Add (or remove) the apps' ID you want to disable autoupdate to 'excluded_apps.txt'. (File must be placed in the same folder as WAU.msi).
- #### AllowList
You can update only pre-selected apps. To do so, create an "included_apps.txt" with the apps' ID of the apps you want to auto-update and place it in the same folder as WAU.msi during install.
You can find logs in install location, in logs folder.<br>
If **Intune Management Extension** is installed, a **SymLink** (WAU-updates.log) is created under **C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs**<br>
If you are deploying winget Apps with [Winget-Install]( a **SymLink** (WAU-install.log) is also created under **C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs**
As explained in this [post](, Winget cannot detect the current version of some installed apps. We decided to skip managing these apps with WAU to avoid retries each time WAU runs:
We might want to stop WAU on metered connection (to save cellular data on connection sharing for instance). The default behavior will detect and stop WAU on limited connections (only for fresh install).
Default value 0. Set `DISABLEWAUAUTOUPDATE=1` to disable Winget-AutoUpdate self update checking. By default, WAU auto updates if new version is available on Github.
Get Black/White List from external Path (**URL/UNC/Local/GPO**) - download/copy to Winget-AutoUpdate installation location if external list is newer.<br>
**PATH** must end with a Directory, not a File...<br>
...if the external Path is an **URL** and the web host doesn't respond with a date/time header for the file (i.e **GitHub**) then the file is always downloaded!<br>
If the external Path is a Private Azure Container protected by a SAS token (**resourceURI?sasToken**), every special character should be escaped at installation time.<br>
It doesn't work to call Powershell in **CMD** to install **WAU** with the parameter:<br>
If `-ListPath` is set to **GPO** the Black/White List can be managed from within the GPO itself under **Application GPO Blacklist**/**Application GPO Whitelist**. Thanks to [Weatherlights]( in [#256 (reply in thread)](!
Get Mods from external Path (**URL/UNC/Local/AzureBlob**) - download/copy to `mods` in Winget-AutoUpdate installation location if external mods are newer.<br>
For **URL**: This requires a site directory with **Directory Listing Enabled** and no index page overriding the listing of files (or an index page with href listing of all the **Mods** to be downloaded):
>- The extension **.ps1** must be added as **MIME Types** (text/powershell-script) otherwise it's displayed in the listing but can't be opened
>- Files with special characters in the filename can't be opened by default from an IIS server - config must be administrated: **Enable Allow double escaping** in '**Request Filtering**'
For **AzureBlob**: This requires the parameter **-AzureBlobURL** to be set with an appropriate Azure Blob Storage URL including the SAS token. See **-AzureBlobURL** for more information.
Used in conjunction with the **-ModsPath** parameter to provide the Azure Storage Blob URL with SAS token. The SAS token must, at a minimum, have 'Read' and 'List' permissions. It is recommended to set the permisions at the container level and rotate the SAS token on a regular basis. Ensure the container reflects the same structure as found under the initial `mods` folder.
Specify the Notification level: Full (Default, displays all notification), SuccessOnly (Only displays notification for success) or None (Does not show any popup).
Default value 1. Set `DONOTRUNONMETERED=0` to force WAU to run on metered connections. May add cellular data costs on shared connexion from smartphone for example.
Just put the scripts in question with the **AppID** followed by the `-preinstall`, `-upgrade`, `-install`, `-installed` or `-notinstalled` suffix in the **mods** folder.
The **-install** mod will be used for upgrades too if **-upgrade** doesn't exist (**WAU** first tries `& $Winget upgrade --id` and if the app isn't detected after that `& $Winget install --id` is tried).<br>
If you want to run a script that removes the shortcut from **%PUBLIC%\Desktop** (we don't want to fill the desktop with shortcuts our users can't delete) just after installing **Acrobat Reader DC** (32-bit), prepare a powershell script that removes the Public Desktop shortcut **Acrobat Reader DC.lnk** and name your script like this: `Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.32-bit-installed.ps1` and put it in the **mods** folder.
This will use the **content** of the text file as a native **winget --override** parameter when upgrading (as proposed by [JonNesovic]( in [Mod for --override argument #244](
In an enterprise environment it's crucial that different groups can have different settings in applications etc. or to implement other mandatory settings, i.e for security/management reasons.<br>
**WAU** doesn't have any setting that can be changed except for when installing (or editing the registry/the task `Winget-AutoUpdate` as **Admin**).<br>
With the use of **ADML/ADMX** files you can manage every **WAU** setting from within **GPO**.<br>
* As reported by [soredake](, Powershell from MsStore is not supported with WAU in system context. See <>
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