148 lines
8.0 KiB
148 lines
8.0 KiB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "walkTreeWithFlightRouterState", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return walkTreeWithFlightRouterState;
const _react = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("react"));
const _matchsegments = require("../../client/components/match-segments");
const _getcssinlinedlinktags = require("./get-css-inlined-link-tags");
const _getpreloadablefonts = require("./get-preloadable-fonts");
const _createflightrouterstatefromloadertree = require("./create-flight-router-state-from-loader-tree");
const _parseloadertree = require("./parse-loader-tree");
const _getlayerassets = require("./get-layer-assets");
const _hasloadingcomponentintree = require("./has-loading-component-in-tree");
const _createcomponenttree = require("./create-component-tree");
function _interop_require_default(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
async function walkTreeWithFlightRouterState({ createSegmentPath, loaderTreeToFilter, parentParams, isFirst, flightRouterState, parentRendered, rscPayloadHead, injectedCSS, injectedFontPreloadTags, rootLayoutIncluded, asNotFound, metadataOutlet, ctx }) {
const { renderOpts: { nextFontManifest }, query, isPrefetch, getDynamicParamFromSegment, componentMod: { tree: loaderTree } } = ctx;
const [segment, parallelRoutes, components] = loaderTreeToFilter;
const parallelRoutesKeys = Object.keys(parallelRoutes);
const { layout } = components;
const isLayout = typeof layout !== "undefined";
* Checks if the current segment is a root layout.
*/ const rootLayoutAtThisLevel = isLayout && !rootLayoutIncluded;
* Checks if the current segment or any level above it has a root layout.
*/ const rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove = rootLayoutIncluded || rootLayoutAtThisLevel;
// Because this function walks to a deeper point in the tree to start rendering we have to track the dynamic parameters up to the point where rendering starts
const segmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment);
const currentParams = // Handle null case where dynamic param is optional
segmentParam && segmentParam.value !== null ? {
[segmentParam.param]: segmentParam.value
} : parentParams;
const actualSegment = (0, _createflightrouterstatefromloadertree.addSearchParamsIfPageSegment)(segmentParam ? segmentParam.treeSegment : segment, query);
* Decide if the current segment is where rendering has to start.
*/ const renderComponentsOnThisLevel = // No further router state available
!flightRouterState || // Segment in router state does not match current segment
!(0, _matchsegments.matchSegment)(actualSegment, flightRouterState[0]) || // Last item in the tree
parallelRoutesKeys.length === 0 || // Explicit refresh
flightRouterState[3] === "refetch";
const shouldSkipComponentTree = isPrefetch && !Boolean(components.loading) && (flightRouterState || // If there is no flightRouterState, we need to check the entire loader tree, as otherwise we'll be only checking the root
!(0, _hasloadingcomponentintree.hasLoadingComponentInTree)(loaderTree));
if (!parentRendered && renderComponentsOnThisLevel) {
const overriddenSegment = flightRouterState && (0, _matchsegments.canSegmentBeOverridden)(actualSegment, flightRouterState[0]) ? flightRouterState[0] : null;
return [
overriddenSegment ?? actualSegment,
(0, _createflightrouterstatefromloadertree.createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree)(// Create router state using the slice of the loaderTree
loaderTreeToFilter, getDynamicParamFromSegment, query),
shouldSkipComponentTree ? null : // @ts-expect-error TODO-APP: fix async component type
/*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(async ()=>{
const { Component } = await (0, _createcomponenttree.createComponentTree)(// This ensures flightRouterPath is valid and filters down the tree
loaderTree: loaderTreeToFilter,
parentParams: currentParams,
firstItem: isFirst,
// This is intentionally not "rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove" as createComponentTree starts at the current level and does a check for "rootLayoutAtThisLevel" too.
return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Component, null);
shouldSkipComponentTree ? null : (()=>{
const { layoutOrPagePath } = (0, _parseloadertree.parseLoaderTree)(loaderTreeToFilter);
const styles = (0, _getlayerassets.getLayerAssets)({
injectedCSS: new Set(injectedCSS),
injectedFontPreloadTags: new Set(injectedFontPreloadTags)
return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_react.default.Fragment, null, styles, rscPayloadHead);
// If we are not rendering on this level we need to check if the current
// segment has a layout. If so, we need to track all the used CSS to make
// the result consistent.
const layoutPath = layout == null ? void 0 : layout[1];
const injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout = new Set(injectedCSS);
const injectedFontPreloadTagsWithCurrentLayout = new Set(injectedFontPreloadTags);
if (layoutPath) {
(0, _getcssinlinedlinktags.getCssInlinedLinkTags)(ctx.clientReferenceManifest, layoutPath, injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout, true);
(0, _getpreloadablefonts.getPreloadableFonts)(nextFontManifest, layoutPath, injectedFontPreloadTagsWithCurrentLayout);
// Walk through all parallel routes.
const paths = (await Promise.all(parallelRoutesKeys.map(async (parallelRouteKey)=>{
// for (const parallelRouteKey of parallelRoutesKeys) {
const parallelRoute = parallelRoutes[parallelRouteKey];
const currentSegmentPath = isFirst ? [
] : [
const path = await walkTreeWithFlightRouterState({
createSegmentPath: (child)=>{
return createSegmentPath([
loaderTreeToFilter: parallelRoute,
parentParams: currentParams,
flightRouterState: flightRouterState && flightRouterState[1][parallelRouteKey],
parentRendered: parentRendered || renderComponentsOnThisLevel,
isFirst: false,
injectedCSS: injectedCSSWithCurrentLayout,
injectedFontPreloadTags: injectedFontPreloadTagsWithCurrentLayout,
rootLayoutIncluded: rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove,
return path.map((item)=>{
// we don't need to send over default routes in the flight data
// because they are always ignored by the client, unless it's a refetch
if (item[0] === "__DEFAULT__" && flightRouterState && !!flightRouterState[1][parallelRouteKey][0] && flightRouterState[1][parallelRouteKey][3] !== "refetch") {
return null;
return [
return paths;
//# sourceMappingURL=walk-tree-with-flight-router-state.js.map