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/** [[include:doc/result.md]] */
/** (keep typedoc from getting confused by the import) */
import * as Maybe from './maybe';
declare type Maybe<T> = import('./maybe').Maybe<T>;
import Unit from './unit';
Discriminant for `Ok` and `Err` variants of `Result` type.
You can use the discriminant via the `variant` property of `Result` instances
if you need to match explicitly on it.
export declare enum Variant {
Ok = "Ok",
Err = "Err"
interface OkJSON<T> {
variant: Variant.Ok;
value: T;
interface ErrJSON<E> {
variant: Variant.Err;
error: E;
declare type ResultJSON<T, E> = OkJSON<T> | ErrJSON<E>;
/** Simply defines the common shape for `Ok` and `Err`. */
export interface ResultShape<T, E> {
/** Distinguish between the `Ok` and `Err` variants. */
readonly variant: Variant;
/** Method variant for [`Result.isOk`](../modules/_result_.html#isok) */
isOk(this: Result<T, E>): this is Ok<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.isErr`](../modules/_result_.html#iserr) */
isErr(this: Result<T, E>): this is Err<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.map`](../modules/_result_.html#map) */
map<U>(this: Result<T, E>, mapFn: (t: T) => U): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapOr`](../modules/_result_.html#mapor) */
mapOr<U>(this: Result<T, E>, orU: U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapOrElse`](../modules/_result_.html#maporelse) */
mapOrElse<U>(this: Result<T, E>, orElseFn: (err: E) => U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.match`](../modules/_result_.html#match) */
match<U>(this: Result<T, E>, matcher: Matcher<T, E, U>): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapErr`](../modules/_result_.html#maperr) */
mapErr<F>(this: Result<T, E>, mapErrFn: (e: E) => F): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.or`](../modules/_result_.html#or) */
or<F>(this: Result<T, E>, orResult: Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.orElse`](../modules/_result_.html#orelse) */
orElse<F>(this: Result<T, E>, orElseFn: (err: E) => Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.and`](../modules/_result_.html#and) */
and<U>(this: Result<T, E>, mAnd: Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.andThen`](../modules/_result_.html#andthen) */
andThen<U>(this: Result<T, E>, andThenFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.chain`](../modules/_result_.html#chain) */
chain<U>(this: Result<T, E>, chainFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.flatMap`](../modules/_result_.html#flatmap) */
flatMap<U>(this: Result<T, E>, chainFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrap`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrap) */
unsafelyUnwrap(): T | never;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapErr`](../modules/_result_.html#unwraperr) */
unsafelyUnwrapErr(): E | never;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapOr`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrapor) */
unwrapOr<U>(this: Result<T, E>, defaultValue: U): T | U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapOrElse`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrapOrElse) */
unwrapOrElse<U>(this: Result<T, E>, elseFn: (error: E) => U): T | U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toMaybe`](../modules/_result_.html#tomaybe) */
toMaybe(this: Result<T, E>): Maybe<T>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toString`](../modules/_result_.html#tostring) */
toString(this: Result<T, E>): string;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toJSON`](../modules/_result_.html#toJSON) */
toJSON(this: Result<T, E>): ResultJSON<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.equals`](../modules/_result_.html#equals) */
equals(this: Result<T, E>, comparison: Result<T, E>): boolean;
/** Method variant for [`Result.ap`](../modules/_result_.html#ap) */
ap<A, B>(this: Result<(a: A) => B, E>, r: Result<A, E>): Result<B, E>;
An `Ok` instance is the *successful* variant instance of the
[`Result`](../modules/_result_.html#result) type, representing a successful
outcome from an operation which may fail. For a full discussion, see [the
module docs](../modules/_result_.html).
@typeparam T The type wrapped in this `Ok` variant of `Result`.
@typeparam E The type which would be wrapped in an `Err` variant of `Result`.
export declare class Ok<T, E> implements ResultShape<T, E> {
Unwrap the contained value. A convenience method for functional idioms.
A common scenario where you might want to use this is in a pipeline of
import Result, { Ok } from 'true-myth/result';
function getLengths(results: Array<Result<string, string>>): Array<number> {
return results
.map(s => s.length);
static unwrap<O>(theOk: Ok<O, any>): O;
/** `Ok` is always [`Variant.Ok`](../enums/_result_.variant#ok). */
readonly variant: Variant.Ok;
/** The wrapped value. */
readonly value: T;
Create an instance of `Result.Ok` with `new`.
Note: While you *may* create the `Result` type via normal
JavaScript class construction, it is not recommended for the functional
style for which the library is intended. Instead, use [`Result.ok`].
[`Result.ok`]: ../modules/_result_.html#ok
// Avoid:
const aString = new Result.Ok('characters');
// Prefer:
const aString = Result.ok('characters);
Note that you may explicitly pass `Unit` to the `Ok` constructor to create
a `Result<Unit, E>`. However, you may *not* call the `Ok` constructor with
`null` or `undefined` to get that result (the type system won't allow you to
construct it that way). Instead, for convenience, you can simply call
`Result.ok()`, which will construct the type correctly.
@param value
The value to wrap in a `Result.Ok`.
