451 lines
14 KiB
451 lines
14 KiB
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.36.1(6c56744c3419458f0dd48864520b759d1a3a1ca8)
* Released under the MIT license
* https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
define("vs/basic-languages/protobuf/protobuf", ["require"],(require)=>{
var moduleExports = (() => {
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// src/basic-languages/protobuf/protobuf.ts
var protobuf_exports = {};
__export(protobuf_exports, {
conf: () => conf,
language: () => language
var namedLiterals = ["true", "false"];
var conf = {
comments: {
lineComment: "//",
blockComment: ["/*", "*/"]
brackets: [
["{", "}"],
["[", "]"],
["(", ")"],
["<", ">"]
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: "{", close: "}" },
{ open: "[", close: "]" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: "<", close: ">" },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: "'", close: "'" }
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: "{", close: "}" },
{ open: "[", close: "]" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: "<", close: ">" },
{ open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string"] },
{ open: "'", close: "'", notIn: ["string"] }
autoCloseBefore: ".,=}])>' \n ",
indentationRules: {
increaseIndentPattern: new RegExp("^((?!\\/\\/).)*(\\{[^}\"'`]*|\\([^)\"'`]*|\\[[^\\]\"'`]*)$"),
decreaseIndentPattern: new RegExp("^((?!.*?\\/\\*).*\\*/)?\\s*[\\}\\]].*$")
var language = {
defaultToken: "",
tokenPostfix: ".proto",
brackets: [
{ open: "{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.curly" },
{ open: "[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square" },
{ open: "(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" },
{ open: "<", close: ">", token: "delimiter.angle" }
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*/^%]+/,
keywords: [
builtinTypes: [
operators: ["=", "+", "-"],
escapes: `\\\\(u{[0-9A-Fa-f]+}|n|r|t|\\\\|'|\\\${)`,
identifier: /[a-zA-Z]\w*/,
fullIdentifier: /@identifier(?:\s*\.\s*@identifier)*/,
optionName: /(?:@identifier|\(\s*@fullIdentifier\s*\))(?:\s*\.\s*@identifier)*/,
messageName: /@identifier/,
enumName: /@identifier/,
messageType: /\.?\s*(?:@identifier\s*\.\s*)*@messageName/,
enumType: /\.?\s*(?:@identifier\s*\.\s*)*@enumName/,
floatLit: /[0-9]+\s*\.\s*[0-9]*(?:@exponent)?|[0-9]+@exponent|\.[0-9]+(?:@exponent)?/,
exponent: /[eE]\s*[+-]?\s*[0-9]+/,
boolLit: /true\b|false\b/,
decimalLit: /[1-9][0-9]*/,
octalLit: /0[0-7]*/,
hexLit: /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/,
type: /double|float|int32|int64|uint32|uint64|sint32|sint64|fixed32|fixed64|sfixed32|sfixed64|bool|string|bytes|@messageType|@enumType/,
keyType: /int32|int64|uint32|uint64|sint32|sint64|fixed32|fixed64|sfixed32|sfixed64|bool|string/,
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/syntax/, "keyword"],
[/=/, "operators"],
[/;/, "delimiter"],
["string.quote", "string", { token: "string.quote", switchTo: "@topLevel.proto3" }]
["string.quote", "string", { token: "string.quote", switchTo: "@topLevel.proto2" }]
{ token: "", switchTo: "@topLevel.proto2" }
topLevel: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/=/, "operators"],
[/[;.]/, "delimiter"],
cases: {
option: { token: "keyword", next: "@option.$S2" },
enum: { token: "keyword", next: "@enumDecl.$S2" },
message: { token: "keyword", next: "@messageDecl.$S2" },
service: { token: "keyword", next: "@serviceDecl.$S2" },
extend: {
cases: {
"$S2==proto2": { token: "keyword", next: "@extendDecl.$S2" }
"@keywords": "keyword",
"@default": "identifier"
enumDecl: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "type.identifier"],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@enumBody.$S2" }]
enumBody: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/=/, "operators"],
[/;/, "delimiter"],
[/option\b/, "keyword", "@option.$S2"],
[/@identifier/, "identifier"],
[/\[/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@options.$S2" }],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
messageDecl: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "type.identifier"],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@messageBody.$S2" }]
messageBody: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/=/, "operators"],
[/;/, "delimiter"],
["keyword", "white", { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@map.$S2" }]
cases: {
option: { token: "keyword", next: "@option.$S2" },
enum: { token: "keyword", next: "@enumDecl.$S2" },
message: { token: "keyword", next: "@messageDecl.$S2" },
oneof: { token: "keyword", next: "@oneofDecl.$S2" },
extensions: {
cases: {
"$S2==proto2": { token: "keyword", next: "@reserved.$S2" }
reserved: { token: "keyword", next: "@reserved.$S2" },
"(?:repeated|optional)": { token: "keyword", next: "@field.$S2" },
required: {
cases: {
"$S2==proto2": { token: "keyword", next: "@field.$S2" }
"$S2==proto3": { token: "@rematch", next: "@field.$S2" }
[/\[/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@options.$S2" }],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
extendDecl: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "type.identifier"],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@extendBody.$S2" }]
