Warning
'Error' {$Severity = 3;} #Error
'Verbose' {$Severity = 4;} #Verbose
'Debug' {$Severity = 5;} #Debug
'Information' {$Severity = 6;} #Information
$severity = [int]([CMTraceLogSeverity]::$Type);
#region set the 1st part of logged entry (templates for formatting)
if($Type -eq 'Error')
# cool! we have an exception, we can use it
# we do not have an exception, we need to prepare out own cutom error to use later
[System.Exception]$Exception = $Message;
[String]$ErrorID = 'Custom Error';
[System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]$ErrorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::WriteError;
$ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($Exception, $ErrorID, $ErrorCategory, $Message);
$Message = $ErrorRecord;
[string]$logline_part1 = [string]::Format(
[string]$logline_part1 = [string]::Format($global:logline_part1_template_nonerror, $Type.ToUpper(), $message);
#endregion set the 1st part of logged entry (templates for formatting)
#region set the 2nd part of logged entry
[string]$logline_part2 = [string]::Format(
#endregion set the 2nd part of logged entry
#region Switch statement to write out to the log and/or back to the host.
# Write the log entry in the CMTrace Format.
$logline = $logline_part1 + $logline_part2;
$logline | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 -FilePath $Logfile;
switch ($severity)
#region Warning
#Write back to the host if $Writebacktohost is true.
'Continue' {$WarningPreference = 'Continue';Write-Warning -Message "$Message";$WarningPreference=''}
'Stop' {$WarningPreference = 'Stop';Write-Warning -Message "$Message";$WarningPreference=''}
'Inquire' {$WarningPreference ='Inquire';Write-Warning -Message "$Message";$WarningPreference=''}
'SilentlyContinue' {}
#endregion Warning
#region Error
#This if statement is to catch the two different types of errors that may come through. A normal terminating exception will have all the information that is needed, if it's a user generated error by using Write-Error,
#then the else statment will setup all the information we would like to log.
#Write back to the host if $Writebacktohost is true.
#Write back to Host
'Stop'{$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';$Host.Ui.WriteErrorLine("ERROR: $([String]$Message.Exception.Message)");Write-Error $Message -ErrorAction 'Stop';$ErrorActionPreference=''}
'Inquire'{$ErrorActionPreference = 'Inquire';$Host.Ui.WriteErrorLine("ERROR: $([String]$Message.Exception.Message)");Write-Error $Message -ErrorAction 'Inquire';$ErrorActionPreference=''}
'Continue'{$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue';$Host.Ui.WriteErrorLine("ERROR: $([String]$Message.Exception.Message)");$ErrorActionPreference=''}
'Suspend'{$ErrorActionPreference = 'Suspend';$Host.Ui.WriteErrorLine("ERROR: $([String]$Message.Exception.Message)");Write-Error $Message -ErrorAction 'Suspend';$ErrorActionPreference=''}
#endregion Error
#region Verbose
#Write back to the host if $Writebacktohost is true.
Switch ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference')) {
'Continue' {$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'; Write-Verbose -Message "$Message";$VerbosePreference = ''}
'Inquire' {$VerbosePreference = 'Inquire'; Write-Verbose -Message "$Message";$VerbosePreference = ''}
'Stop' {$VerbosePreference = 'Stop'; Write-Verbose -Message "$Message";$VerbosePreference = ''}
#endregion Verbose
#region Debug
#Write back to the host if $Writebacktohost is true.
Switch ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference')){
'Continue' {$DebugPreference = 'Continue'; Write-Debug -Message "$Message";$DebugPreference = ''}
'Inquire' {$DebugPreference = 'Inquire'; Write-Debug -Message "$Message";$DebugPreference = ''}
'Stop' {$DebugPreference = 'Stop'; Write-Debug -Message "$Message";$DebugPreference = ''}
#endregion Debug
#region Information
#Write back to the host if $Writebacktohost is true.
Switch ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('InformationPreference')){
'Continue' {$InformationPreference = 'Continue'; Write-Information -Message "INFORMATION: $Message";$InformationPreference = ''}
'Inquire' {$InformationPreference = 'Inquire'; Write-Information -Message "INFORMATION: $Message";$InformationPreference = ''}
'Stop' {$InformationPreference = 'Stop'; Write-Information -Message "INFORMATION: $Message";$InformationPreference = ''}
'Suspend' {$InformationPreference = 'Suspend';Write-Information -Message "INFORMATION: $Message";$InformationPreference = ''}
#endregion Information
#endregion Switch statement to write out to the log and/or back to the host.
Write to a log file in a format that takes advantage of the CMTrace.exe log viewer that comes with SCCM.
Found @
heavily modified for the purpose of WAU project
Output strings to a log file that is formatted for use with CMTRace.exe and also writes back to the host.
The severity of the logged line can be set as:
Warnings will be highlighted in yellow. Errors are highlighted in red.
The tools to view the log:
SMS Trace -
CM Trace - or the Installation directory on Configuration Manager 2012 Site Server - <Install Directory>\tools\
With current atomization of the code, the component parameter should be passed as one of parameters
[string]$component_name = (Get-PSCallStack)[0].FunctionName
If logger function is not called in the function, then we could designate a decriptive name for it.
Get-Process -Name DoesnotExist -ea stop
Write-CMTraceLog -Logfile "C:\output\logfile.log -Message $Error[0] -Type Error
This will write a line to the logfile.log file in c:\output\logfile.log. It will state the errordetails in the log file
and highlight the line in Red. It will also write back to the host in a friendlier red on black message than
the normal error record.
$VerbosePreference = Continue
Write-CMTraceLog -Message "This is a verbose message." -Type Verbose
This example will write a verbose entry into the log file and also write back to the host. The Write-CMTraceLog will obey
the preference variables.
Write-CMTraceLog -Message "This is an informational message" -Type Information -WritebacktoHost:$false
This example will write the informational message to the log but not back to the host.
Function Test{
Write-CMTraceLog -Message "This is a verbose message" -Type Verbose
Test -Verbose
This example shows how to use write-cmtracelog inside a function and then call the function with the -verbose switch.
The write-cmtracelog function will then print the verbose message.
Change Log
v1.6 - 2024-04-01 - reorganized com handling triggered by UTC Offset calculation, reuced the paralellism by moving err/non-err strings generation to the front
v1.5 - 2015-03-12 - Found bug with Error writing back to host twice. Fixed.
v1.4 - 2015-03-12 - Found bug with Warning writebackto host duplicating warning error message.
v1.3 - 2015-02-23 - Commented out line 224 and 249 as it was causing a duplicaton of the message.
v1.2 - Fixed inheritance of preference variables from child scopes finally!! Changed from using
using get-variable -scope 1 (which doesn't work when a script modules calls a function:
See this Microsoft Connect bug
Anyway now now i use the $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference') command and it works.
v1.1 - Found a bug with the get-variable scope. Need to refer to 2 parent scopes for the writebacktohost to work.
- Changed all Get-Variable commands to use Scope 2, instead of Scope 1.
v1.0 - Script Created
Reference in New Issue