Note: `null` and `undefined` are allowed by the type signature so that the
constructor may `throw` on those rather than constructing a type like
@throws If you pass `null`.
constructor(value?: T | null);
/** Method variant for [`Result.isOk`](../modules/_result_.html#isok) */
isOk(this: Result<T, E>): this is Ok<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.isErr`](../modules/_result_.html#iserr) */
isErr(this: Result<T, E>): this is Err<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.map`](../modules/_result_.html#map) */
map<U>(this: Result<T, E>, mapFn: (t: T) => U): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapOr`](../modules/_result_.html#mapor) */
mapOr<U>(this: Result<T, E>, orU: U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapOrElse`](../modules/_result_.html#maporelse) */
mapOrElse<U>(this: Result<T, E>, orElseFn: (err: E) => U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.match`](../modules/_result_.html#match) */
match<U>(this: Result<T, E>, matcher: Matcher<T, E, U>): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapErr`](../modules/_result_.html#maperr) */
mapErr<F>(this: Result<T, E>, mapErrFn: (e: E) => F): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.or`](../modules/_result_.html#or) */
or<F>(this: Result<T, E>, orResult: Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.orElse`](../modules/_result_.html#orelse) */
orElse<F>(this: Result<T, E>, orElseFn: (err: E) => Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.and`](../modules/_result_.html#and) */
and<U>(this: Result<T, E>, mAnd: Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.andThen`](../modules/_result_.html#andthen) */
andThen<U>(this: Result<T, E>, andThenFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.chain`](../modules/_result_.html#chain) */
chain<U>(this: Result<T, E>, chainFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.flatMap`](../modules/_result_.html#flatmap) */
flatMap<U>(this: Result<T, E>, flatMapFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrap`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrap) */
unsafelyUnwrap(): T;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapErr`](../modules/_result_.html#unwraperr) */
unsafelyUnwrapErr(): never;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapOr`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrapor) */
unwrapOr<U>(this: Result<T, E>, defaultValue: U): T | U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapOrElse`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrapOrElse) */
unwrapOrElse<U>(this: Result<T, E>, elseFn: (error: E) => U): T | U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toMaybe`](../modules/_result_.html#tomaybe) */
toMaybe(this: Result<T, E>): Maybe<T>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toString`](../modules/_result_.html#tostring) */
toString(this: Result<T, E>): string;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toJSON`](../modules/_result_.html#toJSON) */
toJSON(this: Result<T, E>): ResultJSON<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.equals`](../modules/_result_.html#equals) */
equals(this: Result<T, E>, comparison: Result<T, E>): boolean;
/** Method variant for [`Result.ap`](../modules/_result_.html#ap) */
ap<A, B>(this: Result<(a: A) => B, E>, r: Result<A, E>): Result<B, E>;
An `Err` instance is the *failure* variant instance of the
[`Result`](../modules/_result_.html#result) type, representing a failure
outcome from an operation which may fail. For a full discussion, see [the
module docs](../modules/_result_.html).
@typeparam T The type which would be wrapped in an `Ok` variant of `Result`.
@typeparam E The type wrapped in this `Err` variant of `Result`.
export declare class Err<T, E> implements ResultShape<T, E> {
Unwrap the contained error . A convenience method for functional idioms.
A common scenario where you might want to use this is in a pipeline of
import Result, { Ok } from 'true-myth/result';
function getMessages(results: Array<Result<string, Error>>): Array<number> {
return maybeStrings
.map(e => e.message);
static unwrapErr<F>(theErr: Err<F, any>): F;
/** `Err` is always [`Variant.Err`](../enums/_result_.variant#err). */
readonly variant: Variant.Err;
/** The wrapped error value. */
readonly error: E;
Create an instance of `Result.Err` with `new`.
Note: While you *may* create the `Result` type via normal
JavaScript class construction, it is not recommended for the functional
style for which the library is intended. Instead, use [`Result.err`].
[`Result.err`]: ../modules/_result_.html#err
// Avoid:
const anErr = new Result.Err('alas, failure');
// Prefer:
const anErr = Result.err('alas, failure');
Note that you may explicitly pass `Unit` to the `Err` constructor to create
a `Result<T, Unit>`. However, you may *not* call the `Err` constructor with
`null` or `undefined` to get that result (the type system won't allow you to
construct it that way). Instead, for convenience, you can simply call
`Result.err()`, which will construct the type correctly.
@param error
The value to wrap in a `Result.Err`.
`Note: null` and `undefined` are allowed by the type signature so that the
constructor may `throw` on those rather than constructing a type like
`Result<number, undefined>`.
@throws If you pass `null` or `undefined`.
constructor(error: E | null);
/** Method variant for [`Result.isOk`](../modules/_result_.html#isok) */
isOk(this: Result<T, E>): this is Ok<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.isErr`](../modules/_result_.html#iserr) */
isErr(this: Result<T, E>): this is Err<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.map`](../modules/_result_.html#map) */
map<U>(this: Result<T, E>, mapFn: (t: T) => U): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapOr`](../modules/_result_.html#mapor) */
mapOr<U>(this: Result<T, E>, orU: U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapOrElse`](../modules/_result_.html#maporelse) */
mapOrElse<U>(this: Result<T, E>, orElseFn: (err: E) => U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.match`](../modules/_result_.html#match) */
match<U>(this: Result<T, E>, matchObj: Matcher<T, E, U>): U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.mapErr`](../modules/_result_.html#maperr) */
mapErr<F>(this: Result<T, E>, mapErrFn: (e: E) => F): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.or`](../modules/_result_.html#or) */
or<F>(this: Result<T, E>, orResult: Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.orElse`](../modules/_result_.html#orelse) */
orElse<F>(this: Result<T, E>, orElseFn: (err: E) => Result<T, F>): Result<T, F>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.and`](../modules/_result_.html#and) */
and<U>(this: Result<T, E>, mAnd: Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.andThen`](../modules/_result_.html#andthen) */
andThen<U>(this: Result<T, E>, andThenFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.chain`](../modules/_result_.html#chain) */
chain<U>(this: Result<T, E>, chainFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.flatMap`](../modules/_result_.html#flatmap) */
flatMap<U>(this: Result<T, E>, flatMapFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unsafelyUnwrap`](../modules/_result_.html#unsafelyunwrap) */
unsafelyUnwrap(): never;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unsafelyUnwrapErr`](../modules/_result_.html#unsafelyunwraperr) */
unsafelyUnwrapErr(): E;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapOr`](../modules/_result_.html#unwrapor) */
unwrapOr<U>(this: Result<T, E>, defaultValue: U): T | U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.unwrapOrElse`](../modules/_result_.html#unwraporelse) */
unwrapOrElse<U>(this: Result<T, E>, elseFn: (error: E) => U): T | U;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toMaybe`](../modules/_result_.html#tomaybe) */
toMaybe(this: Result<T, E>): Maybe<T>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toString`](../modules/_result_.html#tostring) */
toString(this: Result<T, E>): string;
/** Method variant for [`Result.toJSON`](../modules/_result_.html#toJSON) */
toJSON(this: Result<T, E>): ResultJSON<T, E>;
/** Method variant for [`Result.equals`](../modules/_result_.html#equals) */
equals(this: Result<T, E>, comparison: Result<T, E>): boolean;
/** Method variant for [`Result.ap`](../modules/_result_.html#ap) */
ap<A, B>(this: Result<(a: A) => B, E>, r: Result<A, E>): Result<B, E>;
Is this `Result` an `Ok` instance?
