
82 lines
3.1 KiB

"use strict";
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
// See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.printSuppressHelp = exports.printHelp = exports.printPruneHelp = void 0;
const wrap_words_to_lines_1 = require("./wrap-words-to-lines");
function printPruneHelp() {
const help = `eslint-bulk prune
eslint-bulk prune
This command is a thin wrapper around ESLint that communicates with @rushstack/eslint-patch to delete all unused suppression entries in all .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json files under the current working directory.`;
const wrapped = (0, wrap_words_to_lines_1.wrapWordsToLines)(help);
for (const line of wrapped) {
exports.printPruneHelp = printPruneHelp;
function printHelp() {
const help = `eslint-bulk <command>
eslint-bulk suppress --rule RULENAME1 [--rule RULENAME2...] PATH1 [PATH2...]
eslint-bulk suppress --all PATH1 [PATH2...]
eslint-bulk suppress --help
eslint-bulk prune
eslint-bulk prune --help
eslint-bulk --help
This command line tool is a thin wrapper around ESLint that communicates with @rushstack/eslint-patch to suppress or prune unused suppressions in the local .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json file.
eslint-bulk suppress [options] <path...>
Use this command to generate a new .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json file or add suppression entries to the existing file. Specify the files and rules you want to suppress.
Please run "eslint-bulk suppress --help" to learn more.
eslint-bulk prune
Use this command to delete all unused suppression entries in all .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json files under the current working directory.
Please run "eslint-bulk prune --help" to learn more.
const wrapped = (0, wrap_words_to_lines_1.wrapWordsToLines)(help);
for (const line of wrapped) {
exports.printHelp = printHelp;
function printSuppressHelp() {
const help = `eslint-bulk suppress [options] <path...>
eslint-bulk suppress --rule RULENAME1 [--rule RULENAME2...] PATH1 [PATH2...]
eslint-bulk suppress --all PATH1 [PATH2...]
eslint-bulk suppress --help
This command is a thin wrapper around ESLint that communicates with @rushstack/eslint-patch to either generate a new .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json file or add suppression entries to the existing file. Specify the files and rules you want to suppress.
Glob patterns for paths to suppress, same as eslint files argument. Should be relative to the project root.
-h, -H, --help
Display this help message.
-R, --rule
The full name of the ESLint rule you want to bulk-suppress. Specify multiple rules with --rule NAME1 --rule RULENAME2.
-A, --all
Bulk-suppress all rules in the specified file patterns.`;
const wrapped = (0, wrap_words_to_lines_1.wrapWordsToLines)(help);
for (const line of wrapped) {
exports.printSuppressHelp = printSuppressHelp;