var map = null var doPoll = true; // statuses is a helper map to point result statuses to ui classes var statuses = { "Email Sent": { color: "#1abc9c", label: "label-success", icon: "fa-envelope", point: "ct-point-sent" }, "Emails Sent": { color: "#1abc9c", label: "label-success", icon: "fa-envelope", point: "ct-point-sent" }, "In progress": { label: "label-primary" }, "Queued": { label: "label-info" }, "Completed": { label: "label-success" }, "Email Opened": { color: "#f9bf3b", label: "label-warning", icon: "fa-envelope", point: "ct-point-opened" }, "Clicked Link": { color: "#F39C12", label: "label-clicked", icon: "fa-mouse-pointer", point: "ct-point-clicked" }, "Success": { color: "#f05b4f", label: "label-danger", icon: "fa-exclamation", point: "ct-point-clicked" }, "Error": { color: "#6c7a89", label: "label-default", icon: "fa-times", point: "ct-point-error" }, "Error Sending Email": { color: "#6c7a89", label: "label-default", icon: "fa-times", point: "ct-point-error" }, "Submitted Data": { color: "#f05b4f", label: "label-danger", icon: "fa-exclamation", point: "ct-point-clicked" }, "Unknown": { color: "#6c7a89", label: "label-default", icon: "fa-question", point: "ct-point-error" }, "Sending": { color: "#428bca", label: "label-primary", icon: "fa-spinner", point: "ct-point-sending" }, "Campaign Created": { label: "label-success", icon: "fa-rocket" } } var statusMapping = { "Email Sent": "sent", "Email Opened": "opened", "Clicked Link": "clicked", "Submitted Data": "submitted_data", } // This is an underwhelming attempt at an enum // until I have time to refactor this appropriately. var progressListing = [ "Email Sent", "Email Opened", "Clicked Link", "Submitted Data" ] var campaign = {} var bubbles = [] function dismiss() { $("#modal\\.flashes").empty() $("#modal").modal('hide') $("#resultsTable").dataTable().DataTable().clear().draw() } // Deletes a campaign after prompting the user function deleteCampaign() { swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "This will delete the campaign. This can't be undone!", type: "warning", animation: false, showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Delete Campaign", confirmButtonColor: "#428bca", reverseButtons: true, allowOutsideClick: false, showLoaderOnConfirm: true, preConfirm: function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { api.campaignId.delete( .success(function (msg) { resolve() }) .error(function (data) { reject(data.responseJSON.message) }) }) } }).then(function () { swal( 'Campaign Deleted!', 'This campaign has been deleted!', 'success' ); $('button:contains("OK")').on('click', function () { location.href = '/campaigns' }) }) } // Completes a campaign after prompting the user function completeCampaign() { swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "Gophish will stop processing events for this campaign", type: "warning", animation: false, showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: "Complete Campaign", confirmButtonColor: "#428bca", reverseButtons: true, allowOutsideClick: false, showLoaderOnConfirm: true, preConfirm: function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { api.campaignId.complete( .success(function (msg) { resolve() }) .error(function (data) { reject(data.responseJSON.message) }) }) } }).then(function () { swal( 'Campaign Completed!', 'This campaign has been completed!', 'success' ); $('#complete_button')[0].disabled = true; $('#complete_button').text('Completed!') doPoll = false; }) } // Exports campaign results as a CSV file function exportAsCSV(scope) { exportHTML = $("#exportButton").html() var csvScope = null var filename = + ' - ' + capitalize(scope) + '.csv' switch (scope) { case "results": csvScope = campaign.results break; case "events": csvScope = campaign.timeline break; } if (!csvScope) { return } $("#exportButton").html('') var csvString = Papa.unparse(csvScope, {}) var csvData = new Blob([csvString], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' }); if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { navigator.msSaveBlob(csvData, filename); } else { var csvURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvData); var dlLink = document.createElement('a'); dlLink.href = csvURL; dlLink.setAttribute('download', filename) document.body.appendChild(dlLink); document.body.removeChild(dlLink) } $("#exportButton").html(exportHTML) } function replay(event_idx) { request = campaign.timeline[event_idx] details = JSON.parse(request.details) url = null form = $('