420 lines
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420 lines
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// this must come first as it includes require hooks
// This is required before other imports to ensure the require hook is setup.
import "../node-polyfill-fetch";
import "../node-environment";
import "../require-hook";
import "../../lib/polyfill-promise-with-resolvers";
import url from "url";
import path from "path";
import loadConfig from "../config";
import { serveStatic } from "../serve-static";
import setupDebug from "next/dist/compiled/debug";
import { Telemetry } from "../../telemetry/storage";
import { DecodeError } from "../../shared/lib/utils";
import { findPagesDir } from "../../lib/find-pages-dir";
import { setupFsCheck } from "./router-utils/filesystem";
import { proxyRequest } from "./router-utils/proxy-request";
import { isAbortError, pipeReadable } from "../pipe-readable";
import { getResolveRoutes } from "./router-utils/resolve-routes";
import { getRequestMeta } from "../request-meta";
import { pathHasPrefix } from "../../shared/lib/router/utils/path-has-prefix";
import { removePathPrefix } from "../../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-path-prefix";
import setupCompression from "next/dist/compiled/compression";
import { NoFallbackError } from "../base-server";
import { signalFromNodeResponse } from "../web/spec-extension/adapters/next-request";
import { DevBundlerService } from "./dev-bundler-service";
const debug = setupDebug("next:router-server:main");
const requestHandlers = {};
export async function initialize(opts) {
process.title = "next-router-worker";
if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) {
// @ts-ignore not readonly
process.env.NODE_ENV = opts.dev ? "development" : "production";
const config = await loadConfig(opts.dev ? PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER : PHASE_PRODUCTION_SERVER, opts.dir, {
silent: false
let compress;
if ((config == null ? void 0 : config.compress) !== false) {
compress = setupCompression();
const fsChecker = await setupFsCheck({
dev: opts.dev,
dir: opts.dir,
minimalMode: opts.minimalMode
const renderServer = {};
let developmentBundler;
let devBundlerService;
if (opts.dev) {
const telemetry = new Telemetry({
distDir: path.join(opts.dir, config.distDir)
const { pagesDir, appDir } = findPagesDir(opts.dir);
const { setupDevBundler } = require("./router-utils/setup-dev-bundler");
developmentBundler = await setupDevBundler({
// Passed here but the initialization of this object happens below, doing the initialization before the setupDev call breaks.
dir: opts.dir,
nextConfig: config,
isCustomServer: opts.customServer,
turbo: !!process.env.TURBOPACK,
port: opts.port
devBundlerService = new DevBundlerService(developmentBundler, // The request handler is assigned below, this allows us to create a lazy
// reference to it.
(req, res)=>{
return requestHandlers[opts.dir](req, res);
renderServer.instance = require("./render-server");
const renderServerOpts = {
port: opts.port,
dir: opts.dir,
hostname: opts.hostname,
minimalMode: opts.minimalMode,
dev: !!opts.dev,
server: opts.server,
isNodeDebugging: !!opts.isNodeDebugging,
serverFields: (developmentBundler == null ? void 0 : developmentBundler.serverFields) || {},
experimentalTestProxy: !!opts.experimentalTestProxy,
experimentalHttpsServer: !!opts.experimentalHttpsServer,
bundlerService: devBundlerService
// pre-initialize workers
const handlers = await renderServer.instance.initialize(renderServerOpts);
const logError = async (type, err)=>{
await (developmentBundler == null ? void 0 : developmentBundler.logErrorWithOriginalStack(err, type));
process.on("uncaughtException", logError.bind(null, "uncaughtException"));
process.on("unhandledRejection", logError.bind(null, "unhandledRejection"));
const resolveRoutes = getResolveRoutes(fsChecker, config, opts, renderServer.instance, renderServerOpts, developmentBundler == null ? void 0 : developmentBundler.ensureMiddleware);
const requestHandlerImpl = async (req, res)=>{
if (compress) {
// @ts-expect-error not express req/res
compress(req, res, ()=>{});
req.on("error", (_err)=>{
// TODO: log socket errors?
res.on("error", (_err)=>{
// TODO: log socket errors?
