
23 lines
687 B

/// <reference types="node" />
import { IGetToken } from 'strtok3';
import * as iff from '../iff';
* The Common Chunk.
* Describes fundamental parameters of the waveform data such as sample rate, bit resolution, and how many channels of
* digital audio are stored in the FORM AIFF.
export interface ICommon {
numChannels: number;
numSampleFrames: number;
sampleSize: number;
sampleRate: number;
compressionType?: string;
compressionName?: string;
export declare class Common implements IGetToken<ICommon> {
private isAifc;
len: number;
constructor(header: iff.IChunkHeader, isAifc: boolean);
get(buf: Buffer, off: number): ICommon;