
281 lines
14 KiB

import React from "react";
import { isClientReference } from "../../lib/client-reference";
import { getLayoutOrPageModule } from "../lib/app-dir-module";
import { interopDefault } from "./interop-default";
import { preloadComponent } from "./preload-component";
import { addSearchParamsIfPageSegment } from "./create-flight-router-state-from-loader-tree";
import { parseLoaderTree } from "./parse-loader-tree";
import { createComponentAndStyles } from "./create-component-and-styles";
import { getLayerAssets } from "./get-layer-assets";
import { hasLoadingComponentInTree } from "./has-loading-component-in-tree";
* Use the provided loader tree to create the React Component tree.
*/ export async function createComponentTree({ createSegmentPath, loaderTree: tree, parentParams, firstItem, rootLayoutIncluded, injectedCSS, injectedFontPreloadTags, asNotFound, metadataOutlet, ctx }) {
const { renderOpts: { nextConfigOutput }, staticGenerationStore, componentMod: { staticGenerationBailout, NotFoundBoundary, LayoutRouter, RenderFromTemplateContext, StaticGenerationSearchParamsBailoutProvider, serverHooks: { DynamicServerError } }, pagePath, getDynamicParamFromSegment, query, isPrefetch, searchParamsProps } = ctx;
const { page, layoutOrPagePath, segment, components, parallelRoutes } = parseLoaderTree(tree);
const { layout, template, error, loading, "not-found": notFound } = components;
const injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout = new Set(injectedCSS);
const injectedFontPreloadTagsWithCurrentLayout = new Set(injectedFontPreloadTags);
const styles = getLayerAssets({
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout,
injectedFontPreloadTags: injectedFontPreloadTagsWithCurrentLayout
const [Template, templateStyles] = template ? await createComponentAndStyles({
filePath: template[1],
getComponent: template[0],
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout
}) : [
const [ErrorComponent, errorStyles] = error ? await createComponentAndStyles({
filePath: error[1],
getComponent: error[0],
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout
}) : [];
const [Loading, loadingStyles] = loading ? await createComponentAndStyles({
filePath: loading[1],
getComponent: loading[0],
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout
}) : [];
const isLayout = typeof layout !== "undefined";
const isPage = typeof page !== "undefined";
const [layoutOrPageMod] = await getLayoutOrPageModule(tree);
* Checks if the current segment is a root layout.
*/ const rootLayoutAtThisLevel = isLayout && !rootLayoutIncluded;
* Checks if the current segment or any level above it has a root layout.
*/ const rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove = rootLayoutIncluded || rootLayoutAtThisLevel;
const [NotFound, notFoundStyles] = notFound ? await createComponentAndStyles({
filePath: notFound[1],
getComponent: notFound[0],
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout
}) : [];
let dynamic = layoutOrPageMod == null ? void 0 : layoutOrPageMod.dynamic;
if (nextConfigOutput === "export") {
if (!dynamic || dynamic === "auto") {
dynamic = "error";
} else if (dynamic === "force-dynamic") {
staticGenerationStore.forceDynamic = true;
staticGenerationStore.dynamicShouldError = true;
staticGenerationBailout(`output: export`, {
link: ""
if (typeof dynamic === "string") {
// the nested most config wins so we only force-static
// if it's configured above any parent that configured
// otherwise
if (dynamic === "error") {
staticGenerationStore.dynamicShouldError = true;
} else if (dynamic === "force-dynamic") {
staticGenerationStore.forceDynamic = true;
staticGenerationBailout(`force-dynamic`, {
} else {
staticGenerationStore.dynamicShouldError = false;
if (dynamic === "force-static") {
staticGenerationStore.forceStatic = true;
} else {
staticGenerationStore.forceStatic = false;
if (typeof (layoutOrPageMod == null ? void 0 : layoutOrPageMod.fetchCache) === "string") {
staticGenerationStore.fetchCache = layoutOrPageMod == null ? void 0 : layoutOrPageMod.fetchCache;
if (typeof (layoutOrPageMod == null ? void 0 : layoutOrPageMod.revalidate) === "number") {
ctx.defaultRevalidate = layoutOrPageMod.revalidate;
if (typeof staticGenerationStore.revalidate === "undefined" || typeof staticGenerationStore.revalidate === "number" && staticGenerationStore.revalidate > ctx.defaultRevalidate) {
staticGenerationStore.revalidate = ctx.defaultRevalidate;
if (staticGenerationStore.isStaticGeneration && ctx.defaultRevalidate === 0) {
const dynamicUsageDescription = `revalidate: 0 configured ${segment}`;
staticGenerationStore.dynamicUsageDescription = dynamicUsageDescription;
throw new DynamicServerError(dynamicUsageDescription);
if (staticGenerationStore == null ? void 0 : staticGenerationStore.dynamicUsageErr) {
throw staticGenerationStore.dynamicUsageErr;
const LayoutOrPage = layoutOrPageMod ? interopDefault(layoutOrPageMod) : undefined;
* The React Component to render.
