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((bonus["thru"] && 2 != bricks[x][y]["type"] && 21 != bricks[x][y]["type"]) || (this["xSpeed"] *= -1), this["x"] < bricks[x][y]["x"] + 15 ? (this["x"] = bricks[x][y]["x"] - 5) : (this["x"] = bricks[x][y]["x"] + 35)) : ((bonus["thru"] && 2 != bricks[x][y]["type"] && 21 != bricks[x][y]["type"]) || (this["ySpeed"] *= -1), this["y"] < bricks[x][y]["y"] + 7 ? (this["y"] = bricks[x][y]["y"] - 5) : (this["y"] = bricks[x][y]["y"] + 20))); } } } this["y"] >= 445 && this["x"] < paddle["x"] + paddle["width"] && this["x"] > paddle["x"] && (bonus["falling"](), 1 == bonus["magnet"] ? ((this["magnet"] = this["x"] - paddle["x"]), _0x56c3x14("Humm")) : _0x56c3x14("Boing"), (this["ySpeed"] *= -1), (this["xSpeed"] = (this["x"] - (paddle["x"] + parseInt(paddle["width"] / 2))) / 30), (this["y"] = 445)), this["magnet"] && ((this["ySpeed"] = -1), (this["xSpeed"] = (this["x"] - (paddle["x"] + parseInt(paddle["width"] / 2))) / 30), (this["x"] = paddle["x"] + this["magnet"]), (this["y"] = 445)), this["anim"] < 3 ? (this["anim"] += 0.2) : (this["anim"] = 0), this["draw"](); }); } function _0x56c3x17(_0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa) { (this["aframe"] = 0), (this["x"] = 30 * _0x56c3x9 + 20), (this["y"] = 15 * _0x56c3xa + 50), (this["type"] = 0), (this["imgId"] = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, ]), (this["draw"] = function () { this["aframe"] ? (_0x56c3x8 = this["aframe"]) : (_0x56c3x8 = this["type"]), 7 == this["type"] && (_0x56c3x8 = 0), this["x"] > 19 && this["x"] < 620 && 1 != this["imgId"][parseInt(_0x56c3x8)] && myFonts["fillImg"]( this["imgId"][parseInt(_0x56c3x8)], "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], this["y"] ); }), (this["bang"] = function (_0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8) { 0 != this["type"] && (this["aframe"] = 30), 8 == this["type"] && (this["timeout"] = window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { 0 == parseInt(1 * Math["random"]()) ? _0x56c3x14("Xploshor") : _0x56c3x14("Xploshor1"), bricks[_0x56c3xc - 1][_0x56c3x8 - 1]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc - 1, _0x56c3x8 - 1 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc][_0x56c3x8 - 1]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8 - 1 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc + 1][_0x56c3x8 - 1]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc + 1, _0x56c3x8 - 1 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc - 1][_0x56c3x8]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc - 1, _0x56c3x8 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc + 1][_0x56c3x8]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc + 1, _0x56c3x8 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc - 1][_0x56c3x8 + 1]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc - 1, _0x56c3x8 + 1 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc][_0x56c3x8 + 1]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8 + 1 ), bricks[_0x56c3xc + 1][_0x56c3x8 + 1]["bang"]( _0x56c3xc + 1, _0x56c3x8 + 1 ); }, 80))), 0 != this["type"] && 2 != this["type"] && ((user["score"] += 10), _0x56c3xd--), (this["type"] = 0); }), (this["dell"] = function (_0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9) { switch (this["type"]) { case 2: _0x56c3x14("Ao-laser"), (this["type"] = 2); break; case 3: _0x56c3x14("Effect"), (this["type"] = 4), (user["score"] += 10); break; case 4: _0x56c3x14("Effect"), (this["type"] = 5), (user["score"] += 10); break; case 5: _0x56c3x14("Effect"), (this["type"] = 0), _0x56c3xd--, (user["score"] += 10); break; case 6: for (_0x56c3x14("Glass"), i = 0; i < 6; i++) { (flash[nflash] = new _0x56c3x19( this["x"], this["y"], 8 * Math["random"]() - 4, 6 * Math["random"](), 24, 10, "255,255,255" )), nflash++, nflash >= 128 && (nflash = 0); } (this["type"] = 0), _0x56c3xd--, (user["score"] += 10); break; case 7: for (_0x56c3x14("Glass"), i = 0; i < 6; i++) { (flash[nflash] = new _0x56c3x19( this["x"], this["y"], 8 * Math["random"]() - 4, 6 * Math["random"](), 24, 10, "255,255,255" )), nflash++, nflash >= 128 && (nflash = 0); } (this["type"] = 6), (user["score"] += 10); break; case 8: this["bang"](_0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9); break; case 21: _0x56c3x14("Effect"), (this["type"] = 2), _0x56c3xd--, (user["score"] += 10); break; default: _0x56c3x14("Wowpulse"), (this["type"] = 0), _0x56c3xd--, (user["score"] += 10); } 7 != this["type"] && 2 != this["type"] && 0 == parseInt(8 * Math["random"]()) && bonus["init"](this["x"], this["y"]); }), (this["move"] = function () { this["draw"](), this["aframe"] && (this["aframe"] >= 30 && this["aframe"]++, this["aframe"] > 36 && (this["aframe"] = 0), 8 == this["type"] && (this["aframe"] >= 23 && this["aframe"] < 30 && (this["aframe"] += 0.3), this["aframe"] > 30 && ((this["aframe"] = 23), this["draw"]()))); }); } function _0x56c3x18() { (this["x"] = 0), (this["y"] = 435), (this["is"] = !0), (this["ySpeed"] = -10), (this["draw"] = function () { myFonts["fillImg"](31, "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], this["y"]); }), (this["move"] = function () { if (this["is"]) { if ( this["y"] > 45 && this["y"] < 345 && this["x"] > 20 && this["x"] < 620 ) { for ( y = parseInt((this["y"] - 45) / 15) - 1; y < parseInt((this["y"] - 45) / 15) + 1; y++ ) { for ( x = parseInt((this["x"] - 20) / 30) - 1; x < parseInt((this["x"] - 20) / 30) + 1; x++ ) { 0 != bricks[x][y]["type"] && this["x"] > bricks[x][y]["x"] - 5 && this["x"] < bricks[x][y]["x"] + 35 && this["y"] > bricks[x][y]["y"] - 5 && this["y"] < bricks[x][y]["y"] + 20 && (bricks[x][y]["dell"](x, y), (this["is"] = !1)); } } } (this["y"] += this["ySpeed"]), this["is"] && this["draw"](); } }); } function _0x56c3x19( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ) { (this["x"] = _0x56c3xc + (-_0x56c3xd / 2 + parseInt(Math["random"]() * _0x56c3xd))), (this["y"] = _0x56c3x8 + (-_0x56c3xd / 2 + parseInt(Math["random"]() * _0x56c3xd))), (this["xSpeed"] = _0x56c3x9), (this["ySpeed"] = _0x56c3xa), (this["live"] = _0x56c3xb), (_0x56c3xe = _0x56c3xe), (this["is"] = !0), (this["draw"] = function () { (ctx["fillStyle"] = "rgba(" + _0x56c3xe + "," + this["live"] / 24 + ")"), ctx["fillRect"](parseInt(this["x"]), parseInt(this["y"]), 2, 2); }), (this["move"] = function () { this["is"] && (this["live"]--, this["live"] <= 0 && (this["is"] = !1), (this["x"] += this["xSpeed"]), (this["y"] += this["ySpeed"]), this["draw"]()); }); } function _0x56c3x1a(_0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9) { for ( this["x"] = _0x56c3x8, this["y"] = _0x56c3x9, this["aframe"] = 0, this["is"] = !0, i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { (flash[nflash] = new _0x56c3x19( this["x"], this["y"], 8 * Math["random"]() - 4, 8 * Math["random"]() - 4, 24, 10, "255,255,255" )), nflash++, nflash >= 128 && (nflash = 0); } (this["draw"] = function () { myFonts["fillImg"]( 143 + this["aframe"], "Mball2.sbk", this["x"] - 21, this["y"] - 21 ); }), (this["move"] = function () { this["is"] && (this["aframe"] < 22 ? this["aframe"]++ : (this["is"] = !1), this["draw"]()); }); } for ( window["cl"] = !1, user = new Object(), user["name"] = "", user["startTime"] = 0, paused = paus = !1, window["soundon"] && ((window.DXBall.audioFiles["Whine"]["loop"] = "loop"), (window.DXBall.audioFiles["Voltage"]["loop"] = "loop"), window.DXBall.audioFiles["Whine"]["play"]()), naudio = 0, nflash = 0, audio = new Array(), balls = new Array(), bricks = new Array(), bullets = new Array(), bang = new Array(), flash = new Array(), records = new Array(), file = _0x56c3x13(window.DXBall.basePath + "/default.bds"), lightning = new (function () { (this["drawing"] = !1), (this["x"] = this["y"] = 0), (this["volume"] = 0), (this["is"] = !1), (this["timout"] = !1), (this["set"] = function (_0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8) { (this["x"] = _0x56c3xc), (this["y"] = _0x56c3x8), (this["is"] = !0), (this["timout"] = window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { lightning["show"](); }, 3e4))), (this["volume"] = 0), window.DXBall.audioFiles["Voltage"]["play"](); }), (this["show"] = function () { (bricks[this["x"]][this["y"]]["type"] = 8), bricks[this["x"]][this["y"]]["bang"](this["x"], this["y"]), _0x56c3x14("Thudclap"), (this["drawing"] = !0), window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { (lightning["drawing"] = !1), (lightning["is"] = !1), window.DXBall.audioFiles["Voltage"]["pause"](); }, 40)); }), (this["draw"] = function () { this["drawing"] && ctx["drawImage"]( bigbolt_img, 30 * this["x"] + 20 - 65, 15 * this["y"] + 50 - 475 ); }); })(), shadow = new (function () { (this["drawing"] = !1), (this["aframe"] = 0), (this["draw"] = function () { if (this["aframe"] < 20) { var _0x56c3x8 = ctx["getImageData"](0, 0, 640, 480), _0x56c3x9 = _0x56c3x8["data"]; for (i = 0, n = _0x56c3x9["length"]; i < n; i += 4) { var _0x56c3xa = 0.3 * _0x56c3x9[i] + 0.59 * _0x56c3x9[i + 1] + 0.11 * _0x56c3x9[i + 2]; (_0x56c3x9[i] = (_0x56c3x9[i] + _0x56c3xa / 5) / 1.2), (_0x56c3x9[i + 1] = (_0x56c3x9[i + 1] + _0x56c3xa / 5) / 1.2), (_0x56c3x9[i + 2] = (_0x56c3x9[i + 2] + _0x56c3xa / 5) / 1.2); } ctx["putImageData"](_0x56c3x8, 0, 0); } else { if (this["aframe"] >= 20 && this["aframe"] < 70) { (ctx["fillStyle"] = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)"), ctx["fillRect"](0, 0, 