
6166 lines
245 KiB

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.Projection = {}));
})(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
const noop = (any) => any;
class Queue {
constructor() {
this.order = [];
this.scheduled = new Set();
add(process) {
if (!this.scheduled.has(process)) {
return true;
remove(process) {
const index = this.order.indexOf(process);
if (index !== -1) {
this.order.splice(index, 1);
clear() {
this.order.length = 0;
function createRenderStep(runNextFrame) {
* We create and reuse two queues, one to queue jobs for the current frame
* and one for the next. We reuse to avoid triggering GC after x frames.
let thisFrame = new Queue();
let nextFrame = new Queue();
let numToRun = 0;
* Track whether we're currently processing jobs in this step. This way
* we can decide whether to schedule new jobs for this frame or next.
let isProcessing = false;
let flushNextFrame = false;
* A set of processes which were marked keepAlive when scheduled.
const toKeepAlive = new WeakSet();
const step = {
* Schedule a process to run on the next frame.
schedule: (callback, keepAlive = false, immediate = false) => {
const addToCurrentFrame = immediate && isProcessing;
const queue = addToCurrentFrame ? thisFrame : nextFrame;
if (keepAlive)
if (queue.add(callback) && addToCurrentFrame && isProcessing) {
// If we're adding it to the currently running queue, update its measured size
numToRun = thisFrame.order.length;
return callback;
* Cancel the provided callback from running on the next frame.
cancel: (callback) => {
* Execute all schedule callbacks.
process: (frameData) => {
* If we're already processing we've probably been triggered by a flushSync
* inside an existing process. Instead of executing, mark flushNextFrame
* as true and ensure we flush the following frame at the end of this one.
if (isProcessing) {
flushNextFrame = true;
isProcessing = true;
[thisFrame, nextFrame] = [nextFrame, thisFrame];
// Clear the next frame queue
// Execute this frame
numToRun = thisFrame.order.length;
if (numToRun) {
for (let i = 0; i < numToRun; i++) {
const callback = thisFrame.order[i];
if (toKeepAlive.has(callback)) {
isProcessing = false;
if (flushNextFrame) {
flushNextFrame = false;
return step;
const stepsOrder = [
const maxElapsed = 40;
function createRenderBatcher(scheduleNextBatch, allowKeepAlive) {
let runNextFrame = false;
let useDefaultElapsed = true;
const state = {
delta: 0,
timestamp: 0,
isProcessing: false,
const steps = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = createRenderStep(() => (runNextFrame = true));
return acc;
}, {});
const processStep = (stepId) => steps[stepId].process(state);
const processBatch = () => {
const timestamp =;
runNextFrame = false; = useDefaultElapsed
? 1000 / 60
: Math.max(Math.min(timestamp - state.timestamp, maxElapsed), 1);
state.timestamp = timestamp;
state.isProcessing = true;
state.isProcessing = false;
if (runNextFrame && allowKeepAlive) {
useDefaultElapsed = false;
const wake = () => {
runNextFrame = true;
useDefaultElapsed = true;
if (!state.isProcessing) {
const schedule = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => {
const step = steps[key];
acc[key] = (process, keepAlive = false, immediate = false) => {
if (!runNextFrame)
return step.schedule(process, keepAlive, immediate);
return acc;
}, {});
const cancel = (process) => stepsOrder.forEach((key) => steps[key].cancel(process));
return { schedule, cancel, state, steps };
const { schedule: frame, cancel: cancelFrame, state: frameData, steps, } = createRenderBatcher(typeof requestAnimationFrame !== "undefined" ? requestAnimationFrame : noop, true);
function addUniqueItem(arr, item) {
if (arr.indexOf(item) === -1)
function removeItem(arr, item) {
const index = arr.indexOf(item);
if (index > -1)
arr.splice(index, 1);
class SubscriptionManager {
constructor() {
this.subscriptions = [];
add(handler) {
addUniqueItem(this.subscriptions, handler);
return () => removeItem(this.subscriptions, handler);
notify(a, b, c) {
const numSubscriptions = this.subscriptions.length;
if (!numSubscriptions)
if (numSubscriptions === 1) {
* If there's only a single handler we can just call it without invoking a loop.
this.subscriptions[0](a, b, c);
else {
for (let i = 0; i < numSubscriptions; i++) {
* Check whether the handler exists before firing as it's possible
* the subscriptions were modified during this loop running.
const handler = this.subscriptions[i];
handler && handler(a, b, c);
getSize() {
return this.subscriptions.length;
clear() {
this.subscriptions.length = 0;
// Accepts an easing function and returns a new one that outputs mirrored values for
// the second half of the animation. Turns easeIn into easeInOut.
const mirrorEasing = (easing) => (p) => p <= 0.5 ? easing(2 * p) / 2 : (2 - easing(2 * (1 - p))) / 2;
// Accepts an easing function and returns a new one that outputs reversed values.
// Turns easeIn into easeOut.
const reverseEasing = (easing) => (p) => 1 - easing(1 - p);
const circIn = (p) => 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p));
const circOut = reverseEasing(circIn);
const circInOut = mirrorEasing(circIn);
Progress within given range
Given a lower limit and an upper limit, we return the progress
(expressed as a number 0-1) represented by the given value, and
limit that progress to within 0-1.
@param [number]: Lower limit
@param [number]: Upper limit
@param [number]: Value to find progress within given range
@return [number]: Progress of value within range as expressed 0-1
const progress = (from, to, value) => {
const toFromDifference = to - from;
return toFromDifference === 0 ? 1 : (value - from) / toFromDifference;
Value in range from progress
Given a lower limit and an upper limit, we return the value within
that range as expressed by progress (usually a number from 0 to 1)
So progress = 0.5 would change
from -------- to
from ---- to
E.g. from = 10, to = 20, progress = 0.5 => 15
@param [number]: Lower limit of range
@param [number]: Upper limit of range
@param [number]: The progress between lower and upper limits expressed 0-1
@return [number]: Value as calculated from progress within range (not limited within range)
const mix = (from, to, progress) => -progress * from + progress * to + from;
* TODO: When we move from string as a source of truth to data models
* everything in this folder should probably be referred to as models vs types
// If this number is a decimal, make it just five decimal places
// to avoid exponents
const sanitize = (v) => Math.round(v * 100000) / 100000;
const floatRegex = /(-)?([\d]*\.?[\d])+/g;
const colorRegex = /(#[0-9a-f]{3,8}|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?[\d\.]+%?[,\s]+){2}(-?[\d\.]+%?)\s*[\,\/]?\s*[\d\.]*%?\))/gi;
const singleColorRegex = /^(#[0-9a-f]{3,8}|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?[\d\.]+%?[,\s]+){2}(-?[\d\.]+%?)\s*[\,\/]?\s*[\d\.]*%?\))$/i;
function isString(v) {
return typeof v === "string";
const createUnitType = (unit) => ({
test: (v) => isString(v) && v.endsWith(unit) && v.split(" ").length === 1,
parse: parseFloat,
transform: (v) => `${v}${unit}`,
const degrees = createUnitType("deg");
const percent = createUnitType("%");
const px = createUnitType("px");
const vh = createUnitType("vh");
const vw = createUnitType("vw");
const progressPercentage = {
parse: (v) => percent.parse(v) / 100,
transform: (v) => percent.transform(v * 100),
const borders = ["TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight"];
const numBorders = borders.length;
const asNumber = (value) => typeof value === "string" ? parseFloat(value) : value;
const isPx = (value) => typeof value === "number" || px.test(value);
function mixValues(target, follow, lead, progress, shouldCrossfadeOpacity, isOnlyMember) {
if (shouldCrossfadeOpacity) {
target.opacity = mix(0,
// TODO Reinstate this if only child
lead.opacity !== undefined ? lead.opacity : 1, easeCrossfadeIn(progress));
target.opacityExit = mix(follow.opacity !== undefined ? follow.opacity : 1, 0, easeCrossfadeOut(progress));
else if (isOnlyMember) {
target.opacity = mix(follow.opacity !== undefined ? follow.opacity : 1, lead.opacity !== undefined ? lead.opacity : 1, progress);
* Mix border radius
for (let i = 0; i < numBorders; i++) {
const borderLabel = `border${borders[i]}Radius`;
let followRadius = getRadius(follow, borderLabel);
let leadRadius = getRadius(lead, borderLabel);
if (followRadius === undefined && leadRadius === undefined)
followRadius || (followRadius = 0);
leadRadius || (leadRadius = 0);
const canMix = followRadius === 0 ||
leadRadius === 0 ||
isPx(followRadius) === isPx(leadRadius);
if (canMix) {
target[borderLabel] = Math.max(mix(asNumber(followRadius), asNumber(leadRadius), progress), 0);
if (percent.test(leadRadius) || percent.test(followRadius)) {
target[borderLabel] += "%";
else {
target[borderLabel] = leadRadius;
* Mix rotation
if (follow.rotate || lead.rotate) {
target.rotate = mix(follow.rotate || 0, lead.rotate || 0, progress);
function getRadius(values, radiusName) {
return values[radiusName] !== undefined
? values[radiusName]
: values.borderRadius;
// /**
// * We only want to mix the background color if there's a follow element
// * that we're not crossfading opacity between. For instance with switch
// * AnimateSharedLayout animations, this helps the illusion of a continuous
// * element being animated but also cuts down on the number of paints triggered
// * for elements where opacity is doing that work for us.
// */
// if (
// !hasFollowElement &&
// latestLeadValues.backgroundColor &&
// latestFollowValues.backgroundColor
// ) {
// /**
// * This isn't ideal performance-wise as mixColor is creating a new function every frame.
// * We could probably create a mixer that runs at the start of the animation but
// * the idea behind the crossfader is that it runs dynamically between two potentially
// * changing targets (ie opacity or borderRadius may be animating independently via variants)
// */
// leadState.backgroundColor = followState.backgroundColor = mixColor(
// latestFollowValues.backgroundColor as string,
// latestLeadValues.backgroundColor as string
// )(p)
// }
const easeCrossfadeIn = compress(0, 0.5, circOut);
const easeCrossfadeOut = compress(0.5, 0.95, noop);
function compress(min, max, easing) {
return (p) => {
// Could replace ifs with clamp
if (p < min)
return 0;
if (p > max)
return 1;
return easing(progress(min, max, p));
* Reset an axis to the provided origin box.
* This is a mutative operation.
function copyAxisInto(axis, originAxis) {
axis.min = originAxis.min;
axis.max = originAxis.max;
* Reset a box to the provided origin box.
* This is a mutative operation.
function copyBoxInto(box, originBox) {
copyAxisInto(box.x, originBox.x);
copyAxisInto(box.y, originBox.y);
function isIdentityScale(scale) {
return scale === undefined || scale === 1;
function hasScale({ scale, scaleX, scaleY }) {
return (!isIdentityScale(scale) ||
!isIdentityScale(scaleX) ||
function hasTransform(values) {
return (hasScale(values) ||
has2DTranslate(values) ||
values.z ||
values.rotate ||
values.rotateX ||
function has2DTranslate(values) {
return is2DTranslate(values.x) || is2DTranslate(values.y);
function is2DTranslate(value) {
return value && value !== "0%";
* Scales a point based on a factor and an originPoint
function scalePoint(point, scale, originPoint) {
const distanceFromOrigin = point - originPoint;
const scaled = scale * distanceFromOrigin;
return originPoint + scaled;
* Applies a translate/scale delta to a point
function applyPointDelta(point, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale) {
if (boxScale !== undefined) {
point = scalePoint(point, boxScale, originPoint);
return scalePoint(point, scale, originPoint) + translate;
* Applies a translate/scale delta to an axis
function applyAxisDelta(axis, translate = 0, scale = 1, originPoint, boxScale) {
axis.min = applyPointDelta(axis.min, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale);
axis.max = applyPointDelta(axis.max, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale);
* Applies a translate/scale delta to a box
function applyBoxDelta(box, { x, y }) {
applyAxisDelta(box.x, x.translate, x.scale, x.originPoint);
applyAxisDelta(box.y, y.translate, y.scale, y.originPoint);
* Apply a tree of deltas to a box. We do this to calculate the effect of all the transforms
* in a tree upon our box before then calculating how to project it into our desired viewport-relative box
* This is the final nested loop within updateLayoutDelta for future refactoring
function applyTreeDeltas(box, treeScale, treePath, isSharedTransition = false) {
const treeLength = treePath.length;
if (!treeLength)
// Reset the treeScale
treeScale.x = treeScale.y = 1;
let node;
let delta;
for (let i = 0; i < treeLength; i++) {
node = treePath[i];
delta = node.projectionDelta;
* TODO: Prefer to remove this, but currently we have motion components with
* display: contents in Framer.
const instance = node.instance;
if (instance && && === "contents") {
if (isSharedTransition &&
node.options.layoutScroll &&
node.scroll &&
node !== node.root) {
transformBox(box, {
x: -node.scroll.offset.x,
y: -node.scroll.offset.y,
if (delta) {
// Incoporate each ancestor's scale into a culmulative treeScale for this component
treeScale.x *= delta.x.scale;
treeScale.y *= delta.y.scale;
// Apply each ancestor's calculated delta into this component's recorded layout box
applyBoxDelta(box, delta);
if (isSharedTransition && hasTransform(node.latestValues)) {
transformBox(box, node.latestValues);
* Snap tree scale back to 1 if it's within a non-perceivable threshold.
* This will help reduce useless scales getting rendered.
treeScale.x = snapToDefault(treeScale.x);
treeScale.y = snapToDefault(treeScale.y);
function snapToDefault(scale) {
if (Number.isInteger(scale))
return scale;
return scale > 1.0000000000001 || scale < 0.999999999999 ? scale : 1;
function translateAxis(axis, distance) {
axis.min = axis.min + distance;
axis.max = axis.max + distance;
* Apply a transform to an axis from the latest resolved motion values.
* This function basically acts as a bridge between a flat motion value map
* and applyAxisDelta
function transformAxis(axis, transforms, [key, scaleKey, originKey]) {
const axisOrigin = transforms[originKey] !== undefined ? transforms[originKey] : 0.5;
const originPoint = mix(axis.min, axis.max, axisOrigin);
// Apply the axis delta to the final axis
applyAxisDelta(axis, transforms[key], transforms[scaleKey], originPoint, transforms.scale);
* The names of the motion values we want to apply as translation, scale and origin.
const xKeys$1 = ["x", "scaleX", "originX"];
const yKeys$1 = ["y", "scaleY", "originY"];
* Apply a transform to a box from the latest resolved motion values.
function transformBox(box, transform) {
transformAxis(box.x, transform, xKeys$1);
transformAxis(box.y, transform, yKeys$1);
function calcLength(axis) {
return axis.max - axis.min;
function isNear(value, target = 0, maxDistance = 0.01) {
return Math.abs(value - target) <= maxDistance;
function calcAxisDelta(delta, source, target, origin = 0.5) {
delta.origin = origin;
delta.originPoint = mix(source.min, source.max, delta.origin);
delta.scale = calcLength(target) / calcLength(source);
if (isNear(delta.scale, 1, 0.0001) || isNaN(delta.scale))
delta.scale = 1;
delta.translate =
mix(target.min, target.max, delta.origin) - delta.originPoint;
if (isNear(delta.translate) || isNaN(delta.translate))
delta.translate = 0;
function calcBoxDelta(delta, source, target, origin) {
calcAxisDelta(delta.x, source.x, target.x, origin ? origin.originX : undefined);
calcAxisDelta(delta.y, source.y, target.y, origin ? origin.originY : undefined);
function calcRelativeAxis(target, relative, parent) {
target.min = parent.min + relative.min;
target.max = target.min + calcLength(relative);
function calcRelativeBox(target, relative, parent) {
calcRelativeAxis(target.x, relative.x, parent.x);
calcRelativeAxis(target.y, relative.y, parent.y);
function calcRelativeAxisPosition(target, layout, parent) {
target.min = layout.min - parent.min;
target.max = target.min + calcLength(layout);
function calcRelativePosition(target, layout, parent) {
calcRelativeAxisPosition(target.x, layout.x, parent.x);
calcRelativeAxisPosition(target.y, layout.y, parent.y);
* Remove a delta from a point. This is essentially the steps of applyPointDelta in reverse
function removePointDelta(point, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale) {
point -= translate;
point = scalePoint(point, 1 / scale, originPoint);
if (boxScale !== undefined) {
point = scalePoint(point, 1 / boxScale, originPoint);
return point;
* Remove a delta from an axis. This is essentially the steps of applyAxisDelta in reverse
function removeAxisDelta(axis, translate = 0, scale = 1, origin = 0.5, boxScale, originAxis = axis, sourceAxis = axis) {
if (percent.test(translate)) {
translate = parseFloat(translate);
const relativeProgress = mix(sourceAxis.min, sourceAxis.max, translate / 100);
translate = relativeProgress - sourceAxis.min;
if (typeof translate !== "number")
let originPoint = mix(originAxis.min, originAxis.max, origin);
if (axis === originAxis)
originPoint -= translate;
axis.min = removePointDelta(axis.min, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale);
axis.max = removePointDelta(axis.max, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale);
* Remove a transforms from an axis. This is essentially the steps of applyAxisTransforms in reverse
* and acts as a bridge between motion values and removeAxisDelta
function removeAxisTransforms(axis, transforms, [key, scaleKey, originKey], origin, sourceAxis) {
removeAxisDelta(axis, transforms[key], transforms[scaleKey], transforms[originKey], transforms.scale, origin, sourceAxis);
* The names of the motion values we want to apply as translation, scale and origin.
const xKeys = ["x", "scaleX", "originX"];
const yKeys = ["y", "scaleY", "originY"];
* Remove a transforms from an box. This is essentially the steps of applyAxisBox in reverse
* and acts as a bridge between motion values and removeAxisDelta
function removeBoxTransforms(box, transforms, originBox, sourceBox) {
removeAxisTransforms(box.x, transforms, xKeys, originBox ? originBox.x : undefined, sourceBox ? sourceBox.x : undefined);
removeAxisTransforms(box.y, transforms, yKeys, originBox ? originBox.y : undefined, sourceBox ? sourceBox.y : undefined);
const createAxisDelta = () => ({
translate: 0,
scale: 1,
origin: 0,
originPoint: 0,
const createDelta = () => ({
x: createAxisDelta(),
y: createAxisDelta(),
const createAxis = () => ({ min: 0, max: 0 });
const createBox = () => ({
x: createAxis(),
y: createAxis(),
* Decide whether a transition is defined on a given Transition.
