663 lines
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663 lines
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/* global location */ import "../build/polyfills/polyfill-module";
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import { HeadManagerContext } from "../shared/lib/head-manager-context.shared-runtime";
import mitt from "../shared/lib/mitt";
import { RouterContext } from "../shared/lib/router-context.shared-runtime";
import { handleSmoothScroll } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/handle-smooth-scroll";
import { isDynamicRoute } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic";
import { urlQueryToSearchParams, assign } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/querystring";
import { setConfig } from "../shared/lib/runtime-config.external";
import { getURL, loadGetInitialProps, ST } from "../shared/lib/utils";
import { Portal } from "./portal";
import initHeadManager from "./head-manager";
import PageLoader from "./page-loader";
import measureWebVitals from "./performance-relayer";
import { RouteAnnouncer } from "./route-announcer";
import { createRouter, makePublicRouterInstance } from "./router";
import { getProperError } from "../lib/is-error";
import { ImageConfigContext } from "../shared/lib/image-config-context.shared-runtime";
import { removeBasePath } from "./remove-base-path";
import { hasBasePath } from "./has-base-path";
import { AppRouterContext } from "../shared/lib/app-router-context.shared-runtime";
import { adaptForAppRouterInstance, adaptForPathParams, adaptForSearchParams, PathnameContextProviderAdapter } from "../shared/lib/router/adapters";
import { SearchParamsContext, PathParamsContext } from "../shared/lib/hooks-client-context.shared-runtime";
import onRecoverableError from "./on-recoverable-error";
import tracer from "./tracing/tracer";
import reportToSocket from "./tracing/report-to-socket";
export const version = "13.5.6";
export let router;
export const emitter = mitt();
const looseToArray = (input)=>[].slice.call(input);
let initialData;
let defaultLocale = undefined;
let asPath;
let pageLoader;
let appElement;
let headManager;
let initialMatchesMiddleware = false;
let lastAppProps;
let lastRenderReject;
let devClient;
let CachedApp, onPerfEntry;
let CachedComponent;
class Container extends React.Component {
componentDidCatch(componentErr, info) {
this.props.fn(componentErr, info);
componentDidMount() {
// We need to replace the router state if:
// - the page was (auto) exported and has a query string or search (hash)
// - it was auto exported and is a dynamic route (to provide params)
// - if it is a client-side skeleton (fallback render)
// - if middleware matches the current page (may have rewrite params)
// - if rewrites in next.config.js match (may have rewrite params)
if (router.isSsr && (initialData.isFallback || initialData.nextExport && (isDynamicRoute(router.pathname) || location.search || process.env.__NEXT_HAS_REWRITES || initialMatchesMiddleware) || initialData.props && initialData.props.__N_SSG && (location.search || process.env.__NEXT_HAS_REWRITES || initialMatchesMiddleware))) {
// update query on mount for exported pages
router.replace(router.pathname + "?" + String(assign(urlQueryToSearchParams(router.query), new URLSearchParams(location.search))), asPath, {
// @ts-ignore
// WARNING: `_h` is an internal option for handing Next.js
// client-side hydration. Your app should _never_ use this property.
// It may change at any time without notice.
_h: 1,
// Fallback pages must trigger the data fetch, so the transition is
// not shallow.
// Other pages (strictly updating query) happens shallowly, as data
// requirements would already be present.
shallow: !initialData.isFallback && !initialMatchesMiddleware
if (!err.cancelled) throw err;
componentDidUpdate() {
scrollToHash() {
let { hash } = location;
hash = hash && hash.substring(1);
if (!hash) return;
const el = document.getElementById(hash);
if (!el) return;
// If we call scrollIntoView() in here without a setTimeout
// it won't scroll properly.
