107 lines
3.7 KiB
107 lines
3.7 KiB
import path from "path";
import { promises as fs } from "fs";
import { bold, green } from "./picocolors";
import { APP_DIR_ALIAS } from "./constants";
const globOrig = require("next/dist/compiled/glob");
const glob = (cwd, pattern)=>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
globOrig(pattern, {
}, (err, files)=>{
if (err) {
return reject(err);
function getRootLayout(isTs) {
if (isTs) {
return `export const metadata = {
title: 'Next.js',
description: 'Generated by Next.js',
export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode
}) {
return (
<html lang="en">
return `export const metadata = {
title: 'Next.js',
description: 'Generated by Next.js',
export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
return (
<html lang="en">
export async function verifyRootLayout({ dir, appDir, tsconfigPath, pagePath, pageExtensions }) {
let rootLayoutPath;
try {
const layoutFiles = await glob(appDir, `**/layout.{${pageExtensions.join(",")}}`);
const isFileUnderAppDir = pagePath.startsWith(`${APP_DIR_ALIAS}/`);
const normalizedPagePath = pagePath.replace(`${APP_DIR_ALIAS}/`, "");
const pagePathSegments = normalizedPagePath.split("/");
// Find an available dir to place the layout file in, the layout file can't affect any other layout.
// Place the layout as close to app/ as possible.
let availableDir;
if (isFileUnderAppDir) {
if (layoutFiles.length === 0) {
// If there's no other layout file we can place the layout file in the app dir.
// However, if the page is within a route group directly under app (e.g. app/(routegroup)/page.js)
// prefer creating the root layout in that route group.
const firstSegmentValue = pagePathSegments[0];
availableDir = firstSegmentValue.startsWith("(") ? firstSegmentValue : "";
} else {
pagePathSegments.pop() // remove the page from segments
let currentSegments = [];
for (const segment of pagePathSegments){
// Find the dir closest to app/ where a layout can be created without affecting other layouts.
if (!layoutFiles.some((file)=>file.startsWith(currentSegments.join("/")))) {
availableDir = currentSegments.join("/");
} else {
availableDir = "";
if (typeof availableDir === "string") {
const resolvedTsConfigPath = path.join(dir, tsconfigPath);
const hasTsConfig = await fs.access(resolvedTsConfigPath).then(()=>true, ()=>false);
rootLayoutPath = path.join(appDir, availableDir, `layout.${hasTsConfig ? "tsx" : "js"}`);
await fs.writeFile(rootLayoutPath, getRootLayout(hasTsConfig));
console.log(green(`\nYour page ${bold(`app/${normalizedPagePath}`)} did not have a root layout. We created ${bold(`app${rootLayoutPath.replace(appDir, "")}`)} for you.`) + "\n");
// Created root layout
return [
} catch (e) {
// Didn't create root layout
return [
//# sourceMappingURL=verifyRootLayout.js.map