640, 480); } else { if (this["aframe"] >= 70 && this["aframe"] < 100) { if ( (70 == this["aframe"] && (paused = paus), user["lives"] > 0) ) { for ( ctx["drawImage"](mbbkgrnd_img, 0, 0), y = 0; y < 20; y++ ) { for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { bricks[x][y]["move"](); } } paused && myFonts["strokeText"]( "PAUSED", "Thefont.sbk", 237, 210 ), _0x56c3x15(user["score"]); } else { highscore["draw"](), (highscore["drawing"] = 1); } (ctx["fillStyle"] = "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + (1 - 0.033 * (this["aframe"] - 70)) + ")"), ctx["fillRect"](0, 0, 640, 480); } else { this["aframe"] >= 100 && ((this["drawing"] = !1), (this["aframe"] = 0)); } } } this["aframe"]++; }); })(), chcur = "_", window.DXBall.intervals.push(setInterval(function () { "_" == chcur ? (chcur = " ") : (chcur = "_"); }, 500)), highscore = new (function () { (this["loading"] = !1), (this["upLim"] = this["downLim"] = -1), (this["drawing"] = 0), (this["aframe"] = 0), (this["draw"] = function () { if ( (ctx["drawImage"](Highscor_img, 0, 0), 1 == this["drawing"]) ) { myFonts["strokeText"]("Your score:", "Sysfont.sbk", 272, 160), (sc = user["score"] + ""), myFonts["strokeText"]( user["score"], "Sysfont.sbk", 316 - 9 * (sc["length"] - 2), 191 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "Enter your name:", "Sysfont.sbk", 70, 220 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( user["name"] + chcur, "Sysfont.sbk", 70, 250 ); } else { if (2 == this["drawing"]) { for (j = 0; j < records.length && j < 15; j++) { myFonts["strokeText"]( records[_0x56c3xf + j]["name"], "Sysfont.sbk", 10, 160 + 20 * j ), myFonts["strokeText"]( records[_0x56c3xf + j]["score"], "Sysfont.sbk", 570, 160 + 20 * j ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "", "Sysfont.sbk", 500, 160 + 20 * j ), _0x56c3xf + j == this["selection"] && ((ctx["strokeStyle"] = "rgba(255,0,255," + (0.7 + Math["sin"](this["aframe"] / 8) / 4) + ")"), ctx["strokeRect"](5, 158 + 20 * j, 630, 20), this["aframe"]++); } } } }); })(), saver = new (function () { (this["aframe"] = 0), (this["drawing"] = 1), (this["sinString"] = "WELCOME TO DX-BALL. GREETINGS GO OUT TO: ED + AL MACKEY, SIMEON, LARRY, MIKE BOEH, DARK UNICORN PRODUCTIONS (SHANE, JOHN, SEUMAS, ERIC (SIDEWINDER), REMEMBER KIT...), AND THE 'MAD TESTER' CHAY-BOB. LAST MINUTE SUPER THANKS GOES TO SHANE MONROE FOR THE DX-BALL WEB PAGE. IT ROCKS! THIS PROJECT WAS MANY LONG MONTHS IN THE MAKING. LATE NIGHTS, LOTS OF MOUNTAIN DEW, AND MANY PROGRAMMING BOOKS GOT THIS, MY FIRST DIRECT X AND PC GAME, FINISHED FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE. ABOUT THE GAME: I KNOW 'BREAKOUT' GAMES HAVE BEEN DONE TO DEATH, BUT I HAVEN'T FOUND ONE YET THAT'S AS COMPELLING AS MEGABALL FOR THE AMIGA COMPUTER. SINCE MEGABALL IS MY WIFE'S FAVORITE GAME, I THOUGHT I'D MAKE HER A VERSION THAT SHE CAN PLAY ON MY PENTIUM 60. :) BY THE WAY, DX-BALL IS MEANT TO BE AN AMIGA GAME TRAPPED IN A PC'S BODY. (SMILE) ALSO GOT SOME RETRO COMMODORE 64 MIXED IN HERE AND THERE... IF ONLY I HAD A DIRECT SOUND 'MOD' PLAYER, THEN EVERYTHING WOULD BE PERFECT! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: HI I'M MIKE, BUT SOME CALL ME 'SCORCH.' I'M THAT KID WHO WROTE THE AMIGA GAME 'SCORCHED TANKS.' I KNOW, I KNOW, ALL YOU PC PEOPLE ARE SAYING 'NO STUPID, THAT'S SCORCHED EARTH!' WELL, 'S-TANKS' WAS THE AMIGA ANSWER TO 'EARTH.' THE WHOLE SCORCH PROJECT WAS VERY EXCELLENT AND THE RESPONSE FROM MY FELLOW AMI FANS WAS INCREDIBLE. CERTAINLY, '94 WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE REST OF MY LIFE, AND I MUST SAY THANKS TO MY FRIENDS ALL OVER THE WORLD. HEY, IF YOU'RE STILL READING THIS SCROLLER, THEN MORE POWER TO YA! LET'S TALK ABOUT CODE... DX-BALL WAS WRITTEN TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH EVERY POSSIBLE PC THAT CAN INSTALL DIRECT X 2. I BOUGHT 4 VIDEO CARDS ON MY OWN AND BORROWED 2 VIDEO CARDS FROM MY GOOD FRIEND MIKE BOEH. I TOOK DX-BALL TO WORK, NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE, FATHER-IN-LAW'S HOUSE, BROTHER-IN-LAW'S HOUSE, AND EVEN HAD IT TESTED WITH WINDOWS NT AS SOON AS THE NEW RELEASE SUPPORTED DIRECT X. I EVEN ASKED/FORCED MY FRIENDS TO TAKE IT HOME AND TRY IT ON THEIR PC'S. :O MAN I FOUND A LOT OF BUGS IN THE GAME, AND LOTS OF QUIRKS IN DIRECT X. I HOPE I GOT THEM ALL, BUT IF I DIDN'T, I KNOW I CAN COUNT ON 'YOU' TO SEND ME AN E-MAIL. SO I FOUND OUT TWO IMPORTANT THINGS FROM MY EXPERIMENTS. FIRST OF ALL, DIRECT X'S HARDWARE ACCELERATION IS VERY COOL. SECOND, I LEARNED THAT NOT EVERY VIDEO CARD SUPPORTS IT. FOR INSTANCE, VIDEO CARDS WITH: S3, MACH32/64, MATROX, TSENG, AND OTHERS WITH HARDWARE SUPPORT CAN SPEED-UP GRAPHICS 'BLITTING' BY AT LEAST 3X IF DONE PROPERLY. BUT THERE ARE VERY COMMON VIDEO CARDS WITH TRIDENT OR ARK CHIPSETS THAT HAVE NO SUPPORT. THEY WILL RUN DIRECT X GAMES, BUT THE EMULATION MODE CAN SLOW IT WAY DOWN. UNTIL THE DAY THAT EVERYONE GETS A NEW COMPUTER OR VIDEO CARD, DIRECT X WILL NOT REACH IT'S FULL POTENTIAL. BUT FOR NOW, US PROGRAMMERS WILL WORK OUR BRAINS OUT TO GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE TO PLAY OUR GAMES. DX-BALL RUNS ON ALL VIDEO CARDS, EITHER IN THE BLAZING FAST MODE, OR IN THE 'COMPATIBILITY' MODE THAT KEEPS UP WITH THE 60 FPS STANDARD. I ONLY ASK THAT IF YOUR SYSTEM HAS A VERY HIGH REFRESH RATE... THEN MAYBE YOU OUGHT TO LOWER IT FOR THE SAKE OF PLAYING DX-BALL AT A NORMAL SPEED. :) WELL, I'VE TALKED ABOUT EVERYTHING NOW AND IT'S TIME TO WRAP-UP THIS EXTRA LONG SCROLLER. THANKS FOR READING, AND ENJOY THE GAME. MADE YOU LOOK! HEHEHEHEHEHE "), (this["mballs"] = [ ".........................................", ".###...#...#.....####....#...#.....#.....", ".#..#...#.#......#...#..#.#..#.....#.....", ".#...#...#...###.#..#..#...#.#.....#.....", ".#..#...#.#......#...#.#####.#.....#.....", ".###...#...#.....####..#...#.#####.#####.", ".........................................", ]), (this["ss"] = 0), (this["draw"] = function () { if (window.DXBall?.status !