const invokedOutputs = new Set();
async function invokeRender(parsedUrl, invokePath, handleIndex, additionalInvokeHeaders = {}) {
var _fsChecker_getMiddlewareMatchers;
// invokeRender expects /api routes to not be locale prefixed
// so normalize here before continuing
if (config.i18n && removePathPrefix(invokePath, config.basePath).startsWith(`/${parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale}/api`)) {
invokePath = fsChecker.handleLocale(removePathPrefix(invokePath, config.basePath)).pathname;
if (req.headers["x-nextjs-data"] && ((_fsChecker_getMiddlewareMatchers = fsChecker.getMiddlewareMatchers()) == null ? void 0 : _fsChecker_getMiddlewareMatchers.length) && removePathPrefix(invokePath, config.basePath) === "/404") {
res.setHeader("x-nextjs-matched-path", parsedUrl.pathname || "");
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader("content-type", "application/json");
return null;
if (!handlers) {
throw new Error("Failed to initialize render server");
const invokeHeaders = {
"x-middleware-invoke": "",
"x-invoke-path": invokePath,
"x-invoke-query": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(parsedUrl.query)),
"x-forwarded-host": req.headers["x-forwarded-host"] ?? req.headers.host ?? opts.hostname,
"x-forwarded-port": req.headers["x-forwarded-port"] ?? opts.port.toString(),
"x-forwarded-proto": req.headers["x-forwarded-proto"] ?? req.socket.encrypted ? "https" : "http",
"x-forwarded-for": req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] ?? req.socket.remoteAddress,
...additionalInvokeHeaders || {}
Object.assign(req.headers, invokeHeaders);
debug("invokeRender", req.url, invokeHeaders);
try {
var _renderServer_instance;
const initResult = await (renderServer == null ? void 0 : (_renderServer_instance = renderServer.instance) == null ? void 0 : _renderServer_instance.initialize(renderServerOpts));
try {
await (initResult == null ? void 0 : initResult.requestHandler(req, res));
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof NoFallbackError) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
await handleRequest(handleIndex + 1);
throw err;
} catch (e) {
// If the client aborts before we can receive a response object (when
// the headers are flushed), then we can early exit without further
// processing.
if (isAbortError(e)) {
throw e;
const handleRequest = async (handleIndex)=>{
if (handleIndex > 5) {
throw new Error(`Attempted to handle request too many times ${req.url}`);
// handle hot-reloader first
if (developmentBundler) {
const origUrl = req.url || "/";
if (config.basePath && pathHasPrefix(origUrl, config.basePath)) {
req.url = removePathPrefix(origUrl, config.basePath);
const parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url || "/");
const hotReloaderResult = await developmentBundler.hotReloader.run(req, res, parsedUrl);
if (hotReloaderResult.finished) {
return hotReloaderResult;
req.url = origUrl;
const { finished, parsedUrl, statusCode, resHeaders, bodyStream, matchedOutput } = await resolveRoutes({
isUpgradeReq: false,
signal: signalFromNodeResponse(res),
if (res.closed || res.finished) {
if (developmentBundler && (matchedOutput == null ? void 0 : matchedOutput.type) === "devVirtualFsItem") {
const origUrl = req.url || "/";
if (config.basePath && pathHasPrefix(origUrl, config.basePath)) {
req.url = removePathPrefix(origUrl, config.basePath);
if (resHeaders) {
for (const key of Object.keys(resHeaders)){
res.setHeader(key, resHeaders[key]);
const result = await developmentBundler.requestHandler(req, res);
if (result.finished) {
// TODO: throw invariant if we resolved to this but it wasn't handled?
req.url = origUrl;
debug("requestHandler!", req.url, {
bodyStream: !!bodyStream,
parsedUrl: {
pathname: parsedUrl.pathname,
query: parsedUrl.query
// apply any response headers from routing
for (const key of Object.keys(resHeaders || {})){
res.setHeader(key, resHeaders[key]);
// handle redirect
if (!bodyStream && statusCode && statusCode > 300 && statusCode < 400) {
const destination = url.format(parsedUrl);
res.statusCode = statusCode;
res.setHeader("location", destination);
res.setHeader("Refresh", `0;url=${destination}`);
return res.end(destination);
// handle middleware body response
if (bodyStream) {
res.statusCode = statusCode || 200;
return await pipeReadable(bodyStream, res);
if (finished && parsedUrl.protocol) {
var _getRequestMeta;
return await proxyRequest(req, res, parsedUrl, undefined, (_getRequestMeta = getRequestMeta(req, "__NEXT_CLONABLE_BODY")) == null ? void 0 : _getRequestMeta.cloneBodyStream(), config.experimental.proxyTimeout);
if ((matchedOutput == null ? void 0 : matchedOutput.fsPath) && matchedOutput.itemPath) {
if (opts.dev && (fsChecker.appFiles.has(matchedOutput.itemPath) || fsChecker.pageFiles.has(matchedOutput.itemPath))) {
res.statusCode = 500;
await invokeRender(parsedUrl, "/_error", handleIndex, {
"x-invoke-status": "500",
"x-invoke-error": JSON.stringify({
message: `A conflicting public file and page file was found for path ${matchedOutput.itemPath} https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/conflicting-public-file-page`
if (!res.getHeader("cache-control") && matchedOutput.type === "nextStaticFolder") {
if (opts.dev) {
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, must-revalidate");
} else {
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable");
if (!(req.method === "GET" || req.method === "HEAD")) {
res.setHeader("Allow", [
res.statusCode = 405;
return await invokeRender(url.parse("/405", true), "/405", handleIndex, {
"x-invoke-status": "405"
try {
return await serveStatic(req, res, matchedOutput.itemPath, {
root: matchedOutput.itemsRoot,
// Ensures that etags are not generated for static files when disabled.
etag: config.generateEtags
} catch (err) {
* Hardcoded every possible error status code that could be thrown by "serveStatic" method
* This is done by searching "this.error" inside "send" module's source code:
* https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/master/index.js
* https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/develop/index.js
// send module will throw 500 when header is already sent or fs.stat error happens
// https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/53f0ab476145670a9bdd3dc722ab2fdc8d358fc6/index.js#L392
// Note: we will use Next.js built-in 500 page to handle 500 errors
// 500,
// send module will throw 404 when file is missing
// https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/53f0ab476145670a9bdd3dc722ab2fdc8d358fc6/index.js#L421
// Note: we will use Next.js built-in 404 page to handle 404 errors
// 404,
// send module will throw 403 when redirecting to a directory without enabling directory listing
// https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/53f0ab476145670a9bdd3dc722ab2fdc8d358fc6/index.js#L484
// Note: Next.js throws a different error (without status code) for directory listing
// 403,
// send module will throw 400 when fails to normalize the path
// https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/53f0ab476145670a9bdd3dc722ab2fdc8d358fc6/index.js#L520
// send module will throw 412 with conditional GET request
// https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/53f0ab476145670a9bdd3dc722ab2fdc8d358fc6/index.js#L632
// send module will throw 416 when range is not satisfiable
// https://github.com/pillarjs/send/blob/53f0ab476145670a9bdd3dc722ab2fdc8d358fc6/index.js#L669
let validErrorStatus = POSSIBLE_ERROR_CODE_FROM_SERVE_STATIC.has(err.statusCode);
// normalize non-allowed status codes
if (!validErrorStatus) {
err.statusCode = 400;
if (typeof err.statusCode === "number") {
const invokePath = `/${err.statusCode}`;
const invokeStatus = `${err.statusCode}`;
res.statusCode = err.statusCode;
return await invokeRender(url.parse(invokePath, true), invokePath, handleIndex, {
"x-invoke-status": invokeStatus
throw err;
if (matchedOutput) {
return await invokeRender(parsedUrl, parsedUrl.pathname || "/", handleIndex, {
"x-invoke-output": matchedOutput.itemPath
// 404 case
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate");
// Short-circuit favicon.ico serving so that the 404 page doesn't get built as favicon is requested by the browser when loading any route.
if (opts.dev && !matchedOutput && parsedUrl.pathname === "/favicon.ico") {
res.statusCode = 404;
return null;
const appNotFound = opts.dev ? developmentBundler == null ? void 0 : developmentBundler.serverFields.hasAppNotFound : await fsChecker.getItem("/_not-found");
res.statusCode = 404;
if (appNotFound) {
return await invokeRender(parsedUrl, opts.dev ? "/not-found" : "/_not-found", handleIndex, {
"x-invoke-status": "404"
await invokeRender(parsedUrl, "/404", handleIndex, {
"x-invoke-status": "404"
try {
await handleRequest(0);
} catch (err) {
try {
let invokePath = "/500";
let invokeStatus = "500";
if (err instanceof DecodeError) {
invokePath = "/400";
invokeStatus = "400";
} else {
res.statusCode = Number(invokeStatus);
return await invokeRender(url.parse(invokePath, true), invokePath, 0, {
"x-invoke-status": invokeStatus
} catch (err2) {
res.statusCode = 500;
res.end("Internal Server Error");
let requestHandler = requestHandlerImpl;
if (opts.experimentalTestProxy) {
// Intercept fetch and other testmode apis.
const { wrapRequestHandlerWorker, interceptTestApis } = require("../../experimental/testmode/server");
requestHandler = wrapRequestHandlerWorker(requestHandler);
requestHandlers[opts.dir] = requestHandler;
const upgradeHandler = async (req, socket, head)=>{
try {
req.on("error", (_err)=>{
// TODO: log socket errors?
// console.error(_err);
socket.on("error", (_err)=>{
// TODO: log socket errors?
// console.error(_err);
if (opts.dev && developmentBundler) {
var _req_url;
if ((_req_url = req.url) == null ? void 0 : _req_url.includes(`/_next/webpack-hmr`)) {
return developmentBundler.hotReloader.onHMR(req, socket, head);
const { matchedOutput, parsedUrl } = await resolveRoutes({
res: socket,
isUpgradeReq: true,
signal: signalFromNodeResponse(socket)
// TODO: allow upgrade requests to pages/app paths?
// this was not previously supported
if (matchedOutput) {
return socket.end();
if (parsedUrl.protocol) {
return await proxyRequest(req, socket, parsedUrl, head);
// no match close socket
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error handling upgrade request", err);
return [
//# sourceMappingURL=router-server.js.map