import extensions, { TEXT_EDITORS, } from "components/system/Files/FileEntry/extensions"; import { getProcessByFileExtension } from "components/system/Files/FileEntry/functions"; import useFile from "components/system/Files/FileEntry/useFile"; import type { FocusEntryFunctions } from "components/system/Files/FileManager/useFocusableEntries"; import type { FileActions } from "components/system/Files/FileManager/useFolder"; import { useFileSystem } from "contexts/fileSystem"; import { useMenu } from "contexts/menu"; import type { ContextMenuCapture, MenuItem, } from "contexts/menu/useMenuContextState"; import { useProcesses } from "contexts/process"; import processDirectory from "contexts/process/directory"; import { useSession } from "contexts/session"; import { basename, dirname, extname, join } from "path"; import { useMemo } from "react"; import { AUDIO_PLAYLIST_EXTENSIONS, DESKTOP_PATH, EDITABLE_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, EXTRACTABLE_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, MENU_SEPERATOR, MOUNTABLE_EXTENSIONS, ROOT_SHORTCUT, SHORTCUT_EXTENSION, SPREADSHEET_FORMATS, UNSUPPORTED_BACKGROUND_EXTENSIONS, } from "utils/constants"; import { AUDIO_DECODE_FORMATS, AUDIO_ENCODE_FORMATS, VIDEO_DECODE_FORMATS, VIDEO_ENCODE_FORMATS, } from "utils/ffmpeg/formats"; import type { FFmpegTranscodeFile } from "utils/ffmpeg/types"; import { isFirefox } from "utils/functions"; import { IMAGE_DECODE_FORMATS, IMAGE_ENCODE_FORMATS, } from "utils/imagemagick/formats"; import type { ImageMagickConvertFile } from "utils/imagemagick/types"; import type { URLTrack } from "webamp"; const useFileContextMenu = ( url: string, pid: string, path: string, setRenaming: React.Dispatch>, { archiveFiles, deleteLocalPath, downloadFiles, extractFiles, newShortcut, }: FileActions, { blurEntry, focusEntry }: FocusEntryFunctions, focusedEntries: string[], fileManagerId?: string, readOnly?: boolean ): ContextMenuCapture => { const { open, url: changeUrl } = useProcesses(); const { setWallpaper } = useSession(); const baseName = basename(path); const isFocusedEntry = focusedEntries.includes(baseName); const openFile = useFile(url); const { copyEntries, createPath, lstat, mapFs, moveEntries, readFile, rootFs, unMapFs, updateFolder, } = useFileSystem(); const { contextMenu } = useMenu(); const { onContextMenuCapture, ...contextMenuHandlers } = useMemo( () => contextMenu?.(() => { const urlExtension = extname(url).toLowerCase(); const { process: extensionProcesses = [] } = urlExtension in extensions ? extensions[urlExtension] : {}; const openWith = extensionProcesses.filter( (process) => process !== pid ); const openWithFiltered = openWith.filter((id) => id !== pid); const absoluteEntries = (): string[] => focusedEntries.length === 1 || !isFocusedEntry ? [path] : [ Set([ path, => join(dirname(path), entry)), ]), ]; const menuItems: MenuItem[] = []; const pathExtension = extname(path).toLowerCase(); const isShortcut = pathExtension === SHORTCUT_EXTENSION; const remoteMount = rootFs?.mountList.some( (mountPath) => mountPath === path && rootFs?.mntMap[mountPath]?.getName() === "FileSystemAccess" ); if (!readOnly && !remoteMount) { const defaultProcess = getProcessByFileExtension(urlExtension); menuItems.push( { action: () => moveEntries(absoluteEntries()), label: "Cortar" }, { action: () => copyEntries(absoluteEntries()), label: "Copiar" }, MENU_SEPERATOR ); if ( defaultProcess || isShortcut || (!pathExtension && !urlExtension) ) { menuItems.push({ action: () => absoluteEntries().forEach(async (entry) => { const shortcutProcess = defaultProcess && !