In TypeScript, narrows the type from `Result<T, E>` to `Ok<T, E>`.
export declare function isOk<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): result is Ok<T, E>;
Is this `Result` an `Err` instance?
In TypeScript, narrows the type from `Result<T, E>` to `Err<T, E>`.
export declare function isErr<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): result is Err<T, E>;
Create an instance of `Result.Ok`.
If you need to create an instance with a specific type (as you do whenever you
are not constructing immediately for a function return or as an argument to a
function), you can use a type parameter:
const yayNumber = Result.ok<number, string>(12);
Note: `null` is allowed by the type signature so that so that the function
may be used to `throw` on passing `null` rather than constructing a type like
`Result<null, string>`. `undefined` is allowed as a convenience method for
constructing a `Result<Unit, E>`.
const normalResult = Result.ok<number, string>(42);
const explicitUnit = Result.ok<Unit, string>(Unit);
const implicitUnit = Result.ok<Unit, string>();
In the context of an immediate function return, or an arrow function with a
single expression value, you do not have to specify the types, so this can be
quite convenient.
type SomeData = {
const isValid = (data: SomeData): boolean => {
// true or false...
const arrowValidate = (data: SomeData): Result<Unit, string> =>
isValid(data) ? Result.ok() : Result.err('something was wrong!');
function fnValidate(data: someData): Result<Unit, string> {
return isValid(data) ? Result.ok() : Result.err('something was wrong');
@typeparam T The type of the item contained in the `Result`.
@param value The value to wrap in a `Result.Ok`.
export declare function ok<T = unknown, E = unknown>(): Result<Unit, E>;
export declare function ok<T = unknown, E = unknown>(value: T): Result<T, E>;
/** `Result.of` is an alias for `Result.ok`. */
export declare const of: typeof ok;
Create an instance of `Result.Error`.
If you need to create an instance with a specific type (as you do whenever you
are not constructing immediately for a function return or as an argument to a
function), you can use a type parameter:
const notString = Result.err<number, string>('something went wrong');
Note: `null` is allowed by the type signature so that so that the function
may be used to `throw` on passing `null` rather than constructing a type like
`Result<null, string>`. `undefined` is allowed as a convenience method for
constructing a `Result<Unit, E>`.
const normalResult = Result.err<number, string>('oh no');
const explicitUnit = Result.err<number, Unit>(Unit);
const implicitUnit = Result.err<number, Unit>();
In the context of an immediate function return, or an arrow function with a
single expression value, you do not have to specify the types, so this can be
quite convenient.
type SomeData = {
const isValid = (data: SomeData): boolean => {
// true or false...
const arrowValidate = (data: SomeData): Result<number, Unit> =>
isValid(data) ? Result.ok(42) : Result.err();
function fnValidate(data: someData): Result<number, Unit> {
return isValid(data) ? Result.ok(42) : Result.err();
@typeparam T The type of the item contained in the `Result`.
@param E The error value to wrap in a `Result.Err`.
export declare function err<T = unknown, E = unknown>(): Result<T, Unit>;
export declare function err<T = unknown, E = unknown>(error: E): Result<T, E>;
Execute the provided callback, wrapping the return value in `Result.Ok` or
`Result.Err(error)` if there is an exception.
const aSuccessfulOperation = () => 2 + 2;
const anOkResult = Result.tryOr('Oh noes!!1', () => {
}); // => Ok(4)
const thisOperationThrows = () => throw new Error('Bummer');
const anErrResult = Result.tryOr('Oh noes!!1', () => {
}); // => Err('Oh noes!!1')
@param error The error value in case of an exception
@param callback The callback to try executing
export declare function tryOr<T, E>(error: E, callback: () => T): Result<T, E>;
export declare function tryOr<T, E>(error: E): (callback: () => T) => Result<T, E>;
Execute the provided callback, wrapping the return value in `Result.Ok`.
If there is an exception, return a `Result.Err` of whatever the `onError`
function returns.
const aSuccessfulOperation = () => 2 + 2;
const anOkResult = Result.tryOrElse(
(e) => e,
); // => Ok(4)
const thisOperationThrows = () => throw 'Bummer'
const anErrResult = Result.tryOrElse((e) => e, () => {
}); // => Err('Bummer')
@param onError A function that takes `e` exception and returns what will
be wrapped in a `Result.Err`
@param callback The callback to try executing
export declare function tryOrElse<T, E>(onError: (e: unknown) => E, callback: () => T): Result<T, E>;
export declare function tryOrElse<T, E>(onError: (e: unknown) => E): (callback: () => T) => Result<T, E>;
Map over a `Result` instance: apply the function to the wrapped value if the
instance is `Ok`, and return the wrapped error value wrapped as a new `Err` of
the correct type (`Result<U, E>`) if the instance is `Err`.
