// labels is a map of campaign statuses to // CSS classes var labels = { "In progress": "label-primary", "Queued": "label-info", "Completed": "label-success", "Emails Sent": "label-success", "Error": "label-danger" } var campaigns = [] // Launch attempts to POST to /campaigns/ function launch() { if (!confirm("This will launch the campaign. Are you sure?")) { return false; } groups = [] $.each($("#groupTable").DataTable().rows().data(), function(i, group) { groups.push({ name: group[0] }) }) var campaign = { name: $("#name").val(), template: { name: $("#template").val() }, url: $("#url").val(), page: { name: $("#page").val() }, smtp: { name: $("#profile").val() }, groups: groups } launchHtml = $("launchButton").html() $("launchButton").html(' Launching Campaign') // Submit the campaign api.campaigns.post(campaign) .success(function(data) { successFlash("Campaign successfully launched!") $("launchButton").html(' Redirecting') window.location = "/campaigns/" + data.id.toString() }) .error(function(data) { $("#modal\\.flashes").empty().append("
\ " + data.responseJSON.message + "
") $("#launchButton").html(launchHtml) }) } // Attempts to send a test email by POSTing to /campaigns/ function sendTestEmail() { var test_email_request = { template: { name: $("#template").val() }, first_name: $("input[name=to_first_name]").val(), last_name: $("input[name=to_last_name]").val(), email: $("input[name=to_email]").val(), position: $("input[name=to_position]").val(), url: $("#url").val(), page: { name: $("#page").val() }, smtp: { name: $("#profile").val() } } btnHtml = $("#sendTestModalSubmit").html() $("#sendTestModalSubmit").html(' Sending') // Send the test email api.send_test_email(test_email_request) .success(function(data) { $("#sendTestEmailModal\\.flashes").empty().append("
\ Email Sent!
") $("#sendTestModalSubmit").html(btnHtml) }) .error(function(data) { $("#sendTestEmailModal\\.flashes").empty().append("
\ " + data.responseJSON.message + "
") $("#sendTestModalSubmit").html(btnHtml) }) } function dismiss() { $("#modal\\.flashes").empty() $("#modal").modal('hide') $("#groupTable").dataTable().DataTable().clear().draw() } function deleteCampaign(idx) { if (confirm("Delete " + campaigns[idx].name + "?")) { api.campaignId.delete(campaigns[idx].id) .success(function(data) { successFlash(data.message) location.reload() }) } } function edit(campaign) { // Clear the bloodhound instance group_bh.clear(); template_bh.clear(); page_bh.clear(); profile_bh.clear(); if (campaign == "new") { api.groups.get() .success(function(groups) { if (groups.length == 0) { modalError("No groups found!") return false; } else { group_bh.add(groups) } }) api.templates.get() .success(function(templates) { if (templates.length == 0) { modalError("No templates found!") return false } else { template_bh.add(templates) } }) api.pages.get() .success(function(pages) { if (pages.length == 0) { modalError("No pages found!") return false } else { page_bh.add(pages) } }) api.SMTP.get() .success(function(profiles) { if (profiles.length == 0){ modalError("No profiles found!") return false } else { profile_bh.add(profiles) } }) } } $(document).ready(function() { // Setup multiple modals // Code based on http://miles-by-motorcycle.com/static/bootstrap-modal/index.html $('.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function(event) { $(this).removeClass('fv-modal-stack'); $('body').data('fv_open_modals', $('body').data('fv_open_modals') - 1); }); $('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) { // Keep track of the number of open modals if (typeof($('body').data('fv_open_modals')) == 'undefined') { $('body').data('fv_open_modals', 0); } // if the z-index of this modal has been set, ignore. if ($(this).hasClass('fv-modal-stack')) { return; } $(this).addClass('fv-modal-stack'); // Increment the number of open modals $('body').data('fv_open_modals', $('body').data('fv_open_modals') + 1); // Setup the appropriate z-index $(this).css('z-index', 1040 + (10 * $('body').data('fv_open_modals'))); $('.modal-backdrop').not('.fv-modal-stack').css('z-index', 1039 + (10 * $('body').data('fv_open_modals'))); $('.modal-backdrop').not('fv-modal-stack').addClass('fv-modal-stack'); }); $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function() { $(document) .off('focusin.bs.modal') // guard against infinite focus loop .on('focusin.bs.modal', $.proxy(function(e) { if ( this.