minor changes

千住柱間 2024-03-01 23:49:21 +00:00
parent 196298db94
commit 796b36b83a
1 changed files with 277 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -8,108 +8,173 @@
(gnu packages) (gnu packages)
(gnu services) (gnu services)
(guix gexp) (guix gexp)
(gnu home services shells)) (radix utils)
(gnu home services)
(gnu home services shells)
(gnu home services fontutils)
(gnu home services xdg)
(gnu packages image)
(gnu packages mpd)
(gnu packages disk)
(gnu packages emacs-xyz)
(gnu packages text-editors)
(gnu packages xfce)
(gnu packages image-viewers)
(gnu packages gnupg)
(gnu packages freedesktop)
(gnu packages fonts)
(gnu packages qt)
(gnu packages mail)
(gnu packages compression)
(gnu packages xml)
(gnu packages bittorrent)
(gnu packages xorg)
(gnu packages gstreamer)
(gnu packages xdisorg)
(gnu packages video)
(gnu packages emulators)
(gnu packages web-browsers)
(gnu packages tmux)
(gnu packages terminals)
(gnu packages linux)
(gnu packages python)
(gnu packages cmake)
(gnu packages readline)
(gnu packages curl)
(gnu packages pdf)
(gnu packages glib)
(gnu packages admin)
(gnu packages lisp-xyz)
(gnu packages wm)
(gnu packages compton)
(gnu packages lisp)
(gnu packages music)
(gnu packages version-control)
(gnu packages lxqt)
(gnu packages emacs))
(define fontconfig
(comment " Set subpixel arrangement for all fonts ")
(match ((target "font")
(edit ((name "rgba") (mode "assign"))
(const "bgr"))
(edit ((name "hrgba") (mode "assign"))
(const "bgr"))
(edit ((name "hinting") (mode "assign"))
(bool "true")))
(comment " Alias for Motomachi font ")
(alias ((family "sans-serif")
(prefer (family "Motomachi")))))))
(home-environment (home-environment
;; Below is the list of packages that will show up in your (packages (cons* flameshot
;; Home profile, under ~/.guix-home/profile. ncmpcpp
(packages (specifications->packages (list "flameshot" ;; gd-tools
"ncmpcpp" wmctrl
"font-meslo-lg-dz" lf
"font-meslo-lg" ranger
"gd-tools" emacs-org-roam
"emacs-org-roam-ui" ;;
"wmctrl" ;;
"telegram-desktop" ;;
"lf" ;; sselp
"ranger" nano
"ueberzug++" thunar
"fzf" mcomix
"emacs-org-roam" pinentry
"libime" ;; goldendict-ng
"fcitx5-gtk4" xdg-utils
"fcitx5-qt" font-google-material-design-icons
"fcitx5-gtk" gst-plugins-good-qt
"sselp" ;;unrar
"thunar" qtmultimedia
"mcomix" sylpheed
"pinentry" ;; xpad-module
"goldendict-ng" unzip
"xdg-utils" zip
"font-google-material-design-icons" emacs-esxml
"gst-plugins-good-qt" html-xml-utils
"qtmultimedia" emacs-rainbow-delimiters
"xpad-module" aria2
"unzip" xdg-desktop-portal
"zip" xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
"emacs-esxml" xprop
"html-xml-utils" ;;nicotine+
"emacs-rainbow-delimiters" yt-dlp
"aria2" higan
"xdg-desktop-portal" nyxt
"xdg-desktop-portal-gtk" emacs-nyxt
"xprop" tmux
"nicotine+" alacritty
"yt-dlp" lm-sensors
"higan" ;; anki
"nyxt" emacs-olivetti
"emacs-nyxt" ;; foliate
"tmux" emacs-slime
"alacritty" python
"lm-sensors" xrdb
"anki" dbus
"emacs-olivetti" ;; steam
"foliate" ;; make
"emacs-slime" p7zip
"python" cmake
"xrdb" ;;
"dbus" emacs-dirvish
"steam" readline
"make" curl
"p7zip" qpdfview
"cmake" xclip
"element-desktop" emacs-nerd-icons
"emacs-dirvish" emacs-telega
"readline" htop
"curl" cl-clx
"nix" neofetch
"qpdfview" kitty
"xclip" sbcl-stumpwm-ttf-fonts
