Just [download latest version](https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/archive/refs/tags/v1.11.2.zip), unzip, run "install.bat" as admin to install by default.
Add (or remove) the apps' ID you want to disable autoupdate to 'excluded_apps.txt'. (File must be placed in scripts' installation folder, or re-run install.bat).
From 1.7.0 version, you can update only pre-selected apps. To do so, create an "included_apps.txt" with the apps' ID of the apps you want to auto-update and run the `Winget-AutoUpdate-Install.ps1` with `-UseWhiteList` parameter. Related post: https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate/issues/36
From version 1.9.0, you can choose which notification will be displayed: Full, Success only or none. Use `-NotificationLevel` parameter when you run `Winget-AutoUpdate-Install.ps1`
By default, scripts and components will be placed in ProgramData location (inside a Winget-AutoUpdate folder). You can change this with script argument (Not Recommended).
> From version 1.9.0 (on new installations) WAU runs everyday at 6AM. You can now configure the frequency with `-UpdatesInterval` option (Daily, Weekly, Biweekly or Monthly). You can also add `-UpdatesAtLogon` parameter to run at user logon and keep this option activated like previous versions (recommanded).
As explained in this [post](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/1255), Winget cannot detect the current version of some installed apps. We decided to skip managing these apps with WAU to avoid retries each time WAU runs:
A new Auto-Update process has been released from version 1.5.0. By default, WAU AutoUpdate is enabled. It will not overwrite the configurations, icons (if personalised), excluded_apps list,...
Specify the Notification level: Full (Default, displays all notification), SuccessOnly (Only displays notification for success) or None (Does not show any popup).
From version 1.8.0, the Mods feature allows you to run an additional script when upgrading or installing an app.
Just put the script in question with the App ID followed by the "-upgrade" or "-install" suffix in the "mods" folder.
WAU will call `AppID-upgrade.ps1` and/or `AppID-install.ps1` (if they differs, otherwise the "-install" mod will be used for upgrades too) if it exists in the "mods" folder just after the upgrade/install.
If you want to run a script that removes the shortcut from "%PUBLIC%\Desktop" (we don't want to fill the desktop with shortcuts our users can't delete) just after installing "Acrobat Reader DC" (32-bit), prepare a powershell script that removes the Public Desktop shortcut "Acrobat Reader DC.lnk" and name your script like this:
`Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.32-bit-install.ps1` and put it in the "mods" folder.
In some cases, you need to "unblock" the "install.bat" file (Windows Defender SmartScreen). Right click, properties and unblock. Then, you'll be able to run it.