var templates = [] var icons = { "application/" : "fa-file-excel-o", "text/plain" : "fa-file-text-o", "image/gif" : "fa-file-image-o", "image/png" : "fa-file-image-o", "application/pdf" : "fa-file-pdf-o", "application/x-zip-compressed" : "fa-file-archive-o", "application/x-gzip" : "fa-file-archive-o", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" : "fa-file-powerpoint-o", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" : "fa-file-word-o", "application/octet-stream" : "fa-file-o", "application/x-msdownload" : "fa-file-o" } // Save attempts to POST to /templates/ function save(idx){ var template = {attachments:[]} = $("#name").val() template.subject = $("#subject").val() template.html = CKEDITOR.instances["html_editor"].getData(); // Fix the URL Scheme added by CKEditor (until we can remove it from the plugin) template.html = template.html.replace(/https?:\/\/{{\.URL}}/gi, "{{.URL}}") // If the "Add Tracker Image" checkbox is checked, add the tracker if ($("#use_tracker_checkbox").prop("checked") && template.html.indexOf("{{.Tracker}}") == -1 && template.html.indexOf("{{.TrackingUrl}}") == -1){ template.html = template.html.replace("", "{{.Tracker}}") } template.text = $("#text_editor").val() // Add the attachments $.each($("#attachmentsTable").DataTable().rows().data(), function(i, target){ template.attachments.push({ name : target[1], content: target[3], type: target[4], }) }) if (idx != -1){ = templates[idx].id api.templateId.put(template) .success(function(data){ successFlash("Template edited successfully!") load() dismiss() }) } else { // Submit the template .success(function(data){ successFlash("Template added successfully!") load() dismiss() }) .error(function(data){ modalError(data.responseJSON.message) }) } } function dismiss(){ $("#modal\\.flashes").empty() $("#attachmentsTable").dataTable().DataTable().clear().draw() $("#name").val("") $("#text_editor").val("") $("#html_editor").val("") $("#modal").modal('hide') } function deleteTemplate(idx){ if (confirm("Delete " + templates[idx].name + "?")){ api.templateId.delete(templates[idx].id) .success(function(data){ successFlash(data.message) load() }) } } function attach(files){ attachmentsTable = $("#attachmentsTable").DataTable({ destroy: true, "order": [[ 1, "asc" ]], columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" }, { sClass: "datatable_hidden", targets:[3,4]} ] }); $.each(files, function(i, file){ var reader = new FileReader(); /* Make this a datatable */ reader.onload = function(e){ var icon = icons[file.type] || "fa-file-o" // Add the record to the modal attachmentsTable.row.add([ '',, '', reader.result.split(",")[1], file.type || "application/octet-stream" ]).draw() } reader.onerror = function(e) { console.log(e) } reader.readAsDataURL(file) }) } function edit(idx){ $("#modalSubmit").unbind('click').click(function(){save(idx)}) $("#attachmentUpload").unbind('click').click(function(){this.value=null}) $("#html_editor").ckeditor() $("#attachmentsTable").show() attachmentsTable = null if ( $.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#attachmentsTable') ) { attachmentsTable = $('#attachmentsTable').DataTable({ destroy: true, "order": [[ 1, "asc" ]], columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" }, { sClass: "datatable_hidden", targets:[3,4]} ] }); } else { attachmentsTable = $("#attachmentsTable").DataTable({ destroy: true, "order": [[ 1, "asc" ]], columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" }, { sClass: "datatable_hidden", targets:[3,4]} ] }); } var template = {attachments:[]} if (idx != -1) { template = templates[idx] $("#name").val( $("#subject").val(template.subject) $("#html_editor").val(template.html) $("#text_editor").val(template.text) $.each(template.attachments, function(i, file){ var icon = icons[file.type] || "fa-file-o" // Add the record to the modal attachmentsTable.row.add([ '',, '', file.content, file.type || "application/octet-stream" ]).draw() }) } // Handle Deletion $("#attachmentsTable").unbind('click').on("click", "span>i.fa-trash-o", function(){ attachmentsTable.row( $(this).parents('tr') ) .remove() .draw(); }) } function importEmail(){ raw = $("#email_content").val() if (!raw){ modalError("No Content Specified!") } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/api/import/email", data: raw, dataType: "json", contentType: "text/plain" }) .success(function(data){ $("#text_editor").val(data.text) $("#html_editor").val(data.html) $("#subject").val(data.subject) $("#importEmailModal").modal("hide") }) .error(function(data){ modalError(data.responseJSON.message) }) } } function load(){ $("#templateTable").hide() $("#emptyMessage").hide() $("#loading").show() api.templates.get() .success(function(ts){ templates = ts $("#loading").hide() if (templates.length > 0){ $("#templateTable").show() templateTable = $("#templateTable").DataTable({ columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: "no-sort" } ] }); templateTable.clear() $.each(templates, function(i, template){ templateTable.row.add([, moment(template.modified_date).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'), "
" ]).draw() }) } else { $("#emptyMessage").show() } }) .error(function(){ $("#loading").hide() errorFlash("Error fetching templates") }) } $(document).ready(function(){ // Setup multiple modals // Code based on $('.modal').on('', function( event ) { $(this).removeClass( 'fv-modal-stack' ); $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals', $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals' ) - 1 ); }); $( '.modal' ).on( '', function ( event ) { // Keep track of the number of open modals if ( typeof( $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals' ) ) == 'undefined' ) { $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals', 0 ); } // if the z-index of this modal has been set, ignore. if ( $(this).hasClass( 'fv-modal-stack' ) ) { return; } $(this).addClass( 'fv-modal-stack' ); // Increment the number of open modals $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals', $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals' ) + 1 ); // Setup the appropriate z-index $(this).css('z-index', 1040 + (10 * $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals' ))); $( '.modal-backdrop' ).not( '.fv-modal-stack' ).css( 'z-index', 1039 + (10 * $('body').data( 'fv_open_modals' ))); $( '.modal-backdrop' ).not( 'fv-modal-stack' ).addClass( 'fv-modal-stack' ); }); $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function() { $( document ) .off( '' ) // guard against infinite focus loop .on( '', $.proxy( function( e ) { if ( this.$element[ 0 ] !== && !this.$element.has( ).length // CKEditor compatibility fix start. && !$( ).closest( '.cke_dialog, .cke' ).length // CKEditor compatibility fix end. ) { this.$element.trigger( 'focus' ); } }, this ) ); }; load() })