610 lines
27 KiB
610 lines
27 KiB
import origDebug from "next/dist/compiled/debug";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { findPageFile } from "../lib/find-page-file";
import { getStaticInfoIncludingLayouts, runDependingOnPageType } from "../../build/entries";
import { join, posix } from "path";
import { normalizePathSep } from "../../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-path-sep";
import { normalizePagePath } from "../../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path";
import { ensureLeadingSlash } from "../../shared/lib/page-path/ensure-leading-slash";
import { removePagePathTail } from "../../shared/lib/page-path/remove-page-path-tail";
import { reportTrigger } from "../../build/output";
import getRouteFromEntrypoint from "../get-route-from-entrypoint";
import { isInstrumentationHookFile, isInstrumentationHookFilename, isMiddlewareFile, isMiddlewareFilename } from "../../build/utils";
import { PageNotFoundError, stringifyError } from "../../shared/lib/utils";
import { COMPILER_INDEXES, COMPILER_NAMES, RSC_MODULE_TYPES } from "../../shared/lib/constants";
import { HMR_ACTIONS_SENT_TO_BROWSER } from "./hot-reloader-types";
import { isAppPageRouteDefinition } from "../future/route-definitions/app-page-route-definition";
import { scheduleOnNextTick } from "../lib/schedule-on-next-tick";
import { Batcher } from "../../lib/batcher";
const debug = origDebug("next:on-demand-entry-handler");
* Returns object keys with type inferred from the object key
*/ const keys = Object.keys;
function treePathToEntrypoint(segmentPath, parentPath) {
const [parallelRouteKey, segment] = segmentPath;
// TODO-APP: modify this path to cover parallelRouteKey convention
const path = (parentPath ? parentPath + "/" : "") + (parallelRouteKey !== "children" && !segment.startsWith("@") ? `@${parallelRouteKey}/` : "") + (segment === "" ? "page" : segment);
// Last segment
if (segmentPath.length === 2) {
return path;
const childSegmentPath = segmentPath.slice(2);
return treePathToEntrypoint(childSegmentPath, path);
function convertDynamicParamTypeToSyntax(dynamicParamTypeShort, param) {
case "c":
return `[...${param}]`;
case "oc":
return `[[...${param}]]`;
case "d":
return `[${param}]`;
throw new Error("Unknown dynamic param type");
* format: {compiler type}@{page type}@{page path}
* e.g. client@pages@/index
* e.g. server@app@app/page
* This guarantees the uniqueness for each page, to avoid conflicts between app/ and pages/
*/ export function getEntryKey(compilerType, pageBundleType, page) {
// TODO: handle the /children slot better
// this is a quick hack to handle when children is provided as children/page instead of /page
const pageKey = page.replace(/(@[^/]+)\/children/g, "$1");
return `${compilerType}@${pageBundleType}@${pageKey}`;
function getPageBundleType(pageBundlePath) {
// Handle special case for /_error
if (pageBundlePath === "/_error") return "pages";
if (isMiddlewareFilename(pageBundlePath)) return "root";
return pageBundlePath.startsWith("pages/") ? "pages" : pageBundlePath.startsWith("app/") ? "app" : "root";
function getEntrypointsFromTree(tree, isFirst, parentPath = []) {
const [segment, parallelRoutes] = tree;
const currentSegment = Array.isArray(segment) ? convertDynamicParamTypeToSyntax(segment[2], segment[0]) : segment;
const isPageSegment = currentSegment.startsWith("__PAGE__");
const currentPath = [
isPageSegment ? "" : currentSegment
if (!isFirst && isPageSegment) {
// TODO get rid of '' at the start of tree
return [
return Object.keys(parallelRoutes).reduce((paths, key)=>{
const childTree = parallelRoutes[key];
const childPages = getEntrypointsFromTree(childTree, false, [
return [
}, []);
export const ADDED = Symbol("added");
export const BUILDING = Symbol("building");
export const BUILT = Symbol("built");
export var EntryTypes;
(function(EntryTypes) {
EntryTypes[EntryTypes["ENTRY"] = 0] = "ENTRY";
EntryTypes[EntryTypes["CHILD_ENTRY"] = 1] = "CHILD_ENTRY";
})(EntryTypes || (EntryTypes = {}));
const entriesMap = new Map();
// remove /server from end of output for server compiler
const normalizeOutputPath = (dir)=>dir.replace(/[/\\]server$/, "");
export const getEntries = (dir)=>{
dir = normalizeOutputPath(dir);
const entries = entriesMap.get(dir) || {};
entriesMap.set(dir, entries);
return entries;
const invalidators = new Map();
export const getInvalidator = (dir)=>{
dir = normalizeOutputPath(dir);
return invalidators.get(dir);
const doneCallbacks = new EventEmitter();
const lastClientAccessPages = [
const lastServerAccessPagesForAppDir = [
// Make sure only one invalidation happens at a time
// Otherwise, webpack hash gets changed and it'll force the client to reload.