setTimeout(()=>el.scrollIntoView(), 0);
render() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
return this.props.children;
} else {
const { ReactDevOverlay } = require("next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/client");
return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(ReactDevOverlay, null, this.props.children);
export async function initialize(opts) {
if (opts === void 0) opts = {};
// This makes sure this specific lines are removed in production
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
devClient = opts.devClient;
initialData = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("__NEXT_DATA__").textContent);
window.__NEXT_DATA__ = initialData;
defaultLocale = initialData.defaultLocale;
const prefix = initialData.assetPrefix || "";
self.__next_set_public_path__("" + prefix + "/_next/") //eslint-disable-line
// Initialize next/config with the environment configuration
serverRuntimeConfig: {},
publicRuntimeConfig: initialData.runtimeConfig || {}
asPath = getURL();
// make sure not to attempt stripping basePath for 404s
if (hasBasePath(asPath)) {
asPath = removeBasePath(asPath);
if (process.env.__NEXT_I18N_SUPPORT) {
const { normalizeLocalePath } = require("../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path");
const { detectDomainLocale } = require("../shared/lib/i18n/detect-domain-locale");
const { parseRelativeUrl } = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-relative-url");
const { formatUrl } = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/format-url");
if (initialData.locales) {
const parsedAs = parseRelativeUrl(asPath);
const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(parsedAs.pathname, initialData.locales);
if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) {
parsedAs.pathname = localePathResult.pathname;
asPath = formatUrl(parsedAs);
} else {
// derive the default locale if it wasn't detected in the asPath
// since we don't prerender static pages with all possible default
// locales
defaultLocale = initialData.locale;
// attempt detecting default locale based on hostname
const detectedDomain = detectDomainLocale(process.env.__NEXT_I18N_DOMAINS, window.location.hostname);
// TODO: investigate if defaultLocale needs to be populated after
// hydration to prevent mismatched renders
if (detectedDomain) {
defaultLocale = detectedDomain.defaultLocale;
if (initialData.scriptLoader) {
const { initScriptLoader } = require("./script");
pageLoader = new PageLoader(initialData.buildId, prefix);
const register = (param)=>{
let [r, f] = param;
return pageLoader.routeLoader.onEntrypoint(r, f);
if (window.__NEXT_P) {
// Defer page registration for another tick. This will increase the overall
// latency in hydrating the page, but reduce the total blocking time.
window.__NEXT_P.map((p)=>setTimeout(()=>register(p), 0));
window.__NEXT_P = [];
window.__NEXT_P.push = register;
headManager = initHeadManager();
headManager.getIsSsr = ()=>{
return router.isSsr;
appElement = document.getElementById("__next");
return {
assetPrefix: prefix
function renderApp(App, appProps) {
return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(App, appProps);
function AppContainer(param) {
let { children } = param;
// Create a memoized value for next/navigation router context.
const adaptedForAppRouter = React.useMemo(()=>{
return adaptForAppRouterInstance(router);
}, []);
var _self___NEXT_DATA___autoExport;
return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Container, {
fn: (error)=>// TODO: Fix disabled eslint rule
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
App: CachedApp,
err: error
}).catch((err)=>console.error("Error rendering page: ", err))
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(AppRouterContext.Provider, {
value: adaptedForAppRouter
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(SearchParamsContext.Provider, {
value: adaptForSearchParams(router)
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(PathnameContextProviderAdapter, {
router: router,
isAutoExport: (_self___NEXT_DATA___autoExport = self.__NEXT_DATA__.autoExport) != null ? _self___NEXT_DATA___autoExport : false
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(PathParamsContext.Provider, {
value: adaptForPathParams(router)
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(RouterContext.Provider, {
value: makePublicRouterInstance(router)
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(HeadManagerContext.Provider, {
value: headManager
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(ImageConfigContext.Provider, {
value: process.env.__NEXT_IMAGE_OPTS
}, children))))))));
const wrapApp = (App)=>(wrappedAppProps)=>{
const appProps = {
Component: CachedComponent,
err: initialData.err,
return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(AppContainer, null, renderApp(App, appProps));
// This method handles all runtime and debug errors.
