
93 lines
3.9 KiB

import { normalizePathSep } from "../../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-path-sep";
icon: {
filename: "icon",
extensions: [
apple: {
filename: "apple-icon",
extensions: [
favicon: {
filename: "favicon",
extensions: [
openGraph: {
filename: "opengraph-image",
extensions: [
twitter: {
filename: "twitter-image",
extensions: [
// Match routes that are metadata routes, e.g. /sitemap.xml, /favicon.<ext>, /<icon>.<ext>, etc.
// TODO-METADATA: support more metadata routes with more extensions
const defaultExtensions = [
const getExtensionRegexString = (extensions)=>`(?:${extensions.join("|")})`;
// When you only pass the file extension as `[]`, it will only match the static convention files
// e.g. /robots.txt, /sitemap.xml, /favicon.ico, /manifest.json
// When you pass the file extension as `['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx']`, it will also match the dynamic convention files
// e.g. /robots.js, /sitemap.tsx, /favicon.jsx, /manifest.ts
// When `withExtension` is false, it will match the static convention files without the extension, by default it's true
// e.g. /robots, /sitemap, /favicon, /manifest, use to match dynamic API routes like app/robots.ts
export function isMetadataRouteFile(appDirRelativePath, pageExtensions, withExtension) {
const metadataRouteFilesRegex = [
new RegExp(`^[\\\\/]robots${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat("txt"))}$` : ""}`),
new RegExp(`^[\\\\/]manifest${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat("webmanifest", "json"))}$` : ""}`),
new RegExp(`^[\\\\/]favicon\\.ico$`),
new RegExp(`[\\\\/]sitemap${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat("xml"))}$` : ""}`),
new RegExp(`[\\\\/]${STATIC_METADATA_IMAGES.icon.filename}\\d?${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat(STATIC_METADATA_IMAGES.icon.extensions))}$` : ""}`),
new RegExp(`[\\\\/]${}\\d?${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat(}$` : ""}`),
new RegExp(`[\\\\/]${STATIC_METADATA_IMAGES.openGraph.filename}\\d?${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat(STATIC_METADATA_IMAGES.openGraph.extensions))}$` : ""}`),
new RegExp(`[\\\\/]${STATIC_METADATA_IMAGES.twitter.filename}\\d?${withExtension ? `\\.${getExtensionRegexString(pageExtensions.concat(STATIC_METADATA_IMAGES.twitter.extensions))}$` : ""}`)
const normalizedAppDirRelativePath = normalizePathSep(appDirRelativePath);
return metadataRouteFilesRegex.some((r)=>r.test(normalizedAppDirRelativePath));
export function isStaticMetadataRouteFile(appDirRelativePath) {
return isMetadataRouteFile(appDirRelativePath, [], true);
export function isStaticMetadataRoute(page) {
return page === "/robots" || page === "/manifest" || isStaticMetadataRouteFile(page);
* Remove the 'app' prefix or '/route' suffix, only check the route name since they're only allowed in root app directory
* e.g.
* /app/robots -> /robots
* app/robots -> /robots
* /robots -> /robots
*/ export function isMetadataRoute(route) {
let page = route.replace(/^\/?app\//, "").replace(/\/route$/, "");
if (page[0] !== "/") page = "/" + page;
return !page.endsWith("/page") && isMetadataRouteFile(page, defaultExtensions, false);