`Result.map` works a lot like `Array.prototype.map`, but with one important
difference. Both `Result` and `Array` are containers for other kinds of items,
but where `Array.prototype.map` has 0 to _n_ items, a `Result` always has
exactly one item, which is *either* a success or an error instance.
Where `Array.prototype.map` will apply the mapping function to every item in
the array (if there are any), `Result.map` will only apply the mapping
function to the (single) element if an `Ok` instance, if there is one.
If you have no items in an array of
numbers named `foo` and call `foo.map(x => x + 1)`, you'll still some have an
array with nothing in it. But if you have any items in the array (`[2, 3]`),
and you call `foo.map(x => x + 1)` on it, you'll get a new array with each of
those items inside the array "container" transformed (`[3, 4]`).
With `Result.map`, the `Err` variant is treated *by the `map` function* kind
of the same way as the empty array case: it's just ignored, and you get back a
new `Result` that is still just the same `Err` instance. But if you have an
`Ok` variant, the map function is applied to it, and you get back a new
`Result` with the value transformed, and still wrapped in an `Ok`.
#### Examples
import { ok, err, map, toString } from 'true-myth/result';
const double = n => n * 2;
const anOk = ok(12);
const mappedOk = map(double, anOk);
console.log(toString(mappedOk)); // Ok(24)
const anErr = err("nothing here!");
const mappedErr = map(double, anErr);
console.log(toString(mappedOk)); // Err(nothing here!)
@typeparam T The type of the value wrapped in an `Ok` instance, and taken as
the argument to the `mapFn`.
@typeparam U The type of the value wrapped in the new `Ok` instance after
applying `mapFn`, that is, the type returned by `mapFn`.
@typeparam E The type of the value wrapped in an `Err` instance.
@param mapFn The function to apply the value to if `result` is `Ok`.
@param result The `Result` instance to map over.
@returns A new `Result` with the result of applying `mapFn` to the value
in an `Ok`, or else the original `Err` value wrapped in the new
export declare function map<T, U, E>(mapFn: (t: T) => U, result: Result<T, E>): Result<U, E>;
export declare function map<T, U, E>(mapFn: (t: T) => U): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>;
Map over a `Result` instance as in [`map`](#map) and get out the value
if `result` is an `Ok`, or return a default value if `result` is an `Err`.
#### Examples
import { ok, err, mapOr } from 'true-myth/result';
const length = (s: string) => s.length;
const anOkString = ok('a string');
const theStringLength = mapOr(0, anOkString);
console.log(theStringLength); // 8
const anErr = err('uh oh');
const anErrMapped = mapOr(0, anErr);
console.log(anErrMapped); // 0
@param orU The default value to use if `result` is an `Err`.
@param mapFn The function to apply the value to if `result` is an `Ok`.
@param result The `Result` instance to map over.
export declare function mapOr<T, U, E>(orU: U, mapFn: (t: T) => U, result: Result<T, E>): U;
export declare function mapOr<T, U, E>(orU: U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): (result: Result<T, E>) => U;
export declare function mapOr<T, U, E>(orU: U): (mapFn: (t: T) => U) => (result: Result<T, E>) => U;
Map over a `Result` instance as in [`map`](#map) and get out the value if
`result` is `Ok`, or apply a function (`orElseFn`) to the value wrapped in
the `Err` to get a default value.
Like [`mapOr`](#mapor) but using a function to transform the error into a
usable value instead of simply using a default value.
#### Examples
import { ok, err, mapOrElse } from 'true-myth/result';
const summarize = (s: string) => `The response was: '${s}'`;
const getReason = (err: { code: number, reason: string }) => err.reason;
const okResponse = ok("Things are grand here.");
const mappedOkAndUnwrapped = mapOrElse(getReason, summarize, okResponse);
console.log(mappedOkAndUnwrapped); // The response was: 'Things are grand here.'
const errResponse = err({ code: 500, reason: 'Nothing at this endpoint!' });
const mappedErrAndUnwrapped = mapOrElse(getReason, summarize, errResponse);
console.log(mappedErrAndUnwrapped); // Nothing at this endpoint!
@typeparam T The type of the wrapped `Ok` value.
@typeparam U The type of the resulting value from applying `mapFn` to the
`Ok` value or `orElseFn` to the `Err` value.
@typeparam E The type of the wrapped `Err` value.
@param orElseFn The function to apply to the wrapped `Err` value to get a
usable value if `result` is an `Err`.
@param mapFn The function to apply to the wrapped `Ok` value if `result` is
an `Ok`.
@param result The `Result` instance to map over.
export declare function mapOrElse<T, U, E>(orElseFn: (err: E) => U, mapFn: (t: T) => U, result: Result<T, E>): U;
export declare function mapOrElse<T, U, E>(orElseFn: (err: E) => U, mapFn: (t: T) => U): (result: Result<T, E>) => U;
export declare function mapOrElse<T, U, E>(orElseFn: (err: E) => U): (mapFn: (t: T) => U) => (result: Result<T, E>) => U;
Map over a `Result`, exactly as in [`map`](#map), but operating on the value
wrapped in an `Err` instead of the value wrapped in the `Ok`. This is handy
for when you need to line up a bunch of different types of errors, or if you
need an error of one shape to be in a different shape to use somewhere else in
your codebase.
#### Examples
import { ok, err, mapErr, toString } from 'true-myth/result';
const reason = (err: { code: number, reason: string }) => err.reason;
const anOk = ok(12);
const mappedOk = mapErr(reason, anOk);
console.log(toString(mappedOk)); // Ok(12)
const anErr = err({ code: 101, reason: 'bad file' });
const mappedErr = mapErr(reason, anErr);
console.log(toString(mappedErr)); // Err(bad file)
@typeparam T The type of the value wrapped in the `Ok` of the `Result`.