* This filters out orchestration options and returns true
* if any options are left.
function isTransitionDefined({ when, delay: _delay, delayChildren, staggerChildren, staggerDirection, repeat, repeatType, repeatDelay, from, elapsed, ...transition }) {
return !!Object.keys(transition).length;
function getValueTransition(transition, key) {
return transition[key] || transition["default"] || transition;
function isAxisDeltaZero(delta) {
return delta.translate === 0 && delta.scale === 1;
function isDeltaZero(delta) {
return isAxisDeltaZero(delta.x) && isAxisDeltaZero(delta.y);
function boxEquals(a, b) {
return (a.x.min === b.x.min &&
a.x.max === b.x.max &&
a.y.min === b.y.min &&
a.y.max === b.y.max);
function boxEqualsRounded(a, b) {
return (Math.round(a.x.min) === Math.round(b.x.min) &&
Math.round(a.x.max) === Math.round(b.x.max) &&
Math.round(a.y.min) === Math.round(b.y.min) &&
Math.round(a.y.max) === Math.round(b.y.max));
function aspectRatio(box) {
return calcLength(box.x) / calcLength(box.y);
class NodeStack {
constructor() {
this.members = [];
add(node) {
addUniqueItem(this.members, node);
remove(node) {
removeItem(this.members, node);
if (node === this.prevLead) {
this.prevLead = undefined;
if (node === this.lead) {
const prevLead = this.members[this.members.length - 1];
if (prevLead) {
relegate(node) {
const indexOfNode = this.members.findIndex((member) => node === member);
if (indexOfNode === 0)
return false;
* Find the next projection node that is present
let prevLead;
for (let i = indexOfNode; i >= 0; i--) {
const member = this.members[i];
if (member.isPresent !== false) {
prevLead = member;
if (prevLead) {
return true;
else {
return false;
promote(node, preserveFollowOpacity) {
const prevLead = this.lead;
if (node === prevLead)
this.prevLead = prevLead;
this.lead = node;;
if (prevLead) {
prevLead.instance && prevLead.scheduleRender();
node.resumeFrom = prevLead;
if (preserveFollowOpacity) {
node.resumeFrom.preserveOpacity = true;
if (prevLead.snapshot) {
node.snapshot = prevLead.snapshot;
node.snapshot.latestValues =
prevLead.animationValues || prevLead.latestValues;
if (node.root && node.root.isUpdating) {
node.isLayoutDirty = true;
const { crossfade } = node.options;
if (crossfade === false) {
* - Test border radius when previous node was deleted
* - boxShadow mixing
* - Shared between element A in scrolled container and element B (scroll stays the same or changes)
* - Shared between element A in transformed container and element B (transform stays the same or changes)
* - Shared between element A in scrolled page and element B (scroll stays the same or changes)
* ---
* - Crossfade opacity of root nodes
* - layoutId changes after animation
* - layoutId changes mid animation
exitAnimationComplete() {
this.members.forEach((node) => {
const { options, resumingFrom } = node;
options.onExitComplete && options.onExitComplete();
if (resumingFrom) {
resumingFrom.options.onExitComplete &&
scheduleRender() {
this.members.forEach((node) => {
node.instance && node.scheduleRender(false);
* Clear any leads that have been removed this render to prevent them from being
* used in future animations and to prevent memory leaks
removeLeadSnapshot() {
if (this.lead && this.lead.snapshot) {
this.lead.snapshot = undefined;
const scaleCorrectors = {};
function addScaleCorrector(correctors) {
Object.assign(scaleCorrectors, correctors);
function buildProjectionTransform(delta, treeScale, latestTransform) {
let transform = "";
* The translations we use to calculate are always relative to the viewport coordinate space.
* But when we apply scales, we also scale the coordinate space of an element and its children.
* For instance if we have a treeScale (the culmination of all parent scales) of 0.5 and we need
* to move an element 100 pixels, we actually need to move it 200 in within that scaled space.
const xTranslate = delta.x.translate / treeScale.x;
const yTranslate = delta.y.translate / treeScale.y;
if (xTranslate || yTranslate) {
transform = `translate3d(${xTranslate}px, ${yTranslate}px, 0) `;
* Apply scale correction for the tree transform.
* This will apply scale to the screen-orientated axes.
if (treeScale.x !== 1 || treeScale.y !== 1) {
transform += `scale(${1 / treeScale.x}, ${1 / treeScale.y}) `;
if (latestTransform) {
const { rotate, rotateX, rotateY } = latestTransform;
if (rotate)
transform += `rotate(${rotate}deg) `;
if (rotateX)
transform += `rotateX(${rotateX}deg) `;
if (rotateY)
transform += `rotateY(${rotateY}deg) `;
* Apply scale to match the size of the element to the size we want it.
* This will apply scale to the element-orientated axes.
const elementScaleX = delta.x.scale * treeScale.x;
const elementScaleY = delta.y.scale * treeScale.y;
if (elementScaleX !== 1 || elementScaleY !== 1) {
transform += `scale(${elementScaleX}, ${elementScaleY})`;
return transform || "none";
function eachAxis(callback) {
return [callback("x"), callback("y")];
const compareByDepth = (a, b) => a.depth - b.depth;
class FlatTree {
constructor() {
this.children = [];
this.isDirty = false;
add(child) {
addUniqueItem(this.children, child);
this.isDirty = true;
remove(child) {
removeItem(this.children, child);
this.isDirty = true;
forEach(callback) {
this.isDirty && this.children.sort(compareByDepth);
this.isDirty = false;
const isKeyframesTarget = (v) => {
return Array.isArray(v);
const isCustomValue = (v) => {
return Boolean(v && typeof v === "object" && v.mix && v.toValue);
const isMotionValue = (value) => Boolean(value && value.getVelocity);
* If the provided value is a MotionValue, this returns the actual value, otherwise just the value itself
* TODO: Remove and move to library
function resolveMotionValue(value) {
const unwrappedValue = isMotionValue(value) ? value.get() : value;
return isCustomValue(unwrappedValue)
? unwrappedValue.toValue()
: unwrappedValue;
* This should only ever be modified on the client otherwise it'll
* persist through server requests. If we need instanced states we
* could lazy-init via root.
const globalProjectionState = {
* Global flag as to whether the tree has animated since the last time
* we resized the window
hasAnimatedSinceResize: true,
* We set this to true once, on the first update. Any nodes added to the tree beyond that
* update will be given a `data-projection-id` attribute.
hasEverUpdated: false,
* Timeout defined in ms
function delay(callback, timeout) {
const start =;
const checkElapsed = ({ timestamp }) => {
const elapsed = timestamp - start;
if (elapsed >= timeout) {
callback(elapsed - timeout);
};, true);
return () => cancelFrame(checkElapsed);
function record(data) {
if (window.MotionDebug) {
Convert velocity into velocity per second
@param [number]: Unit per frame
@param [number]: Frame duration in ms
function velocityPerSecond(velocity, frameDuration) {
return frameDuration ? velocity * (1000 / frameDuration) : 0;
const warned = new Set();
function warnOnce(condition, message, element) {
if (condition || warned.has(message))
if (element)
const isFloat = (value) => {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(value));
* `MotionValue` is used to track the state and velocity of motion values.
* @public
class MotionValue {
* @param init - The initiating value
* @param config - Optional configuration options
* - `transformer`: A function to transform incoming values with.
* @internal
constructor(init, options = {}) {
* This will be replaced by the build step with the latest version number.
* When MotionValues are provided to motion components, warn if versions are mixed.
this.version = "10.18.0";
* Duration, in milliseconds, since last updating frame.
* @internal
this.timeDelta = 0;
* Timestamp of the last time this `MotionValue` was updated.
* @internal
this.lastUpdated = 0;
* Tracks whether this value can output a velocity. Currently this is only true
* if the value is numerical, but we might be able to widen the scope here and support
* other value types.
* @internal
this.canTrackVelocity = false;
* An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event.
*/ = {};
this.updateAndNotify = (v, render = true) => {
this.prev = this.current;
this.current = v;
// Update timestamp
const { delta, timestamp } = frameData;
if (this.lastUpdated !== timestamp) {
this.timeDelta = delta;
this.lastUpdated = timestamp;
// Update update subscribers
if (this.prev !== this.current && {;
// Update velocity subscribers
if ( {;
// Update render subscribers
if (render && {;
* Schedule a velocity check for the next frame.
* This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new
* function once per frame.
* @internal
this.scheduleVelocityCheck = () => frame.postRender(this.velocityCheck);
* Updates `prev` with `current` if the value hasn't been updated this frame.
* This ensures velocity calculations return `0`.
* This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new
* function once per frame.
* @internal
this.velocityCheck = ({ timestamp }) => {
if (timestamp !== this.lastUpdated) {
this.prev = this.current;
if ( {;
this.hasAnimated = false;
this.prev = this.current = init;
this.canTrackVelocity = isFloat(this.current);
this.owner = options.owner;
* Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` is updated.
* It returns a function that, when called, will cancel the subscription.
* When calling `onChange` inside a React component, it should be wrapped with the
* `useEffect` hook. As it returns an unsubscribe function, this should be returned
* from the `useEffect` function to ensure you don't add duplicate subscribers..
* ```jsx
* export const MyComponent = () => {
* const x = useMotionValue(0)
* const y = useMotionValue(0)
* const opacity = useMotionValue(1)
* useEffect(() => {
* function updateOpacity() {
* const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get())
* const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0])
* opacity.set(newOpacity)
* }
* const unsubscribeX = x.on("change", updateOpacity)
* const unsubscribeY = y.on("change", updateOpacity)
* return () => {
* unsubscribeX()
* unsubscribeY()
* }
* }, [])
* return <motion.div style={{ x }} />
* }
* ```
* @param subscriber - A function that receives the latest value.
* @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription.
* @deprecated
onChange(subscription) {
warnOnce(false, `value.onChange(callback) is deprecated. Switch to value.on("change", callback).`);
return this.on("change", subscription);
on(eventName, callback) {
if (![eventName]) {[eventName] = new SubscriptionManager();
const unsubscribe =[eventName].add(callback);
if (eventName === "change") {
return () => {
* If we have no more change listeners by the start
* of the next frame, stop active animations.
*/ => {
if (! {
return unsubscribe;
clearListeners() {
for (const eventManagers in {[eventManagers].clear();
* Attaches a passive effect to the `MotionValue`.
* @internal
attach(passiveEffect, stopPassiveEffect) {
this.passiveEffect = passiveEffect;
this.stopPassiveEffect = stopPassiveEffect;
* Sets the state of the `MotionValue`.
* @remarks
* ```jsx
* const x = useMotionValue(0)
* x.set(10)
* ```
* @param latest - Latest value to set.
* @param render - Whether to notify render subscribers. Defaults to `true`
* @public
set(v, render = true) {
if (!render || !this.passiveEffect) {
this.updateAndNotify(v, render);
else {
this.passiveEffect(v, this.updateAndNotify);
setWithVelocity(prev, current, delta) {
this.prev = prev;
this.timeDelta = delta;
* Set the state of the `MotionValue`, stopping any active animations,
* effects, and resets velocity to `0`.
jump(v) {
this.prev = v;
if (this.stopPassiveEffect)
* Returns the latest state of `MotionValue`
* @returns - The latest state of `MotionValue`
* @public
get() {
return this.current;
* @public
getPrevious() {
return this.prev;
* Returns the latest velocity of `MotionValue`
* @returns - The latest velocity of `MotionValue`. Returns `0` if the state is non-numerical.
* @public
getVelocity() {
// This could be isFloat(this.prev) && isFloat(this.current), but that would be wasteful
return this.canTrackVelocity
? // These casts could be avoided if parseFloat would be typed better
velocityPerSecond(parseFloat(this.current) -
parseFloat(this.prev), this.timeDelta)
: 0;
* Registers a new animation to control this `MotionValue`. Only one
* animation can drive a `MotionValue` at one time.
* ```jsx
* value.start()
* ```
* @param animation - A function that starts the provided animation
* @internal
start(startAnimation) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.hasAnimated = true;
this.animation = startAnimation(resolve);
if ( {;
}).then(() => {
if ( {;
* Stop the currently active animation.
* @public
stop() {
if (this.animation) {
if ( {;
* Returns `true` if this value is currently animating.
* @public
isAnimating() {
return !!this.animation;
clearAnimation() {
delete this.animation;
* Destroy and clean up subscribers to this `MotionValue`.
* The `MotionValue` hooks like `useMotionValue` and `useTransform` automatically
* handle the lifecycle of the returned `MotionValue`, so this method is only necessary if you've manually
* created a `MotionValue` via the `motionValue` function.
* @public
destroy() {
if (this.stopPassiveEffect) {
function motionValue(init, options) {
return new MotionValue(init, options);
let warning = noop;
let invariant = noop;
warning = (check, message) => {
if (!check && typeof console !== "undefined") {
invariant = (check, message) => {
if (!check) {
throw new Error(message);
const visualElementStore = new WeakMap();
function memo(callback) {
let result;
return () => {
if (result === undefined)
result = callback();
return result;
* Generate a list of every possible transform key.
const transformPropOrder = [
* A quick lookup for transform props.
const transformProps = new Set(transformPropOrder);
* Converts seconds to milliseconds
* @param seconds - Time in seconds.
* @return milliseconds - Converted time in milliseconds.
const secondsToMilliseconds = (seconds) => seconds * 1000;
const millisecondsToSeconds = (milliseconds) => milliseconds / 1000;
const instantAnimationState = {
current: false,
const isBezierDefinition = (easing) => Array.isArray(easing) && typeof easing[0] === "number";
function isWaapiSupportedEasing(easing) {
return Boolean(!easing ||
(typeof easing === "string" && supportedWaapiEasing[easing]) ||
isBezierDefinition(easing) ||
(Array.isArray(easing) && easing.every(isWaapiSupportedEasing)));
const cubicBezierAsString = ([a, b, c, d]) => `cubic-bezier(${a}, ${b}, ${c}, ${d})`;
const supportedWaapiEasing = {
linear: "linear",
ease: "ease",
easeIn: "ease-in",
easeOut: "ease-out",
easeInOut: "ease-in-out",
circIn: cubicBezierAsString([0, 0.65, 0.55, 1]),
circOut: cubicBezierAsString([0.55, 0, 1, 0.45]),
backIn: cubicBezierAsString([0.31, 0.01, 0.66, -0.59]),
backOut: cubicBezierAsString([0.33, 1.53, 0.69, 0.99]),
function mapEasingToNativeEasing(easing) {
if (!easing)
return undefined;
return isBezierDefinition(easing)
? cubicBezierAsString(easing)
: Array.isArray(easing)
: supportedWaapiEasing[easing];
function animateStyle(element, valueName, keyframes, { delay = 0, duration, repeat = 0, repeatType = "loop", ease, times, } = {}) {
const keyframeOptions = { [valueName]: keyframes };
if (times)
keyframeOptions.offset = times;
const easing = mapEasingToNativeEasing(ease);
* If this is an easing array, apply to keyframes, not animation as a whole
if (Array.isArray(easing))
keyframeOptions.easing = easing;
return element.animate(keyframeOptions, {
easing: !Array.isArray(easing) ? easing : "linear",
fill: "both",
iterations: repeat + 1,
direction: repeatType === "reverse" ? "alternate" : "normal",
function getFinalKeyframe(keyframes, { repeat, repeatType = "loop" }) {
const index = repeat && repeatType !== "loop" && repeat % 2 === 1
? 0
: keyframes.length - 1;
return keyframes[index];
Bezier function generator
This has been modified from Gaëtan Renaudeau's BezierEasing
I've removed the newtonRaphsonIterate algo because in benchmarking it
wasn't noticiably faster than binarySubdivision, indeed removing it
usually improved times, depending on the curve.
I also removed the lookup table, as for the added bundle size and loop we're
only cutting ~4 or so subdivision iterations. I bumped the max iterations up
to 12 to compensate and this still tended to be faster for no perceivable
loss in accuracy.
const easeOut = cubicBezier(.17,.67,.83,.67);
const x = easeOut(0.5); // returns 0.627...
// Returns x(t) given t, x1, and x2, or y(t) given t, y1, and y2.