$element[0] !== e.target && !this.$element.has(e.target).length // CKEditor compatibility fix start. && !$(e.target).closest('.cke_dialog, .cke').length // CKEditor compatibility fix end. ) { this.$element.trigger('focus'); } }, this)); }; api.campaigns.get() .success(function(cs) { campaigns = cs campaignTable = $("#campaignTable").DataTable({ columnDefs: [{ orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" }] }); $("#loading").hide() if (campaigns.length > 0) { $("#campaignTable").show() campaignTable = $("#campaignTable").DataTable(); $.each(campaigns, function(i, campaign) { label = labels[campaign.status] || "label-default"; campaignTable.row.add([ campaign.name, moment(campaign.created_date).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'), "" + campaign.status + "", "
\ \ \
" ]).draw() $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }) } else { $("#emptyMessage").show() } }) .error(function() { $("#loading").hide() errorFlash("Error fetching campaigns") }) $("#groupForm").submit(function() { groupTable.row.add([ $("#groupSelect").val(), '' ]).draw() $("#groupTable").on("click", "span>i.fa-trash-o", function() { groupTable.row($(this).parents('tr')) .remove() .draw(); }) return false; }) // Create the group typeahead objects groupTable = $("#groupTable").DataTable({ columnDefs: [{ orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" }] }) group_bh = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(g) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(g.name) }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, local: [] }) group_bh.initialize() $("#groupSelect.typeahead.form-control").typeahead({ hint: true, highlight: true, minLength: 1 }, { name: "groups", source: group_bh, templates: { empty: function(data) { return '
No groups matched that query
' }, suggestion: function(data) { return '
' + data.name + '
' } } }) .bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, group) { $("#groupSelect").typeahead('val', group.name) }) .bind('typeahead:autocomplete', function(ev, group) { $("#groupSelect").typeahead('val', group.name) }); // Create the template typeahead objects template_bh = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(t) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(t.name) }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, local: [] }) template_bh.initialize() $("#template.typeahead.form-control").typeahead({ hint: true, highlight: true, minLength: 1 }, { name: "templates", source: template_bh, templates: { empty: function(data) { return '
No templates matched that query
' }, suggestion: function(data) { return '
' + data.name + '
' } } }) .bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, template) { $("#template").typeahead('val', template.name) }) .bind('typeahead:autocomplete', function(ev, template) { $("#template").typeahead('val', template.name) }); // Create the landing page typeahead objects page_bh = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(p) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(p.name) }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, local: [] }) page_bh.initialize() $("#page.typeahead.form-control").typeahead({ hint: true, highlight: true, minLength: 1 }, { name: "pages", source: page_bh, templates: { empty: function(data) { return '
No pages matched that query
' }, suggestion: function(data) { return '
' + data.name + '
' } } }) .bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, page) { $("#page").typeahead('val', page.name) }) .bind('typeahead:autocomplete', function(ev, page) { $("#page").typeahead('val', page.name) }); // Create the sending profile typeahead objects profile_bh = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: function(s) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(s.name) }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, local: [] }) profile_bh.initialize() $("#profile.typeahead.form-control").typeahead({ hint: true, highlight: true, minLength: 1 }, { name: "profiles", source: profile_bh, templates: { empty: function(data) { return '
No profiles matched that query
' }, suggestion: function(data) { return '
' + data.name + '
' } } }) .bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, profile) { $("#profile").typeahead('val', profile.name) }) .bind('typeahead:autocomplete', function(ev, profile) { $("#profile").typeahead('val', profile.name) }); })