103 lines
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103 lines
4.5 KiB
import { fileExists } from "../../lib/file-exists";
import { getPagePaths } from "../../shared/lib/page-path/get-page-paths";
import { nonNullable } from "../../lib/non-nullable";
import { join, sep, normalize } from "path";
import { promises as fsPromises } from "fs";
import { warn } from "../../build/output/log";
import { cyan } from "../../lib/picocolors";
import { isMetadataRouteFile } from "../../lib/metadata/is-metadata-route";
async function isTrueCasePagePath(pagePath, pagesDir) {
const pageSegments = normalize(pagePath).split(sep).filter(Boolean);
const segmentExistsPromises = pageSegments.map(async (segment, i)=>{
const segmentParentDir = join(pagesDir, ...pageSegments.slice(0, i));
const parentDirEntries = await fsPromises.readdir(segmentParentDir);
return parentDirEntries.includes(segment);
return (await Promise.all(segmentExistsPromises)).every(Boolean);
* Finds a page file with the given parameters. If the page is duplicated with
* multiple extensions it will throw, otherwise it will return the *relative*
* path to the page file or null if it is not found.
* @param pagesDir Absolute path to the pages folder with trailing `/pages`.
* @param normalizedPagePath The page normalized (it will be denormalized).
* @param pageExtensions Array of page extensions.
*/ export async function findPageFile(pagesDir, normalizedPagePath, pageExtensions, isAppDir) {
const pagePaths = getPagePaths(normalizedPagePath, pageExtensions, isAppDir);
const [existingPath, ...others] = (await Promise.all(pagePaths.map(async (path)=>{
const filePath = join(pagesDir, path);
try {
return await fileExists(filePath) ? path : null;
} catch (err) {
var _err_code;
if (!(err == null ? void 0 : (_err_code = err.code) == null ? void 0 : _err_code.includes("ENOTDIR"))) throw err;
return null;
if (!existingPath) {
return null;
if (!await isTrueCasePagePath(existingPath, pagesDir)) {
return null;
if (others.length > 0) {
warn(`Duplicate page detected. ${cyan(join("pages", existingPath))} and ${cyan(join("pages", others[0]))} both resolve to ${cyan(normalizedPagePath)}.`);
return existingPath;
* createValidFileMatcher receives configured page extensions and return helpers to determine:
* `isLayoutsLeafPage`: if a file is a valid page file or routes file under app directory
* `isTrackedFiles`: if it's a tracked file for webpack watcher
*/ export function createValidFileMatcher(pageExtensions, appDirPath) {
const getExtensionRegexString = (extensions)=>`(?:${extensions.join("|")})`;
const validExtensionFileRegex = new RegExp("\\." + getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions) + "$");
const leafOnlyPageFileRegex = new RegExp(`(^(page|route)|[\\\\/](page|route))\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions)}$`);
const rootNotFoundFileRegex = new RegExp(`^not-found\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions)}$`);
/** TODO-METADATA: support other metadata routes
* regex for:
* /robots.txt|<ext>
* /sitemap.xml|<ext>
* /favicon.ico
* /manifest.json|<ext>
* <route>/icon.png|jpg|<ext>
* <route>/apple-touch-icon.png|jpg|<ext>
*/ /**
* Match the file if it's a metadata route file, static: if the file is a static metadata file.
* It needs to be a file which doesn't match the custom metadata routes e.g. `app/robots.txt/route.js`
*/ function isMetadataFile(filePath) {
const appDirRelativePath = appDirPath ? filePath.replace(appDirPath, "") : filePath;
return isMetadataRouteFile(appDirRelativePath, pageExtensions, true);
// Determine if the file is leaf node page file or route file under layouts,
// 'page.<extension>' | 'route.<extension>'
function isAppRouterPage(filePath) {
return leafOnlyPageFileRegex.test(filePath) || isMetadataFile(filePath);
function isPageFile(filePath) {
return validExtensionFileRegex.test(filePath) || isMetadataFile(filePath);
function isRootNotFound(filePath) {
if (!appDirPath) {
return false;
if (!filePath.startsWith(appDirPath + sep)) {
return false;
const rest = filePath.slice(appDirPath.length + 1);
return rootNotFoundFileRegex.test(rest);
return {
//# sourceMappingURL=find-page-file.js.map