const calcBezier = (t, a1, a2) => (((1.0 - 3.0 * a2 + 3.0 * a1) * t + (3.0 * a2 - 6.0 * a1)) * t + 3.0 * a1) *
const subdivisionPrecision = 0.0000001;
const subdivisionMaxIterations = 12;
function binarySubdivide(x, lowerBound, upperBound, mX1, mX2) {
let currentX;
let currentT;
let i = 0;
do {
currentT = lowerBound + (upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0;
currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - x;
if (currentX > 0.0) {
upperBound = currentT;
else {
lowerBound = currentT;
} while (Math.abs(currentX) > subdivisionPrecision &&
++i < subdivisionMaxIterations);
return currentT;
function cubicBezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
// If this is a linear gradient, return linear easing
if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2)
return noop;
const getTForX = (aX) => binarySubdivide(aX, 0, 1, mX1, mX2);
// If animation is at start/end, return t without easing
return (t) => t === 0 || t === 1 ? t : calcBezier(getTForX(t), mY1, mY2);
const easeIn = cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1);
const easeOut = cubicBezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1);
const easeInOut = cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1);
const isEasingArray = (ease) => {
return Array.isArray(ease) && typeof ease[0] !== "number";
const backOut = cubicBezier(0.33, 1.53, 0.69, 0.99);
const backIn = reverseEasing(backOut);
const backInOut = mirrorEasing(backIn);
const anticipate = (p) => (p *= 2) < 1 ? 0.5 * backIn(p) : 0.5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * (p - 1)));
const easingLookup = {
linear: noop,
const easingDefinitionToFunction = (definition) => {
if (Array.isArray(definition)) {
// If cubic bezier definition, create bezier curve
invariant(definition.length === 4, `Cubic bezier arrays must contain four numerical values.`);
const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = definition;
return cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2);
else if (typeof definition === "string") {
// Else lookup from table
invariant(easingLookup[definition] !== undefined, `Invalid easing type '${definition}'`);
return easingLookup[definition];
return definition;
const clamp = (min, max, v) => Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max);
const number = {
test: (v) => typeof v === "number",
parse: parseFloat,
transform: (v) => v,
const alpha = {
transform: (v) => clamp(0, 1, v),
const scale = {
default: 1,
* Returns true if the provided string is a color, ie rgba(0,0,0,0) or #000,
* but false if a number or multiple colors
const isColorString = (type, testProp) => (v) => {
return Boolean((isString(v) && singleColorRegex.test(v) && v.startsWith(type)) ||
(testProp &&, testProp)));
const splitColor = (aName, bName, cName) => (v) => {
if (!isString(v))
return v;
const [a, b, c, alpha] = v.match(floatRegex);
return {
[aName]: parseFloat(a),
[bName]: parseFloat(b),
[cName]: parseFloat(c),
alpha: alpha !== undefined ? parseFloat(alpha) : 1,
const clampRgbUnit = (v) => clamp(0, 255, v);
const rgbUnit = {
transform: (v) => Math.round(clampRgbUnit(v)),
const rgba = {
test: isColorString("rgb", "red"),
parse: splitColor("red", "green", "blue"),
transform: ({ red, green, blue, alpha: alpha$1 = 1 }) => "rgba(" +
rgbUnit.transform(red) +
", " +
rgbUnit.transform(green) +
", " +
rgbUnit.transform(blue) +
", " +
sanitize(alpha.transform(alpha$1)) +
function parseHex(v) {
let r = "";
let g = "";
let b = "";
let a = "";
// If we have 6 characters, ie #FF0000
if (v.length > 5) {
r = v.substring(1, 3);
g = v.substring(3, 5);
b = v.substring(5, 7);
a = v.substring(7, 9);
// Or we have 3 characters, ie #F00
else {
r = v.substring(1, 2);
g = v.substring(2, 3);
b = v.substring(3, 4);
a = v.substring(4, 5);
r += r;
g += g;
b += b;
a += a;
return {
red: parseInt(r, 16),
green: parseInt(g, 16),
blue: parseInt(b, 16),
alpha: a ? parseInt(a, 16) / 255 : 1,
const hex = {
test: isColorString("#"),
parse: parseHex,
transform: rgba.transform,
const hsla = {
test: isColorString("hsl", "hue"),
parse: splitColor("hue", "saturation", "lightness"),
transform: ({ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: alpha$1 = 1 }) => {
return ("hsla(" +
Math.round(hue) +
", " +
percent.transform(sanitize(saturation)) +
", " +
percent.transform(sanitize(lightness)) +
", " +
sanitize(alpha.transform(alpha$1)) +
const color = {
test: (v) => rgba.test(v) || hex.test(v) || hsla.test(v),
parse: (v) => {
if (rgba.test(v)) {
return rgba.parse(v);
else if (hsla.test(v)) {
return hsla.parse(v);
else {
return hex.parse(v);
transform: (v) => {
return isString(v)
? v
: v.hasOwnProperty("red")
? rgba.transform(v)
: hsla.transform(v);
// Adapted from
function hueToRgb(p, q, t) {
if (t < 0)
t += 1;
if (t > 1)
t -= 1;
if (t < 1 / 6)
return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t < 1 / 2)
return q;
if (t < 2 / 3)
return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
function hslaToRgba({ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha }) {
hue /= 360;
saturation /= 100;
lightness /= 100;
let red = 0;
let green = 0;
let blue = 0;
if (!saturation) {
red = green = blue = lightness;
else {
const q = lightness < 0.5
? lightness * (1 + saturation)
: lightness + saturation - lightness * saturation;
const p = 2 * lightness - q;
red = hueToRgb(p, q, hue + 1 / 3);
green = hueToRgb(p, q, hue);
blue = hueToRgb(p, q, hue - 1 / 3);
return {
red: Math.round(red * 255),
green: Math.round(green * 255),
blue: Math.round(blue * 255),
// Linear color space blending
// Explained
// Demonstrated
const mixLinearColor = (from, to, v) => {
const fromExpo = from * from;
return Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, v * (to * to - fromExpo) + fromExpo));
const colorTypes = [hex, rgba, hsla];
const getColorType = (v) => colorTypes.find((type) => type.test(v));
function asRGBA(color) {
const type = getColorType(color);
invariant(Boolean(type), `'${color}' is not an animatable color. Use the equivalent color code instead.`);
let model = type.parse(color);
if (type === hsla) {
// TODO Remove this cast - needed since Framer Motion's stricter typing
model = hslaToRgba(model);
return model;
const mixColor = (from, to) => {
const fromRGBA = asRGBA(from);
const toRGBA = asRGBA(to);
const blended = { ...fromRGBA };
return (v) => { = mixLinearColor(,, v); = mixLinearColor(,, v); = mixLinearColor(,, v);
blended.alpha = mix(fromRGBA.alpha, toRGBA.alpha, v);
return rgba.transform(blended);
* Pipe
* Compose other transformers to run linearily
* pipe(min(20), max(40))
* @param {...functions} transformers
* @return {function}
const combineFunctions = (a, b) => (v) => b(a(v));
const pipe = (...transformers) => transformers.reduce(combineFunctions);
const checkStringStartsWith = (token) => (key) => typeof key === "string" && key.startsWith(token);
const isCSSVariableName = checkStringStartsWith("--");
const isCSSVariableToken = checkStringStartsWith("var(--");
const cssVariableRegex = /var\s*\(\s*--[\w-]+(\s*,\s*(?:(?:[^)(]|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)+)?\s*\)/g;
function test(v) {
var _a, _b;
return (isNaN(v) &&
isString(v) &&
(((_a = v.match(floatRegex)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || 0) +
(((_b = v.match(colorRegex)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) || 0) >
const cssVarTokeniser = {
regex: cssVariableRegex,
countKey: "Vars",
token: "${v}",
parse: noop,
const colorTokeniser = {
regex: colorRegex,
countKey: "Colors",
token: "${c}",
parse: color.parse,
const numberTokeniser = {
regex: floatRegex,
countKey: "Numbers",
token: "${n}",
parse: number.parse,
function tokenise(info, { regex, countKey, token, parse }) {
const matches = info.tokenised.match(regex);
if (!matches)
info["num" + countKey] = matches.length;
info.tokenised = info.tokenised.replace(regex, token);
function analyseComplexValue(value) {
const originalValue = value.toString();
const info = {
value: originalValue,
tokenised: originalValue,
values: [],
numVars: 0,
numColors: 0,
numNumbers: 0,
if (info.value.includes("var(--"))
tokenise(info, cssVarTokeniser);
tokenise(info, colorTokeniser);
tokenise(info, numberTokeniser);
return info;
function parseComplexValue(v) {
return analyseComplexValue(v).values;
function createTransformer(source) {
const { values, numColors, numVars, tokenised } = analyseComplexValue(source);
const numValues = values.length;
return (v) => {
let output = tokenised;
for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
if (i < numVars) {
output = output.replace(cssVarTokeniser.token, v[i]);
else if (i < numVars + numColors) {
output = output.replace(colorTokeniser.token, color.transform(v[i]));
else {
output = output.replace(numberTokeniser.token, sanitize(v[i]));
return output;
const convertNumbersToZero = (v) => typeof v === "number" ? 0 : v;
function getAnimatableNone$1(v) {
const parsed = parseComplexValue(v);
const transformer = createTransformer(v);
return transformer(;
const complex = {
parse: parseComplexValue,
getAnimatableNone: getAnimatableNone$1,
const mixImmediate = (origin, target) => (p) => `${p > 0 ? target : origin}`;
function getMixer(origin, target) {
if (typeof origin === "number") {
return (v) => mix(origin, target, v);
else if (color.test(origin)) {
return mixColor(origin, target);
else {
return origin.startsWith("var(")
? mixImmediate(origin, target)
: mixComplex(origin, target);
const mixArray = (from, to) => {
const output = [...from];
const numValues = output.length;
const blendValue =, i) => getMixer(fromThis, to[i]));
return (v) => {
for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
output[i] = blendValue[i](v);
return output;
const mixObject = (origin, target) => {
const output = { ...origin, };
const blendValue = {};
for (const key in output) {
if (origin[key] !== undefined && target[key] !== undefined) {
blendValue[key] = getMixer(origin[key], target[key]);
return (v) => {
for (const key in blendValue) {
output[key] = blendValue[key](v);
return output;
const mixComplex = (origin, target) => {
const template = complex.createTransformer(target);
const originStats = analyseComplexValue(origin);
const targetStats = analyseComplexValue(target);
const canInterpolate = originStats.numVars === targetStats.numVars &&
originStats.numColors === targetStats.numColors &&
originStats.numNumbers >= targetStats.numNumbers;
if (canInterpolate) {
return pipe(mixArray(originStats.values, targetStats.values), template);
else {
warning(true, `Complex values '${origin}' and '${target}' too different to mix. Ensure all colors are of the same type, and that each contains the same quantity of number and color values. Falling back to instant transition.`);
return mixImmediate(origin, target);
const mixNumber = (from, to) => (p) => mix(from, to, p);
function detectMixerFactory(v) {
if (typeof v === "number") {
return mixNumber;
else if (typeof v === "string") {
return color.test(v) ? mixColor : mixComplex;
else if (Array.isArray(v)) {
return mixArray;
else if (typeof v === "object") {
return mixObject;
return mixNumber;
function createMixers(output, ease, customMixer) {
const mixers = [];
const mixerFactory = customMixer || detectMixerFactory(output[0]);
const numMixers = output.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < numMixers; i++) {
let mixer = mixerFactory(output[i], output[i + 1]);
if (ease) {
const easingFunction = Array.isArray(ease) ? ease[i] || noop : ease;
mixer = pipe(easingFunction, mixer);
return mixers;
* Create a function that maps from a numerical input array to a generic output array.
* Accepts:
* - Numbers
* - Colors (hex, hsl, hsla, rgb, rgba)
* - Complex (combinations of one or more numbers or strings)
* ```jsx
* const mixColor = interpolate([0, 1], ['#fff', '#000'])
* mixColor(0.5) // 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)'
* ```
* TODO Revist this approach once we've moved to data models for values,
* probably not needed to pregenerate mixer functions.
* @public
function interpolate(input, output, { clamp: isClamp = true, ease, mixer } = {}) {
const inputLength = input.length;
invariant(inputLength === output.length, "Both input and output ranges must be the same length");
* If we're only provided a single input, we can just make a function
* that returns the output.
if (inputLength === 1)
return () => output[0];
// If input runs highest -> lowest, reverse both arrays
if (input[0] > input[inputLength - 1]) {
input = [...input].reverse();
output = [...output].reverse();
const mixers = createMixers(output, ease, mixer);
const numMixers = mixers.length;
const interpolator = (v) => {
let i = 0;
if (numMixers > 1) {
for (; i < input.length - 2; i++) {
if (v < input[i + 1])
const progressInRange = progress(input[i], input[i + 1], v);
return mixers[i](progressInRange);
return isClamp
? (v) => interpolator(clamp(input[0], input[inputLength - 1], v))
: interpolator;
function fillOffset(offset, remaining) {
const min = offset[offset.length - 1];
for (let i = 1; i <= remaining; i++) {
const offsetProgress = progress(0, remaining, i);
offset.push(mix(min, 1, offsetProgress));
function defaultOffset(arr) {
const offset = [0];
fillOffset(offset, arr.length - 1);
return offset;
function convertOffsetToTimes(offset, duration) {
return => o * duration);
function defaultEasing(values, easing) {
return => easing || easeInOut).splice(0, values.length - 1);
function keyframes({ duration = 300, keyframes: keyframeValues, times, ease = "easeInOut", }) {
* Easing functions can be externally defined as strings. Here we convert them
* into actual functions.
const easingFunctions = isEasingArray(ease)
: easingDefinitionToFunction(ease);
* This is the Iterator-spec return value. We ensure it's mutable rather than using a generator
* to reduce GC during animation.
const state = {
done: false,
value: keyframeValues[0],
* Create a times array based on the provided 0-1 offsets
const absoluteTimes = convertOffsetToTimes(
// Only use the provided offsets if they're the correct length
// TODO Maybe we should warn here if there's a length mismatch
times && times.length === keyframeValues.length
? times
: defaultOffset(keyframeValues), duration);
const mapTimeToKeyframe = interpolate(absoluteTimes, keyframeValues, {
ease: Array.isArray(easingFunctions)
? easingFunctions
: defaultEasing(keyframeValues, easingFunctions),
return {
calculatedDuration: duration,
next: (t) => {
state.value = mapTimeToKeyframe(t);
state.done = t >= duration;
return state;
const velocitySampleDuration = 5; // ms
function calcGeneratorVelocity(resolveValue, t, current) {
const prevT = Math.max(t - velocitySampleDuration, 0);
return velocityPerSecond(current - resolveValue(prevT), t - prevT);
const safeMin = 0.001;
const minDuration = 0.01;
const maxDuration$1 = 10.0;
const minDamping = 0.05;
const maxDamping = 1;
function findSpring({ duration = 800, bounce = 0.25, velocity = 0, mass = 1, }) {
let envelope;
let derivative;
warning(duration <= secondsToMilliseconds(maxDuration$1), "Spring duration must be 10 seconds or less");
let dampingRatio = 1 - bounce;
* Restrict dampingRatio and duration to within acceptable ranges.
dampingRatio = clamp(minDamping, maxDamping, dampingRatio);
duration = clamp(minDuration, maxDuration$1, millisecondsToSeconds(duration));
if (dampingRatio < 1) {
* Underdamped spring
envelope = (undampedFreq) => {
const exponentialDecay = undampedFreq * dampingRatio;
const delta = exponentialDecay * duration;
const a = exponentialDecay - velocity;
const b = calcAngularFreq(undampedFreq, dampingRatio);
const c = Math.exp(-delta);
return safeMin - (a / b) * c;
derivative = (undampedFreq) => {
const exponentialDecay = undampedFreq * dampingRatio;
const delta = exponentialDecay * duration;
const d = delta * velocity + velocity;
const e = Math.pow(dampingRatio, 2) * Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2) * duration;
const f = Math.exp(-delta);
const g = calcAngularFreq(Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2), dampingRatio);
const factor = -envelope(undampedFreq) + safeMin > 0 ? -1 : 1;
return (factor * ((d - e) * f)) / g;
else {
* Critically-damped spring
envelope = (undampedFreq) => {
const a = Math.exp(-undampedFreq * duration);
const b = (undampedFreq - velocity) * duration + 1;
return -safeMin + a * b;
derivative = (undampedFreq) => {
const a = Math.exp(-undampedFreq * duration);
const b = (velocity - undampedFreq) * (duration * duration);
return a * b;
const initialGuess = 5 / duration;
const undampedFreq = approximateRoot(envelope, derivative, initialGuess);
duration = secondsToMilliseconds(duration);
if (isNaN(undampedFreq)) {
return {
stiffness: 100,
damping: 10,
else {
const stiffness = Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2) * mass;
return {
damping: dampingRatio * 2 * Math.sqrt(mass * stiffness),
const rootIterations = 12;
function approximateRoot(envelope, derivative, initialGuess) {
let result = initialGuess;
for (let i = 1; i < rootIterations; i++) {
result = result - envelope(result) / derivative(result);
return result;
function calcAngularFreq(undampedFreq, dampingRatio) {
return undampedFreq * Math.sqrt(1 - dampingRatio * dampingRatio);
const durationKeys = ["duration", "bounce"];
const physicsKeys = ["stiffness", "damping", "mass"];
function isSpringType(options, keys) {
return keys.some((key) => options[key] !== undefined);
function getSpringOptions(options) {
let springOptions = {
velocity: 0.0,
stiffness: 100,
damping: 10,
mass: 1.0,
isResolvedFromDuration: false,
// stiffness/damping/mass overrides duration/bounce
if (!isSpringType(options, physicsKeys) &&
isSpringType(options, durationKeys)) {
const derived = findSpring(options);
springOptions = {
mass: 1.0,
springOptions.isResolvedFromDuration = true;
return springOptions;
function spring({ keyframes, restDelta, restSpeed, ...options }) {
const origin = keyframes[0];
const target = keyframes[keyframes.length - 1];
* This is the Iterator-spec return value. We ensure it's mutable rather than using a generator
* to reduce GC during animation.
const state = { done: false, value: origin };
const { stiffness, damping, mass, duration, velocity, isResolvedFromDuration, } = getSpringOptions({
velocity: -millisecondsToSeconds(options.velocity || 0),
const initialVelocity = velocity || 0.0;
const dampingRatio = damping / (2 * Math.sqrt(stiffness * mass));
const initialDelta = target - origin;
const undampedAngularFreq = millisecondsToSeconds(Math.sqrt(stiffness / mass));
* If we're working on a granular scale, use smaller defaults for determining
* when the spring is finished.
* These defaults have been selected emprically based on what strikes a good
* ratio between feeling good and finishing as soon as changes are imperceptible.
const isGranularScale = Math.abs(initialDelta) < 5;
restSpeed || (restSpeed = isGranularScale ? 0.01 : 2);
restDelta || (restDelta = isGranularScale ? 0.005 : 0.5);
let resolveSpring;
if (dampingRatio < 1) {
const angularFreq = calcAngularFreq(undampedAngularFreq, dampingRatio);
// Underdamped spring
resolveSpring = (t) => {
const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t);
return (target -
envelope *
(((initialVelocity +
dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) /
angularFreq) *
Math.sin(angularFreq * t) +
initialDelta * Math.cos(angularFreq * t)));
else if (dampingRatio === 1) {
// Critically damped spring
resolveSpring = (t) => target -
Math.exp(-undampedAngularFreq * t) *
(initialDelta +
(initialVelocity + undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) * t);
else {
// Overdamped spring
const dampedAngularFreq = undampedAngularFreq * Math.sqrt(dampingRatio * dampingRatio - 1);
resolveSpring = (t) => {
const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t);
// When performing sinh or cosh values can hit Infinity so we cap them here
const freqForT = Math.min(dampedAngularFreq * t, 300);
return (target -
(envelope *
((initialVelocity +
dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) *
Math.sinh(freqForT) +
dampedAngularFreq *
initialDelta *
Math.cosh(freqForT))) /
return {
calculatedDuration: isResolvedFromDuration ? duration || null : null,
next: (t) => {
const current = resolveSpring(t);
if (!isResolvedFromDuration) {
let currentVelocity = initialVelocity;
if (t !== 0) {
* We only need to calculate velocity for under-damped springs
* as over- and critically-damped springs can't overshoot, so
* checking only for displacement is enough.
if (dampingRatio < 1) {
currentVelocity = calcGeneratorVelocity(resolveSpring, t, current);
else {
currentVelocity = 0;
const isBelowVelocityThreshold = Math.abs(currentVelocity) <= restSpeed;
const isBelowDisplacementThreshold = Math.abs(target - current) <= restDelta;
state.done =
isBelowVelocityThreshold && isBelowDisplacementThreshold;
else {
state.done = t >= duration;
state.value = state.done ? target : current;
return state;
function inertia({ keyframes, velocity = 0.0, power = 0.8, timeConstant = 325, bounceDamping = 10, bounceStiffness = 500, modifyTarget, min, max, restDelta = 0.5, restSpeed, }) {
const origin = keyframes[0];
const state = {
done: false,
value: origin,
const isOutOfBounds = (v) => (min !== undefined && v < min) || (max !== undefined && v > max);
const nearestBoundary = (v) => {
if (min === undefined)
return max;
if (max === undefined)
return min;
return Math.abs(min - v) < Math.abs(max - v) ? min : max;
let amplitude = power * velocity;
const ideal = origin + amplitude;
const target = modifyTarget === undefined ? ideal : modifyTarget(ideal);
* If the target has changed we need to re-calculate the amplitude, otherwise
* the animation will start from the wrong position.
if (target !== ideal)
amplitude = target - origin;
const calcDelta = (t) => -amplitude * Math.exp(-t / timeConstant);
const calcLatest = (t) => target + calcDelta(t);
const applyFriction = (t) => {
const delta = calcDelta(t);
const latest = calcLatest(t);
state.done = Math.abs(delta) <= restDelta;
state.value = state.done ? target : latest;
* Ideally this would resolve for t in a stateless way, we could
* do that by always precalculating the animation but as we know
* this will be done anyway we can assume that spring will
* be discovered during that.
let timeReachedBoundary;
let spring$1;
const checkCatchBoundary = (t) => {
if (!isOutOfBounds(state.value))
timeReachedBoundary = t;
spring$1 = spring({
keyframes: [state.value, nearestBoundary(state.value)],
velocity: calcGeneratorVelocity(calcLatest, t, state.value),
damping: bounceDamping,
stiffness: bounceStiffness,
return {
calculatedDuration: null,
next: (t) => {
* We need to resolve the friction to figure out if we need a
* spring but we don't want to do this twice per frame. So here
* we flag if we updated for this frame and later if we did
* we can skip doing it again.
let hasUpdatedFrame = false;
if (!spring$1 && timeReachedBoundary === undefined) {
hasUpdatedFrame = true;
* If we have a spring and the provided t is beyond the moment the friction
* animation crossed the min/max boundary, use the spring.
if (timeReachedBoundary !== undefined && t > timeReachedBoundary) {
return spring$ - timeReachedBoundary);
else {
!hasUpdatedFrame && applyFriction(t);
return state;
const frameloopDriver = (update) => {
const passTimestamp = ({ timestamp }) => update(timestamp);
return {
start: () => frame.update(passTimestamp, true),
stop: () => cancelFrame(passTimestamp),
* If we're processing this frame we can use the
* framelocked timestamp to keep things in sync.
now: () => frameData.isProcessing ? frameData.timestamp :,
* Implement a practical max duration for keyframe generation
* to prevent infinite loops
const maxGeneratorDuration = 20000;
function calcGeneratorDuration(generator) {
let duration = 0;
const timeStep = 50;
let state =;
while (!state.done && duration < maxGeneratorDuration) {
duration += timeStep;
state =;
return duration >= maxGeneratorDuration ? Infinity : duration;
const types = {
decay: inertia,
tween: keyframes,
keyframes: keyframes,
* Animate a single value on the main thread.