// 404 and 500 errors are special kind of errors
// and they are still handle via the main render method.
function renderError(renderErrorProps) {
let { App, err } = renderErrorProps;
// In development runtime errors are caught by our overlay
// In production we catch runtime errors using componentDidCatch which will trigger renderError
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
// A Next.js rendering runtime error is always unrecoverable
// FIXME: let's make this recoverable (error in GIP client-transition)
// We need to render an empty <App> so that the `<ReactDevOverlay>` can
// render itself.
// TODO: Fix disabled eslint rule
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
return doRender({
App: ()=>null,
props: {},
Component: ()=>null,
styleSheets: []
// Make sure we log the error to the console, otherwise users can't track down issues.
console.error("A client-side exception has occurred, see here for more info: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/client-side-exception-occurred");
return pageLoader.loadPage("/_error").then((param)=>{
let { page: ErrorComponent, styleSheets } = param;
return (lastAppProps == null ? void 0 : lastAppProps.Component) === ErrorComponent ? import("../pages/_error").then((errorModule)=>{
return import("../pages/_app").then((appModule)=>{
App = appModule.default;
renderErrorProps.App = App;
return errorModule;
ErrorComponent: m.default,
styleSheets: []
})) : {
let { ErrorComponent, styleSheets } = param;
var _renderErrorProps_props;
// In production we do a normal render with the `ErrorComponent` as component.
// If we've gotten here upon initial render, we can use the props from the server.
// Otherwise, we need to call `getInitialProps` on `App` before mounting.
const AppTree = wrapApp(App);
const appCtx = {
Component: ErrorComponent,
ctx: {
pathname: initialData.page,
query: initialData.query,
return Promise.resolve(((_renderErrorProps_props = renderErrorProps.props) == null ? void 0 : _renderErrorProps_props.err) ? renderErrorProps.props : loadGetInitialProps(App, appCtx)).then((initProps)=>// TODO: Fix disabled eslint rule
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
Component: ErrorComponent,
props: initProps
// Dummy component that we render as a child of Root so that we can
// toggle the correct styles before the page is rendered.
function Head(param) {
let { callback } = param;
// We use `useLayoutEffect` to guarantee the callback is executed
// as soon as React flushes the update.
React.useLayoutEffect(()=>callback(), [
return null;
const performanceMarks = {
navigationStart: "navigationStart",
beforeRender: "beforeRender",
afterRender: "afterRender",
afterHydrate: "afterHydrate",
routeChange: "routeChange"
const performanceMeasures = {
hydration: "Next.js-hydration",
beforeHydration: "Next.js-before-hydration",
routeChangeToRender: "Next.js-route-change-to-render",
render: "Next.js-render"
let reactRoot = null;
// On initial render a hydrate should always happen
let shouldHydrate = true;
function clearMarks() {
function markHydrateComplete() {
if (!ST) return;
performance.mark(performanceMarks.afterHydrate) // mark end of hydration
const hasBeforeRenderMark = performance.getEntriesByName(performanceMarks.beforeRender, "mark").length;
if (hasBeforeRenderMark) {
const beforeHydrationMeasure = performance.measure(performanceMeasures.beforeHydration, performanceMarks.navigationStart, performanceMarks.beforeRender);
const hydrationMeasure = performance.measure(performanceMeasures.hydration, performanceMarks.beforeRender, performanceMarks.afterHydrate);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && // Old versions of Safari don't return `PerformanceMeasure`s from `performance.measure()`
beforeHydrationMeasure !== undefined && hydrationMeasure !== undefined) {
tracer.startSpan("navigation-to-hydration", {
startTime: performance.timeOrigin + beforeHydrationMeasure.startTime,
attributes: {
pathname: location.pathname,
query: location.search
}).end(performance.timeOrigin + hydrationMeasure.startTime + hydrationMeasure.duration);
if (onPerfEntry) {
function markRenderComplete() {
if (!ST) return;
performance.mark(performanceMarks.afterRender) // mark end of render
const navStartEntries = performance.getEntriesByName(performanceMarks.routeChange, "mark");
if (!navStartEntries.length) return;
const hasBeforeRenderMark = performance.getEntriesByName(performanceMarks.beforeRender, "mark").length;