"font-apple-color-emoji" cl-clx-truetype
"emacs-nerd-icons" picom
"emacs-telega" feh
"htop" xmodmap
"cl-clx" rofi
"neofetch" sbcl
"kitty" stumpwm `(,stumpwm "lib")
"sbcl-stumpwm-ttf-fonts" emacs-stumpwm-mode
"cl-clx-truetype" sbcl-stumpwm-net
"picom" sbcl-stumpwm-cpu
"feh" sbcl-stumpwm-mem
"xmodmap" sbcl-stumpwm-disk
"rofi" sbcl-stumpwm-screenshot
"emacs-stumpwm-mode" sbcl-stumpwm-pamixer
"sbcl-stumpwm-net" sbcl-clx
"sbcl-stumpwm-cpu" sbcl-stumpwm-swm-gaps
"sbcl-stumpwm-mem" cmus
"sbcl-stumpwm-disk" zstd
"sbcl-stumpwm-screenshot" ;; suckless-dictpopup
"sbcl-stumpwm-pamixer" scrot
"sbcl-stumpwm-swm-gaps" cl-css
"cmus" git
"zstd" gst-plugins-good
"scrot" gst-plugins-bad
"cl-css" gstreamer
"git" pavucontrol-qt
"gst-plugins-good" mpv
"gst-plugins-bad" emacs
"gstreamer" (specifications->packages
"ungoogled-chromium" (list "steam"
"guile" "guile"
"icecat" "ueberzug++"
"pavucontrol-qt" "fcitx5-gtk4"
"mpv" "fcitx5-qt"
"emacs"))) "ungoogled-chromium"
;; Below is the list of Home services. To search for available ;; Below is the list of Home services. To search for available
;; services, run 'guix home search KEYWORD' in a terminal. ;; services, run 'guix home search KEYWORD' in a terminal.
@ -122,10 +187,121 @@
("lf" . "~/.local/bin/lf/lfrun") ("lf" . "~/.local/bin/lf/lfrun")
("ll" . "ls -l") ("ll" . "ls -l")
("ls" . "ls -p --color=auto") ("ls" . "ls -p --color=auto")
("record" . "ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1366x768 -i $DISPLAY -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast -crf 23 -y /tmp/output.mp4")
("revive" . "xmodmap -e '\\''clear mod4'\\'' && xmodmap -e '\\''keycode 133 = F20'\\''"))) ("revive" . "xmodmap -e '\\''clear mod4'\\'' && xmodmap -e '\\''keycode 133 = F20'\\''")))
(bashrc (list (local-file (bashrc (list (local-file
"/home/hashirama/src/guix-config/.bashrc" "/home/hashirama/src/guix-config/.bashrc"
"bashrc"))) "bashrc")))
(bash-profile (list (local-file (bash-profile (list (local-file
"/home/hashirama/src/guix-config/.bash_profile" "/home/hashirama/src/guix-config/.bash_profile"
"bash_profile")))))))) "bash_profile")))
. "$HOME/dev/guix_channel/ajatt-tools-guix:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH")))
(service home-xdg-mime-applications-service-type
(default (associate-right
(simple-service 'font-antialias
(list "~/.local/share/fonts" fontconfig))
(simple-service 'bash-fancy-prompt
'(("PS1" . "\\u \\wλ ")))))
(simple-service 'environment-variables-service
("PATH" . "$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH")
("XINITRC" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.xinitrc")
("GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED" . "detailed")
. "$HOME/dev/guix_channel/ajatt-tools-guix:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH")
("GTK_IM_MODULE" . "fcitx")
("QT_IM_MODULE" . "fcitx")
("XMODIFIERS" . "@im=fctix")
("STARDICT_DATA_DIR" . "/mnt/Data/Japanese_Resources/languages-study(japanesAndRussian)/dicts/stardict/being_used")
("LANG" . "en_US.UTF-8")
("LANGUAGE" . "en_US.UTF-8")
("LC_COLLATE" . "C")
#|Default applications|#
("BROWSER" . "nyxt")
("EDITOR" . "emacs")
("FCEDIT" . "emacs")
("PAGER" . "less")
("READER" . "emacs")
("SHELL" . "bash")
("TERMINAL" . "kitty")
("VISUAL" . "emacs")
("WM" . "stumpwm")))))