* This function is written, where functionality overlaps,
* to be largely spec-compliant with WAAPI to allow fungibility
* between the two.
function animateValue({ autoplay = true, delay = 0, driver = frameloopDriver, keyframes: keyframes$1, type = "keyframes", repeat = 0, repeatDelay = 0, repeatType = "loop", onPlay, onStop, onComplete, onUpdate, ...options }) {
let speed = 1;
let hasStopped = false;
let resolveFinishedPromise;
let currentFinishedPromise;
* Resolve the current Promise every time we enter the
* finished state. This is WAAPI-compatible behaviour.
const updateFinishedPromise = () => {
currentFinishedPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
resolveFinishedPromise = resolve;
// Create the first finished promise
let animationDriver;
const generatorFactory = types[type] || keyframes;
* If this isn't the keyframes generator and we've been provided
* strings as keyframes, we need to interpolate these.
let mapNumbersToKeyframes;
if (generatorFactory !== keyframes &&
typeof keyframes$1[0] !== "number") {
invariant(keyframes$1.length === 2, `Only two keyframes currently supported with spring and inertia animations. Trying to animate ${keyframes$1}`);
mapNumbersToKeyframes = interpolate([0, 100], keyframes$1, {
clamp: false,
keyframes$1 = [0, 100];
const generator = generatorFactory({ ...options, keyframes: keyframes$1 });
let mirroredGenerator;
if (repeatType === "mirror") {
mirroredGenerator = generatorFactory({
keyframes: [...keyframes$1].reverse(),
velocity: -(options.velocity || 0),
let playState = "idle";
let holdTime = null;
let startTime = null;
let cancelTime = null;
* If duration is undefined and we have repeat options,
* we need to calculate a duration from the generator.
* We set it to the generator itself to cache the duration.
* Any timeline resolver will need to have already precalculated
* the duration by this step.
if (generator.calculatedDuration === null && repeat) {
generator.calculatedDuration = calcGeneratorDuration(generator);
const { calculatedDuration } = generator;
let resolvedDuration = Infinity;
let totalDuration = Infinity;
if (calculatedDuration !== null) {
resolvedDuration = calculatedDuration + repeatDelay;
totalDuration = resolvedDuration * (repeat + 1) - repeatDelay;
let currentTime = 0;
const tick = (timestamp) => {
if (startTime === null)
* requestAnimationFrame timestamps can come through as lower than
* the startTime as set by Here we prevent this,
* though in the future it could be possible to make setting startTime
* a pending operation that gets resolved here.
if (speed > 0)
startTime = Math.min(startTime, timestamp);
if (speed < 0)
startTime = Math.min(timestamp - totalDuration / speed, startTime);
if (holdTime !== null) {
currentTime = holdTime;
else {
// Rounding the time because floating point arithmetic is not always accurate, e.g. 3000.367 - 1000.367 =
// 2000.0000000000002. This is a problem when we are comparing the currentTime with the duration, for
// example.
currentTime = Math.round(timestamp - startTime) * speed;
// Rebase on delay
const timeWithoutDelay = currentTime - delay * (speed >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
const isInDelayPhase = speed >= 0 ? timeWithoutDelay < 0 : timeWithoutDelay > totalDuration;
currentTime = Math.max(timeWithoutDelay, 0);
* If this animation has finished, set the current time
* to the total duration.
if (playState === "finished" && holdTime === null) {
currentTime = totalDuration;
let elapsed = currentTime;
let frameGenerator = generator;
if (repeat) {
* Get the current progress (0-1) of the animation. If t is >
* than duration we'll get values like 2.5 (midway through the
* third iteration)
const progress = Math.min(currentTime, totalDuration) / resolvedDuration;
* Get the current iteration (0 indexed). For instance the floor of
* 2.5 is 2.
let currentIteration = Math.floor(progress);
* Get the current progress of the iteration by taking the remainder
* so 2.5 is 0.5 through iteration 2
let iterationProgress = progress % 1.0;
* If iteration progress is 1 we count that as the end
* of the previous iteration.
if (!iterationProgress && progress >= 1) {
iterationProgress = 1;
iterationProgress === 1 && currentIteration--;
currentIteration = Math.min(currentIteration, repeat + 1);
* Reverse progress if we're not running in "normal" direction
const isOddIteration = Boolean(currentIteration % 2);
if (isOddIteration) {
if (repeatType === "reverse") {
iterationProgress = 1 - iterationProgress;
if (repeatDelay) {
iterationProgress -= repeatDelay / resolvedDuration;
else if (repeatType === "mirror") {
frameGenerator = mirroredGenerator;
elapsed = clamp(0, 1, iterationProgress) * resolvedDuration;
* If we're in negative time, set state as the initial keyframe.
* This prevents delay: x, duration: 0 animations from finishing
* instantly.
const state = isInDelayPhase
? { done: false, value: keyframes$1[0] }
if (mapNumbersToKeyframes) {
state.value = mapNumbersToKeyframes(state.value);
let { done } = state;
if (!isInDelayPhase && calculatedDuration !== null) {
done = speed >= 0 ? currentTime >= totalDuration : currentTime <= 0;
const isAnimationFinished = holdTime === null &&
(playState === "finished" || (playState === "running" && done));
if (onUpdate) {
if (isAnimationFinished) {
return state;
const stopAnimationDriver = () => {
animationDriver && animationDriver.stop();
animationDriver = undefined;
const cancel = () => {
playState = "idle";
startTime = cancelTime = null;
const finish = () => {
playState = "finished";
onComplete && onComplete();
const play = () => {
if (hasStopped)
if (!animationDriver)
animationDriver = driver(tick);
const now =;
onPlay && onPlay();
if (holdTime !== null) {
startTime = now - holdTime;
else if (!startTime || playState === "finished") {
startTime = now;
if (playState === "finished") {
cancelTime = startTime;
holdTime = null;
* Set playState to running only after we've used it in
* the previous logic.
playState = "running";
if (autoplay) {
const controls = {
then(resolve, reject) {
return currentFinishedPromise.then(resolve, reject);
get time() {
return millisecondsToSeconds(currentTime);
set time(newTime) {
newTime = secondsToMilliseconds(newTime);
currentTime = newTime;
if (holdTime !== null || !animationDriver || speed === 0) {
holdTime = newTime;
else {
startTime = - newTime / speed;
get duration() {
const duration = generator.calculatedDuration === null
? calcGeneratorDuration(generator)
: generator.calculatedDuration;
return millisecondsToSeconds(duration);
get speed() {
return speed;
set speed(newSpeed) {
if (newSpeed === speed || !animationDriver)
speed = newSpeed;
controls.time = millisecondsToSeconds(currentTime);
get state() {
return playState;
pause: () => {
playState = "paused";
holdTime = currentTime;
stop: () => {
hasStopped = true;
if (playState === "idle")
playState = "idle";
onStop && onStop();
cancel: () => {
if (cancelTime !== null)
complete: () => {
playState = "finished";
sample: (elapsed) => {
startTime = 0;
return tick(elapsed);
return controls;
const supportsWaapi = memo(() =>, "animate"));
* A list of values that can be hardware-accelerated.
const acceleratedValues = new Set([
* 10ms is chosen here as it strikes a balance between smooth
* results (more than one keyframe per frame at 60fps) and
* keyframe quantity.
const sampleDelta = 10; //ms
* Implement a practical max duration for keyframe generation
* to prevent infinite loops
const maxDuration = 20000;
const requiresPregeneratedKeyframes = (valueName, options) => options.type === "spring" ||
valueName === "backgroundColor" ||
function createAcceleratedAnimation(value, valueName, { onUpdate, onComplete, ...options }) {
const canAccelerateAnimation = supportsWaapi() &&
acceleratedValues.has(valueName) &&
!options.repeatDelay &&
options.repeatType !== "mirror" &&
options.damping !== 0 &&
options.type !== "inertia";
if (!canAccelerateAnimation)
return false;
* TODO: Unify with js/index
let hasStopped = false;
let resolveFinishedPromise;
let currentFinishedPromise;
* Cancelling an animation will write to the DOM. For safety we want to defer
* this until the next `update` frame lifecycle. This flag tracks whether we
* have a pending cancel, if so we shouldn't allow animations to finish.
let pendingCancel = false;
* Resolve the current Promise every time we enter the
* finished state. This is WAAPI-compatible behaviour.
const updateFinishedPromise = () => {
currentFinishedPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
resolveFinishedPromise = resolve;
// Create the first finished promise
let { keyframes, duration = 300, ease, times } = options;
* If this animation needs pre-generated keyframes then generate.
if (requiresPregeneratedKeyframes(valueName, options)) {
const sampleAnimation = animateValue({
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
let state = { done: false, value: keyframes[0] };
const pregeneratedKeyframes = [];
* Bail after 20 seconds of pre-generated keyframes as it's likely
* we're heading for an infinite loop.
let t = 0;
while (!state.done && t < maxDuration) {
state = sampleAnimation.sample(t);
t += sampleDelta;
times = undefined;
keyframes = pregeneratedKeyframes;
duration = t - sampleDelta;
ease = "linear";
const animation = animateStyle(value.owner.current, valueName, keyframes, {
* This function is currently not called if ease is provided
* as a function so the cast is safe.
* However it would be possible for a future refinement to port
* in easing pregeneration from Motion One for browsers that
* support the upcoming `linear()` easing function.
ease: ease,
const cancelAnimation = () => {
pendingCancel = false;
const safeCancel = () => {
pendingCancel = true;
* Prefer the `onfinish` prop as it's more widely supported than
* the `finished` promise.
* Here, we synchronously set the provided MotionValue to the end
* keyframe. If we didn't, when the WAAPI animation is finished it would
* be removed from the element which would then revert to its old styles.
animation.onfinish = () => {
if (pendingCancel)
value.set(getFinalKeyframe(keyframes, options));
onComplete && onComplete();
* Animation interrupt callback.
const controls = {
then(resolve, reject) {
return currentFinishedPromise.then(resolve, reject);
attachTimeline(timeline) {
animation.timeline = timeline;
animation.onfinish = null;
return noop;
get time() {
return millisecondsToSeconds(animation.currentTime || 0);
set time(newTime) {
animation.currentTime = secondsToMilliseconds(newTime);
get speed() {
return animation.playbackRate;
set speed(newSpeed) {
animation.playbackRate = newSpeed;
get duration() {
return millisecondsToSeconds(duration);
play: () => {
if (hasStopped)
* Cancel any pending cancel tasks
pause: () => animation.pause(),
stop: () => {
hasStopped = true;
if (animation.playState === "idle")
* WAAPI doesn't natively have any interruption capabilities.
* Rather than read commited styles back out of the DOM, we can
* create a renderless JS animation and sample it twice to calculate
* its current value, "previous" value, and therefore allow
* Motion to calculate velocity for any subsequent animation.
const { currentTime } = animation;
if (currentTime) {
const sampleAnimation = animateValue({
autoplay: false,
value.setWithVelocity(sampleAnimation.sample(currentTime - sampleDelta).value, sampleAnimation.sample(currentTime).value, sampleDelta);
complete: () => {
if (pendingCancel)
cancel: safeCancel,
return controls;
function createInstantAnimation({ keyframes, delay, onUpdate, onComplete, }) {
const setValue = () => {
onUpdate && onUpdate(keyframes[keyframes.length - 1]);
onComplete && onComplete();
* TODO: As this API grows it could make sense to always return
* animateValue. This will be a bigger project as animateValue
* is frame-locked whereas this function resolves instantly.
* This is a behavioural change and also has ramifications regarding
* assumptions within tests.
return {
time: 0,
speed: 1,
duration: 0,
play: (noop),
pause: (noop),
stop: (noop),
then: (resolve) => {
return Promise.resolve();
cancel: (noop),
complete: (noop),
return delay
? animateValue({
keyframes: [0, 1],
duration: 0,
onComplete: setValue,
: setValue();
const underDampedSpring = {
type: "spring",
stiffness: 500,
damping: 25,
restSpeed: 10,
const criticallyDampedSpring = (target) => ({
type: "spring",
stiffness: 550,
damping: target === 0 ? 2 * Math.sqrt(550) : 30,
restSpeed: 10,
const keyframesTransition = {
type: "keyframes",
duration: 0.8,
* Default easing curve is a slightly shallower version of
* the default browser easing curve.
const ease = {
type: "keyframes",
ease: [0.25, 0.1, 0.35, 1],
duration: 0.3,
const getDefaultTransition = (valueKey, { keyframes }) => {
if (keyframes.length > 2) {
return keyframesTransition;
else if (transformProps.has(valueKey)) {
return valueKey.startsWith("scale")
? criticallyDampedSpring(keyframes[1])
: underDampedSpring;
return ease;
* Check if a value is animatable. Examples:
* ✅: 100, "100px", "#fff"
* ❌: "block", "url(2.jpg)"
* @param value
* @internal
const isAnimatable = (key, value) => {
// If the list of keys tat might be non-animatable grows, replace with Set
if (key === "zIndex")
return false;
// If it's a number or a keyframes array, we can animate it. We might at some point
// need to do a deep isAnimatable check of keyframes, or let Popmotion handle this,
// but for now lets leave it like this for performance reasons
if (typeof value === "number" || Array.isArray(value))
return true;
if (typeof value === "string" && // It's animatable if we have a string
(complex.test(value) || value === "0") && // And it contains numbers and/or colors
!value.startsWith("url(") // Unless it starts with "url("
) {
return true;
return false;
* Properties that should default to 1 or 100%
const maxDefaults = new Set(["brightness", "contrast", "saturate", "opacity"]);
function applyDefaultFilter(v) {
const [name, value] = v.slice(0, -1).split("(");
if (name === "drop-shadow")
return v;
const [number] = value.match(floatRegex) || [];
if (!number)
return v;
const unit = value.replace(number, "");
let defaultValue = maxDefaults.has(name) ? 1 : 0;
if (number !== value)
defaultValue *= 100;
return name + "(" + defaultValue + unit + ")";
const functionRegex = /([a-z-]*)\(.*?\)/g;
const filter = {
getAnimatableNone: (v) => {
const functions = v.match(functionRegex);
return functions ?" ") : v;
const int = {
transform: Math.round,
const numberValueTypes = {
// Border props
borderWidth: px,
borderTopWidth: px,
borderRightWidth: px,
borderBottomWidth: px,
borderLeftWidth: px,
borderRadius: px,
radius: px,
borderTopLeftRadius: px,
borderTopRightRadius: px,
borderBottomRightRadius: px,
borderBottomLeftRadius: px,
// Positioning props
width: px,
maxWidth: px,
height: px,
maxHeight: px,
size: px,
top: px,
right: px,
bottom: px,
left: px,
// Spacing props
padding: px,
paddingTop: px,
paddingRight: px,
paddingBottom: px,
paddingLeft: px,
margin: px,
marginTop: px,
marginRight: px,
marginBottom: px,
marginLeft: px,
// Transform props
rotate: degrees,
rotateX: degrees,
rotateY: degrees,
rotateZ: degrees,
scaleX: scale,
scaleY: scale,
scaleZ: scale,
skew: degrees,
skewX: degrees,
skewY: degrees,
distance: px,
translateX: px,
translateY: px,
translateZ: px,
x: px,
y: px,
z: px,
perspective: px,
transformPerspective: px,
opacity: alpha,
originX: progressPercentage,
originY: progressPercentage,
originZ: px,
// Misc
zIndex: int,
// SVG
fillOpacity: alpha,
strokeOpacity: alpha,
numOctaves: int,
* A map of default value types for common values
const defaultValueTypes = {
// Color props
backgroundColor: color,
outlineColor: color,
fill: color,
stroke: color,
// Border props
borderColor: color,
borderTopColor: color,
borderRightColor: color,
borderBottomColor: color,
borderLeftColor: color,
WebkitFilter: filter,
* Gets the default ValueType for the provided value key
const getDefaultValueType = (key) => defaultValueTypes[key];
function getAnimatableNone(key, value) {
let defaultValueType = getDefaultValueType(key);
if (defaultValueType !== filter)
defaultValueType = complex;
// If value is not recognised as animatable, ie "none", create an animatable version origin based on the target
return defaultValueType.getAnimatableNone
? defaultValueType.getAnimatableNone(value)
: undefined;
* Check if the value is a zero value string like "0px" or "0%"
const isZeroValueString = (v) => /^0[^.\s]+$/.test(v);
function isNone(value) {
if (typeof value === "number") {
return value === 0;
else if (value !== null) {
return value === "none" || value === "0" || isZeroValueString(value);
function getKeyframes(value, valueName, target, transition) {
const isTargetAnimatable = isAnimatable(valueName, target);
let keyframes;
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
keyframes = [];
else {
keyframes = [null, target];
const defaultOrigin = transition.from !== undefined ? transition.from : value.get();
let animatableTemplateValue = undefined;
const noneKeyframeIndexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++) {
* Fill null/wildcard keyframes
if (keyframes[i] === null) {
keyframes[i] = i === 0 ? defaultOrigin : keyframes[i - 1];
if (isNone(keyframes[i])) {
// TODO: Clean this conditional, it works for now
if (typeof keyframes[i] === "string" &&
keyframes[i] !== "none" &&
keyframes[i] !== "0") {
animatableTemplateValue = keyframes[i];
if (isTargetAnimatable &&
noneKeyframeIndexes.length &&
animatableTemplateValue) {
for (let i = 0; i < noneKeyframeIndexes.length; i++) {
const index = noneKeyframeIndexes[i];
keyframes[index] = getAnimatableNone(valueName, animatableTemplateValue);
return keyframes;
const MotionGlobalConfig = {
skipAnimations: false,
const animateMotionValue = (valueName, value, target, transition = {}) => {
return (onComplete) => {
const valueTransition = getValueTransition(transition, valueName) || {};
* Most transition values are currently completely overwritten by value-specific
* transitions. In the future it'd be nicer to blend these transitions. But for now
* delay actually does inherit from the root transition if not value-specific.
const delay = valueTransition.delay || transition.delay || 0;
* Elapsed isn't a public transition option but can be passed through from
* optimized appear effects in milliseconds.
let { elapsed = 0 } = transition;
elapsed = elapsed - secondsToMilliseconds(delay);
const keyframes = getKeyframes(value, valueName, target, valueTransition);
* Check if we're able to animate between the start and end keyframes,
* and throw a warning if we're attempting to animate between one that's
* animatable and another that isn't.
const originKeyframe = keyframes[0];
const targetKeyframe = keyframes[keyframes.length - 1];
const isOriginAnimatable = isAnimatable(valueName, originKeyframe);
const isTargetAnimatable = isAnimatable(valueName, targetKeyframe);
warning(isOriginAnimatable === isTargetAnimatable, `You are trying to animate ${valueName} from "${originKeyframe}" to "${targetKeyframe}". ${originKeyframe} is not an animatable value - to enable this animation set ${originKeyframe} to a value animatable to ${targetKeyframe} via the \`style\` property.`);
let options = {
velocity: value.getVelocity(),
ease: "easeOut",
delay: -elapsed,
onUpdate: (v) => {
valueTransition.onUpdate && valueTransition.onUpdate(v);
onComplete: () => {
valueTransition.onComplete && valueTransition.onComplete();
* If there's no transition defined for this value, we can generate
* unqiue transition settings for this value.
if (!isTransitionDefined(valueTransition)) {
options = {
...getDefaultTransition(valueName, options),
* Both WAAPI and our internal animation functions use durations
* as defined by milliseconds, while our external API defines them
* as seconds.
if (options.duration) {
options.duration = secondsToMilliseconds(options.duration);
if (options.repeatDelay) {
options.repeatDelay = secondsToMilliseconds(options.repeatDelay);
if (!isOriginAnimatable ||
!isTargetAnimatable ||
instantAnimationState.current ||
valueTransition.type === false ||
MotionGlobalConfig.skipAnimations) {
* If we can't animate this value, or the global instant animation flag is set,
* or this is simply defined as an instant transition, return an instant transition.
return createInstantAnimation(instantAnimationState.current
? { ...options, delay: 0 }
: options);
* Animate via WAAPI if possible.
if (
* If this is a handoff animation, the optimised animation will be running via
* WAAPI. Therefore, this animation must be JS to ensure it runs "under" the
* optimised animation.
!transition.isHandoff &&
value.owner &&
value.owner.current instanceof HTMLElement &&
* If we're outputting values to onUpdate then we can't use WAAPI as there's
* no way to read the value from WAAPI every frame.
