310 lines
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310 lines
9.9 KiB
import { loadImage, loadText, makeDoubleBuffer, makePass, makePassFBO } from "./utils.js";
const extractEntries = (src, keys) => Object.fromEntries(Array.from(Object.entries(src)).filter(([key]) => keys.includes(key)));
const rippleTypes = {
box: 0,
circle: 1,
// These compute buffers are used to compute the properties of cells in the grid.
// They take turns being the source and destination of a "compute" shader.
// The half float data type is crucial! It lets us store almost any real number,
// whereas the default type limits us to integers between 0 and 255.
// These double buffers are smaller than the screen, because their pixels correspond
// with cells in the grid, and the cells' glyphs are much larger than a pixel.
const makeComputeDoubleBuffer = (regl, height, width) =>
makeDoubleBuffer(regl, {
wrapT: "clamp",
type: "half float",
const numVerticesPerQuad = 2 * 3;
const tlVert = [0, 0];
const trVert = [0, 1];
const blVert = [1, 0];
const brVert = [1, 1];
const quadVertices = [tlVert, trVert, brVert, tlVert, brVert, blVert];
export default ({ regl, config, lkg }) => {
// The volumetric mode multiplies the number of columns
// to reach the desired density, and then overlaps them
const volumetric = config.volumetric;
const density = volumetric && config.effect !== "none" ? config.density : 1;
const [numRows, numColumns] = [config.numColumns, Math.floor(config.numColumns * density)];
// The volumetric mode requires us to create a grid of quads,
// rather than a single quad for our geometry
const [numQuadRows, numQuadColumns] = volumetric ? [numRows, numColumns] : [1, 1];
const numQuads = numQuadRows * numQuadColumns;
const quadSize = [1 / numQuadColumns, 1 / numQuadRows];
// Various effect-related values
const rippleType = config.rippleTypeName in rippleTypes ? rippleTypes[config.rippleTypeName] : -1;
const slantVec = [Math.cos(config.slant), Math.sin(config.slant)];
const slantScale = 1 / (Math.abs(Math.sin(2 * config.slant)) * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) + 1);
const showDebugView = config.effect === "none";
const commonUniforms = {
...extractEntries(config, ["animationSpeed", "glyphHeightToWidth", "glyphSequenceLength", "glyphTextureGridSize"]),
const introDoubleBuffer = makeComputeDoubleBuffer(regl, 1, numColumns);
const rainPassIntro = loadText("shaders/glsl/rainPass.intro.frag.glsl");
const introUniforms = {
...extractEntries(config, ["fallSpeed", "skipIntro"]),
const intro = regl({
frag: regl.prop("frag"),
uniforms: {
previousIntroState: introDoubleBuffer.back,
framebuffer: introDoubleBuffer.front,
const raindropDoubleBuffer = makeComputeDoubleBuffer(regl, numRows, numColumns);
const rainPassRaindrop = loadText("shaders/glsl/rainPass.raindrop.frag.glsl");
const raindropUniforms = {
...extractEntries(config, ["brightnessDecay", "fallSpeed", "raindropLength", "loops", "skipIntro"]),
const raindrop = regl({
frag: regl.prop("frag"),
uniforms: {
introState: introDoubleBuffer.front,
previousRaindropState: raindropDoubleBuffer.back,
framebuffer: raindropDoubleBuffer.front,
const symbolDoubleBuffer = makeComputeDoubleBuffer(regl, numRows, numColumns);
const rainPassSymbol = loadText("shaders/glsl/rainPass.symbol.frag.glsl");
const symbolUniforms = {
...extractEntries(config, ["cycleSpeed", "cycleFrameSkip", "loops"]),
const symbol = regl({
frag: regl.prop("frag"),
uniforms: {
raindropState: raindropDoubleBuffer.front,
previousSymbolState: symbolDoubleBuffer.back,
framebuffer: symbolDoubleBuffer.front,
const effectDoubleBuffer = makeComputeDoubleBuffer(regl, numRows, numColumns);
const rainPassEffect = loadText("shaders/glsl/rainPass.effect.frag.glsl");
const effectUniforms = {
...extractEntries(config, ["hasThunder", "rippleScale", "rippleSpeed", "rippleThickness", "loops"]),
const effect = regl({
frag: regl.prop("frag"),
uniforms: {
raindropState: raindropDoubleBuffer.front,
previousEffectState: effectDoubleBuffer.back,
framebuffer: effectDoubleBuffer.front,
const quadPositions = Array(numQuadRows)
.map((_, y) =>
.map((_, x) => Array(numVerticesPerQuad).fill([x, y]))
// We render the code into an FBO using MSDFs: https://github.com/Chlumsky/msdfgen