class Invalidator {
this.building = new Set();
this.rebuildAgain = new Set();
this.multiCompiler = multiCompiler;
shouldRebuildAll() {
return this.rebuildAgain.size > 0;
invalidate(compilerKeys = COMPILER_KEYS) {
for (const key of compilerKeys){
var _this_multiCompiler_compilers_COMPILER_INDEXES_key_watching;
// If there's a current build is processing, we won't abort it by invalidating.
// (If aborted, it'll cause a client side hard reload)
// But let it to invalidate just after the completion.
// So, it can re-build the queued pages at once.
if (this.building.has(key)) {
(_this_multiCompiler_compilers_COMPILER_INDEXES_key_watching = this.multiCompiler.compilers[COMPILER_INDEXES[key]].watching) == null ? void 0 : _this_multiCompiler_compilers_COMPILER_INDEXES_key_watching.invalidate();
startBuilding(compilerKey) {
doneBuilding(compilerKeys = []) {
const rebuild = [];
for (const key of compilerKeys){
if (this.rebuildAgain.has(key)) {
willRebuild(compilerKey) {
return this.rebuildAgain.has(compilerKey);
function disposeInactiveEntries(entries, maxInactiveAge) {
const entryData = entries[entryKey];
const { lastActiveTime, status, dispose, bundlePath } = entryData;
// TODO-APP: implement disposing of CHILD_ENTRY
if (entryData.type === 1) {
// For the root middleware and the instrumentation hook files,
// we don't dispose them periodically as it's needed for every request.
if (isMiddlewareFilename(bundlePath) || isInstrumentationHookFilename(bundlePath)) {
if (dispose) // Skip pages already scheduled for disposing
// This means this entry is currently building or just added
// We don't need to dispose those entries.
if (status !== BUILT) return;
// We should not build the last accessed page even we didn't get any pings
// Sometimes, it's possible our XHR ping to wait before completing other requests.
// In that case, we should not dispose the current viewing page
if (lastClientAccessPages.includes(entryKey) || lastServerAccessPagesForAppDir.includes(entryKey)) return;
if (lastActiveTime && Date.now() - lastActiveTime > maxInactiveAge) {
entries[entryKey].dispose = true;
// Normalize both app paths and page paths
function tryToNormalizePagePath(page) {
try {
return normalizePagePath(page);
} catch (err) {
throw new PageNotFoundError(page);
* Attempts to find a page file path from the given pages absolute directory,
* a page and allowed extensions. If the page can't be found it will throw an
* error. It defaults the `/_error` page to Next.js internal error page.
* @param rootDir Absolute path to the project root.
* @param pagesDir Absolute path to the pages folder with trailing `/pages`.
* @param normalizedPagePath The page normalized (it will be denormalized).
* @param pageExtensions Array of page extensions.