(await lstat(entry)).isDirectory() ? defaultProcess : "FileExplorer"; newShortcut(entry, shortcutProcess); }), label: "Criar Atalho", }); } menuItems.push( { action: () => absoluteEntries().forEach((entry) => deleteLocalPath(entry)), label: "Deletar", }, { action: () => setRenaming(baseName), label: "Renomear" } ); if (path) { if (path === join(DESKTOP_PATH, ROOT_SHORTCUT)) { if (typeof FileSystemHandle === "function") { const mapFileSystemDirectory = ( directory: string, existingHandle?: FileSystemDirectoryHandle ): void => { mapFs(directory, existingHandle) .then((mappedFolder) => { updateFolder("/", mappedFolder); open("FileExplorer", { url: join("/", mappedFolder), }); }) .catch(() => { // Ignore failure to map }); }; const showMapDirectory = "showDirectoryPicker" in window; const showMapOpfs = typeof === "function" && !isFirefox(); menuItems.unshift( ...(showMapDirectory ? [ { action: () => mapFileSystemDirectory("/"), label: "Mapear Diretório", }, ] : []), ...(showMapOpfs ? [ { action: async () => { try { mapFileSystemDirectory( "/OPFS", await ); } catch { // Ignore failure to map directory } }, label: "Mapear OPFS", }, ] : []), ...(showMapDirectory || showMapOpfs ? [MENU_SEPERATOR] : []) ); } } else { menuItems.unshift(MENU_SEPERATOR); if ( EXTRACTABLE_EXTENSIONS.has(pathExtension) || MOUNTABLE_EXTENSIONS.has(pathExtension) ) { menuItems.unshift({ action: () => extractFiles(path), label: "Extrair Aqui", }); } const canDecodeAudio = AUDIO_DECODE_FORMATS.has(pathExtension); const canDecodeImage = IMAGE_DECODE_FORMATS.has(pathExtension); const canDecodeVideo = VIDEO_DECODE_FORMATS.has(pathExtension); if (canDecodeAudio || canDecodeImage || canDecodeVideo) { const isAudioVideo = canDecodeAudio || canDecodeVideo; const ENCODE_FORMATS = isAudioVideo ? canDecodeAudio ? AUDIO_ENCODE_FORMATS : VIDEO_ENCODE_FORMATS : IMAGE_ENCODE_FORMATS; menuItems.unshift(MENU_SEPERATOR, { label: "Converter para", menu: ENCODE_FORMATS.filter( (format) => format !== pathExtension ).map((format) => { const extension = format.replace(".", ""); return { action: async () => { const transcodeFiles: ( | FFmpegTranscodeFile | ImageMagickConvertFile )[] = await Promise.all( absoluteEntries().map(async (absoluteEntry) => [ absoluteEntry, await readFile(absoluteEntry), ]) ); const transcodeFunction = isAudioVideo ? (await import("utils/ffmpeg")).transcode : (await import("utils/imagemagick")).convert; const transcodedFiles = await transcodeFunction( transcodeFiles, extension ); await Promise.all( async ([ transcodedFileName, transcodedFileData, ]) => { const baseTranscodedName = basename(transcodedFileName); const transcodedDirName = dirname(path); updateFolder( transcodedDirName, await createPath( baseTranscodedName, transcodedDirName, transcodedFileData ) ); } ) ); }, label: extension.toUpperCase(), }; }), }); } const canDecodeSpreadsheet = SPREADSHEET_FORMATS.includes(pathExtension); if (canDecodeSpreadsheet) { menuItems.unshift(MENU_SEPERATOR, { label: "Converter para", menu: SPREADSHEET_FORMATS.filter( (format) => format !== pathExtension ).map((format) => { const extension = format.replace(".", ""); return { action: () => { absoluteEntries().forEach(async (absoluteEntry) => { const newFilePath = `${dirname( absoluteEntry )}/${basename( absoluteEntry, extname(absoluteEntry) )}.${extension}`; const { convertSheet } = await import( "utils/sheetjs" ); const workBook = await convertSheet( await readFile(absoluteEntry), extension ); const workBookDirName = dirname(path); updateFolder( workBookDirName, await createPath( basename(newFilePath), workBookDirName, Buffer.from(workBook) ) ); }); }, label: extension.toUpperCase(), }; }), }); } const canEncodePlaylist = pathExtension !