!value.owner.getProps().onUpdate) {
const acceleratedAnimation = createAcceleratedAnimation(value, valueName, options);
if (acceleratedAnimation)
return acceleratedAnimation;
* If we didn't create an accelerated animation, create a JS animation
return animateValue(options);
function isWillChangeMotionValue(value) {
return Boolean(isMotionValue(value) && value.add);
* Check if value is a numerical string, ie a string that is purely a number eg "100" or "-100.1"
const isNumericalString = (v) => /^\-?\d*\.?\d+$/.test(v);
* Tests a provided value against a ValueType
const testValueType = (v) => (type) => type.test(v);
* ValueType for "auto"
const auto = {
test: (v) => v === "auto",
parse: (v) => v,
* A list of value types commonly used for dimensions
const dimensionValueTypes = [number, px, percent, degrees, vw, vh, auto];
* Tests a dimensional value against the list of dimension ValueTypes
const findDimensionValueType = (v) => dimensionValueTypes.find(testValueType(v));
* A list of all ValueTypes
const valueTypes = [...dimensionValueTypes, color, complex];
* Tests a value against the list of ValueTypes
const findValueType = (v) => valueTypes.find(testValueType(v));
function resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition, custom, currentValues = {}, currentVelocity = {}) {
* If the variant definition is a function, resolve.
if (typeof definition === "function") {
definition = definition(custom !== undefined ? custom : props.custom, currentValues, currentVelocity);
* If the variant definition is a variant label, or
* the function returned a variant label, resolve.
if (typeof definition === "string") {
definition = props.variants && props.variants[definition];
* At this point we've resolved both functions and variant labels,
* but the resolved variant label might itself have been a function.
* If so, resolve. This can only have returned a valid target object.
if (typeof definition === "function") {
definition = definition(custom !== undefined ? custom : props.custom, currentValues, currentVelocity);
return definition;
function checkTargetForNewValues(visualElement, target, origin) {
var _a, _b;
const newValueKeys = Object.keys(target).filter((key) => !visualElement.hasValue(key));
const numNewValues = newValueKeys.length;
if (!numNewValues)
for (let i = 0; i < numNewValues; i++) {
const key = newValueKeys[i];
const targetValue = target[key];
let value = null;
* If the target is a series of keyframes, we can use the first value
* in the array. If this first value is null, we'll still need to read from the DOM.
if (Array.isArray(targetValue)) {
value = targetValue[0];
* If the target isn't keyframes, or the first keyframe was null, we need to
* first check if an origin value was explicitly defined in the transition as "from",
* if not read the value from the DOM. As an absolute fallback, take the defined target value.
if (value === null) {
value = (_b = (_a = origin[key]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : visualElement.readValue(key)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : target[key];
* If value is still undefined or null, ignore it. Preferably this would throw,
* but this was causing issues in Framer.
if (value === undefined || value === null)
if (typeof value === "string" &&
(isNumericalString(value) || isZeroValueString(value))) {
// If this is a number read as a string, ie "0" or "200", convert it to a number
value = parseFloat(value);
else if (!findValueType(value) && complex.test(targetValue)) {
value = getAnimatableNone(key, targetValue);
visualElement.addValue(key, motionValue(value, { owner: visualElement }));
if (origin[key] === undefined) {
origin[key] = value;
if (value !== null)
visualElement.setBaseTarget(key, value);
function getOriginFromTransition(key, transition) {
if (!transition)
const valueTransition = transition[key] || transition["default"] || transition;
return valueTransition.from;
function getOrigin(target, transition, visualElement) {
const origin = {};
for (const key in target) {
const transitionOrigin = getOriginFromTransition(key, transition);
if (transitionOrigin !== undefined) {
origin[key] = transitionOrigin;
else {
const value = visualElement.getValue(key);
if (value) {
origin[key] = value.get();
return origin;
function isSVGElement(element) {
return element instanceof SVGElement && element.tagName !== "svg";
function isForcedMotionValue(key, { layout, layoutId }) {
return (transformProps.has(key) ||
key.startsWith("origin") ||
((layout || layoutId !== undefined) &&
(!!scaleCorrectors[key] || key === "opacity")));
function scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps) {
const { style } = props;
const newValues = {};
for (const key in style) {
if (isMotionValue(style[key]) ||
( && isMotionValue([key])) ||
isForcedMotionValue(key, props)) {
newValues[key] = style[key];
return newValues;
* Parse Framer's special CSS variable format into a CSS token and a fallback.
* ```
* `var(--foo, #fff)` => [`--foo`, '#fff']
* ```
* @param current
const splitCSSVariableRegex = /var\((--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+),? ?([a-zA-Z0-9 ()%#.,-]+)?\)/;
function parseCSSVariable(current) {
const match = splitCSSVariableRegex.exec(current);
if (!match)
return [,];
const [, token, fallback] = match;
return [token, fallback];
const maxDepth = 4;
function getVariableValue(current, element, depth = 1) {
invariant(depth <= maxDepth, `Max CSS variable fallback depth detected in property "${current}". This may indicate a circular fallback dependency.`);
const [token, fallback] = parseCSSVariable(current);
// No CSS variable detected
if (!token)
// Attempt to read this CSS variable off the element
const resolved = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(token);
if (resolved) {
const trimmed = resolved.trim();
return isNumericalString(trimmed) ? parseFloat(trimmed) : trimmed;
else if (isCSSVariableToken(fallback)) {
// The fallback might itself be a CSS variable, in which case we attempt to resolve it too.
return getVariableValue(fallback, element, depth + 1);
else {
return fallback;
* Resolve CSS variables from
* @internal
function resolveCSSVariables(visualElement, { }, transitionEnd) {
const element = visualElement.current;
if (!(element instanceof Element))
return { target, transitionEnd };
// If `transitionEnd` isn't `undefined`, clone it. We could clone `target` and `transitionEnd`
// only if they change but I think this reads clearer and this isn't a performance-critical path.
if (transitionEnd) {
transitionEnd = { ...transitionEnd };
// Go through existing `MotionValue`s and ensure any existing CSS variables are resolved
visualElement.values.forEach((value) => {
const current = value.get();
if (!isCSSVariableToken(current))
const resolved = getVariableValue(current, element);
if (resolved)
// Cycle through every target property and resolve CSS variables. Currently
// we only read single-var properties like `var(--foo)`, not `calc(var(--foo) + 20px)`
for (const key in target) {
const current = target[key];
if (!isCSSVariableToken(current))
const resolved = getVariableValue(current, element);
if (!resolved)
// Clone target if it hasn't already been
target[key] = resolved;
if (!transitionEnd)
transitionEnd = {};
// If the user hasn't already set this key on `transitionEnd`, set it to the unresolved
// CSS variable. This will ensure that after the animation the component will reflect
// changes in the value of the CSS variable.
if (transitionEnd[key] === undefined) {
transitionEnd[key] = current;
return { target, transitionEnd };
const isBrowser = typeof document !== "undefined";
const positionalKeys = new Set([
const isPositionalKey = (key) => positionalKeys.has(key);
const hasPositionalKey = (target) => {
return Object.keys(target).some(isPositionalKey);
const isNumOrPxType = (v) => v === number || v === px;
const getPosFromMatrix = (matrix, pos) => parseFloat(matrix.split(", ")[pos]);
const getTranslateFromMatrix = (pos2, pos3) => (_bbox, { transform }) => {
if (transform === "none" || !transform)
return 0;
const matrix3d = transform.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/);
if (matrix3d) {
return getPosFromMatrix(matrix3d[1], pos3);
else {
const matrix = transform.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/);
if (matrix) {
return getPosFromMatrix(matrix[1], pos2);
else {
return 0;
const transformKeys = new Set(["x", "y", "z"]);
const nonTranslationalTransformKeys = transformPropOrder.filter((key) => !transformKeys.has(key));
function removeNonTranslationalTransform(visualElement) {
const removedTransforms = [];
nonTranslationalTransformKeys.forEach((key) => {
const value = visualElement.getValue(key);
if (value !== undefined) {
removedTransforms.push([key, value.get()]);
value.set(key.startsWith("scale") ? 1 : 0);
// Apply changes to element before measurement
if (removedTransforms.length)
return removedTransforms;
const positionalValues = {
// Dimensions
width: ({ x }, { paddingLeft = "0", paddingRight = "0" }) => x.max - x.min - parseFloat(paddingLeft) - parseFloat(paddingRight),
height: ({ y }, { paddingTop = "0", paddingBottom = "0" }) => y.max - y.min - parseFloat(paddingTop) - parseFloat(paddingBottom),
top: (_bbox, { top }) => parseFloat(top),
left: (_bbox, { left }) => parseFloat(left),
bottom: ({ y }, { top }) => parseFloat(top) + (y.max - y.min),
right: ({ x }, { left }) => parseFloat(left) + (x.max - x.min),
// Transform
x: getTranslateFromMatrix(4, 13),
y: getTranslateFromMatrix(5, 14),
// Alias translate longform names
positionalValues.translateX = positionalValues.x;
positionalValues.translateY = positionalValues.y;
const convertChangedValueTypes = (target, visualElement, changedKeys) => {
const originBbox = visualElement.measureViewportBox();
const element = visualElement.current;
const elementComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
const { display } = elementComputedStyle;
const origin = {};
// If the element is currently set to display: "none", make it visible before
// measuring the target bounding box
if (display === "none") {
visualElement.setStaticValue("display", target.display || "block");
* Record origins before we render and update styles
changedKeys.forEach((key) => {
origin[key] = positionalValues[key](originBbox, elementComputedStyle);
// Apply the latest values (as set in checkAndConvertChangedValueTypes)
const targetBbox = visualElement.measureViewportBox();
changedKeys.forEach((key) => {
// Restore styles to their **calculated computed style**, not their actual
// originally set style. This allows us to animate between equivalent pixel units.
const value = visualElement.getValue(key);
value && value.jump(origin[key]);
target[key] = positionalValues[key](targetBbox, elementComputedStyle);
return target;
const checkAndConvertChangedValueTypes = (visualElement, target, origin = {}, transitionEnd = {}) => {
target = { };
transitionEnd = { ...transitionEnd };
const targetPositionalKeys = Object.keys(target).filter(isPositionalKey);
// We want to remove any transform values that could affect the element's bounding box before
// it's measured. We'll reapply these later.
let removedTransformValues = [];
let hasAttemptedToRemoveTransformValues = false;
const changedValueTypeKeys = [];
targetPositionalKeys.forEach((key) => {
const value = visualElement.getValue(key);
if (!visualElement.hasValue(key))
let from = origin[key];
let fromType = findDimensionValueType(from);
const to = target[key];
let toType;
// TODO: The current implementation of this basically throws an error
// if you try and do value conversion via keyframes. There's probably
// a way of doing this but the performance implications would need greater scrutiny,
// as it'd be doing multiple resize-remeasure operations.
if (isKeyframesTarget(to)) {
const numKeyframes = to.length;
const fromIndex = to[0] === null ? 1 : 0;
from = to[fromIndex];
fromType = findDimensionValueType(from);
for (let i = fromIndex; i < numKeyframes; i++) {
* Don't allow wildcard keyframes to be used to detect
* a difference in value types.
if (to[i] === null)
if (!toType) {
toType = findDimensionValueType(to[i]);
invariant(toType === fromType ||
(isNumOrPxType(fromType) && isNumOrPxType(toType)), "Keyframes must be of the same dimension as the current value");
else {
invariant(findDimensionValueType(to[i]) === toType, "All keyframes must be of the same type");
else {
toType = findDimensionValueType(to);
if (fromType !== toType) {
// If they're both just number or px, convert them both to numbers rather than
// relying on resize/remeasure to convert (which is wasteful in this situation)
if (isNumOrPxType(fromType) && isNumOrPxType(toType)) {
const current = value.get();
if (typeof current === "string") {
if (typeof to === "string") {
target[key] = parseFloat(to);
else if (Array.isArray(to) && toType === px) {
target[key] =;
else if ((fromType === null || fromType === void 0 ? void 0 : fromType.transform) &&
(toType === null || toType === void 0 ? void 0 : toType.transform) &&
(from === 0 || to === 0)) {
// If one or the other value is 0, it's safe to coerce it to the
// type of the other without measurement
if (from === 0) {
else {
target[key] = fromType.transform(to);
else {
// If we're going to do value conversion via DOM measurements, we first
// need to remove non-positional transform values that could affect the bbox measurements.
if (!hasAttemptedToRemoveTransformValues) {
removedTransformValues =
hasAttemptedToRemoveTransformValues = true;
transitionEnd[key] =
transitionEnd[key] !== undefined
? transitionEnd[key]
: target[key];
if (changedValueTypeKeys.length) {
const scrollY = changedValueTypeKeys.indexOf("height") >= 0
? window.pageYOffset
: null;
const convertedTarget = convertChangedValueTypes(target, visualElement, changedValueTypeKeys);
// If we removed transform values, reapply them before the next render
if (removedTransformValues.length) {
removedTransformValues.forEach(([key, value]) => {
// Reapply original values
// Restore scroll position
if (isBrowser && scrollY !== null) {
window.scrollTo({ top: scrollY });
return { target: convertedTarget, transitionEnd };
else {
return { target, transitionEnd };
* Convert value types for x/y/width/height/top/left/bottom/right
* Allows animation between `'auto'` -> `'100%'` or `0` -> `'calc(50% - 10vw)'`
* @internal
function unitConversion(visualElement, target, origin, transitionEnd) {
return hasPositionalKey(target)
? checkAndConvertChangedValueTypes(visualElement, target, origin, transitionEnd)
: { target, transitionEnd };
* Parse a DOM variant to make it animatable. This involves resolving CSS variables
* and ensuring animations like "20%" => "calc(50vw)" are performed in pixels.
const parseDomVariant = (visualElement, target, origin, transitionEnd) => {
const resolved = resolveCSSVariables(visualElement, target, transitionEnd);
target =;
transitionEnd = resolved.transitionEnd;
return unitConversion(visualElement, target, origin, transitionEnd);
function isRefObject(ref) {
return (ref &&
typeof ref === "object" &&, "current"));
// Does this device prefer reduced motion? Returns `null` server-side.
const prefersReducedMotion = { current: null };
const hasReducedMotionListener = { current: false };
function initPrefersReducedMotion() {
hasReducedMotionListener.current = true;
if (!isBrowser)
if (window.matchMedia) {
const motionMediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)");
const setReducedMotionPreferences = () => (prefersReducedMotion.current = motionMediaQuery.matches);
else {
prefersReducedMotion.current = false;
function isAnimationControls(v) {
return (v !== null &&
typeof v === "object" &&
typeof v.start === "function");
* Decides if the supplied variable is variant label
function isVariantLabel(v) {
return typeof v === "string" || Array.isArray(v);
const variantPriorityOrder = [
const variantProps = ["initial", ...variantPriorityOrder];
function isControllingVariants(props) {
return (isAnimationControls(props.animate) ||
variantProps.some((name) => isVariantLabel(props[name])));
function isVariantNode(props) {
return Boolean(isControllingVariants(props) || props.variants);
function updateMotionValuesFromProps(element, next, prev) {
const { willChange } = next;
for (const key in next) {
const nextValue = next[key];
const prevValue = prev[key];
if (isMotionValue(nextValue)) {
* If this is a motion value found in props or style, we want to add it
* to our visual element's motion value map.
element.addValue(key, nextValue);
if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) {
* Check the version of the incoming motion value with this version
* and warn against mismatches.
warnOnce(nextValue.version === "10.18.0", `Attempting to mix Framer Motion versions ${nextValue.version} with 10.18.0 may not work as expected.`);
else if (isMotionValue(prevValue)) {
* If we're swapping from a motion value to a static value,
* create a new motion value from that
element.addValue(key, motionValue(nextValue, { owner: element }));
if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) {
else if (prevValue !== nextValue) {
* If this is a flat value that has changed, update the motion value
* or create one if it doesn't exist. We only want to do this if we're
* not handling the value with our animation state.
if (element.hasValue(key)) {
const existingValue = element.getValue(key);
// TODO: Only update values that aren't being animated or even looked at
!existingValue.hasAnimated && existingValue.set(nextValue);
else {
const latestValue = element.getStaticValue(key);
element.addValue(key, motionValue(latestValue !== undefined ? latestValue : nextValue, { owner: element }));
// Handle removed values
for (const key in prev) {
if (next[key] === undefined)
return next;
const featureProps = {
animation: [
exit: ["exit"],
drag: ["drag", "dragControls"],
focus: ["whileFocus"],
hover: ["whileHover", "onHoverStart", "onHoverEnd"],
tap: ["whileTap", "onTap", "onTapStart", "onTapCancel"],
pan: ["onPan", "onPanStart", "onPanSessionStart", "onPanEnd"],
inView: ["whileInView", "onViewportEnter", "onViewportLeave"],
layout: ["layout", "layoutId"],
const featureDefinitions = {};
for (const key in featureProps) {
featureDefinitions[key] = {
isEnabled: (props) => featureProps[key].some((name) => !!props[name]),
const featureNames = Object.keys(featureDefinitions);
const numFeatures = featureNames.length;
const propEventHandlers = [
const numVariantProps = variantProps.length;
* A VisualElement is an imperative abstraction around UI elements such as
* HTMLElement, SVGElement, Three.Object3D etc.
class VisualElement {
constructor({ parent, props, presenceContext, reducedMotionConfig, visualState, }, options = {}) {
* A reference to the current underlying Instance, e.g. a HTMLElement
* or Three.Mesh etc.
this.current = null;
* A set containing references to this VisualElement's children.
this.children = new Set();
* Determine what role this visual element should take in the variant tree.
this.isVariantNode = false;
this.isControllingVariants = false;
* Decides whether this VisualElement should animate in reduced motion
* mode.
* TODO: This is currently set on every individual VisualElement but feels
* like it could be set globally.
this.shouldReduceMotion = null;
* A map of all motion values attached to this visual element. Motion
* values are source of truth for any given animated value. A motion
* value might be provided externally by the component via props.
this.values = new Map();
* Cleanup functions for active features (hover/tap/exit etc)
this.features = {};
* A map of every subscription that binds the provided or generated
* motion values onChange listeners to this visual element.
this.valueSubscriptions = new Map();
* A reference to the previously-provided motion values as returned
* from scrapeMotionValuesFromProps. We use the keys in here to determine
* if any motion values need to be removed after props are updated.
this.prevMotionValues = {};
* An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event.
*/ = {};
* An object containing an unsubscribe function for each prop event subscription.
* For example, every "Update" event can have multiple subscribers via
* VisualElement.on(), but only one of those can be defined via the onUpdate prop.
this.propEventSubscriptions = {};
this.notifyUpdate = () => this.notify("Update", this.latestValues);
this.render = () => {
if (!this.current)
this.renderInstance(this.current, this.renderState,, this.projection);
this.scheduleRender = () => frame.render(this.render, false, true);
const { latestValues, renderState } = visualState;
this.latestValues = latestValues;
this.baseTarget = { ...latestValues };
this.initialValues = props.initial ? { ...latestValues } : {};
this.renderState = renderState;
this.parent = parent;
this.props = props;
this.presenceContext = presenceContext;
this.depth = parent ? parent.depth + 1 : 0;
this.reducedMotionConfig = reducedMotionConfig;
this.options = options;
this.isControllingVariants = isControllingVariants(props);
this.isVariantNode = isVariantNode(props);
if (this.isVariantNode) {
this.variantChildren = new Set();
this.manuallyAnimateOnMount = Boolean(parent && parent.current);
* Any motion values that are provided to the element when created
* aren't yet bound to the element, as this would technically be impure.
* However, we iterate through the motion values and set them to the
* initial values for this component.
* TODO: This is impure and we should look at changing this to run on mount.
