name: Build Guix Installer on: push: branches: - master # schedule: # # build every 2 weeks # - cron: "0 0 */14 * *" # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Git checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install Guix uses: PromyLOPh/guix-install-action@v1 with: channels: | (cons* (channel (name 'nonguix) (url "") ;; Enable signature verification: (introduction (make-channel-introduction "897c1a470da759236cc11798f4e0a5f7d4d59fbc" (openpgp-fingerprint "2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29 12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5")))) %default-channels) - name: Build ISO run: | image=$(guix system image -t iso9660 installer.scm) cp $image ./guix-installer.iso - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: guix-installer path: guix-installer.iso