247 lines
12 KiB
247 lines
12 KiB
import { promises as fs, existsSync } from "fs";
import { bold, cyan, red, underline, yellow } from "../picocolors";
import path from "path";
import findUp from "next/dist/compiled/find-up";
import semver from "next/dist/compiled/semver";
import * as CommentJson from "next/dist/compiled/comment-json";
import { formatResults } from "./customFormatter";
import { writeDefaultConfig } from "./writeDefaultConfig";
import { hasEslintConfiguration } from "./hasEslintConfiguration";
import { writeOutputFile } from "./writeOutputFile";
import { ESLINT_PROMPT_VALUES } from "../constants";
import { findPagesDir } from "../find-pages-dir";
import { installDependencies } from "../install-dependencies";
import { hasNecessaryDependencies } from "../has-necessary-dependencies";
import * as Log from "../../build/output/log";
import isError, { getProperError } from "../is-error";
import { getPkgManager } from "../helpers/get-pkg-manager";
// 0 is off, 1 is warn, 2 is error. See https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/rules#configuring-rules
function isValidSeverity(severity) {
return VALID_SEVERITY.includes(severity);
const requiredPackages = [
file: "eslint",
pkg: "eslint",
exportsRestrict: false
file: "eslint-config-next",
pkg: "eslint-config-next",
exportsRestrict: false
async function cliPrompt() {
console.log(bold(`${cyan("?")} How would you like to configure ESLint? https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/eslint`));
try {
const cliSelect = (await Promise.resolve(require("next/dist/compiled/cli-select"))).default;
const { value } = await cliSelect({
valueRenderer: ({ title, recommended }, selected)=>{
const name = selected ? bold(underline(cyan(title))) : title;
return name + (recommended ? bold(yellow(" (recommended)")) : "");
selected: cyan("❯ "),
unselected: " "
return {
config: (value == null ? void 0 : value.config) ?? null
} catch {
return {
config: null
async function lint(baseDir, lintDirs, eslintrcFile, pkgJsonPath, { lintDuringBuild = false, eslintOptions = null, reportErrorsOnly = false, maxWarnings = -1, formatter = null, outputFile = null }) {
try {
var _mod_CLIEngine, _ESLint_getErrorResults;
// Load ESLint after we're sure it exists:
const deps = await hasNecessaryDependencies(baseDir, requiredPackages);
const packageManager = getPkgManager(baseDir);
if (deps.missing.some((dep)=>dep.pkg === "eslint")) {
Log.error(`ESLint must be installed${lintDuringBuild ? " in order to run during builds:" : ":"} ${bold(cyan((packageManager === "yarn" ? "yarn add --dev" : packageManager === "pnpm" ? "pnpm install --save-dev" : "npm install --save-dev") + " eslint"))}`);
return null;
const mod = await Promise.resolve(require(deps.resolved.get("eslint")));
const { ESLint } = mod;
let eslintVersion = (ESLint == null ? void 0 : ESLint.version) ?? ((_mod_CLIEngine = mod.CLIEngine) == null ? void 0 : _mod_CLIEngine.version);
if (!eslintVersion || semver.lt(eslintVersion, "7.0.0")) {
return `${red("error")} - Your project has an older version of ESLint installed${eslintVersion ? " (" + eslintVersion + ")" : ""}. Please upgrade to ESLint version 7 or above`;
let options = {
useEslintrc: true,
baseConfig: {},
errorOnUnmatchedPattern: false,
extensions: [
cache: true,
let eslint = new ESLint(options);
let nextEslintPluginIsEnabled = false;
const nextRulesEnabled = new Map();
for (const configFile of [
var _completeConfig_plugins;
if (!configFile) continue;
const completeConfig = await eslint.calculateConfigForFile(configFile);
if ((_completeConfig_plugins = completeConfig.plugins) == null ? void 0 : _completeConfig_plugins.includes("@next/next")) {
nextEslintPluginIsEnabled = true;
for (const [name, [severity]] of Object.entries(completeConfig.rules)){
if (!name.startsWith("@next/next/")) {
if (typeof severity === "number" && severity >= 0 && severity < VALID_SEVERITY.length) {
nextRulesEnabled.set(name, VALID_SEVERITY[severity]);
} else if (typeof severity === "string" && isValidSeverity(severity)) {
nextRulesEnabled.set(name, severity);
const pagesDir = findPagesDir(baseDir).pagesDir;
const pagesDirRules = pagesDir ? [
] : [];
if (nextEslintPluginIsEnabled) {
let updatedPagesDir = false;
for (const rule of pagesDirRules){
var _options_baseConfig_rules, _options_baseConfig_rules1;
if (!((_options_baseConfig_rules = options.baseConfig.rules) == null ? void 0 : _options_baseConfig_rules[rule]) && !((_options_baseConfig_rules1 = options.baseConfig.rules) == null ? void 0 : _options_baseConfig_rules1[rule.replace("@next/next", "@next/babel-plugin-next")])) {