* Doing so will break some tests but this isn't neccessarily a breaking change,
* more a reflection of the test.
const { willChange, ...initialMotionValues } = this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, {});
for (const key in initialMotionValues) {
const value = initialMotionValues[key];
if (latestValues[key] !== undefined && isMotionValue(value)) {
value.set(latestValues[key], false);
if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) {
* This method takes React props and returns found MotionValues. For example, HTML
* MotionValues will be found within the style prop, whereas for Three.js within attribute arrays.
* This isn't an abstract method as it needs calling in the constructor, but it is
* intended to be one.
scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(_props, _prevProps) {
return {};
mount(instance) {
this.current = instance;
visualElementStore.set(instance, this);
if (this.projection && !this.projection.instance) {
if (this.parent && this.isVariantNode && !this.isControllingVariants) {
this.removeFromVariantTree = this.parent.addVariantChild(this);
this.values.forEach((value, key) => this.bindToMotionValue(key, value));
if (!hasReducedMotionListener.current) {
this.shouldReduceMotion =
this.reducedMotionConfig === "never"
? false
: this.reducedMotionConfig === "always"
? true
: prefersReducedMotion.current;
warnOnce(this.shouldReduceMotion !== true, "You have Reduced Motion enabled on your device. Animations may not appear as expected.");
if (this.parent)
this.update(this.props, this.presenceContext);
unmount() {
this.projection && this.projection.unmount();
this.valueSubscriptions.forEach((remove) => remove());
this.removeFromVariantTree && this.removeFromVariantTree();
this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this);
for (const key in {[key].clear();
for (const key in this.features) {
this.current = null;
bindToMotionValue(key, value) {
const valueIsTransform = transformProps.has(key);
const removeOnChange = value.on("change", (latestValue) => {
this.latestValues[key] = latestValue;
this.props.onUpdate &&
frame.update(this.notifyUpdate, false, true);
if (valueIsTransform && this.projection) {
this.projection.isTransformDirty = true;
const removeOnRenderRequest = value.on("renderRequest", this.scheduleRender);
this.valueSubscriptions.set(key, () => {
sortNodePosition(other) {
* If these nodes aren't even of the same type we can't compare their depth.
if (!this.current ||
!this.sortInstanceNodePosition ||
this.type !== other.type) {
return 0;
return this.sortInstanceNodePosition(this.current, other.current);
loadFeatures({ children, ...renderedProps }, isStrict, preloadedFeatures, initialLayoutGroupConfig) {
let ProjectionNodeConstructor;
let MeasureLayout;
* If we're in development mode, check to make sure we're not rendering a motion component
* as a child of LazyMotion, as this will break the file-size benefits of using it.
if (preloadedFeatures &&
isStrict) {
const strictMessage = "You have rendered a `motion` component within a `LazyMotion` component. This will break tree shaking. Import and render a `m` component instead.";
? warning(false, strictMessage)
: invariant(false, strictMessage);
for (let i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
const name = featureNames[i];
const { isEnabled, Feature: FeatureConstructor, ProjectionNode, MeasureLayout: MeasureLayoutComponent, } = featureDefinitions[name];
if (ProjectionNode)
ProjectionNodeConstructor = ProjectionNode;
if (isEnabled(renderedProps)) {
if (!this.features[name] && FeatureConstructor) {
this.features[name] = new FeatureConstructor(this);
if (MeasureLayoutComponent) {
MeasureLayout = MeasureLayoutComponent;
if ((this.type === "html" || this.type === "svg") &&
!this.projection &&
ProjectionNodeConstructor) {
this.projection = new ProjectionNodeConstructor(this.latestValues, this.parent && this.parent.projection);
const { layoutId, layout, drag, dragConstraints, layoutScroll, layoutRoot, } = renderedProps;
alwaysMeasureLayout: Boolean(drag) ||
(dragConstraints && isRefObject(dragConstraints)),
visualElement: this,
scheduleRender: () => this.scheduleRender(),
* TODO: Update options in an effect. This could be tricky as it'll be too late
* to update by the time layout animations run.
* We also need to fix this safeToRemove by linking it up to the one returned by usePresence,
* ensuring it gets called if there's no potential layout animations.
animationType: typeof layout === "string" ? layout : "both",
initialPromotionConfig: initialLayoutGroupConfig,
return MeasureLayout;
updateFeatures() {
for (const key in this.features) {
const feature = this.features[key];
if (feature.isMounted) {
else {
feature.isMounted = true;
triggerBuild() {, this.latestValues, this.options, this.props);
* Measure the current viewport box with or without transforms.
* Only measures axis-aligned boxes, rotate and skew must be manually
* removed with a re-render to work.
measureViewportBox() {
return this.current
? this.measureInstanceViewportBox(this.current, this.props)
: createBox();
getStaticValue(key) {
return this.latestValues[key];
setStaticValue(key, value) {
this.latestValues[key] = value;
* Make a target animatable by Popmotion. For instance, if we're
* trying to animate width from 100px to 100vw we need to measure 100vw
* in pixels to determine what we really need to animate to. This is also
* pluggable to support Framer's custom value types like Color,
* and CSS variables.
makeTargetAnimatable(target, canMutate = true) {
return this.makeTargetAnimatableFromInstance(target, this.props, canMutate);
* Update the provided props. Ensure any newly-added motion values are
* added to our map, old ones removed, and listeners updated.
update(props, presenceContext) {
if (props.transformTemplate || this.props.transformTemplate) {
this.prevProps = this.props;
this.props = props;
this.prevPresenceContext = this.presenceContext;
this.presenceContext = presenceContext;
* Update prop event handlers ie onAnimationStart, onAnimationComplete
for (let i = 0; i < propEventHandlers.length; i++) {
const key = propEventHandlers[i];
if (this.propEventSubscriptions[key]) {
delete this.propEventSubscriptions[key];
const listener = props["on" + key];
if (listener) {
this.propEventSubscriptions[key] = this.on(key, listener);
this.prevMotionValues = updateMotionValuesFromProps(this, this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, this.prevProps), this.prevMotionValues);
if (this.handleChildMotionValue) {
getProps() {
return this.props;
* Returns the variant definition with a given name.
getVariant(name) {
return this.props.variants ? this.props.variants[name] : undefined;
* Returns the defined default transition on this component.
getDefaultTransition() {
return this.props.transition;
getTransformPagePoint() {
return this.props.transformPagePoint;
getClosestVariantNode() {
return this.isVariantNode
? this
: this.parent
? this.parent.getClosestVariantNode()
: undefined;
getVariantContext(startAtParent = false) {
if (startAtParent) {
return this.parent ? this.parent.getVariantContext() : undefined;
if (!this.isControllingVariants) {
const context = this.parent
? this.parent.getVariantContext() || {}
: {};
if (this.props.initial !== undefined) {
context.initial = this.props.initial;
return context;
const context = {};
for (let i = 0; i < numVariantProps; i++) {
const name = variantProps[i];
const prop = this.props[name];
if (isVariantLabel(prop) || prop === false) {
context[name] = prop;
return context;
* Add a child visual element to our set of children.
addVariantChild(child) {
const closestVariantNode = this.getClosestVariantNode();
if (closestVariantNode) {
closestVariantNode.variantChildren &&
return () => closestVariantNode.variantChildren.delete(child);
* Add a motion value and bind it to this visual element.
addValue(key, value) {
// Remove existing value if it exists
if (value !== this.values.get(key)) {
this.bindToMotionValue(key, value);
this.values.set(key, value);
this.latestValues[key] = value.get();
* Remove a motion value and unbind any active subscriptions.
removeValue(key) {
const unsubscribe = this.valueSubscriptions.get(key);
if (unsubscribe) {
delete this.latestValues[key];
this.removeValueFromRenderState(key, this.renderState);
* Check whether we have a motion value for this key
hasValue(key) {
return this.values.has(key);
getValue(key, defaultValue) {
if (this.props.values && this.props.values[key]) {
return this.props.values[key];
let value = this.values.get(key);
if (value === undefined && defaultValue !== undefined) {
value = motionValue(defaultValue, { owner: this });
this.addValue(key, value);
return value;
* If we're trying to animate to a previously unencountered value,
* we need to check for it in our state and as a last resort read it
* directly from the instance (which might have performance implications).
readValue(key) {
var _a;
return this.latestValues[key] !== undefined || !this.current
? this.latestValues[key]
: (_a = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, key)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.readValueFromInstance(this.current, key, this.options);
* Set the base target to later animate back to. This is currently
* only hydrated on creation and when we first read a value.
setBaseTarget(key, value) {
this.baseTarget[key] = value;
* Find the base target for a value thats been removed from all animation
* props.
getBaseTarget(key) {
var _a;
const { initial } = this.props;
const valueFromInitial = typeof initial === "string" || typeof initial === "object"
? (_a = resolveVariantFromProps(this.props, initial)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[key]
: undefined;
* If this value still exists in the current initial variant, read that.
if (initial && valueFromInitial !== undefined) {
return valueFromInitial;
* Alternatively, if this VisualElement config has defined a getBaseTarget
* so we can read the value from an alternative source, try that.
const target = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, key);
if (target !== undefined && !isMotionValue(target))
return target;
* If the value was initially defined on initial, but it doesn't any more,
* return undefined. Otherwise return the value as initially read from the DOM.
return this.initialValues[key] !== undefined &&
valueFromInitial === undefined
? undefined
: this.baseTarget[key];
on(eventName, callback) {
if (![eventName]) {[eventName] = new SubscriptionManager();
notify(eventName, ...args) {
if ([eventName]) {[eventName].notify(...args);
class DOMVisualElement extends VisualElement {
sortInstanceNodePosition(a, b) {
* compareDocumentPosition returns a bitmask, by using the bitwise &
* we're returning true if 2 in that bitmask is set to true. 2 is set
* to true if b preceeds a.
return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 2 ? 1 : -1;
getBaseTargetFromProps(props, key) {
return ?[key] : undefined;
removeValueFromRenderState(key, { vars, style }) {
delete vars[key];
delete style[key];
makeTargetAnimatableFromInstance({ transition, transitionEnd, }, { transformValues }, isMounted) {
let origin = getOrigin(target, transition || {}, this);
* If Framer has provided a function to convert `Color` etc value types, convert them
if (transformValues) {
if (transitionEnd)
transitionEnd = transformValues(transitionEnd);
if (target)
target = transformValues(target);
if (origin)
origin = transformValues(origin);
if (isMounted) {
checkTargetForNewValues(this, target, origin);
const parsed = parseDomVariant(this, target, origin, transitionEnd);
transitionEnd = parsed.transitionEnd;
target =;
return {
const translateAlias = {
x: "translateX",
y: "translateY",
z: "translateZ",
transformPerspective: "perspective",
const numTransforms = transformPropOrder.length;
* Build a CSS transform style from individual x/y/scale etc properties.
* This outputs with a default order of transforms/scales/rotations, this can be customised by
* providing a transformTemplate function.
function buildTransform(transform, { enableHardwareAcceleration = true, allowTransformNone = true, }, transformIsDefault, transformTemplate) {
// The transform string we're going to build into.
let transformString = "";
* Loop over all possible transforms in order, adding the ones that
* are present to the transform string.
for (let i = 0; i < numTransforms; i++) {
const key = transformPropOrder[i];
if (transform[key] !== undefined) {
const transformName = translateAlias[key] || key;
transformString += `${transformName}(${transform[key]}) `;
if (enableHardwareAcceleration && !transform.z) {
transformString += "translateZ(0)";
transformString = transformString.trim();
// If we have a custom `transform` template, pass our transform values and
// generated transformString to that before returning
if (transformTemplate) {
transformString = transformTemplate(transform, transformIsDefault ? "" : transformString);
else if (allowTransformNone && transformIsDefault) {
transformString = "none";
return transformString;
* Provided a value and a ValueType, returns the value as that value type.
const getValueAsType = (value, type) => {
return type && typeof value === "number"
? type.transform(value)
: value;
function buildHTMLStyles(state, latestValues, options, transformTemplate) {
const { style, vars, transform, transformOrigin } = state;
// Track whether we encounter any transform or transformOrigin values.
let hasTransform = false;
let hasTransformOrigin = false;
// Does the calculated transform essentially equal "none"?
let transformIsNone = true;
* Loop over all our latest animated values and decide whether to handle them
* as a style or CSS variable.
* Transforms and transform origins are kept seperately for further processing.
for (const key in latestValues) {
const value = latestValues[key];
* If this is a CSS variable we don't do any further processing.
if (isCSSVariableName(key)) {
vars[key] = value;
// Convert the value to its default value type, ie 0 -> "0px"
const valueType = numberValueTypes[key];
const valueAsType = getValueAsType(value, valueType);
if (transformProps.has(key)) {
// If this is a transform, flag to enable further transform processing
hasTransform = true;
transform[key] = valueAsType;
// If we already know we have a non-default transform, early return
if (!transformIsNone)
// Otherwise check to see if this is a default transform
if (value !== (valueType.default || 0))
transformIsNone = false;
else if (key.startsWith("origin")) {
// If this is a transform origin, flag and enable further transform-origin processing
hasTransformOrigin = true;
transformOrigin[key] = valueAsType;
else {
style[key] = valueAsType;
if (!latestValues.transform) {
if (hasTransform || transformTemplate) {
style.transform = buildTransform(state.transform, options, transformIsNone, transformTemplate);
else if (style.transform) {
* If we have previously created a transform but currently don't have any,
* reset transform style to none.
style.transform = "none";
* Build a transformOrigin style. Uses the same defaults as the browser for
* undefined origins.
if (hasTransformOrigin) {
const { originX = "50%", originY = "50%", originZ = 0, } = transformOrigin;
style.transformOrigin = `${originX} ${originY} ${originZ}`;
function renderHTML(element, { style, vars }, styleProp, projection) {
Object.assign(, style, projection && projection.getProjectionStyles(styleProp));
// Loop over any CSS variables and assign those.
for (const key in vars) {, vars[key]);
* Bounding boxes tend to be defined as top, left, right, bottom. For various operations
* it's easier to consider each axis individually. This function returns a bounding box
* as a map of single-axis min/max values.
function convertBoundingBoxToBox({ top, left, right, bottom, }) {
return {
x: { min: left, max: right },
y: { min: top, max: bottom },
* Applies a TransformPoint function to a bounding box. TransformPoint is usually a function
* provided by Framer to allow measured points to be corrected for device scaling. This is used
* when measuring DOM elements and DOM event points.
function transformBoxPoints(point, transformPoint) {
if (!transformPoint)
return point;
const topLeft = transformPoint({ x: point.left, y: });
const bottomRight = transformPoint({ x: point.right, y: point.bottom });
return {
top: topLeft.y,
left: topLeft.x,
bottom: bottomRight.y,
right: bottomRight.x,
function measureViewportBox(instance, transformPoint) {
return convertBoundingBoxToBox(transformBoxPoints(instance.getBoundingClientRect(), transformPoint));
function getComputedStyle$1(element) {
return window.getComputedStyle(element);
class HTMLVisualElement extends DOMVisualElement {
constructor() {
this.type = "html";
readValueFromInstance(instance, key) {
if (transformProps.has(key)) {
const defaultType = getDefaultValueType(key);
return defaultType ? defaultType.default || 0 : 0;
else {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle$1(instance);
const value = (isCSSVariableName(key)
? computedStyle.getPropertyValue(key)
: computedStyle[key]) || 0;
return typeof value === "string" ? value.trim() : value;
measureInstanceViewportBox(instance, { transformPagePoint }) {
return measureViewportBox(instance, transformPagePoint);
build(renderState, latestValues, options, props) {
buildHTMLStyles(renderState, latestValues, options, props.transformTemplate);
scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps) {
return scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps);
handleChildMotionValue() {
if (this.childSubscription) {
delete this.childSubscription;
const { children } = this.props;
if (isMotionValue(children)) {
this.childSubscription = children.on("change", (latest) => {
if (this.current)
this.current.textContent = `${latest}`;
renderInstance(instance, renderState, styleProp, projection) {
renderHTML(instance, renderState, styleProp, projection);
function animateSingleValue(value, keyframes, options) {
const motionValue$1 = isMotionValue(value) ? value : motionValue(value);
motionValue$1.start(animateMotionValue("", motionValue$1, keyframes, options));
return motionValue$1.animation;
const transformAxes = ["", "X", "Y", "Z"];
const hiddenVisibility = { visibility: "hidden" };
* We use 1000 as the animation target as 0-1000 maps better to pixels than 0-1
* which has a noticeable difference in spring animations
const animationTarget = 1000;
let id = 0;
* Use a mutable data object for debug data so as to not create a new
* object every frame.
const projectionFrameData = {
type: "projectionFrame",
totalNodes: 0,
resolvedTargetDeltas: 0,
recalculatedProjection: 0,
function createProjectionNode({ attachResizeListener, defaultParent, measureScroll, checkIsScrollRoot, resetTransform, }) {
return class ProjectionNode {
constructor(latestValues = {}, parent = defaultParent === null || defaultParent === void 0 ? void 0 : defaultParent()) {
* A unique ID generated for every projection node.
*/ = id++;
* An id that represents a unique session instigated by startUpdate.
this.animationId = 0;
* A Set containing all this component's children. This is used to iterate
* through the children.
* TODO: This could be faster to iterate as a flat array stored on the root node.
this.children = new Set();
* Options for the node. We use this to configure what kind of layout animations
* we should perform (if any).
this.options = {};
* We use this to detect when its safe to shut down part of a projection tree.
* We have to keep projecting children for scale correction and relative projection
* until all their parents stop performing layout animations.
this.isTreeAnimating = false;
this.isAnimationBlocked = false;
* Flag to true if we think this layout has been changed. We can't always know this,
* currently we set it to true every time a component renders, or if it has a layoutDependency
* if that has changed between renders. Additionally, components can be grouped by LayoutGroup
* and if one node is dirtied, they all are.
this.isLayoutDirty = false;
* Flag to true if we think the projection calculations for this node needs
* recalculating as a result of an updated transform or layout animation.
this.isProjectionDirty = false;
* Flag to true if the layout *or* transform has changed. This then gets propagated
* throughout the projection tree, forcing any element below to recalculate on the next frame.
this.isSharedProjectionDirty = false;
* Flag transform dirty. This gets propagated throughout the whole tree but is only
* respected by shared nodes.
this.isTransformDirty = false;
* Block layout updates for instant layout transitions throughout the tree.
this.updateManuallyBlocked = false;
this.updateBlockedByResize = false;
* Set to true between the start of the first `willUpdate` call and the end of the `didUpdate`
* call.
this.isUpdating = false;
* If this is an SVG element we currently disable projection transforms
this.isSVG = false;
* Flag to true (during promotion) if a node doing an instant layout transition needs to reset
* its projection styles.
this.needsReset = false;
* Flags whether this node should have its transform reset prior to measuring.
this.shouldResetTransform = false;
* An object representing the calculated contextual/accumulated/tree scale.
* This will be used to scale calculcated projection transforms, as these are
* calculated in screen-space but need to be scaled for elements to layoutly
* make it to their calculated destinations.
