import type { FSModule } from "browserfs/dist/node/core/FS"; import { help } from "components/apps/Terminal/functions"; import type { LocalEcho } from "components/apps/Terminal/types"; import type index from "isomorphic-git"; import type { AuthCallback, GitAuth, MessageCallback, ProgressCallback, } from "isomorphic-git"; import type { ParsedArgs } from "minimist"; import { join } from "path"; const corsProxy = ""; const UPDATE_FOLDER_COMMANDS = new Set([ "checkout", "clone", "fetch", "init", "merge", "pull", ]); export const commands: Record = { add: "Add a file to the git index (aka staging area)", branch: "Create a branch", checkout: "Checkout a branch", clone: "Clone a repository", commit: "Create a new commit", fetch: "Fetch commits from a remote repository", init: "Initialize a new repository", log: "Get commit descriptions from the git history", merge: "Merge two branches", pull: "Fetch and merge commits from a remote repository", push: "Push a branch or tag", status: "Tell whether a file has been changed", tag: "Create a lightweight tag", version: "Return the version number of isomorphic-git", }; type GitOptions = Record; type GitFunction = (options: GitOptions) => Promise; const processGit = async ( [command, ...args]: string[], cd: string, localEcho: LocalEcho, fs: FSModule, updateFolder: (folder: string, newFile?: string, oldFile?: string) => void ): Promise => { const git = await import("isomorphic-git"); if (command in git) { const http = await import("isomorphic-git/http/web"); const { default: minimist } = await import("minimist"); const { username, password, ...cliArgs } = minimist(args) as GitAuth & ParsedArgs; const onAuth: AuthCallback = () => ({ password, username }); const onMessage: MessageCallback = (message = "") => localEcho.println(`remote: ${message.trim()}`); const events: string[] = []; const onProgress: ProgressCallback = ({ phase }): void => { if (events[events.length - 1] !== phase) { localEcho.println(phase); events.push(phase); } }; const options = { ...cliArgs, corsProxy, dir: cd, fs, http, onAuth, onMessage, onProgress, }; if (command === "clone") { const dirName = (cliArgs.url as string) ?.split("/") .pop() ?.replace(/\.git$/, "") || ""; if (dirName) { localEcho.println(`Cloning into '${dirName}'...`); options.dir = join(cd, dirName); } } try { const result = await ( git[command as keyof typeof index] as GitFunction )?.(options); if (typeof result === "string") { localEcho.println(result); } } catch (error) { localEcho.println((error as Error).message); } if (UPDATE_FOLDER_COMMANDS.has(command)) { updateFolder(cd); } } else { help(localEcho, commands); } }; export default processGit;