var campaigns = [] $(document).ready(function(){ api.campaigns.get() .success(function(cs){ campaigns = cs if (campaigns.length > 0){ // Create the overview chart data var overview_data = {labels:[],series:[[]]} var average_data = {series:[]} var overview_opts = { axisX: { showGrid: false }, showArea: true, plugins: [] } var average_opts = { donut : true, donutWidth: 30, chartPadding: 0, showLabel: false } var average = 0 $("#emptyMessage").hide() $("#campaignTable").show() campaignTable = $("#campaignTable").DataTable(); $.each(campaigns, function(i, campaign){ var campaign_date = moment(campaign.created_date).format('MMMM Do YYYY h:mm') // Add it to the table campaignTable.row.add([, campaign_date, campaign.status ]).draw() // Add it to the chart data campaign.y = 0 $.each(campaign.results, function(j, result){ if (result.status == "Success"){ campaign.y++; } }) campaign.y = Math.floor((campaign.y / campaign.results.length) * 100) average += campaign.y // Add the data to the overview chart overview_data.labels.push(campaign_date) overview_data.series[0].push({meta : i, value: campaign.y}) }) average = Math.floor(average / campaigns.length); average_data.series.push({meta: "Unsuccessful Phishes", value: 100 - average}) average_data.series.push({meta: "Successful Phishes", value: average}) // Build the charts var average_chart = new Chartist.Pie("#average_chart", average_data, average_opts) var overview_chart = new Chartist.Line('#overview_chart', overview_data, overview_opts) // Setup the average chart listeners $piechart = $("#average_chart") var $pietoolTip = $piechart .append('
') .find('.chartist-tooltip') .hide(); $piechart.on('mouseenter', '.ct-slice-donut', function() { var $point = $(this) value = $point.attr('ct:value') label = $point.attr('ct:meta') $pietoolTip.html(label + ': ' + value.toString() + "%").show(); }); $piechart.on('mouseleave', '.ct-slice-donut', function() { $pietoolTip.hide(); }); $piechart.on('mousemove', function(event) { $pietoolTip.css({ left: (event.offsetX || event.originalEvent.layerX) - $pietoolTip.width() / 2 - 10, top: (event.offsetY + 40 || event.originalEvent.layerY) - $pietoolTip.height() - 80 }); }); // Setup the overview chart listeners $chart = $("#overview_chart") var $toolTip = $chart .append('
') .find('.chartist-tooltip') .hide(); $chart.on('mouseenter', '.ct-point', function() { var $point = $(this) value = $point.attr('ct:value') cidx = $point.attr('ct:meta') $toolTip.html(campaigns[cidx].name + '
' + "Successes: " + value.toString()).show(); }); $chart.on('mouseleave', '.ct-point', function() { $toolTip.hide(); }); $chart.on('mousemove', function(event) { $toolTip.css({ left: (event.offsetX || event.originalEvent.layerX) - $toolTip.width() / 2 - 10, top: (event.offsetY + 40 || event.originalEvent.layerY) - $toolTip.height() - 40 }); }); $("#overview_chart").on("click", ".ct-point", function(e) { var $cidx = $(this).attr('ct:meta'); window.location.href = "/campaigns/" + campaigns[cidx].id }); } }) .error(function(){ errorFlash("Error fetching campaigns") }) })