if (!options.baseConfig.rules) {
options.baseConfig.rules = {};
options.baseConfig.rules[rule] = [
updatedPagesDir = true;
if (updatedPagesDir) {
eslint = new ESLint(options);
} else {
Log.warn("The Next.js plugin was not detected in your ESLint configuration. See https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/eslint#migrating-existing-config");
const lintStart = process.hrtime();
let results = await eslint.lintFiles(lintDirs);
let selectedFormatter = null;
if (options.fix) await ESLint.outputFixes(results);
if (reportErrorsOnly) results = await ESLint.getErrorResults(results) // Only return errors if --quiet flag is used
if (formatter) selectedFormatter = await eslint.loadFormatter(formatter);
const formattedResult = formatResults(baseDir, results, selectedFormatter == null ? void 0 : selectedFormatter.format);
const lintEnd = process.hrtime(lintStart);
const totalWarnings = results.reduce((sum, file)=>sum + file.warningCount, 0);
if (outputFile) await writeOutputFile(outputFile, formattedResult.output);
return {
output: formattedResult.outputWithMessages,
isError: ((_ESLint_getErrorResults = ESLint.getErrorResults(results)) == null ? void 0 : _ESLint_getErrorResults.length) > 0 || maxWarnings >= 0 && totalWarnings > maxWarnings,
eventInfo: {
durationInSeconds: lintEnd[0],
eslintVersion: eslintVersion,
lintedFilesCount: results.length,
lintFix: !!options.fix,
nextEslintPluginVersion: nextEslintPluginIsEnabled && deps.resolved.has("eslint-config-next") ? require(path.join(path.dirname(deps.resolved.get("eslint-config-next")), "package.json")).version : null,
nextEslintPluginErrorsCount: formattedResult.totalNextPluginErrorCount,
nextEslintPluginWarningsCount: formattedResult.totalNextPluginWarningCount,
nextRulesEnabled: Object.fromEntries(nextRulesEnabled)
} catch (err) {
if (lintDuringBuild) {
Log.error(`ESLint: ${isError(err) && err.message ? err.message.replace(/\n/g, " ") : err}`);
return null;
} else {
throw getProperError(err);
export async function runLintCheck(baseDir, lintDirs, opts) {
const { lintDuringBuild = false, eslintOptions = null, reportErrorsOnly = false, maxWarnings = -1, formatter = null, outputFile = null, strict = false } = opts;
try {
// Find user's .eslintrc file
// See: https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/configuration-files#configuration-file-formats
const eslintrcFile = await findUp([
], {
cwd: baseDir
}) ?? null;
const pkgJsonPath = await findUp("package.json", {
cwd: baseDir
}) ?? null;
let packageJsonConfig = null;
if (pkgJsonPath) {
const pkgJsonContent = await fs.readFile(pkgJsonPath, {
encoding: "utf8"
packageJsonConfig = CommentJson.parse(pkgJsonContent);
const config = await hasEslintConfiguration(eslintrcFile, packageJsonConfig);
let deps;
if (config.exists) {
// Run if ESLint config exists
return await lint(baseDir, lintDirs, eslintrcFile, pkgJsonPath, {
} else {
// Display warning if no ESLint configuration is present inside
// config file during "next build", no warning is shown when
// no eslintrc file is present
if (lintDuringBuild) {
if (config.emptyPkgJsonConfig || config.emptyEslintrc) {
Log.warn(`No ESLint configuration detected. Run ${bold(cyan("next lint"))} to begin setup`);
return null;
} else {
// Ask user what config they would like to start with for first time "next lint" setup
const { config: selectedConfig } = strict ? ESLINT_PROMPT_VALUES.find((opt)=>opt.title === "Strict") : await cliPrompt();
if (selectedConfig == null) {
// Show a warning if no option is selected in prompt
Log.warn("If you set up ESLint yourself, we recommend adding the Next.js ESLint plugin. See https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/eslint#migrating-existing-config");
return null;
} else {
// Check if necessary deps installed, and install any that are missing
deps = await hasNecessaryDependencies(baseDir, requiredPackages);
if (deps.missing.length > 0) await installDependencies(baseDir, deps.missing, true);
// Write default ESLint config.
// Check for /pages and src/pages is to make sure this happens in Next.js folder
if (existsSync(path.join(baseDir, "pages")) || existsSync(path.join(baseDir, "src/pages"))) {
await writeDefaultConfig(baseDir, config, selectedConfig, eslintrcFile, pkgJsonPath, packageJsonConfig);
Log.ready(`ESLint has successfully been configured. Run ${bold(cyan("next lint"))} again to view warnings and errors.`);
return null;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
//# sourceMappingURL=runLintCheck.js.map