@typeparam E The type of the value wrapped in the `Err` of the `Result`.
@typeparam F The type of the value wrapped in the `Err` of a new `Result`,
returned by the `mapErrFn`.
@param mapErrFn The function to apply to the value wrapped in `Err` if `result` is an `Err`.
@param result The `Result` instance to map over an error case for.
export declare function mapErr<T, E, F>(mapErrFn: (e: E) => F, result: Result<T, E>): Result<T, F>;
export declare function mapErr<T, E, F>(mapErrFn: (e: E) => F): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, F>;
You can think of this like a short-circuiting logical "and" operation on a
`Result` type. If `result` is `Ok`, then the result is the `andResult`. If
`result` is `Err`, the result is the `Err`.
This is useful when you have another `Result` value you want to provide if
and *only if* you have an `Ok` – that is, when you need to make sure that if you
`Err`, whatever else you're handing a `Result` to *also* gets that `Err`.
Notice that, unlike in [`map`](#map) or its variants, the original `result` is
not involved in constructing the new `Result`.
#### Examples
import { and, ok, err, toString } from 'true-myth/result';
const okA = ok('A');
const okB = ok('B');
const anErr = err({ so: 'bad' });
console.log(toString(and(okB, okA))); // Ok(B)
console.log(toString(and(okB, anErr))); // Err([object Object])
console.log(toString(and(anErr, okA))); // Err([object Object])
console.log(toString(and(anErr, anErr))); // Err([object Object])
@typeparam T The type of the value wrapped in the `Ok` of the `Result`.
@typeparam U The type of the value wrapped in the `Ok` of the `andResult`,
i.e. the success type of the `Result` present if the checked
`Result` is `Ok`.
@typeparam E The type of the value wrapped in the `Err` of the `Result`.
@param andResult The `Result` instance to return if `result` is `Err`.
@param result The `Result` instance to check.
export declare function and<T, U, E>(andResult: Result<U, E>, result: Result<T, E>): Result<U, E>;
export declare function and<T, U, E>(andResult: Result<U, E>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>;
Apply a function to the wrapped value if `Ok` and return a new `Ok`
containing the resulting value; or if it is `Err` return it unmodified.
This differs from `map` in that `thenFn` returns another `Result`. You can use
`andThen` to combine two functions which *both* create a `Result` from an
unwrapped type.
You may find the `.then` method on an ES6 `Promise` helpful for comparison: if
you have a `Promise`, you can pass its `then` method a callback which
returns another `Promise`, and the result will not be a *nested* promise, but
a single `Promise`. The difference is that `Promise#then` unwraps *all*
layers to only ever return a single `Promise` value, whereas `Result.andThen`
will not unwrap nested `Result`s.
This is also commonly known as (and therefore aliased as) [`flatMap`] or
[`chain`]. It is sometimes also known as `bind`, but *not* aliased as such
because [`bind` already means something in JavaScript][bind].
[`flatMap`]: #flatmap
[`chain`]: #chain
[bind]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind
#### Examples
import { ok, err, andThen, toString } from 'true-myth/result';
const toLengthAsResult = (s: string) => ok(s.length);
const anOk = ok('just a string');
const lengthAsResult = andThen(toLengthAsResult, anOk);
console.log(toString(lengthAsResult)); // Ok(13)
const anErr = err(['srsly', 'whatever']);
const notLengthAsResult = andThen(toLengthAsResult, anErr);
console.log(toString(notLengthAsResult)); // Err(srsly,whatever)
@typeparam T The type of the value wrapped in the `Ok` of the `Result`.
@typeparam U The type of the value wrapped in the `Ok` of the `Result`
returned by the `thenFn`.
@typeparam E The type of the value wrapped in the `Err` of the `Result`.
@param thenFn The function to apply to the wrapped `T` if `maybe` is `Just`.
@param result The `Maybe` to evaluate and possibly apply a function to.
export declare function andThen<T, U, E>(thenFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>, result: Result<T, E>): Result<U, E>;
export declare function andThen<T, U, E>(thenFn: (t: T) => Result<U, E>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>;
/** Alias for [`andThen`](#andthen). */
export declare const chain: typeof andThen;
/** Alias for [`andThen`](#andthen). */
export declare const flatMap: typeof andThen;
Provide a fallback for a given `Result`. Behaves like a logical `or`: if the
`result` value is an `Ok`, returns that `result`; otherwise, returns the
`defaultResult` value.
This is useful when you want to make sure that something which takes a
`Result` always ends up getting an `Ok` variant, by supplying a default value
for the case that you currently have an `Err`.
import { ok, err, Result, or } from 'true-utils/result';
const okA = ok<string, string>('a');
const okB = ok<string, string>('b');
const anErr = err<string, string>(':wat:');
const anotherErr = err<string, string>(':headdesk:');
console.log(or(okB, okA).toString()); // Ok(A)
console.log(or(anErr, okA).toString()); // Ok(A)
console.log(or(okB, anErr).toString()); // Ok(B)
console.log(or(anotherErr, anErr).toString()); // Err(:headdesk:)
@typeparam T The type wrapped in the `Ok` case of `result`.
@typeparam E The type wrapped in the `Err` case of `result`.
@typeparam F The type wrapped in the `Err` case of `defaultResult`.
@param defaultResult The `Result` to use if `result` is an `Err`.
@param result The `Result` instance to check.
@returns `result` if it is an `Ok`, otherwise `defaultResult`.
export declare function or<T, E, F>(defaultResult: Result<T, F>, result: Result<T, E>): Result<T, F>;
export declare function or<T, E, F>(defaultResult: Result<T, F>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, F>;
Like `or`, but using a function to construct the alternative `Result`.