== "running") return; if (1 == this["drawing"]) { for ( ctx["globalCompositeOperation"] = "lighter", ctx["fillStyle"] = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", ctx["fillRect"]( 0, 277 + parseInt(118 * Math["sin"](this["ss"] / 90)), 640, 10 ), ctx["fillStyle"] = "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)", ctx["fillRect"]( 0, 277 - parseInt(118 * Math["sin"](this["ss"] / 90)), 640, 10 ), ctx["globalCompositeOperation"] = "source-over", ctx["fillStyle"] = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", ctx["fillRect"](0, 0, 640, 480), ctx["drawImage"]( Intro_img, 0, 0, 640, 160, 0, 0, 640, 160 ), ctx["drawImage"]( Intro_img, 0, 337, 640, 14, 0, 6, 640, 14 ), ctx["drawImage"]( Intro_img, 0, 364, 640, 14, 0, 128, 640, 14 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "VIDEO CARD:", "Candy.sbk", 20, 174 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "REFRESH RATE ABOVE 60 MHZ", "Candy.sbk", 180, 174 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "DEFAULT TO >COMPATIBLE< MODE", "Candy.sbk", 210, 194 ), myFonts["strokeText"]("AUTHOR:", "Candy.sbk", 20, 229), myFonts["strokeText"]( "MICHAEL P. WELCH", "Candy.sbk", 180, 229 ), myFonts["strokeText"]("3D GFX:", "Candy.sbk", 20, 249), myFonts["strokeText"]( "SEUMAS McNALLY", "Candy.sbk", 180, 249 ), myFonts["strokeText"]("E-MAIL:", "Candy.sbk", 20, 284), myFonts["strokeText"]( "MWELCH1@STNY.LRUN.COM", "Candy.sbk", 180, 284 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "VISIT HTTP://HOME.STNY.LRUN.COM/SCORCHED/", "Candy.sbk", 42, 314 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "FOR FREE BOARD EDITOR PLUS HINTS AND TIPS", "Candy.sbk", 53, 334 ), this["sx"] = 640, this["sy"] = 422, ctx["fillStyle"] = "#000", ctx["fillRect"](0, 401, 640, 79), i = 0; i < this["sinString"]["length"]; i++ ) { if (!myFonts?.["font"]?.["Chisel2.sbk"]?.["char"]?.[ this["sinString"]?.[i] ]) return; for ( j = 0; j <= myFonts["font"]["Chisel2.sbk"]["char"][ this["sinString"][i] ]["width"]; j++ ) { this["sx"] - this["ss"] > 40 && this["sx"] - this["ss"] < 600 && ((height = myFonts["font"]["Chisel2.sbk"]["char"][ this["sinString"][i] ]["height"]), (y = myFonts["font"]["Chisel2.sbk"]["char"][ this["sinString"][i] ]["y"]), ctx["drawImage"]( myFonts["font"]["Chisel2.sbk"]["char"][ this["sinString"][i] ]["img"], j, 0, 1, height, this["sx"] - this["ss"], this["sy"] + y, 1, height )), this["sx"]++, (this["sy"] = 422 + parseInt( 19 * Math["sin"]((this["sx"] - this["ss"]) / 55) )); } } this["ss"] += 6; } else { if (2 == this["drawing"]) { for ( ctx["drawImage"](Mainmenu_img, 0, 0, 640, 480), ctx["fillStyle"] = "#cb00cb", y = 0; y < 7; y++ ) { for (x = 0; x <= 40; x++) { (xp = parseInt( 115 + 10 * x + 2 * Math["sin"](this["ss"] + x / 4 + y / 3) )), (yp = parseInt( 40 + 10 * y + 2 * Math["cos"](this["ss"] + x / 4 + y / 3) )), "." == this["mballs"][y][x] ? ctx["fillRect"](xp, yp, 1, 1) : myFonts["fillImg"]( 0, "Mball2.sbk", xp - 3, yp - 3 ); } } myFonts["strokeText"]( "BASED ON ``MEGABALL``", "Thefont.sbk", 63, 180 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "BY ED AND AL MACKEY", "Thefont.sbk", 77, 220 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "By Michael P. Welch", "Sfont.sbk", 485, 124 ), myFonts["strokeText"]("V 1.09", "Sfont.sbk", 615, 4), myFonts["strokeText"]( "Copyright 1996-98 by Michael P. Welch, All Rights Reserved.", "Sfont.sbk", 3, 459 ), myFonts["strokeText"]( "You may freely distribute this game so long as it's not sold for profit without the author's written consent.", "Sfont.sbk", 3, 469 ), (this["ss"] += 0.1), ctx["drawImage"]( sphere_img, 135 * this["aframe"], 0, 135, 135, 499, 319, 135, 135 ), this["aframe"]++, 14 == this["aframe"] && (this["aframe"] = 0); } } }); })(), y = -1; y < 21; y++ ) { for (bricks[y] = new Array(), x = -1; x < 21; x++) { bricks[y][x] = new _0x56c3x17(y, x); } } function _0x56c3x1b() { (user["score"] = 0), (user["level"] = 1), (user["lives"] = 3), (user["timeGame"] = 0), _0x56c3x1c(user["level"]), (user["startTime"] = new Date()["getTime"]()), window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { !(function _0x56c3xc() { _0x56c3x10 = 0; window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { shadow["drawing"] || highscore["drawing"] || saver["drawing"] || saver["drawing"] || paused ? window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { _0x56c3xc(); }, 2e3)) : (_0x56c3xe = 60 / _0x56c3x10); }, 1e3)); })(); }, 3e3)); } function _0x56c3x1c(_0x56c3xc) { for ( _0x56c3x1d(), cl = !1, shadow["aframe"] = 20, clearTimeout(lightning["timout"]), window.DXBall.audioFiles["Voltage"]["pause"](), shadow["drawing"] = !0, _0x56c3xd = 0, y = 0; y < 20; y++ ) { for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { clearTimeout(bricks[x][y]["timeout"]), (bricks[x][y]["type"] = file["charCodeAt"]( 20 * y + x + 400 * (_0x56c3xc - 1) )), (bricks[x][y]["aframe"] = 0), 0 != bricks[x][y]["type"] && 2 != bricks[x][y]["type"] && _0x56c3xd++, 8 == bricks[x][y]["type"] && (bricks[x][y]["aframe"] = 23); } } } function _0x56c3x1d() { (bonus["thru"] = bonus["magnet"] = bonus["shooting"] = bonus["fireball"] = bonus["fall"] = bonus["shball"] = !1), (balls["length"] = 1), (bullets["length"] = 0), (balls[0]["y"] = 460), (balls[0]["is"] = !0), (balls[0]["magnet"] = 40), (paddle["size"] = 1), (bonus["type"] = -1); } function _0x56c3x1e(_0x56c3x8) { for (nb = 0, i = 0; i < balls["length"]; i++) { 1 == balls[i]["is"] && nb++; } nb <= 0 || _0x56c3x8 ? (_0x56c3x14("Padexplo"), (shadow["drawing"] = !0), user["lives"]--, _0x56c3x1d()) : _0x56c3x14("Xplosht1"), 0 == user["lives"] && (user["timeGame"] = new Date()["getTime"]() - user["startTime"]); } function _0x56c3x1f(_0x56c3x8) { for ( highscore["loading"] = !0, _0x56c3x8 < 1 && (_0x56c3x8 = 0), rec = window.DXBall.calcRecords(user), rec = rec["split"]("\r"), i = 0; i < rec["length"] - 1; i++ ) { (str = rec[i]), (str = str["split"]("&")), 0 == i && ((highscore["upLim"] > parseInt(str[0]) || -1 == highscore["upLim"]) && (highscore["upLim"] = parseInt(str[0])), (highscore["downLim"] < parseInt(str[0]) + rec["length"] || -1 == highscore["downLim"]) && (highscore["downLim"] = parseInt(str[0]) + rec["length"]), "f" == _0x56c3x8 && (_0x56c3xf = parseInt(str[0]))), (records[parseInt(str[0])] = new Object()), (records[parseInt(str[0])]["name"] = str[2]), (records[parseInt(str[0])]["score"] = str[1]), (user["name"] = user["score"] = ""); } "f" == _0x56c3x8 && (highscore["selection"] = parseInt(rec[rec["length"] - 1])), (highscore["drawing"] = 