*/ async function findPagePathData(rootDir, page, extensions, pagesDir, appDir) {
const normalizedPagePath = tryToNormalizePagePath(page);
let pagePath = null;
const isInstrumentation = isInstrumentationHookFile(normalizedPagePath);
if (isMiddlewareFile(normalizedPagePath) || isInstrumentation) {
pagePath = await findPageFile(rootDir, normalizedPagePath, extensions, false);
if (!pagePath) {
throw new PageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath);
const pageUrl = ensureLeadingSlash(removePagePathTail(normalizePathSep(pagePath), {
let bundlePath = normalizedPagePath;
let pageKey = posix.normalize(pageUrl);
if (isInstrumentation) {
bundlePath = bundlePath.replace("/src", "");
pageKey = page.replace("/src", "");
return {
filename: join(rootDir, pagePath),
bundlePath: bundlePath.slice(1),
page: pageKey
// Check appDir first falling back to pagesDir
if (appDir) {
pagePath = await findPageFile(appDir, normalizedPagePath, extensions, true);
if (pagePath) {
const pageUrl = ensureLeadingSlash(removePagePathTail(normalizePathSep(pagePath), {
keepIndex: true,
return {
filename: join(appDir, pagePath),
bundlePath: posix.join("app", pageUrl),
page: posix.normalize(pageUrl)
if (!pagePath && pagesDir) {
pagePath = await findPageFile(pagesDir, normalizedPagePath, extensions, false);
if (pagePath !== null && pagesDir) {
const pageUrl = ensureLeadingSlash(removePagePathTail(normalizePathSep(pagePath), {
return {
filename: join(pagesDir, pagePath),
bundlePath: posix.join("pages", normalizePagePath(pageUrl)),
page: posix.normalize(pageUrl)
if (page === "/not-found" && appDir) {
return {
filename: require.resolve("next/dist/client/components/not-found-error"),
bundlePath: "app/not-found",
page: "/not-found"
if (page === "/_error") {
return {
filename: require.resolve("next/dist/pages/_error"),
bundlePath: page,
page: normalizePathSep(page)
} else {
throw new PageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath);
export function onDemandEntryHandler({ hotReloader, maxInactiveAge, multiCompiler, nextConfig, pagesBufferLength, pagesDir, rootDir, appDir }) {
let curInvalidator = getInvalidator(multiCompiler.outputPath);
const curEntries = getEntries(multiCompiler.outputPath);
if (!curInvalidator) {
curInvalidator = new Invalidator(multiCompiler);
invalidators.set(multiCompiler.outputPath, curInvalidator);
const startBuilding = (compilation)=>{
const compilationName = compilation.name;
for (const compiler of multiCompiler.compilers){
compiler.hooks.make.tap("NextJsOnDemandEntries", startBuilding);
function getPagePathsFromEntrypoints(type, entrypoints, root) {
const pagePaths = [];
for (const entrypoint of entrypoints.values()){
const page = getRouteFromEntrypoint(entrypoint.name, root);
if (page) {
var _entrypoint_name;
const pageBundleType = ((_entrypoint_name = entrypoint.name) == null ? void 0 : _entrypoint_name.startsWith("app/")) ? "app" : "pages";
pagePaths.push(getEntryKey(type, pageBundleType, page));
} else if (root && entrypoint.name === "root" || isMiddlewareFilename(entrypoint.name) || isInstrumentationHookFilename(entrypoint.name)) {
pagePaths.push(getEntryKey(type, "root", `/${entrypoint.name}`));
return pagePaths;
for (const compiler of multiCompiler.compilers){
compiler.hooks.done.tap("NextJsOnDemandEntries", ()=>{
var _getInvalidator;
return (_getInvalidator = getInvalidator(compiler.outputPath)) == null ? void 0 : _getInvalidator.doneBuilding([
multiCompiler.hooks.done.tap("NextJsOnDemandEntries", (multiStats)=>{
var _getInvalidator;
const [clientStats, serverStats, edgeServerStats] = multiStats.stats;
const root = !!appDir;
const entryNames = [
...getPagePathsFromEntrypoints(COMPILER_NAMES.client, clientStats.compilation.entrypoints, root),
...getPagePathsFromEntrypoints(COMPILER_NAMES.server, serverStats.compilation.entrypoints, root),
...edgeServerStats ? getPagePathsFromEntrypoints(COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer, edgeServerStats.compilation.entrypoints, root) : []
for (const name of entryNames){
const entry = curEntries[name];
if (!entry) {
if (entry.status !== BUILDING) {
entry.status = BUILT;
(_getInvalidator = getInvalidator(multiCompiler.outputPath)) == null ? void 0 : _getInvalidator.doneBuilding([
const pingIntervalTime = Math.max(1000, Math.min(5000, maxInactiveAge));
setInterval(function() {
disposeInactiveEntries(curEntries, maxInactiveAge);
}, pingIntervalTime + 1000).unref();
function handleAppDirPing(tree) {
const pages = getEntrypointsFromTree(tree, true);
for (const page of pages){
for (const compilerType of [
const entryKey = getEntryKey(compilerType, "app", `/${page}`);
const entryInfo = curEntries[entryKey];
// If there's no entry, it may have been invalidated and needs to be re-built.