*/ let Component = LayoutOrPage;
const parallelKeys = Object.keys(parallelRoutes);
const hasSlotKey = parallelKeys.length > 1;
if (hasSlotKey && rootLayoutAtThisLevel) {
Component = (componentProps)=>{
const NotFoundComponent = NotFound;
const RootLayoutComponent = LayoutOrPage;
return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(NotFoundBoundary, {
notFound: /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, styles, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(RootLayoutComponent, null, notFoundStyles, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(NotFoundComponent, null)))
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(RootLayoutComponent, componentProps));
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
const { isValidElementType } = require("next/dist/compiled/react-is");
if ((isPage || typeof Component !== "undefined") && !isValidElementType(Component)) {
throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pagePath}"`);
if (typeof ErrorComponent !== "undefined" && !isValidElementType(ErrorComponent)) {
throw new Error(`The default export of error is not a React Component in page: ${segment}`);
if (typeof Loading !== "undefined" && !isValidElementType(Loading)) {
throw new Error(`The default export of loading is not a React Component in ${segment}`);
if (typeof NotFound !== "undefined" && !isValidElementType(NotFound)) {
throw new Error(`The default export of notFound is not a React Component in ${segment}`);
// Handle dynamic segment params.
const segmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment);
* Create object holding the parent params and current params
*/ const currentParams = // Handle null case where dynamic param is optional
segmentParam && segmentParam.value !== null ? {
[segmentParam.param]: segmentParam.value
} : parentParams;
// Resolve the segment param
const actualSegment = segmentParam ? segmentParam.treeSegment : segment;
// This happens outside of rendering in order to eagerly kick off data fetching for layouts / the page further down
const parallelRouteMap = await Promise.all(Object.keys(parallelRoutes).map(async (parallelRouteKey)=>{
const isChildrenRouteKey = parallelRouteKey === "children";
const currentSegmentPath = firstItem ? [
] : [
const parallelRoute = parallelRoutes[parallelRouteKey];
const childSegment = parallelRoute[0];
const childSegmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(childSegment);
const notFoundComponent = NotFound && isChildrenRouteKey ? /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(NotFound, null) : undefined;
function getParallelRoutePair(currentChildProp, currentStyles) {
// This is turned back into an object below.
return [
/*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(LayoutRouter, {
parallelRouterKey: parallelRouteKey,
segmentPath: createSegmentPath(currentSegmentPath),
loading: Loading ? /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Loading, null) : undefined,
loadingStyles: loadingStyles,
// TODO-APP: Add test for loading returning `undefined`. This currently can't be tested as the `webdriver()` tab will wait for the full page to load before returning.
hasLoading: Boolean(Loading),
error: ErrorComponent,
errorStyles: errorStyles,
template: /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Template, null, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(RenderFromTemplateContext, null)),
templateStyles: templateStyles,
notFound: notFoundComponent,
notFoundStyles: notFoundStyles,
childProp: currentChildProp,
styles: currentStyles
// if we're prefetching and that there's a Loading component, we bail out
// otherwise we keep rendering for the prefetch.
// We also want to bail out if there's no Loading component in the tree.
let currentStyles = undefined;
let childElement = null;
const childPropSegment = addSearchParamsIfPageSegment(childSegmentParam ? childSegmentParam.treeSegment : childSegment, query);
if (!(isPrefetch && (Loading || !hasLoadingComponentInTree(parallelRoute)))) {
// Create the child component
const { Component: ChildComponent, styles: childComponentStyles } = await createComponentTree({
createSegmentPath: (child)=>{
return createSegmentPath([
loaderTree: parallelRoute,
parentParams: currentParams,
rootLayoutIncluded: rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove,
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout,
injectedFontPreloadTags: injectedFontPreloadTagsWithCurrentLayout,
currentStyles = childComponentStyles;
childElement = /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(ChildComponent, null);
const childProp = {
current: childElement,
segment: childPropSegment
return getParallelRoutePair(childProp, currentStyles);
// Convert the parallel route map into an object after all promises have been resolved.
const parallelRouteComponents = parallelRouteMap.reduce((list, [parallelRouteKey, Comp])=>{
list[parallelRouteKey] = Comp;
return list;
}, {});
// When the segment does not have a layout or page we still have to add the layout router to ensure the path holds the loading component
if (!Component) {
return {
Component: ()=>/*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, parallelRouteComponents.children),
const isClientComponent = isClientReference(layoutOrPageMod);
// If it's a not found route, and we don't have any matched parallel
// routes, we try to render the not found component if it exists.
let notFoundComponent = {};
if (NotFound && asNotFound && // In development, it could hit the parallel-route-default not found, so we only need to check the segment.
// Or if there's no parallel routes means it reaches the end.
!parallelRouteMap.length) {
notFoundComponent = {
children: /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement("meta", {
name: "robots",
content: "noindex"
}), process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement("meta", {
name: "next-error",
content: "not-found"
}), notFoundStyles, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(NotFound, null))
const props = {
// TODO-APP: params and query have to be blocked parallel route names. Might have to add a reserved name list.
// Params are always the current params that apply to the layout
// If you have a `/dashboard/[team]/layout.js` it will provide `team` as a param but not anything further down.
params: currentParams,
// Query is only provided to page
if (isClientComponent && staticGenerationStore.isStaticGeneration) {
return {};
if (isPage) {
return searchParamsProps;
// Eagerly execute layout/page component to trigger fetches early.
if (!isClientComponent) {
Component = await Promise.resolve().then(()=>preloadComponent(Component, props));
return {
Component: ()=>{
return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, isPage ? metadataOutlet : null, isPage && isClientComponent ? /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(StaticGenerationSearchParamsBailoutProvider, {
propsForComponent: props,
Component: Component,
isStaticGeneration: staticGenerationStore.isStaticGeneration
}) : /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Component, props), null);