Sometimes you need to perform an operation using other data in the environment
to construct the fallback value. In these situations, you can pass a function
(which may be a closure) as the `elseFn` to generate the fallback `Result<T>`.
It can then transform the data in the `Err` to something usable as an `Ok`, or
generate a new `Err` instance as appropriate.
Useful for transforming failures to usable data.
@param elseFn The function to apply to the contents of the `Err` if `result`
is an `Err`, to create a new `Result`.
@param result The `Result` to use if it is an `Ok`.
@returns The `result` if it is `Ok`, or the `Result` returned by `elseFn`
if `result` is an `Err.
export declare function orElse<T, E, F>(elseFn: (err: E) => Result<T, F>, result: Result<T, E>): Result<T, F>;
export declare function orElse<T, E, F>(elseFn: (err: E) => Result<T, F>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, F>;
Get the value out of the `Result`.
Returns the content of an `Ok`, but **throws if the `Result` is `Err`.**
Prefer to use [`unwrapOr`](#unwrapor) or [`unwrapOrElse`](#unwraporelse).
@throws If the `Result` instance is `Nothing`.
export declare function unsafelyUnwrap<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): T;
/** Alias for [`unsafelyUnwrap`](#unsafelyunwrap) */
export declare const unsafelyGet: typeof unsafelyUnwrap;
/** Alias for [`unsafelyUnwrap`](#unsafelyunwrap) */
export declare const unsafeGet: typeof unsafelyUnwrap;
Get the error value out of the [`Result`](#result).
Returns the content of an `Err`, but **throws if the `Result` is `Ok`**.
Prefer to use [`unwrapOrElse`](#unwraporelse).
@param result
@throws Error If the `Result` instance is `Nothing`.
export declare function unsafelyUnwrapErr<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): E;
/** Alias for [`unsafelyUnwrapErr`](#unsafelyunwraperr) */
export declare const unsafelyGetErr: typeof unsafelyUnwrapErr;
Safely get the value out of the `Ok` variant of a [`Result`](#result).
This is the recommended way to get a value out of a `Result` most of the time.
import { ok, err, unwrapOr } from 'true-myth/result';
const anOk = ok<number, string>(12);
console.log(unwrapOr(0, anOk)); // 12
const anErr = err<number, string>('nooooo');
console.log(unwrapOr(0, anErr)); // 0
@typeparam T The value wrapped in the `Ok`.
@typeparam E The value wrapped in the `Err`.
@param defaultValue The value to use if `result` is an `Err`.
@param result The `Result` instance to unwrap if it is an `Ok`.
@returns The content of `result` if it is an `Ok`, otherwise
export declare function unwrapOr<T, U, E>(defaultValue: U, result: Result<T, E>): U | T;
export declare function unwrapOr<T, U, E>(defaultValue: U): (result: Result<T, E>) => U | T;
/** Alias for [`unwrapOr`](#unwrapor) */
export declare const getOr: typeof unwrapOr;
Safely get the value out of a [`Result`](#result) by returning the wrapped
value if it is `Ok`, or by applying `orElseFn` to the value in the `Err`.
This is useful when you need to *generate* a value (e.g. by using current
values in the environment – whether preloaded or by local closure) instead of
having a single default value available (as in [`unwrapOr`](#unwrapor)).
import { ok, err, unwrapOrElse } from 'true-myth/result';
// You can imagine that someOtherValue might be dynamic.
const someOtherValue = 2;
const handleErr = (errValue: string) => errValue.length + someOtherValue;
const anOk = ok<number, string>(42);
console.log(unwrapOrElse(handleErr, anOk)); // 42
const anErr = err<number, string>('oh teh noes');
console.log(unwrapOrElse(handleErr, anErr)); // 13
@typeparam T The value wrapped in the `Ok`.
@typeparam E The value wrapped in the `Err`.
@param orElseFn A function applied to the value wrapped in `result` if it is
an `Err`, to generate the final value.
@param result The `result` to unwrap if it is an `Ok`.
@returns The value wrapped in `result` if it is `Ok` or the value
returned by `orElseFn` applied to the value in `Err`.
export declare function unwrapOrElse<T, U, E>(orElseFn: (error: E) => U, result: Result<T, E>): T | U;
export declare function unwrapOrElse<T, U, E>(orElseFn: (error: E) => U): (result: Result<T, E>) => T | U;
/** Alias for [`unwrapOrElse`](#unwraporelse) */
export declare const getOrElse: typeof unwrapOrElse;
Convert a [`Result`](#result) to a [`Maybe`](../modules/_maybe_.html#maybe).
The converted type will be [`Just`] if the `Result` is [`Ok`] or [`Nothing`]
if the `Result` is [`Err`]; the wrapped error value will be discarded.
[`Just`]: ../classes/_maybe_.just.html
[`Nothing`]: ../classes/_maybe_.nothing.html
[`Ok`]: ../classes/_result_.ok.html
[`Err`]: ../classes/_result_.err.html
@param result The `Result` to convert to a `Maybe`
@returns `Just` the value in `result` if it is `Ok`; otherwise `Nothing`
export declare function toMaybe<T>(result: Result<T, any>): Maybe<T>;
Transform a [`Maybe`](../modules/_maybe_.html#maybe) into a [`Result`](#result).
If the `Maybe` is a [`Just`], its value will be wrapped in the [`Ok`] variant;
if it is a [`Nothing`] the `errValue` will be wrapped in the [`Err`] variant.
[`Just`]: ../classes/_maybe_.just.html
[`Nothing`]: ../classes/_maybe_.nothing.html
[`Ok`]: ../classes/_result_.ok.html
[`Err`]: ../classes/_result_.err.html
@param errValue A value to wrap in an `Err` if `maybe` is a `Nothing`.