if (!entryInfo) {
// We don't need to maintain active state of anything other than BUILT entries
if (entryInfo.status !== BUILT) continue;
// If there's an entryInfo
if (!lastServerAccessPagesForAppDir.includes(entryKey)) {
// Maintain the buffer max length
// TODO: verify that the current pageKey is not at the end of the array as multiple entrypoints can exist
if (lastServerAccessPagesForAppDir.length > pagesBufferLength) {
entryInfo.lastActiveTime = Date.now();
entryInfo.dispose = false;
function handlePing(pg) {
const page = normalizePathSep(pg);
for (const compilerType of [
const entryKey = getEntryKey(compilerType, "pages", page);
const entryInfo = curEntries[entryKey];
// If there's no entry, it may have been invalidated and needs to be re-built.
if (!entryInfo) {
// if (page !== lastEntry) client pings, but there's no entry for page
if (compilerType === COMPILER_NAMES.client) {
// We don't need to maintain active state of anything other than BUILT entries
if (entryInfo.status !== BUILT) continue;
// If there's an entryInfo
if (!lastClientAccessPages.includes(entryKey)) {
// Maintain the buffer max length
if (lastClientAccessPages.length > pagesBufferLength) {
entryInfo.lastActiveTime = Date.now();
entryInfo.dispose = false;
async function ensurePageImpl({ page, clientOnly, appPaths, definition, isApp }) {
const stalledTime = 60;
const stalledEnsureTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{
debug(`Ensuring ${page} has taken longer than ${stalledTime}s, if this continues to stall this may be a bug`);
}, stalledTime * 1000);
try {
let route;
if (definition) {
route = definition;
} else {
route = await findPagePathData(rootDir, page, nextConfig.pageExtensions, pagesDir, appDir);
const isInsideAppDir = !!appDir && route.filename.startsWith(appDir);
if (typeof isApp === "boolean" && isApp !== isInsideAppDir) {
Error.stackTraceLimit = 15;
throw new Error(`Ensure bailed, found path "${route.page}" does not match ensure type (${isApp ? "app" : "pages"})`);
const pageBundleType = getPageBundleType(route.bundlePath);
const addEntry = (compilerType)=>{
const entryKey = getEntryKey(compilerType, pageBundleType, route.page);
if (curEntries[entryKey] && // there can be an overlap in the entryKey for the instrumentation hook file and a page named the same
// this is a quick fix to support this scenario by overwriting the instrumentation hook entry, since we only use it one time
// any changes to the instrumentation hook file will require a restart of the dev server anyway
!isInstrumentationHookFilename(curEntries[entryKey].bundlePath)) {
curEntries[entryKey].dispose = false;
curEntries[entryKey].lastActiveTime = Date.now();
if (curEntries[entryKey].status === BUILT) {
return {
newEntry: false,
shouldInvalidate: false
return {
newEntry: false,
shouldInvalidate: true
curEntries[entryKey] = {
type: 0,
absolutePagePath: route.filename,
request: route.filename,
bundlePath: route.bundlePath,
dispose: false,
lastActiveTime: Date.now(),
status: ADDED
return {
entryKey: entryKey,
newEntry: true,
shouldInvalidate: true
const staticInfo = await getStaticInfoIncludingLayouts({
pageFilePath: route.filename,
pageExtensions: nextConfig.pageExtensions,
isDev: true,
config: nextConfig,
const added = new Map();
const isServerComponent = isInsideAppDir && staticInfo.rsc !== RSC_MODULE_TYPES.client;
page: route.page,
pageRuntime: staticInfo.runtime,
pageType: pageBundleType,
onClient: ()=>{
// Skip adding the client entry for app / Server Components.