const glyphMSDF = loadImage(regl, config.glyphMSDFURL);
const glintMSDF = loadImage(regl, config.glintMSDFURL);
const baseTexture = loadImage(regl, config.baseTextureURL);
const glintTexture = loadImage(regl, config.glintTextureURL);
const rainPassVert = loadText("shaders/glsl/rainPass.vert.glsl");
const rainPassFrag = loadText("shaders/glsl/rainPass.frag.glsl");
const output = makePassFBO(regl, config.useHalfFloat);
const renderUniforms = {
...extractEntries(config, [
// vertex
// fragment
const render = regl({
blend: {
enable: true,
func: {
src: "one",
dst: "one",
vert: regl.prop("vert"),
frag: regl.prop("frag"),
uniforms: {
raindropState: raindropDoubleBuffer.front,
symbolState: symbolDoubleBuffer.front,
effectState: effectDoubleBuffer.front,
glyphMSDF: glyphMSDF.texture,
glintMSDF: glintMSDF.texture,
baseTexture: baseTexture.texture,
glintTexture: glintTexture.texture,
msdfPxRange: 4.0,
glyphMSDFSize: [glyphMSDF.width(), glyphMSDF.height()],
glintMSDFSize: [glintMSDF.width(), glintMSDF.height()],
camera: regl.prop("camera"),
transform: regl.prop("transform"),
screenSize: regl.prop("screenSize"),
viewport: regl.prop("viewport"),
attributes: {
aPosition: quadPositions,
aCorner: Array(numQuads).fill(quadVertices),
count: numQuads * numVerticesPerQuad,
framebuffer: output,
// Camera and transform math for the volumetric mode
const screenSize = [1, 1];
const { mat4, vec3 } = glMatrix;
const transform = mat4.create();
if (volumetric && config.isometric) {
mat4.rotateX(transform, transform, (Math.PI * 1) / 8);
mat4.rotateY(transform, transform, (Math.PI * 1) / 4);
mat4.translate(transform, transform, vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -1));
mat4.scale(transform, transform, vec3.fromValues(1, 1, 2));
} else if (lkg.enabled) {
mat4.translate(transform, transform, vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -1.1));
mat4.scale(transform, transform, vec3.fromValues(1, 1, 1));
mat4.scale(transform, transform, vec3.fromValues(0.15, 0.15, 0.15));
} else {
mat4.translate(transform, transform, vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -1));
const camera = mat4.create();
const vantagePoints = [];
return makePass(
primary: output,
(w, h) => {
output.resize(w, h);
const aspectRatio = w / h;
const [numTileColumns, numTileRows] = [lkg.tileX, lkg.tileY];
const numVantagePoints = numTileRows * numTileColumns;
const tileWidth = Math.floor(w / numTileColumns);
const tileHeight = Math.floor(h / numTileRows);
vantagePoints.length = 0;
for (let row = 0; row < numTileRows; row++) {
for (let column = 0; column < numTileColumns; column++) {
const index = column + row * numTileColumns;
const camera = mat4.create();
if (volumetric && config.isometric) {
if (aspectRatio > 1) {
mat4.ortho(camera, -1.5 * aspectRatio, 1.5 * aspectRatio, -1.5, 1.5, -1000, 1000);
} else {
mat4.ortho(camera, -1.5, 1.5, -1.5 / aspectRatio, 1.5 / aspectRatio, -1000, 1000);
} else if (lkg.enabled) {
mat4.perspective(camera, (Math.PI / 180) * lkg.fov, lkg.quiltAspect, 0.0001, 1000);
const distanceToTarget = -1; // TODO: Get from somewhere else
let vantagePointAngle = (Math.PI / 180) * lkg.viewCone * (index / (numVantagePoints - 1) - 0.5);
if (isNaN(vantagePointAngle)) {
vantagePointAngle = 0;
const xOffset = distanceToTarget * Math.tan(vantagePointAngle);
mat4.translate(camera, camera, vec3.fromValues(xOffset, 0, 0));
camera[8] = -xOffset / (distanceToTarget * Math.tan((Math.PI / 180) * 0.5 * lkg.fov) * lkg.quiltAspect); // Is this right??
} else {
mat4.perspective(camera, (Math.PI / 180) * 90, aspectRatio, 0.0001, 1000);
const viewport = {
x: column * tileWidth,
y: row * tileHeight,
width: tileWidth,
height: tileHeight,
vantagePoints.push({ camera, viewport });
[screenSize[0], screenSize[1]] = aspectRatio > 1 ? [1, aspectRatio] : [1 / aspectRatio, 1];
() => {
intro({ frag: rainPassIntro.text() });
raindrop({ frag: rainPassRaindrop.text() });
symbol({ frag: rainPassSymbol.text() });
effect({ frag: rainPassEffect.text() });
depth: 1,
color: [0, 0, 0, 1],
framebuffer: output,
for (const vantagePoint of vantagePoints) {
render({ ...vantagePoint, transform, screenSize, vert: rainPassVert.text(), frag: rainPassFrag.text() });