== ".m3u" && AUDIO_PLAYLIST_EXTENSIONS.has(pathExtension); if (canEncodePlaylist) { menuItems.unshift(MENU_SEPERATOR, { action: () => { absoluteEntries().forEach(async (absoluteEntry) => { const newFilePath = `${dirname(absoluteEntry)}/${basename( absoluteEntry, extname(absoluteEntry) )}.m3u`; const { createM3uPlaylist, tracksFromPlaylist } = await import("components/apps/Webamp/functions"); const playlist = createM3uPlaylist( (await tracksFromPlaylist( (await readFile(absoluteEntry)).toString(), extname(absoluteEntry) )) as URLTrack[] ); const playlistDirName = dirname(path); updateFolder( playlistDirName, await createPath( basename(newFilePath), playlistDirName, Buffer.from(playlist) ) ); }); }, label: "Converter para M3U", }); } menuItems.unshift( { action: () => archiveFiles(absoluteEntries()), label: "Adicionar ao arquivo...", }, { action: () => downloadFiles(absoluteEntries()), label: "Download", } ); if (!isShortcut && pid !== "FileExplorer") { TEXT_EDITORS.forEach((textEditor) => { if ( textEditor !== defaultProcess && !openWithFiltered.includes(textEditor) ) { openWithFiltered.push(textEditor); } }); } } } menuItems.unshift(MENU_SEPERATOR); } if (remoteMount) { menuItems.push(MENU_SEPERATOR, { action: () => unMapFs(path), label: "Desconectar", }); } if (EDITABLE_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.has(urlExtension)) { menuItems.unshift({ action: () => { open("Paint", { url }); }, label: "Editar", }); } if ( IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.has(pathExtension) && !UNSUPPORTED_BACKGROUND_EXTENSIONS.has(pathExtension) ) { menuItems.unshift({ label: "Definir como Wallpaper", menu: [ { action: () => setWallpaper(path, "fill"), label: "Preencher", }, { action: () => setWallpaper(path, "fit"), label: "Ajustar", }, { action: () => setWallpaper(path, "stretch"), label: "Esticar", }, { action: () => setWallpaper(path, "tile"), label: "Lado a lado", }, { action: () => setWallpaper(path, "center"), label: "Centralizar", }, ], }); } if (openWithFiltered.length > 0) { menuItems.unshift({ label: "Abrir com", menu: MenuItem => { const { icon, title: label } = processDirectory[id] || {}; const action = (): void => { openFile(id, icon); }; return { action, icon, label }; }), }); } if (pid) { const { icon: pidIcon } = processDirectory[pid] || {}; if ( isShortcut && url && url !== "/" && !url.startsWith("http:") && !url.startsWith("https:") ) { const isFolder = urlExtension === "" || urlExtension === ".zip"; menuItems.unshift({ action: () => open("FileExplorer", { url: dirname(url) }, ""), label: `Abrir ${isFolder ? "pasta" : "file"} local`, }); } if ( fileManagerId && pid === "FileExplorer" && !MOUNTABLE_EXTENSIONS.has(urlExtension) ) { menuItems.unshift({ action: () => { openFile(pid, pidIcon); }, label: "Abrir em nova janela", }); } menuItems.unshift({ action: () => { if ( pid === "FileExplorer" && fileManagerId && !MOUNTABLE_EXTENSIONS.has(urlExtension) ) { changeUrl(fileManagerId, url); } else { openFile(pid, pidIcon); } }, icon: pidIcon, label: "Abrir", primary: true, }); } return menuItems; }), [ archiveFiles, baseName, changeUrl, contextMenu, copyEntries, createPath, deleteLocalPath, downloadFiles, extractFiles, fileManagerId, focusedEntries, isFocusedEntry, lstat, mapFs, moveEntries, newShortcut, open, openFile, path, pid, readFile, readOnly, rootFs?.mntMap, rootFs?.mountList, setRenaming, setWallpaper, unMapFs, updateFolder, url, ] ); return { onContextMenuCapture: (event?: React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent) => { if (!isFocusedEntry) { blurEntry(); focusEntry(baseName); } onContextMenuCapture(event); }, ...contextMenuHandlers, }; }; export default useFileContextMenu;