@param maybe The `Maybe` to convert to a `Result`.
export declare function fromMaybe<T, E>(errValue: E, maybe: Maybe<T>): Result<T, E>;
export declare function fromMaybe<T, E>(errValue: E): (maybe: Maybe<T>) => Result<T, E>;
Create a `String` representation of a `result` instance.
An `Ok` instance will be printed as `Ok(<representation of the value>)`, and
an `Err` instance will be printed as `Err(<representation of the error>)`,
where the representation of the value or error is simply the value or error's
own `toString` representation. For example:
call | output
--------------------------------- | ----------------------
`toString(ok(42))` | `Ok(42)`
`toString(ok([1, 2, 3]))` | `Ok(1,2,3)`
`toString(ok({ an: 'object' }))` | `Ok([object Object])`n
`toString(err(42))` | `Err(42)`
`toString(err([1, 2, 3]))` | `Err(1,2,3)`
`toString(err({ an: 'object' }))` | `Err([object Object])`
@typeparam T The type of the wrapped value; its own `.toString` will be used
to print the interior contents of the `Just` variant.
@param maybe The value to convert to a string.
@returns The string representation of the `Maybe`.
export declare const toString: <T extends {
toString(): string;
}, E extends {
toString(): string;
}>(result: Result<T, E>) => string;
* Create an `Object` representation of a `Result` instance.
* Useful for serialization. `JSON.stringify()` uses it.
* @param result The value to convert to JSON
* @returns The JSON representation of the `Result`
export declare const toJSON: <T, E>(result: Result<T, E>) => ResultJSON<T, E>;
/** A lightweight object defining how to handle each variant of a Maybe. */
export declare type Matcher<T, E, A> = {
Ok: (value: T) => A;
Err: (error: E) => A;
Performs the same basic functionality as `getOrElse`, but instead of simply
unwrapping the value if it is `Ok` and applying a value to generate the same
default type if it is `Nothing`, lets you supply functions which may transform
the wrapped type if it is `Ok` or get a default value for `Nothing`.
This is kind of like a poor man's version of pattern matching, which
JavaScript currently lacks.
Instead of code like this:
import { Result, isOk, match } from 'true-myth/result';
const logValue = (mightBeANumber: Result<number, string>) => {
? unsafelyUnwrap(mightBeANumber).toString()
: `There was an error: ${unsafelyGetErr(mightBeANumber)}`
...we can write code like this:
import { Result, match } from 'true-myth/result';
const logValue = (mightBeANumber: Result<number, string>) => {
const value = match(
Ok: n => n.toString(),
Err: e => `There was an error: ${e}`,
This is slightly longer to write, but clearer: the more complex the resulting
expression, the hairer it is to understand the ternary. Thus, this is
especially convenient for times when there is a complex result, e.g. when
rendering part of a React component inline in JSX/TSX.
@param matcher A lightweight object defining what to do in the case of each
@param maybe The `maybe` instance to check.
export declare function match<T, E, A>(matcher: Matcher<T, E, A>, result: Result<T, E>): A;
export declare function match<T, E, A>(matcher: Matcher<T, E, A>): (result: Result<T, E>) => A;
/** Alias for [`match`](#match) */
export declare const cata: typeof match;
Allows quick triple-equal equality check between the values inside two `result`s
without having to unwrap them first.
const a = Result.of(3)
const b = Result.of(3)
const c = Result.of(null)
const d = Result.nothing()
Result.equals(a, b) // true
Result.equals(a, c) // false
Result.equals(c, d) // true
@param resultB A `maybe` to compare to.
@param resultA A `maybe` instance to check.
export declare function equals<T, E>(resultB: Result<T, E>, resultA: Result<T, E>): boolean;
export declare function equals<T, E>(resultB: Result<T, E>): (resultA: Result<T, E>) => boolean;
Allows you to *apply* (thus `ap`) a value to a function without having to
take either out of the context of their `Result`s. This does mean that the
transforming function is itself within a `Result`, which can be hard to grok
at first but lets you do some very elegant things. For example, `ap` allows
you to do this:
import Result from 'true-myth/result';
const one = Result.ok<number, string>(1);
const five = Result.ok<number, string>(5);
const whoops = Result.err<number, string>('oh no');
const add = (a: number) => (b: number) => a + b;
const resultAdd = Result.ok<typeof add, string>(add);
resultAdd.ap(one).ap(five); // Ok(6)
resultAdd.ap(one).ap(whoops); // Err('oh no')
resultAdd.ap(whoops).ap(five) // Err('oh no')
Without `Result.ap`, you'd need to do something like a nested `Result.match`:
import { ok, err } from 'true-myth/result';
const one = ok<number, string>(1);
const five = ok<number, string>(5);
const whoops = err<number, string>('oh no');
Ok: n => five.match({
Ok: o => ok<number, string>(n + o),
Err: e => err<number, string>(e),
Err: e => err<number, string>(e),
}); // Ok(6)
Ok: n => whoops.match({
Ok: o => ok<number, string>(n + o),
Err: e => err<number, string>(e),
Err: e => err<number, string>(e),
}); // Err('oh no')
Ok: n => five.match({
Ok: o => ok(n + o),
Err: e => err(e),
Err: e => err(e),
}); // Err('oh no')
And this kind of thing comes up quite often once you're using `Maybe` to
handle optionality throughout your application.
For another example, imagine you need to compare the equality of two
ImmutableJS data structures, where a `===` comparison won't work. With `ap`,
that's as simple as this:
import { ok } from 'true-myth/result';
import Immutable from 'immutable';
import { curry } from 'lodash'
const is = curry(Immutable.is);
const x = ok(Immutable.Set.of(1, 2, 3));
const y = ok(Immutable.Set.of(2, 3, 4));
ok(is).ap(x).ap(y); // Ok(false)
Without `ap`, we're back to that gnarly nested `match`:
* import Result, { ok, err } from 'true-myth/result';
import Immutable from 'immutable';
import { curry } from 'lodash'
const is = curry(Immutable.is);
const x = ok(Immutable.Set.of(1, 2, 3));
const y = ok(Immutable.Set.of(2, 3, 4));
Ok: iX => y.match({
Ok: iY => Result.of(Immutable.is(iX, iY)),
Err: (e) => ok(false),
Err: (e) => ok(false),
}); // Ok(false)
In summary: anywhere you have two `Maybe` instances and need to perform an
operation that uses both of them, `ap` is your friend.
Two things to note, both regarding *currying*:
1. All functions passed to `ap` must be curried. That is, they must be of the
form (for add) `(a: number) => (b: number) => a + b`, *not* the more usual
`(a: number, b: number) => a + b` you see in JavaScript more generally.
For convenience, you may want to look at Lodash's `_.curry` or Ramda's
`R.curry`, which allow you to create curried versions of functions
whenever you want:
import Result from 'true-myth/result';
import { curry } from 'lodash';
const normalAdd = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;
const curriedAdd = curry(normalAdd); // (a: number) => (b: number) => a + b;
Result.of(curriedAdd).ap(Result.of(1)).ap(Result.of(5)); // Ok(6)
2. You will need to call `ap` as many times as there are arguments to the
function you're dealing with. So in the case of `add`, which has the
"arity" (function argument count) of 2 (`a` and `b`), you'll need to call
`ap` twice: once for `a`, and once for `b`. To see why, let's look at what
the result in each phase is:
const add = (a: number) => (b: number) => a + b;
const maybeAdd = Result.of(add); // Ok((a: number) => (b: number) => a + b)
const maybeAdd1 = maybeAdd.ap(Result.of(1)); // Ok((b: number) => 1 + b)
const final = maybeAdd1.ap(Result.of(3)); // Ok(4)
So for `toString`, which just takes a single argument, you would only need
to call `ap` once.
const toStr = (v: { toString(): string }) => v.toString();
Result.of(toStr).ap(12); // Ok("12")
One other scenario which doesn't come up *quite* as often but is conceivable
is where you have something that may or may not actually construct a function
for handling a specific `Result` scenario. In that case, you can wrap the
possibly-present in `ap` and then wrap the values to apply to the function to
in `Result` themselves.
Because `Result` often requires you to type out the full type parameterization
on a regular basis, it's convenient to use TypeScript's `typeof` operator to
write out the type of a curried function. For example, if you had a function
that simply merged three strings, you might write it like this:
import Result from 'true-myth/result';
import { curry } from 'lodash';
const merge3Strs = (a: string, b: string, c: string) => string;
const curriedMerge = curry(merge3Strs);
const fn = Result.ok<typeof curriedMerge, string>(curriedMerge);
The alternative is writing out the full signature long-form:
const fn = Result.ok<(a: string) => (b: string) => (c: string) => string, string>(curriedMerge);
**Aside:** `ap` is not named `apply` because of the overlap with JavaScript's
existing [`apply`] function – and although strictly speaking, there isn't any
direct overlap (`Result.apply` and `Function.prototype.apply` don't intersect
at all) it's useful to have a different name to avoid implying that they're
the same.
[`apply`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/apply
@param resultFn result of a function from T to U
@param result result of a T to apply to `fn`
export declare function ap<T, U, E>(resultFn: Result<(t: T) => U, E>, result: Result<T, E>): Result<U, E>;
export declare function ap<T, U, E>(resultFn: Result<(t: T) => U, E>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>;
Determine whether an item is an instance of `Just` or `Nothing`.
@param item The item to check.
export declare function isInstance<T = any, E = any>(item: any): item is Result<T, E>;
A value which may (`Ok`) or may not (`Err`) be present.
The behavior of this type is checked by TypeScript at compile time, and bears
no runtime overhead other than the very small cost of the container object.
export declare type Result<T, E> = Ok<T, E> | Err<T, E>;
export declare const Result: {
Variant: typeof Variant;
Ok: typeof Ok;
Err: typeof Err;
isOk: typeof isOk;
isErr: typeof isErr;
ok: typeof ok;
err: typeof err;
tryOr: typeof tryOr;
tryOrElse: typeof tryOrElse;
map: typeof map;
mapOr: typeof mapOr;
mapOrElse: typeof mapOrElse;
mapErr: typeof mapErr;
and: typeof and;
andThen: typeof andThen;
chain: typeof andThen;
flatMap: typeof andThen;
or: typeof or;
orElse: typeof orElse;
unsafelyUnwrap: typeof unsafelyUnwrap;
unsafelyGet: typeof unsafelyUnwrap;
unsafeGet: typeof unsafelyUnwrap;
unsafelyUnwrapErr: typeof unsafelyUnwrapErr;
unsafelyGetErr: typeof unsafelyUnwrapErr;
unwrapOr: typeof unwrapOr;
getOr: typeof unwrapOr;
unwrapOrElse: typeof unwrapOrElse;
getOrElse: typeof unwrapOrElse;
toMaybe: typeof toMaybe;
fromMaybe: typeof fromMaybe;
toString: <T extends {
toString(): string;
}, E extends {
toString(): string;
}>(result: Result<T, E>) => string;
toJSON: <T_1, E_1>(result: Result<T_1, E_1>) => ResultJSON<T_1, E_1>;
match: typeof match;
cata: typeof match;
equals: typeof equals;
ap: typeof ap;
isInstance: typeof isInstance;
export default Result;
//# sourceMappingURL=result.d.ts.map