// Save attempts to POST to /groups/ function save(){ var targets = [] $.each($("#targetsTable").DataTable().rows().data(), function(i, target){ targets.push({ first_name : target[0], last_name: target[1], email: target[2], position: target[3] }) }) var group = { name: $("#name").val(), targets: targets } console.log(group) // Submit the group api.groups.post(group) .success(function(data){ successFlash("Group added successfully!") load() dismiss() }) .error(function(data){ modalError(data.responseJSON.message) }) } function dismiss(){ $("#targetsTable").dataTable().DataTable().clear().draw() $("#modal\\.flashes").empty() $("#modal").modal('hide') } function edit(group){ if (group == "new") { group = {} } // Handle file uploads targets = $("#targetsTable").dataTable() $("#csvupload").fileupload({ dataType:"json", add: function(e, data){ $("#modal\\.flashes").empty() var acceptFileTypes= /(csv|txt)$/i; var filename = data.originalFiles[0]['name'] if (filename && !acceptFileTypes.test(filename.split(".").pop())) { modalError("Unsupported file extension (use .csv or .txt)") return false; } data.submit(); }, done: function(e, data){ console.log(data.result) $.each(data.result, function(i, record) { targets.DataTable() .row.add([ record.first_name, record.last_name, record.email, record.position, '' ]).draw() }); } }) // Handle manual additions $("#targetForm").submit(function(){ targets.DataTable() .row.add([ $("#firstName").val(), $("#lastName").val(), $("#email").val(), $("#position").val(), '' ]) .draw() $("#targetForm>div>input").val('') $("#firstName").focus() return false }) // Handle Deletion $("#targetsTable").on("click", "span>i.fa-trash-o", function(){ targets.DataTable() .row( $(this).parents('tr') ) .remove() .draw(); }) } function load(){ api.groups.get() .success(function(groups){ if (groups.length > 0){ $("#emptyMessage").hide() $("#groupTable").show() groupTable = $("#groupTable").DataTable(); $.each(groups, function(i, group){ var targets = "" $.each(group.targets, function(i, target){ targets += target.email + ", " if (targets.length > 50) { targets = targets.slice(0,-3) + "..." return false; } }) groupTable.row.add([ group.name, targets, moment(group.modified_date).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'), "
" ]).draw() }) } }) .error(function(){ errorFlash("Error fetching groups") }) } $(document).ready(function(){ load() $("#fileUpload").hover(function(){$("#fileUpload").tooltip('toggle')}) })