* TODO: Lazy-init
this.treeScale = { x: 1, y: 1 };
this.eventHandlers = new Map();
this.hasTreeAnimated = false;
// Note: Currently only running on root node
this.updateScheduled = false;
this.projectionUpdateScheduled = false;
this.checkUpdateFailed = () => {
if (this.isUpdating) {
this.isUpdating = false;
* This is a multi-step process as shared nodes might be of different depths. Nodes
* are sorted by depth order, so we need to resolve the entire tree before moving to
* the next step.
this.updateProjection = () => {
this.projectionUpdateScheduled = false;
* Reset debug counts. Manually resetting rather than creating a new
* object each frame.
projectionFrameData.totalNodes =
projectionFrameData.resolvedTargetDeltas =
projectionFrameData.recalculatedProjection =
this.hasProjected = false;
this.isVisible = true;
this.animationProgress = 0;
* Shared layout
// TODO Only running on root node
this.sharedNodes = new Map();
this.latestValues = latestValues;
this.root = parent ? parent.root || parent : this;
this.path = parent ? [...parent.path, parent] : [];
this.parent = parent;
this.depth = parent ? parent.depth + 1 : 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
this.path[i].shouldResetTransform = true;
if (this.root === this)
this.nodes = new FlatTree();
addEventListener(name, handler) {
if (!this.eventHandlers.has(name)) {
this.eventHandlers.set(name, new SubscriptionManager());
return this.eventHandlers.get(name).add(handler);
notifyListeners(name, ...args) {
const subscriptionManager = this.eventHandlers.get(name);
subscriptionManager && subscriptionManager.notify(...args);
hasListeners(name) {
return this.eventHandlers.has(name);
* Lifecycles
mount(instance, isLayoutDirty = this.root.hasTreeAnimated) {
if (this.instance)
this.isSVG = isSVGElement(instance);
this.instance = instance;
const { layoutId, layout, visualElement } = this.options;
if (visualElement && !visualElement.current) {
this.parent && this.parent.children.add(this);
if (isLayoutDirty && (layout || layoutId)) {
this.isLayoutDirty = true;
if (attachResizeListener) {
let cancelDelay;
const resizeUnblockUpdate = () => (this.root.updateBlockedByResize = false);
attachResizeListener(instance, () => {
this.root.updateBlockedByResize = true;
cancelDelay && cancelDelay();
cancelDelay = delay(resizeUnblockUpdate, 250);
if (globalProjectionState.hasAnimatedSinceResize) {
globalProjectionState.hasAnimatedSinceResize = false;
if (layoutId) {
this.root.registerSharedNode(layoutId, this);
// Only register the handler if it requires layout animation
if (this.options.animate !== false &&
visualElement &&
(layoutId || layout)) {
this.addEventListener("didUpdate", ({ delta, hasLayoutChanged, hasRelativeTargetChanged, layout: newLayout, }) => {
if (this.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) { = undefined;
this.relativeTarget = undefined;
// TODO: Check here if an animation exists
const layoutTransition = this.options.transition ||
visualElement.getDefaultTransition() ||
const { onLayoutAnimationStart, onLayoutAnimationComplete, } = visualElement.getProps();
* The target layout of the element might stay the same,
* but its position relative to its parent has changed.
const targetChanged = !this.targetLayout ||
!boxEqualsRounded(this.targetLayout, newLayout) ||
* If the layout hasn't seemed to have changed, it might be that the
* element is visually in the same place in the document but its position
* relative to its parent has indeed changed. So here we check for that.
const hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged = !hasLayoutChanged && hasRelativeTargetChanged;
if (this.options.layoutRoot ||
(this.resumeFrom && this.resumeFrom.instance) ||
hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged ||
(hasLayoutChanged &&
(targetChanged || !this.currentAnimation))) {
if (this.resumeFrom) {
this.resumingFrom = this.resumeFrom;
this.resumingFrom.resumingFrom = undefined;
this.setAnimationOrigin(delta, hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged);
const animationOptions = {
...getValueTransition(layoutTransition, "layout"),
onPlay: onLayoutAnimationStart,
onComplete: onLayoutAnimationComplete,
if (visualElement.shouldReduceMotion ||
this.options.layoutRoot) {
animationOptions.delay = 0;
animationOptions.type = false;
else {
* If the layout hasn't changed and we have an animation that hasn't started yet,
* finish it immediately. Otherwise it will be animating from a location
* that was probably never commited to screen and look like a jumpy box.
if (!hasLayoutChanged) {
if (this.isLead() && this.options.onExitComplete) {
this.targetLayout = newLayout;
unmount() {
this.options.layoutId && this.willUpdate();
const stack = this.getStack();
stack && stack.remove(this);
this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this);
this.instance = undefined;
// only on the root
blockUpdate() {
this.updateManuallyBlocked = true;
unblockUpdate() {
this.updateManuallyBlocked = false;
isUpdateBlocked() {
return this.updateManuallyBlocked || this.updateBlockedByResize;
isTreeAnimationBlocked() {
return (this.isAnimationBlocked ||
(this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) ||
// Note: currently only running on root node
startUpdate() {
if (this.isUpdateBlocked())
this.isUpdating = true;
this.nodes && this.nodes.forEach(resetRotation);
getTransformTemplate() {
const { visualElement } = this.options;
return visualElement && visualElement.getProps().transformTemplate;
willUpdate(shouldNotifyListeners = true) {
this.root.hasTreeAnimated = true;
if (this.root.isUpdateBlocked()) {
this.options.onExitComplete && this.options.onExitComplete();
!this.root.isUpdating && this.root.startUpdate();
if (this.isLayoutDirty)
this.isLayoutDirty = true;
for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
const node = this.path[i];
node.shouldResetTransform = true;
if (node.options.layoutRoot) {
const { layoutId, layout } = this.options;
if (layoutId === undefined && !layout)
const transformTemplate = this.getTransformTemplate();
this.prevTransformTemplateValue = transformTemplate
? transformTemplate(this.latestValues, "")
: undefined;
shouldNotifyListeners && this.notifyListeners("willUpdate");
update() {
this.updateScheduled = false;
const updateWasBlocked = this.isUpdateBlocked();
// When doing an instant transition, we skip the layout update,
// but should still clean up the measurements so that the next
// snapshot could be taken correctly.
if (updateWasBlocked) {
if (!this.isUpdating) {
this.isUpdating = false;
* Write
* Read ==================
// Update layout measurements of updated children
* Write
// Notify listeners that the layout is updated
* Manually flush any pending updates. Ideally
* we could leave this to the following requestAnimationFrame but this seems
* to leave a flash of incorrectly styled content.
const now =; = clamp(0, 1000 / 60, now - frameData.timestamp);
frameData.timestamp = now;
frameData.isProcessing = true;
frameData.isProcessing = false;
didUpdate() {
if (!this.updateScheduled) {
this.updateScheduled = true;
queueMicrotask(() => this.update());
clearAllSnapshots() {
scheduleUpdateProjection() {
if (!this.projectionUpdateScheduled) {
this.projectionUpdateScheduled = true;
frame.preRender(this.updateProjection, false, true);
scheduleCheckAfterUnmount() {
* If the unmounting node is in a layoutGroup and did trigger a willUpdate,
* we manually call didUpdate to give a chance to the siblings to animate.
* Otherwise, cleanup all snapshots to prevents future nodes from reusing them.
frame.postRender(() => {
if (this.isLayoutDirty) {
else {
* Update measurements
updateSnapshot() {
if (this.snapshot || !this.instance)
this.snapshot = this.measure();
updateLayout() {
if (!this.instance)
// TODO: Incorporate into a forwarded scroll offset
if (!(this.options.alwaysMeasureLayout && this.isLead()) &&
!this.isLayoutDirty) {
* When a node is mounted, it simply resumes from the prevLead's
* snapshot instead of taking a new one, but the ancestors scroll
* might have updated while the prevLead is unmounted. We need to
* update the scroll again to make sure the layout we measure is
* up to date.
if (this.resumeFrom && !this.resumeFrom.instance) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
const node = this.path[i];
const prevLayout = this.layout;
this.layout = this.measure(false);
this.layoutCorrected = createBox();
this.isLayoutDirty = false;
this.projectionDelta = undefined;
this.notifyListeners("measure", this.layout.layoutBox);
const { visualElement } = this.options;
visualElement &&
visualElement.notify("LayoutMeasure", this.layout.layoutBox, prevLayout ? prevLayout.layoutBox : undefined);
updateScroll(phase = "measure") {
let needsMeasurement = Boolean(this.options.layoutScroll && this.instance);
if (this.scroll &&
this.scroll.animationId === this.root.animationId &&
this.scroll.phase === phase) {
needsMeasurement = false;
if (needsMeasurement) {
this.scroll = {
animationId: this.root.animationId,
isRoot: checkIsScrollRoot(this.instance),
offset: measureScroll(this.instance),
resetTransform() {
if (!resetTransform)
const isResetRequested = this.isLayoutDirty || this.shouldResetTransform;
const hasProjection = this.projectionDelta && !isDeltaZero(this.projectionDelta);
const transformTemplate = this.getTransformTemplate();
const transformTemplateValue = transformTemplate
? transformTemplate(this.latestValues, "")
: undefined;
const transformTemplateHasChanged = transformTemplateValue !== this.prevTransformTemplateValue;
if (isResetRequested &&
(hasProjection ||
hasTransform(this.latestValues) ||
transformTemplateHasChanged)) {
resetTransform(this.instance, transformTemplateValue);
this.shouldResetTransform = false;
measure(removeTransform = true) {
const pageBox = this.measurePageBox();
let layoutBox = this.removeElementScroll(pageBox);
* Measurements taken during the pre-render stage
* still have transforms applied so we remove them
* via calculation.
if (removeTransform) {
layoutBox = this.removeTransform(layoutBox);
return {
animationId: this.root.animationId,
measuredBox: pageBox,
latestValues: {},
measurePageBox() {
const { visualElement } = this.options;
if (!visualElement)
return createBox();
const box = visualElement.measureViewportBox();
// Remove viewport scroll to give page-relative coordinates
const { scroll } = this.root;
if (scroll) {
translateAxis(box.x, scroll.offset.x);
translateAxis(box.y, scroll.offset.y);
return box;
removeElementScroll(box) {
const boxWithoutScroll = createBox();
copyBoxInto(boxWithoutScroll, box);
* Performance TODO: Keep a cumulative scroll offset down the tree
* rather than loop back up the path.
for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
const node = this.path[i];
const { scroll, options } = node;
if (node !== this.root && scroll && options.layoutScroll) {
* If this is a new scroll root, we want to remove all previous scrolls
* from the viewport box.
if (scroll.isRoot) {
copyBoxInto(boxWithoutScroll, box);
const { scroll: rootScroll } = this.root;
* Undo the application of page scroll that was originally added
* to the measured bounding box.
if (rootScroll) {
translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.x, -rootScroll.offset.x);
translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.y, -rootScroll.offset.y);
translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.x, scroll.offset.x);
translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.y, scroll.offset.y);
return boxWithoutScroll;
applyTransform(box, transformOnly = false) {
const withTransforms = createBox();
copyBoxInto(withTransforms, box);
for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
const node = this.path[i];
if (!transformOnly &&
node.options.layoutScroll &&
node.scroll &&
node !== node.root) {
transformBox(withTransforms, {
x: -node.scroll.offset.x,
y: -node.scroll.offset.y,
if (!hasTransform(node.latestValues))
transformBox(withTransforms, node.latestValues);
if (hasTransform(this.latestValues)) {
transformBox(withTransforms, this.latestValues);
return withTransforms;
removeTransform(box) {
const boxWithoutTransform = createBox();
copyBoxInto(boxWithoutTransform, box);
for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
const node = this.path[i];
if (!node.instance)
if (!hasTransform(node.latestValues))
hasScale(node.latestValues) && node.updateSnapshot();
const sourceBox = createBox();
const nodeBox = node.measurePageBox();
copyBoxInto(sourceBox, nodeBox);
removeBoxTransforms(boxWithoutTransform, node.latestValues, node.snapshot ? node.snapshot.layoutBox : undefined, sourceBox);
if (hasTransform(this.latestValues)) {
removeBoxTransforms(boxWithoutTransform, this.latestValues);
return boxWithoutTransform;
setTargetDelta(delta) {
this.targetDelta = delta;
this.isProjectionDirty = true;
setOptions(options) {
this.options = {
crossfade: options.crossfade !== undefined ? options.crossfade : true,
clearMeasurements() {
this.scroll = undefined;
this.layout = undefined;
this.snapshot = undefined;
this.prevTransformTemplateValue = undefined;
this.targetDelta = undefined; = undefined;
this.isLayoutDirty = false;
forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget() {
if (!this.relativeParent)
* If the parent target isn't up-to-date, force it to update.
* This is an unfortunate de-optimisation as it means any updating relative
* projection will cause all the relative parents to recalculate back
* up the tree.
if (this.relativeParent.resolvedRelativeTargetAt !==
frameData.timestamp) {
resolveTargetDelta(forceRecalculation = false) {
var _a;
* Once the dirty status of nodes has been spread through the tree, we also
* need to check if we have a shared node of a different depth that has itself
* been dirtied.
const lead = this.getLead();
this.isProjectionDirty || (this.isProjectionDirty = lead.isProjectionDirty);
this.isTransformDirty || (this.isTransformDirty = lead.isTransformDirty);
this.isSharedProjectionDirty || (this.isSharedProjectionDirty = lead.isSharedProjectionDirty);
const isShared = Boolean(this.resumingFrom) || this !== lead;
* We don't use transform for this step of processing so we don't
* need to check whether any nodes have changed transform.
const canSkip = !(forceRecalculation ||
(isShared && this.isSharedProjectionDirty) ||
this.isProjectionDirty ||
((_a = this.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isProjectionDirty) ||
if (canSkip)
const { layout, layoutId } = this.options;
* If we have no layout, we can't perform projection, so early return
if (!this.layout || !(layout || layoutId))
this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt = frameData.timestamp;
* If we don't have a targetDelta but do have a layout, we can attempt to resolve
* a relativeParent. This will allow a component to perform scale correction
* even if no animation has started.
// TODO If this is unsuccessful this currently happens every frame
if (!this.targetDelta && !this.relativeTarget) {
// TODO: This is a semi-repetition of further down this function, make DRY
const relativeParent = this.getClosestProjectingParent();
if (relativeParent &&
relativeParent.layout &&
this.animationProgress !== 1) {
this.relativeParent = relativeParent;
this.relativeTarget = createBox();
this.relativeTargetOrigin = createBox();
calcRelativePosition(this.relativeTargetOrigin, this.layout.layoutBox, relativeParent.layout.layoutBox);
copyBoxInto(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin);
else {
this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = undefined;
* If we have no relative target or no target delta our target isn't valid
* for this frame.
if (!this.relativeTarget && !this.targetDelta)
* Lazy-init target data structure
if (! { = createBox();
this.targetWithTransforms = createBox();
* If we've got a relative box for this component, resolve it into a target relative to the parent.
if (this.relativeTarget &&
this.relativeTargetOrigin &&
this.relativeParent && {
calcRelativeBox(, this.relativeTarget,;
* If we've only got a targetDelta, resolve it into a target
else if (this.targetDelta) {
if (Boolean(this.resumingFrom)) {
// TODO: This is creating a new object every frame = this.applyTransform(this.layout.layoutBox);
else {
copyBoxInto(, this.layout.layoutBox);
applyBoxDelta(, this.targetDelta);
else {
* If no target, use own layout as target
copyBoxInto(, this.layout.layoutBox);
* If we've been told to attempt to resolve a relative target, do so.
if (this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget) {
this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = false;
const relativeParent = this.getClosestProjectingParent();
if (relativeParent &&
Boolean(relativeParent.resumingFrom) ===
Boolean(this.resumingFrom) &&
!relativeParent.options.layoutScroll && &&
this.animationProgress !== 1) {
this.relativeParent = relativeParent;
this.relativeTarget = createBox();
this.relativeTargetOrigin = createBox();
copyBoxInto(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin);
else {
this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = undefined;
* Increase debug counter for resolved target deltas
getClosestProjectingParent() {
if (!this.parent ||
hasScale(this.parent.latestValues) ||
has2DTranslate(this.parent.latestValues)) {
return undefined;
if (this.parent.isProjecting()) {
return this.parent;
else {
return this.parent.getClosestProjectingParent();
isProjecting() {
return Boolean((this.relativeTarget ||
this.targetDelta ||
this.options.layoutRoot) &&
calcProjection() {
var _a;
const lead = this.getLead();
const isShared = Boolean(this.resumingFrom) || this !== lead;
let canSkip = true;
* If this is a normal layout animation and neither this node nor its nearest projecting
* is dirty then we can't skip.
if (this.isProjectionDirty || ((_a = this.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isProjectionDirty)) {
canSkip = false;
* If this is a shared layout animation and this node's shared projection is dirty then
* we can't skip.
if (isShared &&
(this.isSharedProjectionDirty || this.isTransformDirty)) {
canSkip = false;
* If we have resolved the target this frame we must recalculate the
* projection to ensure it visually represents the internal calculations.
if (this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt === frameData.timestamp) {
canSkip = false;
if (canSkip)
const { layout, layoutId } = this.options;
* If this section of the tree isn't animating we can
* delete our target sources for the following frame.
this.isTreeAnimating = Boolean((this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimating) ||
this.currentAnimation ||
if (!this.isTreeAnimating) {
this.targetDelta = this.relativeTarget = undefined;
if (!this.layout || !(layout || layoutId))
* Reset the corrected box with the latest values from box, as we're then going
* to perform mutative operations on it.
copyBoxInto(this.layoutCorrected, this.layout.layoutBox);
* Record previous tree scales before updating.
const prevTreeScaleX = this.treeScale.x;
const prevTreeScaleY = this.treeScale.y;
* Apply all the parent deltas to this box to produce the corrected box. This
* is the layout box, as it will appear on screen as a result of the transforms of its parents.
applyTreeDeltas(this.layoutCorrected, this.treeScale, this.path, isShared);
* If this layer needs to perform scale correction but doesn't have a target,
* use the layout as the target.
if (lead.layout &&
! &&
(this.treeScale.x !== 1 || this.treeScale.y !== 1)) { = lead.layout.layoutBox;
const { target } = lead;
if (!target) {
* If we don't have a target to project into, but we were previously
* projecting, we want to remove the stored transform and schedule
* a render to ensure the elements reflect the removed transform.
if (this.projectionTransform) {
this.projectionDelta = createDelta();
this.projectionTransform = "none";
if (!this.projectionDelta) {
this.projectionDelta = createDelta();
this.projectionDeltaWithTransform = createDelta();
const prevProjectionTransform = this.projectionTransform;
* Update the delta between the corrected box and the target box before user-set transforms were applied.
* This will allow us to calculate the corrected borderRadius and boxShadow to compensate
* for our layout reprojection, but still allow them to be scaled correctly by the user.