extendBody: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/;/, "delimiter"],
[/(?:repeated|optional|required)/, "keyword", "@field.$S2"],
[/\[/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@options.$S2" }],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
options: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/;/, "delimiter"],
[/@optionName/, "annotation"],
[/[()]/, "annotation.brackets"],
[/=/, "operator"],
[/\]/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
option: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@optionName/, "annotation"],
[/[()]/, "annotation.brackets"],
[/=/, "operator", "@pop"]
oneofDecl: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "identifier"],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@oneofBody.$S2" }]
oneofBody: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/;/, "delimiter"],
[/(@identifier)(\s*)(=)/, ["identifier", "white", "delimiter"]],
cases: {
"@builtinTypes": "keyword",
"@default": "type.identifier"
[/\[/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@options.$S2" }],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
reserved: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/,/, "delimiter"],
[/;/, "delimiter", "@pop"],
{ include: "@constant" },
[/to\b|max\b/, "keyword"]
map: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
cases: {
"@builtinTypes": "keyword",
"@default": "type.identifier"
[/,/, "delimiter"],
[/>/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", switchTo: "identifier" }]
field: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
cases: {
"$S2==proto2": { token: "keyword", switchTo: "@groupDecl.$S2" }
[/(@identifier)(\s*)(=)/, ["identifier", "white", { token: "delimiter", next: "@pop" }]],
cases: {
"@builtinTypes": "keyword",
"@default": "type.identifier"
groupDecl: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "identifier"],
["=", "operator"],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@messageBody.$S2" }],
{ include: "@constant" }
type: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "type.identifier", "@pop"],
[/./, "delimiter"]
identifier: [{ include: "@whitespace" }, [/@identifier/, "identifier", "@pop"]],
serviceDecl: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "identifier"],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@serviceBody.$S2" }]
serviceBody: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/;/, "delimiter"],
[/option\b/, "keyword", "@option.$S2"],
[/rpc\b/, "keyword", "@rpc.$S2"],
[/\[/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@options.$S2" }],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
rpc: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/@identifier/, "identifier"],
[/\(/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@request.$S2" }],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@methodOptions.$S2" }],
[/;/, "delimiter", "@pop"]
request: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
cases: {
stream: { token: "keyword", next: "@type.$S2" },
"@default": "type.identifier"
[/\)/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", switchTo: "@returns.$S2" }]
returns: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
[/returns\b/, "keyword"],
[/\(/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", switchTo: "@response.$S2" }]
response: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
cases: {
stream: { token: "keyword", next: "@type.$S2" },
"@default": "type.identifier"
[/\)/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", switchTo: "@rpc.$S2" }]
methodOptions: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/;/, "delimiter"],
["option", "keyword"],
[/@optionName/, "annotation"],
[/[()]/, "annotation.brackets"],
[/=/, "operator"],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
comment: [
[/[^\/*]+/, "comment"],
[/\/\*/, "comment", "@push"],
["\\*/", "comment", "@pop"],
[/[\/*]/, "comment"]
string: [
[/[^\\"]+/, "string"],
[/@escapes/, "string.escape"],
[/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"],
[/"/, { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
stringSingle: [
[/[^\\']+/, "string"],
[/@escapes/, "string.escape"],
[/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"],
[/'/, { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
constant: [
["@boolLit", "keyword.constant"],
["@hexLit", "number.hex"],
["@octalLit", "number.octal"],
["@decimalLit", "number"],
["@floatLit", "number.float"],
[/("([^"\\]|\\.)*|'([^'\\]|\\.)*)$/, "string.invalid"],
[/"/, { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@open", next: "@string" }],
[/'/, { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@open", next: "@stringSingle" }],
[/{/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@open", next: "@prototext" }],
[/identifier/, "identifier"]
whitespace: [
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, "white"],
[/\/\*/, "comment", "@comment"],
[/\/\/.*$/, "comment"]
prototext: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@constant" },
[/@identifier/, "identifier"],
[/[:;]/, "delimiter"],
[/}/, { token: "@brackets", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }]
return __toCommonJS(protobuf_exports);
return moduleExports;