
375 lines
15 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
0 && (module.exports = {
clearModuleContext: null,
getModuleContext: null
function _export(target, all) {
for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
enumerable: true,
get: all[name]
_export(exports, {
clearModuleContext: function() {
return clearModuleContext;
getModuleContext: function() {
return getModuleContext;
const _async_hooks = require("async_hooks");
const _middleware = require("next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/middleware");
const _constants = require("../../../shared/lib/constants");
const _edgeruntime = require("next/dist/compiled/edge-runtime");
const _fs = require("fs");
const _utils = require("../utils");
const _pick = require("../../../lib/pick");
const _fetchinlineassets = require("./fetch-inline-assets");
const _vm = require("vm");
const _nodebuffer = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("node:buffer"));
const _nodeevents = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("node:events"));
const _nodeassert = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("node:assert"));
const _nodeutil = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("node:util"));
const _nodeasync_hooks = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("node:async_hooks"));
function _interop_require_default(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
* A Map of cached module contexts indexed by the module name. It allows
* to have a different cache scoped per module name or depending on the
* provided module key on creation.
*/ const moduleContexts = new Map();
const pendingModuleCaches = new Map();
async function clearModuleContext(path) {
const handleContext = (key, cache, context)=>{
if (cache == null ? void 0 : cache.paths.has(path)) {
for (const [key, cache] of moduleContexts){
handleContext(key, cache, moduleContexts);
for (const [key, cache] of pendingModuleCaches){
handleContext(key, await cache, pendingModuleCaches);
async function loadWasm(wasm) {
const modules = {};
await Promise.all( (binding)=>{
const module1 = await WebAssembly.compile(await _fs.promises.readFile(binding.filePath));
modules[] = module1;
return modules;
function buildEnvironmentVariablesFrom() {
const pairs = Object.keys(process.env).map((key)=>[
const env = Object.fromEntries(pairs);
env.NEXT_RUNTIME = "edge";
return env;
function throwUnsupportedAPIError(name) {
const error = new Error(`A Node.js API is used (${name}) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime.
Learn more:`);
(0, _middleware.decorateServerError)(error, _constants.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer);
throw error;
function createProcessPolyfill() {
const processPolyfill = {
env: buildEnvironmentVariablesFrom()
const overridenValue = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(process)){
if (key === "env") continue;
Object.defineProperty(processPolyfill, key, {
get () {
if (overridenValue[key] !== undefined) {
return overridenValue[key];
if (typeof process[key] === "function") {
return ()=>throwUnsupportedAPIError(`process.${key}`);
return undefined;
set (value) {
overridenValue[key] = value;
enumerable: false
return processPolyfill;
function addStub(context, name) {
Object.defineProperty(context, name, {
get () {
return function() {
enumerable: false
function getDecorateUnhandledError(runtime) {
const EdgeRuntimeError = runtime.evaluate(`Error`);
return (error)=>{
if (error instanceof EdgeRuntimeError) {
(0, _middleware.decorateServerError)(error, _constants.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer);
function getDecorateUnhandledRejection(runtime) {
const EdgeRuntimeError = runtime.evaluate(`Error`);
return (rejected)=>{
if (rejected.reason instanceof EdgeRuntimeError) {
(0, _middleware.decorateServerError)(rejected.reason, _constants.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer);
const NativeModuleMap = (()=>{
const mods = {
"node:buffer": (0, _pick.pick)(_nodebuffer.default, [
"node:events": (0, _pick.pick)(_nodeevents.default, [
"node:async_hooks": (0, _pick.pick)(_nodeasync_hooks.default, [
"node:assert": (0, _pick.pick)(_nodeassert.default, [
"node:util": (0, _pick.pick)(_nodeutil.default, [
return new Map(Object.entries(mods));
* Create a module cache specific for the provided parameters. It includes
* a runtime context, require cache and paths cache.
*/ async function createModuleContext(options) {
const warnedEvals = new Set();
const warnedWasmCodegens = new Set();
const wasm = await loadWasm(options.edgeFunctionEntry.wasm ?? []);
const runtime = new _edgeruntime.EdgeRuntime({
codeGeneration: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? {
strings: true,
wasm: true
} : undefined,
extend: (context)=>{
context.process = createProcessPolyfill();
Object.defineProperty(context, "require", {
enumerable: false,
value: (id)=>{
const value = NativeModuleMap.get(id);
if (!value) {
throw TypeError("Native module not found: " + id);
return value;
context.__next_eval__ = function __next_eval__(fn) {
const key = fn.toString();
if (!warnedEvals.has(key)) {
const warning = (0, _middleware.getServerError)(new Error(`Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function') not allowed in Edge Runtime
Learn More:`), _constants.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer); = "DynamicCodeEvaluationWarning";
Error.captureStackTrace(warning, __next_eval__);
return fn();
context.__next_webassembly_compile__ = function __next_webassembly_compile__(fn) {
const key = fn.toString();
if (!warnedWasmCodegens.has(key)) {
const warning = (0, _middleware.getServerError)(new Error(`Dynamic WASM code generation (e. g. 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime.
Learn More:`), _constants.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer); = "DynamicWasmCodeGenerationWarning";
Error.captureStackTrace(warning, __next_webassembly_compile__);
return fn();
context.__next_webassembly_instantiate__ = async function __next_webassembly_instantiate__(fn) {
const result = await fn();
// If a buffer is given, WebAssembly.instantiate returns an object
// containing both a module and an instance while it returns only an
// instance if a WASM module is given. Utilize the fact to determine
// if the WASM code generation happens.
const instantiatedFromBuffer = result.hasOwnProperty("module");
const key = fn.toString();
if (instantiatedFromBuffer && !warnedWasmCodegens.has(key)) {
const warning = (0, _middleware.getServerError)(new Error(`Dynamic WASM code generation ('WebAssembly.instantiate' with a buffer parameter) not allowed in Edge Runtime.
Learn More:`), _constants.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer); = "DynamicWasmCodeGenerationWarning";
Error.captureStackTrace(warning, __next_webassembly_instantiate__);
return result;
const __fetch = context.fetch;
context.fetch = async (input, init = {})=>{
var _init_headers_get;
const callingError = new Error("[internal]");
const assetResponse = await (0, _fetchinlineassets.fetchInlineAsset)({
assets: options.edgeFunctionEntry.assets,
distDir: options.distDir,
if (assetResponse) {
return assetResponse;
init.headers = new Headers(init.headers ?? {});
const prevs = ((_init_headers_get = init.headers.get(`x-middleware-subrequest`)) == null ? void 0 : _init_headers_get.split(":")) || [];
const value = prevs.concat(options.moduleName).join(":");
init.headers.set("x-middleware-subrequest", value);
if (!init.headers.has("user-agent")) {
init.headers.set(`user-agent`, `Next.js Middleware`);
const response = typeof input === "object" && "url" in input ? __fetch(input.url, {
...(0, _pick.pick)(input, [
headers: {
}) : __fetch(String(input), init);
return await response.catch((err)=>{
callingError.message = err.message;
err.stack = callingError.stack;
throw err;
const __Request = context.Request;
context.Request = class extends __Request {
constructor(input, init){
const url = typeof input !== "string" && "url" in input ? input.url : String(input);
(0, _utils.validateURL)(url);
super(url, init); = init == null ? void 0 :;
const __redirect = context.Response.redirect.bind(context.Response);
context.Response.redirect = (...args)=>{
(0, _utils.validateURL)(args[0]);
return __redirect(...args);
for (const name of _constants.EDGE_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_APIS){
addStub(context, name);
Object.assign(context, wasm);
context.AsyncLocalStorage = _async_hooks.AsyncLocalStorage;
return context;
const decorateUnhandledError = getDecorateUnhandledError(runtime);
runtime.context.addEventListener("error", decorateUnhandledError);
const decorateUnhandledRejection = getDecorateUnhandledRejection(runtime);
runtime.context.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", decorateUnhandledRejection);
return {
paths: new Map(),
warnedEvals: new Set()
function getModuleContextShared(options) {
let deferredModuleContext = pendingModuleCaches.get(options.moduleName);
if (!deferredModuleContext) {
deferredModuleContext = createModuleContext(options);
pendingModuleCaches.set(options.moduleName, deferredModuleContext);
return deferredModuleContext;
async function getModuleContext(options) {
let lazyModuleContext;
if (options.useCache) {
lazyModuleContext = moduleContexts.get(options.moduleName) || await getModuleContextShared(options);
if (!lazyModuleContext) {
lazyModuleContext = await createModuleContext(options);
moduleContexts.set(options.moduleName, lazyModuleContext);
const moduleContext = lazyModuleContext;
const evaluateInContext = (filepath)=>{
if (!moduleContext.paths.has(filepath)) {
const content = (0, _fs.readFileSync)(filepath, "utf-8");
try {
(0, _vm.runInContext)(content, moduleContext.runtime.context, {
filename: filepath
moduleContext.paths.set(filepath, content);
} catch (error) {
if (options.useCache) {
moduleContext == null ? void 0 : moduleContext.paths.delete(filepath);
throw error;
return {