if (isServerComponent || isInsideAppDir) {
added.set(COMPILER_NAMES.client, addEntry(COMPILER_NAMES.client));
onServer: ()=>{
added.set(COMPILER_NAMES.server, addEntry(COMPILER_NAMES.server));
const edgeServerEntry = getEntryKey(COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer, pageBundleType, route.page);
if (curEntries[edgeServerEntry] && !isInstrumentationHookFile(route.page)) {
// Runtime switched from edge to server
delete curEntries[edgeServerEntry];
onEdgeServer: ()=>{
added.set(COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer, addEntry(COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer));
const serverEntry = getEntryKey(COMPILER_NAMES.server, pageBundleType, route.page);
if (curEntries[serverEntry] && !isInstrumentationHookFile(route.page)) {
// Runtime switched from server to edge
delete curEntries[serverEntry];
const addedValues = [
const entriesThatShouldBeInvalidated = [
].filter(([, entry])=>entry.shouldInvalidate);
const hasNewEntry = addedValues.some((entry)=>entry.newEntry);
if (hasNewEntry) {
reportTrigger(!clientOnly && hasNewEntry ? `${route.page}` : route.page);
if (entriesThatShouldBeInvalidated.length > 0) {
const invalidatePromise = Promise.all(entriesThatShouldBeInvalidated.map(([compilerKey, { entryKey }])=>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
doneCallbacks.once(entryKey, (err)=>{
if (err) {
return reject(err);
// If the invalidation also triggers a rebuild, we need to
// wait for that additional build to prevent race conditions.
const needsRebuild = curInvalidator.willRebuild(compilerKey);
if (needsRebuild) {
doneCallbacks.once(entryKey, (rebuildErr)=>{
if (rebuildErr) {
return reject(rebuildErr);
} else {
await invalidatePromise;
} finally{
// Make sure that we won't have multiple invalidations ongoing concurrently.
const batcher = Batcher.create({
// The cache key here is composed of the elements that affect the
// compilation, namely, the page, whether it's client only, and whether
// it's an app page. This ensures that we don't have multiple compilations
// for the same page happening concurrently.
// We don't include the whole match because it contains match specific
// parameters (like route params) that would just bust this cache. Any
// details that would possibly bust the cache should be listed here.
cacheKeyFn: (options)=>JSON.stringify(options),
// Schedule the invocation of the ensurePageImpl function on the next tick.
schedulerFn: scheduleOnNextTick
return {
async ensurePage ({ page, clientOnly, appPaths = null, definition, isApp }) {
// If the route is actually an app page route, then we should have access
// to the app route definition, and therefore, the appPaths from it.
if (!appPaths && definition && isAppPageRouteDefinition(definition)) {
appPaths = definition.appPaths;
// Wrap the invocation of the ensurePageImpl function in the pending
// wrapper, which will ensure that we don't have multiple compilations
// for the same page happening concurrently.
return batcher.batch({
}, async ()=>{
await ensurePageImpl({
onHMR (client, getHmrServerError) {
let bufferedHmrServerError = null;
client.addEventListener("close", ()=>{
bufferedHmrServerError = null;
client.addEventListener("message", ({ data })=>{
try {
const error = getHmrServerError();
// New error occurred: buffered error is flushed and new error occurred
if (!bufferedHmrServerError && error) {
errorJSON: stringifyError(error)
bufferedHmrServerError = null;
const parsedData = JSON.parse(typeof data !== "string" ? data.toString() : data);
if (parsedData.event === "ping") {
if (parsedData.appDirRoute) {
} else {
} catch {}
//# sourceMappingURL=on-demand-entry-handler.js.map