if (hasBeforeRenderMark) {
performance.measure(performanceMeasures.routeChangeToRender, navStartEntries[0].name, performanceMarks.beforeRender);
performance.measure(performanceMeasures.render, performanceMarks.beforeRender, performanceMarks.afterRender);
if (onPerfEntry) {
function renderReactElement(domEl, fn) {
// mark start of hydrate/render
if (ST) {
const reactEl = fn(shouldHydrate ? markHydrateComplete : markRenderComplete);
if (!reactRoot) {
// Unlike with createRoot, you don't need a separate root.render() call here
reactRoot = ReactDOM.hydrateRoot(domEl, reactEl, {
// TODO: Remove shouldHydrate variable when React 18 is stable as it can depend on `reactRoot` existing
shouldHydrate = false;
} else {
const startTransition = React.startTransition;
function Root(param) {
let { callbacks, children } = param;
// We use `useLayoutEffect` to guarantee the callbacks are executed
// as soon as React flushes the update
React.useLayoutEffect(()=>callbacks.forEach((callback)=>callback()), [
// We should ask to measure the Web Vitals after rendering completes so we
// don't cause any hydration delay:
}, []);
if (process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
window.__NEXT_HYDRATED = true;
if (window.__NEXT_HYDRATED_CB) {
}, []);
return children;
function doRender(input) {
let { App, Component, props, err } = input;
let styleSheets = "initial" in input ? undefined : input.styleSheets;
Component = Component || lastAppProps.Component;
props = props || lastAppProps.props;
const appProps = {
// lastAppProps has to be set before ReactDom.render to account for ReactDom throwing an error.
lastAppProps = appProps;
let canceled = false;
let resolvePromise;
const renderPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
if (lastRenderReject) {
resolvePromise = ()=>{
lastRenderReject = null;
lastRenderReject = ()=>{
canceled = true;
lastRenderReject = null;
const error = new Error("Cancel rendering route");
error.cancelled = true;
// This function has a return type to ensure it doesn't start returning a
// Promise. It should remain synchronous.
function onStart() {
if (!styleSheets || // We use `style-loader` in development, so we don't need to do anything
// unless we're in production:
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
return false;
const currentStyleTags = looseToArray(document.querySelectorAll("style[data-n-href]"));
const currentHrefs = new Set(currentStyleTags.map((tag)=>tag.getAttribute("data-n-href")));
const noscript = document.querySelector("noscript[data-n-css]");
const nonce = noscript == null ? void 0 : noscript.getAttribute("data-n-css");
let { href, text } = param;
if (!currentHrefs.has(href)) {
const styleTag = document.createElement("style");
styleTag.setAttribute("data-n-href", href);
styleTag.setAttribute("media", "x");
if (nonce) {
styleTag.setAttribute("nonce", nonce);
return true;
function onHeadCommit() {
if (// We use `style-loader` in development, so we don't need to do anything
// unless we're in production:
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" && // We can skip this during hydration. Running it wont cause any harm, but
// we may as well save the CPU cycles:
styleSheets && // Ensure this render was not canceled
!canceled) {
const desiredHrefs = new Set(styleSheets.map((s)=>s.href));
const currentStyleTags = looseToArray(document.querySelectorAll("style[data-n-href]"));
const currentHrefs = currentStyleTags.map((tag)=>tag.getAttribute("data-n-href"));
// Toggle `<style>` tags on or off depending on if they're needed:
for(let idx = 0; idx < currentHrefs.length; ++idx){
if (desiredHrefs.has(currentHrefs[idx])) {
} else {
currentStyleTags[idx].setAttribute("media", "x");
// Reorder styles into intended order:
let referenceNode = document.querySelector("noscript[data-n-css]");
if (// This should be an invariant:
referenceNode) {
let { href } = param;
const targetTag = document.querySelector('style[data-n-href="' + href + '"]');
if (// This should be an invariant:
targetTag) {
referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(targetTag, referenceNode.nextSibling);
referenceNode = targetTag;
// Finally, clean up server rendered stylesheets:
if (input.scroll) {
const { x, y } = input.scroll;
window.scrollTo(x, y);
function onRootCommit() {
const elem = /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Head, {
callback: onHeadCommit
}), /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(AppContainer, null, renderApp(App, appProps), /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Portal, {
type: "next-route-announcer"
}, /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(RouteAnnouncer, null))));
// We catch runtime errors using componentDidCatch which will trigger renderError
renderReactElement(appElement, (callback)=>/*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(Root, {
callbacks: [
}, process.env.__NEXT_STRICT_MODE ? /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement(React.StrictMode, null, elem) : elem));
return renderPromise;
async function render(renderingProps) {
if (renderingProps.err) {
await renderError(renderingProps);
try {
await doRender(renderingProps);
} catch (err) {
const renderErr = getProperError(err);
// bubble up cancelation errors
if (renderErr.cancelled) {
throw renderErr;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
// Ensure this error is displayed in the overlay in development
throw renderErr;
await renderError({
err: renderErr
export async function hydrate(opts) {
let initialErr = initialData.err;
try {
const appEntrypoint = await pageLoader.routeLoader.whenEntrypoint("/_app");
if ("error" in appEntrypoint) {
throw appEntrypoint.error;
const { component: app, exports: mod } = appEntrypoint;
CachedApp = app;
if (mod && mod.reportWebVitals) {
onPerfEntry = (param)=>{
let { id, name, startTime, value, duration, entryType, entries, attribution } = param;
// Combines timestamp with random number for unique ID
const uniqueID = Date.now() + "-" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * (9e12 - 1)) + 1e12);
let perfStartEntry;
if (entries && entries.length) {
perfStartEntry = entries[0].startTime;
const webVitals = {
id: id || uniqueID,
startTime: startTime || perfStartEntry,
value: value == null ? duration : value,
label: entryType === "mark" || entryType === "measure" ? "custom" : "web-vital"
if (attribution) {
webVitals.attribution = attribution;
const pageEntrypoint = // The dev server fails to serve script assets when there's a hydration
// error, so we need to skip waiting for the entrypoint.
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && initialData.err ? {
error: initialData.err
} : await pageLoader.routeLoader.whenEntrypoint(initialData.page);
if ("error" in pageEntrypoint) {
throw pageEntrypoint.error;
CachedComponent = pageEntrypoint.component;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
const { isValidElementType } = require("next/dist/compiled/react-is");
if (!isValidElementType(CachedComponent)) {
throw new Error('The default export is not a React Component in page: "' + initialData.page + '"');
} catch (error) {
// This catches errors like throwing in the top level of a module
initialErr = getProperError(error);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
const { getServerError } = require("next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/client");
// Server-side runtime errors need to be re-thrown on the client-side so
// that the overlay is rendered.
if (initialErr) {
if (initialErr === initialData.err) {
let error;
try {
// Generate a new error object. We `throw` it because some browsers
// will set the `stack` when thrown, and we want to ensure ours is
// not overridden when we re-throw it below.
throw new Error(initialErr.message);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
error.name = initialErr.name;
error.stack = initialErr.stack;
throw getServerError(error, initialErr.source);
} else {
throw initialErr;
if (window.__NEXT_PRELOADREADY) {
await window.__NEXT_PRELOADREADY(initialData.dynamicIds);
router = createRouter(initialData.page, initialData.query, asPath, {
initialProps: initialData.props,
App: CachedApp,
Component: CachedComponent,
err: initialErr,
isFallback: Boolean(initialData.isFallback),
subscription: (info, App, scroll)=>render(Object.assign({}, info, {
locale: initialData.locale,
locales: initialData.locales,
domainLocales: initialData.domainLocales,
isPreview: initialData.isPreview
initialMatchesMiddleware = await router._initialMatchesMiddlewarePromise;
const renderCtx = {
App: CachedApp,
initial: true,
Component: CachedComponent,
props: initialData.props,
err: initialErr
if (opts == null ? void 0 : opts.beforeRender) {
await opts.beforeRender();
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map