
84 lines
3.4 KiB

import { resolveElements } from '../render/dom/utils/resolve-element.mjs';
import { visualElementStore } from '../render/store.mjs';
import { invariant } from '../utils/errors.mjs';
import { GroupPlaybackControls } from './GroupPlaybackControls.mjs';
import { isDOMKeyframes } from './utils/is-dom-keyframes.mjs';
import { animateTarget } from './interfaces/visual-element-target.mjs';
import { createVisualElement } from './utils/create-visual-element.mjs';
import { animateSingleValue } from './interfaces/single-value.mjs';
import { createAnimationsFromSequence } from './sequence/create.mjs';
import { isMotionValue } from '../value/utils/is-motion-value.mjs';
function animateElements(elementOrSelector, keyframes, options, scope) {
const elements = resolveElements(elementOrSelector, scope);
const numElements = elements.length;
invariant(Boolean(numElements), "No valid element provided.");
const animations = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
const element = elements[i];
* Check each element for an associated VisualElement. If none exists,
* we need to create one.
if (!visualElementStore.has(element)) {
* TODO: We only need render-specific parts of the VisualElement.
* With some additional work the size of the animate() function
* could be reduced significantly.
const visualElement = visualElementStore.get(element);
const transition = { ...options };
* Resolve stagger function if provided.
if (typeof transition.delay === "function") {
transition.delay = transition.delay(i, numElements);
animations.push(...animateTarget(visualElement, { ...keyframes, transition }, {}));
return new GroupPlaybackControls(animations);
const isSequence = (value) => Array.isArray(value) && Array.isArray(value[0]);
function animateSequence(sequence, options, scope) {
const animations = [];
const animationDefinitions = createAnimationsFromSequence(sequence, options, scope);
animationDefinitions.forEach(({ keyframes, transition }, subject) => {
let animation;
if (isMotionValue(subject)) {
animation = animateSingleValue(subject, keyframes.default, transition.default);
else {
animation = animateElements(subject, keyframes, transition);
return new GroupPlaybackControls(animations);
const createScopedAnimate = (scope) => {
* Implementation
function scopedAnimate(valueOrElementOrSequence, keyframes, options) {
let animation;
if (isSequence(valueOrElementOrSequence)) {
animation = animateSequence(valueOrElementOrSequence, keyframes, scope);
else if (isDOMKeyframes(keyframes)) {
animation = animateElements(valueOrElementOrSequence, keyframes, options, scope);
else {
animation = animateSingleValue(valueOrElementOrSequence, keyframes, options);
if (scope) {
return animation;
return scopedAnimate;
const animate = createScopedAnimate();
export { animate, createScopedAnimate };