* It might be that to simplify this we may want to accept that user-set scale is also corrected
* and we wouldn't have to keep and calc both deltas, OR we could support a user setting
* to allow people to choose whether these styles are corrected based on just the
* layout reprojection or the final bounding box.
calcBoxDelta(this.projectionDelta, this.layoutCorrected, target, this.latestValues);
this.projectionTransform = buildProjectionTransform(this.projectionDelta, this.treeScale);
if (this.projectionTransform !== prevProjectionTransform ||
this.treeScale.x !== prevTreeScaleX ||
this.treeScale.y !== prevTreeScaleY) {
this.hasProjected = true;
this.notifyListeners("projectionUpdate", target);
* Increase debug counter for recalculated projections
hide() {
this.isVisible = false;
// TODO: Schedule render
show() {
this.isVisible = true;
// TODO: Schedule render
scheduleRender(notifyAll = true) {
this.options.scheduleRender && this.options.scheduleRender();
if (notifyAll) {
const stack = this.getStack();
stack && stack.scheduleRender();
if (this.resumingFrom && !this.resumingFrom.instance) {
this.resumingFrom = undefined;
setAnimationOrigin(delta, hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged = false) {
const snapshot = this.snapshot;
const snapshotLatestValues = snapshot
? snapshot.latestValues
: {};
const mixedValues = { ...this.latestValues };
const targetDelta = createDelta();
if (!this.relativeParent ||
!this.relativeParent.options.layoutRoot) {
this.relativeTarget = this.relativeTargetOrigin = undefined;
this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = !hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged;
const relativeLayout = createBox();
const snapshotSource = snapshot ? snapshot.source : undefined;
const layoutSource = this.layout ? this.layout.source : undefined;
const isSharedLayoutAnimation = snapshotSource !== layoutSource;
const stack = this.getStack();
const isOnlyMember = !stack || stack.members.length <= 1;
const shouldCrossfadeOpacity = Boolean(isSharedLayoutAnimation &&
!isOnlyMember &&
this.options.crossfade === true &&
this.animationProgress = 0;
let prevRelativeTarget;
this.mixTargetDelta = (latest) => {
const progress = latest / 1000;
mixAxisDelta(targetDelta.x, delta.x, progress);
mixAxisDelta(targetDelta.y, delta.y, progress);
if (this.relativeTarget &&
this.relativeTargetOrigin &&
this.layout &&
this.relativeParent &&
this.relativeParent.layout) {
calcRelativePosition(relativeLayout, this.layout.layoutBox, this.relativeParent.layout.layoutBox);
mixBox(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin, relativeLayout, progress);
* If this is an unchanged relative target we can consider the
* projection not dirty.
if (prevRelativeTarget &&
boxEquals(this.relativeTarget, prevRelativeTarget)) {
this.isProjectionDirty = false;
if (!prevRelativeTarget)
prevRelativeTarget = createBox();
copyBoxInto(prevRelativeTarget, this.relativeTarget);
if (isSharedLayoutAnimation) {
this.animationValues = mixedValues;
mixValues(mixedValues, snapshotLatestValues, this.latestValues, progress, shouldCrossfadeOpacity, isOnlyMember);
this.animationProgress = progress;
this.mixTargetDelta(this.options.layoutRoot ? 1000 : 0);
startAnimation(options) {
this.currentAnimation && this.currentAnimation.stop();
if (this.resumingFrom && this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation) {
if (this.pendingAnimation) {
this.pendingAnimation = undefined;
* Start the animation in the next frame to have a frame with progress 0,
* where the target is the same as when the animation started, so we can
* calculate the relative positions correctly for instant transitions.
this.pendingAnimation = frame.update(() => {
globalProjectionState.hasAnimatedSinceResize = true;
this.currentAnimation = animateSingleValue(0, animationTarget, {
onUpdate: (latest) => {
options.onUpdate && options.onUpdate(latest);
onComplete: () => {
options.onComplete && options.onComplete();
if (this.resumingFrom) {
this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = this.currentAnimation;
this.pendingAnimation = undefined;
completeAnimation() {
if (this.resumingFrom) {
this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = undefined;
this.resumingFrom.preserveOpacity = undefined;
const stack = this.getStack();
stack && stack.exitAnimationComplete();
this.resumingFrom =
this.currentAnimation =
this.animationValues =
finishAnimation() {
if (this.currentAnimation) {
this.mixTargetDelta && this.mixTargetDelta(animationTarget);
applyTransformsToTarget() {
const lead = this.getLead();
let { targetWithTransforms, target, layout, latestValues } = lead;
if (!targetWithTransforms || !target || !layout)
* If we're only animating position, and this element isn't the lead element,
* then instead of projecting into the lead box we instead want to calculate
* a new target that aligns the two boxes but maintains the layout shape.
if (this !== lead &&
this.layout &&
layout &&
shouldAnimatePositionOnly(this.options.animationType, this.layout.layoutBox, layout.layoutBox)) {
target = || createBox();
const xLength = calcLength(this.layout.layoutBox.x);
target.x.min =;
target.x.max = target.x.min + xLength;
const yLength = calcLength(this.layout.layoutBox.y);
target.y.min =;
target.y.max = target.y.min + yLength;
copyBoxInto(targetWithTransforms, target);
* Apply the latest user-set transforms to the targetBox to produce the targetBoxFinal.
* This is the final box that we will then project into by calculating a transform delta and
* applying it to the corrected box.
transformBox(targetWithTransforms, latestValues);
* Update the delta between the corrected box and the final target box, after
* user-set transforms are applied to it. This will be used by the renderer to
* create a transform style that will reproject the element from its layout layout
* into the desired bounding box.
calcBoxDelta(this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.layoutCorrected, targetWithTransforms, latestValues);
registerSharedNode(layoutId, node) {
if (!this.sharedNodes.has(layoutId)) {
this.sharedNodes.set(layoutId, new NodeStack());
const stack = this.sharedNodes.get(layoutId);
const config = node.options.initialPromotionConfig;
transition: config ? config.transition : undefined,
preserveFollowOpacity: config && config.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity
? config.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity(node)
: undefined,
isLead() {
const stack = this.getStack();
return stack ? stack.lead === this : true;
getLead() {
var _a;
const { layoutId } = this.options;
return layoutId ? ((_a = this.getStack()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.lead) || this : this;
getPrevLead() {
var _a;
const { layoutId } = this.options;
return layoutId ? (_a = this.getStack()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prevLead : undefined;
getStack() {
const { layoutId } = this.options;
if (layoutId)
return this.root.sharedNodes.get(layoutId);
promote({ needsReset, transition, preserveFollowOpacity, } = {}) {
const stack = this.getStack();
if (stack)
stack.promote(this, preserveFollowOpacity);
if (needsReset) {
this.projectionDelta = undefined;
this.needsReset = true;
if (transition)
this.setOptions({ transition });
relegate() {
const stack = this.getStack();
if (stack) {
return stack.relegate(this);
else {
return false;
resetRotation() {
const { visualElement } = this.options;
if (!visualElement)
// If there's no detected rotation values, we can early return without a forced render.
let hasRotate = false;
* An unrolled check for rotation values. Most elements don't have any rotation and
* skipping the nested loop and new object creation is 50% faster.
const { latestValues } = visualElement;
if (latestValues.rotate ||
latestValues.rotateX ||
latestValues.rotateY ||
latestValues.rotateZ) {
hasRotate = true;
// If there's no rotation values, we don't need to do any more.
if (!hasRotate)
const resetValues = {};
// Check the rotate value of all axes and reset to 0
for (let i = 0; i < transformAxes.length; i++) {
const key = "rotate" + transformAxes[i];
// Record the rotation and then temporarily set it to 0
if (latestValues[key]) {
resetValues[key] = latestValues[key];
visualElement.setStaticValue(key, 0);
// Force a render of this element to apply the transform with all rotations
// set to 0.
// Put back all the values we reset
for (const key in resetValues) {
visualElement.setStaticValue(key, resetValues[key]);
// Schedule a render for the next frame. This ensures we won't visually
// see the element with the reset rotate value applied.
getProjectionStyles(styleProp) {
var _a, _b;
if (!this.instance || this.isSVG)
return undefined;
if (!this.isVisible) {
return hiddenVisibility;
const styles = {
visibility: "",
const transformTemplate = this.getTransformTemplate();
if (this.needsReset) {
this.needsReset = false;
styles.opacity = "";
styles.pointerEvents =
resolveMotionValue(styleProp === null || styleProp === void 0 ? void 0 : styleProp.pointerEvents) || "";
styles.transform = transformTemplate
? transformTemplate(this.latestValues, "")
: "none";
return styles;
const lead = this.getLead();
if (!this.projectionDelta || !this.layout || ! {
const emptyStyles = {};
if (this.options.layoutId) {
emptyStyles.opacity =
this.latestValues.opacity !== undefined
? this.latestValues.opacity
: 1;
emptyStyles.pointerEvents =
resolveMotionValue(styleProp === null || styleProp === void 0 ? void 0 : styleProp.pointerEvents) || "";
if (this.hasProjected && !hasTransform(this.latestValues)) {
emptyStyles.transform = transformTemplate
? transformTemplate({}, "")
: "none";
this.hasProjected = false;
return emptyStyles;
const valuesToRender = lead.animationValues || lead.latestValues;
styles.transform = buildProjectionTransform(this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.treeScale, valuesToRender);
if (transformTemplate) {
styles.transform = transformTemplate(valuesToRender, styles.transform);
const { x, y } = this.projectionDelta;
styles.transformOrigin = `${x.origin * 100}% ${y.origin * 100}% 0`;
if (lead.animationValues) {
* If the lead component is animating, assign this either the entering/leaving
* opacity
styles.opacity =
lead === this
? (_b = (_a = valuesToRender.opacity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.latestValues.opacity) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1
: this.preserveOpacity
? this.latestValues.opacity
: valuesToRender.opacityExit;
else {
* Or we're not animating at all, set the lead component to its layout
* opacity and other components to hidden.
styles.opacity =
lead === this
? valuesToRender.opacity !== undefined
? valuesToRender.opacity
: ""
: valuesToRender.opacityExit !== undefined
? valuesToRender.opacityExit
: 0;
* Apply scale correction
for (const key in scaleCorrectors) {
if (valuesToRender[key] === undefined)
const { correct, applyTo } = scaleCorrectors[key];
* Only apply scale correction to the value if we have an
* active projection transform. Otherwise these values become
* vulnerable to distortion if the element changes size without
* a corresponding layout animation.
const corrected = styles.transform === "none"
? valuesToRender[key]
: correct(valuesToRender[key], lead);
if (applyTo) {
const num = applyTo.length;
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
styles[applyTo[i]] = corrected;
else {
styles[key] = corrected;
* Disable pointer events on follow components. This is to ensure
* that if a follow component covers a lead component it doesn't block
* pointer events on the lead.
if (this.options.layoutId) {
styles.pointerEvents =
lead === this
? resolveMotionValue(styleProp === null || styleProp === void 0 ? void 0 : styleProp.pointerEvents) || ""
: "none";
return styles;
clearSnapshot() {
this.resumeFrom = this.snapshot = undefined;
// Only run on root
resetTree() {
this.root.nodes.forEach((node) => { var _a; return (_a = node.currentAnimation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stop(); });
function updateLayout(node) {
function notifyLayoutUpdate(node) {
var _a;
const snapshot = ((_a = node.resumeFrom) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.snapshot) || node.snapshot;
if (node.isLead() &&
node.layout &&
snapshot &&
node.hasListeners("didUpdate")) {
const { layoutBox: layout, measuredBox: measuredLayout } = node.layout;
const { animationType } = node.options;
const isShared = snapshot.source !== node.layout.source;
// TODO Maybe we want to also resize the layout snapshot so we don't trigger
// animations for instance if layout="size" and an element has only changed position
if (animationType === "size") {
eachAxis((axis) => {
const axisSnapshot = isShared
? snapshot.measuredBox[axis]
: snapshot.layoutBox[axis];
const length = calcLength(axisSnapshot);
axisSnapshot.min = layout[axis].min;
axisSnapshot.max = axisSnapshot.min + length;
else if (shouldAnimatePositionOnly(animationType, snapshot.layoutBox, layout)) {
eachAxis((axis) => {
const axisSnapshot = isShared
? snapshot.measuredBox[axis]
: snapshot.layoutBox[axis];
const length = calcLength(layout[axis]);
axisSnapshot.max = axisSnapshot.min + length;
* Ensure relative target gets resized and rerendererd
if (node.relativeTarget && !node.currentAnimation) {
node.isProjectionDirty = true;
node.relativeTarget[axis].max =
node.relativeTarget[axis].min + length;
const layoutDelta = createDelta();
calcBoxDelta(layoutDelta, layout, snapshot.layoutBox);
const visualDelta = createDelta();
if (isShared) {
calcBoxDelta(visualDelta, node.applyTransform(measuredLayout, true), snapshot.measuredBox);
else {
calcBoxDelta(visualDelta, layout, snapshot.layoutBox);
const hasLayoutChanged = !isDeltaZero(layoutDelta);
let hasRelativeTargetChanged = false;
if (!node.resumeFrom) {
const relativeParent = node.getClosestProjectingParent();
* If the relativeParent is itself resuming from a different element then
* the relative snapshot is not relavent
if (relativeParent && !relativeParent.resumeFrom) {
const { snapshot: parentSnapshot, layout: parentLayout } = relativeParent;
if (parentSnapshot && parentLayout) {
const relativeSnapshot = createBox();
calcRelativePosition(relativeSnapshot, snapshot.layoutBox, parentSnapshot.layoutBox);
const relativeLayout = createBox();
calcRelativePosition(relativeLayout, layout, parentLayout.layoutBox);
if (!boxEqualsRounded(relativeSnapshot, relativeLayout)) {
hasRelativeTargetChanged = true;
if (relativeParent.options.layoutRoot) {
node.relativeTarget = relativeLayout;
node.relativeTargetOrigin = relativeSnapshot;
node.relativeParent = relativeParent;
node.notifyListeners("didUpdate", {
delta: visualDelta,
else if (node.isLead()) {
const { onExitComplete } = node.options;
onExitComplete && onExitComplete();
* Clearing transition
* TODO: Investigate why this transition is being passed in as {type: false } from Framer
* and why we need it at all
node.options.transition = undefined;
function propagateDirtyNodes(node) {
* Increase debug counter for nodes encountered this frame
if (!node.parent)
* If this node isn't projecting, propagate isProjectionDirty. It will have
* no performance impact but it will allow the next child that *is* projecting
* but *isn't* dirty to just check its parent to see if *any* ancestor needs
* correcting.
if (!node.isProjecting()) {
node.isProjectionDirty = node.parent.isProjectionDirty;
* Propagate isSharedProjectionDirty and isTransformDirty
* throughout the whole tree. A future revision can take another look at
* this but for safety we still recalcualte shared nodes.
node.isSharedProjectionDirty || (node.isSharedProjectionDirty = Boolean(node.isProjectionDirty ||
node.parent.isProjectionDirty ||
node.isTransformDirty || (node.isTransformDirty = node.parent.isTransformDirty);
function cleanDirtyNodes(node) {
node.isProjectionDirty =
node.isSharedProjectionDirty =
node.isTransformDirty =
function clearSnapshot(node) {
function clearMeasurements(node) {
function clearIsLayoutDirty(node) {
node.isLayoutDirty = false;
function resetTransformStyle(node) {
const { visualElement } = node.options;
if (visualElement && visualElement.getProps().onBeforeLayoutMeasure) {
function finishAnimation(node) {
node.targetDelta = node.relativeTarget = = undefined;
node.isProjectionDirty = true;
function resolveTargetDelta(node) {
function calcProjection(node) {
function resetRotation(node) {
function removeLeadSnapshots(stack) {
function mixAxisDelta(output, delta, p) {
output.translate = mix(delta.translate, 0, p);
output.scale = mix(delta.scale, 1, p);
output.origin = delta.origin;
output.originPoint = delta.originPoint;
function mixAxis(output, from, to, p) {
output.min = mix(from.min, to.min, p);
output.max = mix(from.max, to.max, p);
function mixBox(output, from, to, p) {
mixAxis(output.x, from.x, to.x, p);
mixAxis(output.y, from.y, to.y, p);
function hasOpacityCrossfade(node) {
return (node.animationValues && node.animationValues.opacityExit !== undefined);
const defaultLayoutTransition = {
duration: 0.45,
ease: [0.4, 0, 0.1, 1],
const userAgentContains = (string) => typeof navigator !== "undefined" &&
* Measured bounding boxes must be rounded in Safari and
* left untouched in Chrome, otherwise non-integer layouts within scaled-up elements
* can appear to jump.
const roundPoint = userAgentContains("applewebkit/") && !userAgentContains("chrome/")
? Math.round
: noop;
function roundAxis(axis) {
// Round to the nearest .5 pixels to support subpixel layouts
axis.min = roundPoint(axis.min);
axis.max = roundPoint(axis.max);
function roundBox(box) {
function shouldAnimatePositionOnly(animationType, snapshot, layout) {
return (animationType === "position" ||
(animationType === "preserve-aspect" &&
!isNear(aspectRatio(snapshot), aspectRatio(layout), 0.2)));
function addDomEvent(target, eventName, handler, options = { passive: true }) {
target.addEventListener(eventName, handler, options);
return () => target.removeEventListener(eventName, handler);
const DocumentProjectionNode = createProjectionNode({
attachResizeListener: (ref, notify) => addDomEvent(ref, "resize", notify),
measureScroll: () => ({
x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft,
y: document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
checkIsScrollRoot: () => true,
const rootProjectionNode = {
current: undefined,
const HTMLProjectionNode = createProjectionNode({
measureScroll: (instance) => ({
x: instance.scrollLeft,
y: instance.scrollTop,
defaultParent: () => {
if (!rootProjectionNode.current) {
const documentNode = new DocumentProjectionNode({});
documentNode.setOptions({ layoutScroll: true });
rootProjectionNode.current = documentNode;
return rootProjectionNode.current;
resetTransform: (instance, value) => { = value !== undefined ? value : "none";
checkIsScrollRoot: (instance) => Boolean(window.getComputedStyle(instance).position === "fixed"),
const notify = (node) => !node.isLayoutDirty && node.willUpdate(false);
function nodeGroup() {
const nodes = new Set();
const subscriptions = new WeakMap();
const dirtyAll = () => nodes.forEach(notify);
return {
add: (node) => {
subscriptions.set(node, node.addEventListener("willUpdate", dirtyAll));
remove: (node) => {
const unsubscribe = subscriptions.get(node);
if (unsubscribe) {
dirty: dirtyAll,
function pixelsToPercent(pixels, axis) {
if (axis.max === axis.min)
return 0;
return (pixels / (axis.max - axis.min)) * 100;
* We always correct borderRadius as a percentage rather than pixels to reduce paints.
* For example, if you are projecting a box that is 100px wide with a 10px borderRadius
* into a box that is 200px wide with a 20px borderRadius, that is actually a 10%
* borderRadius in both states. If we animate between the two in pixels that will trigger
* a paint each time. If we animate between the two in percentage we'll avoid a paint.
const correctBorderRadius = {
correct: (latest, node) => {
if (!
return latest;
* If latest is a string, if it's a percentage we can return immediately as it's
* going to be stretched appropriately. Otherwise, if it's a pixel, convert it to a number.
if (typeof latest === "string") {
if (px.test(latest)) {
latest = parseFloat(latest);
else {
return latest;
* If latest is a number, it's a pixel value. We use the current viewportBox to calculate that
* pixel value as a percentage of each axis
const x = pixelsToPercent(latest,;
const y = pixelsToPercent(latest,;
return `${x}% ${y}%`;
const correctBoxShadow = {
correct: (latest, { treeScale, projectionDelta }) => {
const original = latest;
const shadow = complex.parse(latest);
// TODO: Doesn't support multiple shadows
if (shadow.length > 5)
return original;
const template = complex.createTransformer(latest);
const offset = typeof shadow[0] !== "number" ? 1 : 0;
// Calculate the overall context scale
const xScale = projectionDelta.x.scale * treeScale.x;
const yScale = projectionDelta.y.scale * treeScale.y;
shadow[0 + offset] /= xScale;
shadow[1 + offset] /= yScale;
* Ideally we'd correct x and y scales individually, but because blur and
* spread apply to both we have to take a scale average and apply that instead.
* We could potentially improve the outcome of this by incorporating the ratio between
* the two scales.
const averageScale = mix(xScale, yScale, 0.5);
// Blur
if (typeof shadow[2 + offset] === "number")
shadow[2 + offset] /= averageScale;
// Spread
if (typeof shadow[3 + offset] === "number")
shadow[3 + offset] /= averageScale;
return template(shadow);
exports.HTMLProjectionNode = HTMLProjectionNode;
exports.HTMLVisualElement = HTMLVisualElement;
exports.addScaleCorrector = addScaleCorrector;
exports.animate = animateValue;
exports.buildTransform = buildTransform;
exports.calcBoxDelta = calcBoxDelta;
exports.correctBorderRadius = correctBorderRadius;
exports.correctBoxShadow = correctBoxShadow;
exports.frame = frame;
exports.frameData = frameData;
exports.mix = mix;
exports.nodeGroup = nodeGroup;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });