Just [download latest version](https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/archive/refs/tags/v1.7.4.zip), unzip, run "install.bat" as admin to install by default.
Add (or remove) the apps' ID you want to disable autoupdate to 'excluded_apps.txt'. (File must be placed in scripts' installation folder, or re-run install.bat).
From 1.7.0 version, you can update only pre-selected apps. To do so, create an "included_apps.txt" with the apps' ID of the apps you want to auto-update and run the `Winget-AutoUpdate-Install.ps1` with `-UseWhiteList` parameter. Related post: https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/issues/36
By default, scripts and components will be placed in ProgramData location (inside a Winget-AutoUpdate folder). You can change this with script argument.
As explained in this [post](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/1255), Winget cannot detect the current version of some installed apps. We decided to skip managing these apps with WAU to avoid retries each time WAU runs:
A new Auto-Update process has been released from version 1.5.0. By default, WAU AutoUpdate is enabled. It will not overwrite the configurations, icons (if personalised), excluded_apps list,...
The Mods feature allows you to run an additional script when installing or upgrading an app.
Just put the script with the App ID followed by the "-install" or "-upgrade" suffix to be considered.
`AppID-install.ps1` and/or `AppID-upgrade.ps1` (if it differs, otherwise the "-install" mod will be used for upgrade)
and put this in the Mods directory
> Example:
> If you want to run a script just after installing ".NET Desktop Runtime 6", call your script like this:
> `Microsoft.dotnetRuntime.6-x64-install.ps1`
In the case of ".NET Desktop Runtime 6" it spawns a new process and this we will have to wait for completion of before moving on to checking if the installation/upgrade suceeded or not. - (this seems to be handled in Winget Version: v1.3.0-preview)
In some cases, you need to "unblock" the "install.bat" file (Windows Defender SmartScreen). Right click, properties and unblock. Then, you'll be able to run it.