import { makeFullScreenQuad, makePipeline } from "./utils.js"; import makeBloomPass from "./bloomPass.js"; import makeImagePass from "./imagePass.js"; import getLKG from "./lkgHelper.js"; import makeMirrorPass from "./mirrorPass.js"; import makePalettePass from "./palettePass.js"; import makeQuiltPass from "./quiltPass.js"; import makeRain from "./rainPass.js"; import makeStripePass from "./stripePass.js"; const effects = { none: null, plain: makePalettePass, palette: makePalettePass, customStripes: makeStripePass, stripes: makeStripePass, pride: makeStripePass, transPride: makeStripePass, trans: makeStripePass, image: makeImagePass, mirror: makeMirrorPass, }; const dimensions = { width: 1, height: 1 }; const loadJS = (src) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const tag = document.createElement("script"); tag.onload = resolve; tag.onerror = reject; tag.src = src; document.body.appendChild(tag); }); delete window.Matrix; let previouslyLoaded = false; window.Matrix = async (canvas, config) => { await Promise.all([loadJS("/System/Matrix/lib/regl.min.js"), loadJS("/System/Matrix/lib/gl-matrix.js")]); const resize = (resOverride = config.resolution) => { const resolution = typeof resOverride === "number" ? resOverride : config.resolution; canvas.width = Math.ceil(canvas.clientWidth * resolution); canvas.height = Math.ceil(canvas.clientHeight * resolution); }; window.onresize = resize; if (previouslyLoaded) { resize(1.01); setTimeout(resize, 250); } const regl = createREGL({ canvas, extensions: ["OES_texture_half_float", "OES_texture_half_float_linear"], // These extensions are also needed, but Safari misreports that they are missing optionalExtensions: ["EXT_color_buffer_half_float", "WEBGL_color_buffer_float", "OES_standard_derivatives"], }); const lkg = await getLKG(config.useHoloplay, true); // All this takes place in a full screen quad. const fullScreenQuad = makeFullScreenQuad(regl); const effectName = config.effect in effects ? config.effect : "palette"; const context = { regl, config, lkg }; const pipeline = makePipeline(context, [makeRain, makeBloomPass, effects[effectName], makeQuiltPass]); const screenUniforms = { tex: pipeline[pipeline.length - 1].outputs.primary }; const drawToScreen = regl({ uniforms: screenUniforms }); await Promise.all( => step.ready)); const tick = regl.frame(({ viewportWidth, viewportHeight }) => { if (config.once) { tick.cancel(); } if (dimensions.width !== viewportWidth || dimensions.height !== viewportHeight) { dimensions.width = viewportWidth; dimensions.height = viewportHeight; for (const step of pipeline) { step.setSize(viewportWidth, viewportHeight); } } fullScreenQuad(() => { for (const step of pipeline) { step.execute(); } drawToScreen(); }); }); window.WallpaperDestroy = () => { previouslyLoaded = true; try { drawToScreen.destroy(); } catch { // Failed to destroy } try { fullScreenQuad.destroy(); } catch { // Failed to destroy } try { screenUniforms.tex.destroy(); } catch { // Failed to destroy } try { regl.destroy(); } catch { // Failed to destroy } try { tick.cancel(); } catch { // Failed to cancel tick } } };