var map = null var doPoll = true; // statuses is a helper map to point result statuses to ui classes var statuses = { "Email Sent": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-sent", legend: "ct-legend-sent", label: "label-success", icon: "fa-envelope", point: "ct-point-sent" }, "Email Opened": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-opened", legend: "ct-legend-opened", label: "label-warning", icon: "fa-envelope", point: "ct-point-opened" }, "Clicked Link": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-clicked", legend: "ct-legend-clicked", label: "label-clicked", icon: "fa-mouse-pointer", point: "ct-point-clicked" }, "Success": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-success", legend: "ct-legend-success", label: "label-danger", icon: "fa-exclamation", point: "ct-point-clicked" }, "Error": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-error", legend: "ct-legend-error", label: "label-default", icon: "fa-times", point: "ct-point-error" }, "Error Sending Email": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-error", legend: "ct-legend-error", label: "label-default", icon: "fa-times", point: "ct-point-error" }, "Submitted Data": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-success", legend: "ct-legend-success", label: "label-danger", icon: "fa-exclamation", point: "ct-point-clicked" }, "Unknown": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-error", legend: "ct-legend-error", label: "label-default", icon: "fa-question", point: "ct-point-error" }, "Sending": { slice: "ct-slice-donut-sending", legend: "ct-legend-sending", label: "label-primary", icon: "fa-spinner", point: "ct-point-sending" }, "Campaign Created": { label: "label-success", icon: "fa-rocket" } } var campaign = {} var bubbles = [] function dismiss() { $("#modal\\.flashes").empty() $("#modal").modal('hide') $("#resultsTable").dataTable().DataTable().clear().draw() } // Deletes a campaign after prompting the user function deleteCampaign() { swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "This will delete the campaign. This can't be undone!", type: "warning", animation: false, showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Delete Campaign", confirmButtonColor: "#428bca", reverseButtons: true, allowOutsideClick: false, preConfirm: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { api.campaignId.delete( .success(function(msg) { resolve() }) .error(function(data) { reject(data.responseJSON.message) }) }) } }).then(function() { swal( 'Campaign Deleted!', 'This campaign has been deleted!', 'success' ); $('button:contains("OK")').on('click', function() { location.href = '/campaigns' }) }) } // Completes a campaign after prompting the user function completeCampaign() { swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "Gophish will stop processing events for this campaign", type: "warning", animation: false, showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Complete Campaign", confirmButtonColor: "#428bca", reverseButtons: true, allowOutsideClick: false, preConfirm: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { api.campaignId.complete( .success(function(msg) { resolve() }) .error(function(data) { reject(data.responseJSON.message) }) }) } }).then(function() { swal( 'Campaign Completed!', 'This campaign has been completed!', 'success' ); $('#complete_button')[0].disabled = true; $('#complete_button').text('Completed!') doPoll = false; }) } // Exports campaign results as a CSV file function exportAsCSV(scope) { exportHTML = $("#exportButton").html() var csvScope = null switch (scope) { case "results": csvScope = campaign.results break; case "events": csvScope = campaign.timeline break; } if (!csvScope) { return } $("#exportButton").html('') var csvString = Papa.unparse(csvScope, {}) var csvData = new Blob([csvString], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' }); if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { navigator.msSaveBlob(csvData, scope + '.csv'); } else { var csvURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvData); var dlLink = document.createElement('a'); dlLink.href = csvURL; dlLink.setAttribute('download', scope + '.csv'); document.body.appendChild(dlLink); document.body.removeChild(dlLink) } $("#exportButton").html(exportHTML) } function replay(event_idx) { request = campaign.timeline[event_idx] details = JSON.parse(request.details) url = null form = $('
').attr({ method: 'POST', target: '_blank', }) /* Create a form object and submit it */ $.each(Object.keys(details.payload), function(i, param) { if (param == "rid") { return true; } if (param == "__original_url") { url = details.payload[param]; return true; } $('').attr({ name: param, }).val(details.payload[param]).appendTo(form); }) /* Ensure we know where to send the user */ // Prompt for the URL swal({ title: 'Where do you want the credentials submitted to?', input: 'text', showCancelButton: true, inputPlaceholder: "", inputValue: url || "", inputValidator: function(value) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (value) { resolve(); } else { reject('Invalid URL.'); } }); } }).then(function(result) { url = result submitForm() }) return submitForm() function submitForm() { form.attr({ action: url }) form.appendTo('body').submit().remove() } } function renderTimeline(data) { record = { "first_name": data[2], "last_name": data[3], "email": data[4], "position": data[5] } results = '
' + '
Timeline for ' + escapeHtml(record.first_name) + ' ' + escapeHtml(record.last_name) + '
Email: ' + escapeHtml( + '' + '
' $.each(campaign.timeline, function(i, event) { if (! || == { // Add the event results += '
' + '
' results += '
' + '
' + '
' + escapeHtml(event.message) + ' ' + moment(event.time).format('MMMM Do YYYY h:mm a') + '' if (event.details) { if (event.message == "Submitted Data") { results += '
' results += '
View Details
' } details = JSON.parse(event.details) if (details.payload) { results += '
' results += ' ' results += ' ' $.each(Object.keys(details.payload), function(i, param) { if (param == "rid") { return true; } results += ' ' results += ' ' results += ' ' results += ' ' }) results += '
' + escapeHtml(param) + '' + escapeHtml(details.payload[param]) + '
' results += '
' } if (details.error) { results += '
View Details
' results += '
' results += 'Error ' + details.error results += '
' } } results += '
' } }) results += '
' return results } /* poll - Queries the API and updates the UI with the results * * Updates: * * Timeline Chart * * Email (Donut) Chart * * Map Bubbles * * Datatables */ function poll() { api.campaignId.results( .success(function(c) { campaign = c /* Update the timeline */ var timeline_data = { series: [{ name: "Events", data: [] }] } $.each(campaign.timeline, function(i, event) { timeline_data.series[0].data.push({ meta: i, x: new Date(event.time), y: 1 }) }) var timeline_chart = $("#timeline_chart") if (timeline_chart.get(0).__chartist__) { timeline_chart.get(0).__chartist__.update(timeline_data) } /* Update the results donut chart */ var email_data = { series: [] } var email_series_data = {} $.each(campaign.results, function(i, result) { if (!email_series_data[result.status]) { email_series_data[result.status] = 1 } else { email_series_data[result.status]++; } }) $("#email_chart_legend").html("") $.each(email_series_data, function(status, count) { email_data.series.push({ meta: status, value: count }) $("#email_chart_legend").append('
  • ' + status + '
  • ') }) var email_chart = $("#email_chart") if (email_chart.get(0).__chartist__) { email_chart.get(0).__chartist__.on('draw', function(data) { data.element.addClass(statuses[data.meta].slice) }) // Update with the latest data email_chart.get(0).__chartist__.update(email_data) } /* Update the datatable */ resultsTable = $("#resultsTable").DataTable() resultsTable.rows().every(function(i, tableLoop, rowLoop) { var row = this.row(i) var rowData = var rid = rowData[0] $.each(campaign.results, function(j, result) { if ( == rid) { var label = statuses[result.status].label || "label-default"; rowData[6] = "" + result.status + "" resultsTable.row(i).data(rowData).draw(false) if (row.child.isShown()) { row.child(renderTimeline( } return false } }) }) /* Update the map information */ bubbles = [] $.each(campaign.results, function(i, result) { // Check that it wasn't an internal IP if (result.latitude == 0 && result.longitude == 0) { return true; } newIP = true $.each(bubbles, function(i, bubble) { if (bubble.ip == result.ip) { bubbles[i].radius += 1 newIP = false return false } }) if (newIP) { bubbles.push({ latitude: result.latitude, longitude: result.longitude, name: result.ip, fillKey: "point", radius: 2 }) } }) map.bubbles(bubbles) $("#refresh_message").hide() $("#refresh_btn").show() }) } function load() { = window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0] api.campaignId.results( .success(function(c) { campaign = c if (campaign) { $("title").text( + " - Gophish") $("#loading").hide() $("#campaignResults").show() // Set the title $("#page-title").text("Results for " + if (c.status == "Completed") { $('#complete_button')[0].disabled = true; $('#complete_button').text('Completed!'); doPoll = false; } // Setup tooltips $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() // Setup viewing the details of a result $("#resultsTable").on("click", ".timeline-event-details", function() { // Show the parameters payloadResults = $(this).parent().find(".timeline-event-results") if (":visible")) { $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-down") $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-right") payloadResults.hide() } else { $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-right") $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-down") } }) // Setup our graphs var timeline_data = { series: [{ name: "Events", data: [] }] } var email_data = { series: [] } var email_legend = {} var email_series_data = {} var timeline_opts = { axisX: { showGrid: false, type: Chartist.FixedScaleAxis, divisor: 5, labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) { return moment(value).format('MMMM Do YYYY h:mm a') } }, axisY: { type: Chartist.FixedScaleAxis, ticks: [0, 1, 2], low: 0, showLabel: false }, showArea: false, plugins: [] } var email_opts = { donut: true, donutWidth: 40, chartPadding: 0, showLabel: false } // Setup the results table resultsTable = $("#resultsTable").DataTable({ destroy: true, "order": [ [2, "asc"] ], columnDefs: [{ orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" }, { className: "details-control", "targets": [1] }, { "visible": false, "targets": [0] }] }); resultsTable.clear(); $.each(campaign.results, function(i, result) { label = statuses[result.status].label || "label-default"; resultsTable.row.add([, "", escapeHtml(result.first_name) || "", escapeHtml(result.last_name) || "", escapeHtml( || "", escapeHtml(result.position) || "", "" + result.status + "" ]).draw() if (!email_series_data[result.status]) { email_series_data[result.status] = 1 } else { email_series_data[result.status]++; } }) // Setup the individual timelines $('#resultsTable tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function() { var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); var row = resultsTable.row(tr); if (row.child.isShown()) { // This row is already open - close it row.child.hide(); tr.removeClass('shown'); $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-down") $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-right") row.invalidate('dom').draw(false) } else { // Open this row $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-right") $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-down") row.child(renderTimeline(; tr.addClass('shown'); row.invalidate('dom').draw(false) } }); // Setup the graphs $.each(campaign.timeline, function(i, event) { timeline_data.series[0].data.push({ meta: i, x: new Date(event.time), y: 1 }) }) $("#email_chart_legend").html("") $.each(email_series_data, function(status, count) { email_data.series.push({ meta: status, value: count }) $("#email_chart_legend").append('
  • ' + status + '
  • ') }) var timeline_chart = new Chartist.Line('#timeline_chart', timeline_data, timeline_opts) timeline_chart.on('draw', function(data) { if (data.type === "point") { var point_style = statuses[campaign.timeline[data.meta].message].point var circle = new Chartist.Svg("circle", { cx: [data.x], cy: [data.y], r: 5, fill: "#283F50", meta: data.meta, value: 1, }, point_style + ' ct-timeline-point') data.element.replace(circle) } }) // Setup the overview chart listeners $chart = $("#timeline_chart") var $toolTip = $chart .append('
    ') .find('.chartist-tooltip') .hide(); $chart.on('mouseenter', '.ct-timeline-point', function() { var $point = $(this) cidx = $point.attr('meta') html = "Event: " + campaign.timeline[cidx].message if (campaign.timeline[cidx].email) { html += '
    ' + "Email: " + escapeHtml(campaign.timeline[cidx].email) } $toolTip.html(html).show() }); $chart.on('mouseleave', '.ct-timeline-point', function() { $toolTip.hide(); }); $chart.on('mousemove', function(event) { $toolTip.css({ left: (event.offsetX || event.originalEvent.layerX) - $toolTip.width() / 2 - 10, top: (event.offsetY + 70 || event.originalEvent.layerY) - $toolTip.height() - 40 }); }); var email_chart = new Chartist.Pie("#email_chart", email_data, email_opts) email_chart.on('draw', function(data) { data.element.addClass(statuses[data.meta].slice) }) // Setup the average chart listeners $piechart = $("#email_chart") var $pietoolTip = $piechart .append('
    ') .find('.chartist-tooltip') .hide(); $piechart.on('mouseenter', '.ct-slice-donut', function() { var $point = $(this) value = $point.attr('ct:value') label = $point.attr('ct:meta') $pietoolTip.html(label + ': ' + value.toString()).show(); }); $piechart.on('mouseleave', '.ct-slice-donut', function() { $pietoolTip.hide(); }); $piechart.on('mousemove', function(event) { $pietoolTip.css({ left: (event.offsetX || event.originalEvent.layerX) - $pietoolTip.width() / 2 - 10, top: (event.offsetY + 40 || event.originalEvent.layerY) - $pietoolTip.height() - 80 }); }); if (!map) { map = new Datamap({ element: document.getElementById("resultsMap"), responsive: true, fills: { defaultFill: "#ffffff", point: "#283F50" }, geographyConfig: { highlightFillColor: "#1abc9c", borderColor: "#283F50" }, bubblesConfig: { borderColor: "#283F50" } }); } $.each(campaign.results, function(i, result) { // Check that it wasn't an internal IP if (result.latitude == 0 && result.longitude == 0) { return true; } newIP = true $.each(bubbles, function(i, bubble) { if (bubble.ip == result.ip) { bubbles[i].radius += 1 newIP = false return false } }) if (newIP) { bubbles.push({ latitude: result.latitude, longitude: result.longitude, name: result.ip, fillKey: "point", radius: 2 }) } }) map.bubbles(bubbles) } // Load up the map data (only once!) $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function(e) { if ($('href') == "#overview") { if (!map) { map = new Datamap({ element: document.getElementById("resultsMap"), responsive: true, fills: { defaultFill: "#ffffff" }, geographyConfig: { highlightFillColor: "#1abc9c", borderColor: "#283F50" } }); } } }) }) .error(function() { $("#loading").hide() errorFlash(" Campaign not found!") }) } var setRefresh function refresh() { if (!doPoll) { return; } $("#refresh_message").show() $("#refresh_btn").hide() poll() clearTimeout(setRefresh) setRefresh = setTimeout(refresh, 60000) }; $(document).ready(function() { load(); // Start the polling loop // Start the polling loop setRefresh = setTimeout(refresh, 60000) })