2), (highscore["loading"] = !1); } (mouse = new Object()), (mouse["x"] = mouse["y"] = 320), (canvas["onmousemove"] = function (_0x56c3xc) { _0x56c3xc || (_0x56c3xc = window["event"]), (mouse["x"] = "offsetX" in _0x56c3xc ? _0x56c3xc["offsetX"] : _0x56c3xc["pageX"]), (mouse["y"] = "offsetY" in _0x56c3xc ? _0x56c3xc["offsetY"] : _0x56c3xc["pageY"]); }), canvas["addEventListener"]("touchmove", function (_0x56c3xc) { (mouse["x"] = "offsetX" in _0x56c3xc["touches"][0] ? _0x56c3xc["touches"][0]["offsetX"] : _0x56c3xc["touches"][0]["pageX"]), (mouse["y"] = "offsetY" in _0x56c3xc["touches"][0] ? _0x56c3xc["touches"][0]["offsetY"] : _0x56c3xc["touches"][0]["pageY"]); }), (canvas["onmousedown"] = function () { if ( (paus && ((shadow["aframe"] = 20), (shadow["drawing"] = !0), (paus = !paus)), 1 == saver["drawing"]) ) { (saver["drawing"] = 2), window.DXBall.audioFiles["Whine"]["pause"](), (_0x56c3x11 = 0), window["soundon"] && _0x56c3x12["play"](); } else { if (2 == saver["drawing"]) { (saver["drawing"] = 0), _0x56c3x1c(user["level"]), _0x56c3x1b(); } else { if ( shadow["drawing"] || highscore["drawing"] || saver["drawing"] || paused ) { 2 == highscore["drawing"] && ((highscore["drawing"] = !1), (saver["drawing"] = 2)); } else { for (i = 0; i < balls["length"]; i++) { balls[i]["magnet"] = !1; } bonus["shooting"] && (_0x56c3x14("Gunfire"), (i = bullets["length"]), (bullets[i] = new _0x56c3x18()), (bullets[i]["x"] = paddle["x"] + 3), (bullets[i + 1] = new _0x56c3x18()), (bullets[i + 1]["x"] = paddle["x"] + paddle["width"])); } } } }), (document["onkeydown"] = function (_0x56c3x8) { if (!highscore["loading"]) { if ( (38 == _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] && (window["scroll"](0, 0), 2 == highscore["drawing"] && ((highscore["aframe"] = 0), highscore["selection"] - 1 >= highscore["upLim"] ? highscore["selection"]-- : highscore["selection"] < 15 ? _0x56c3x1f(1) : _0x56c3x1f(highscore["selection"] - 15))), 40 == _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] && (window["scroll"](0, 0), 2 == highscore["drawing"] && ((highscore["aframe"] = 0), highscore["selection"] + 3 <= highscore["downLim"] ? highscore["selection"]++ : _0x56c3x1f(highscore["selection"]))), 80 != _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] || 0 != saver["drawing"] || highscore["drawing"] || ((shadow["aframe"] = 20), (shadow["drawing"] = !0), paus ? (user["startTime"] += new Date()["getTime"]() - _0x56c3xa) : (_0x56c3xa = new Date()["getTime"]()), (paus = !paus)), 27 != _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] || 0 != saver["drawing"] || highscore["drawing"] || ((highscore["drawing"] = !1), (saver["drawing"] = 2)), 83 == _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] && 1 == !highscore["drawing"]) ) { if (((soundon = !soundon), soundon)) { _0x56c3x12["play"](); } else { for (_0x56c3x12["pause"](), i = 0; i < 64; i++) { audio[i]["pause"](); } } } highscore["selection"] < _0x56c3xf && (_0x56c3xf = highscore["selection"]), highscore["selection"] >= _0x56c3xf + 15 && (_0x56c3xf = highscore["selection"] - 14); } if (1 == highscore["drawing"]) { if ( ((ch = ""), user["name"]["length"] < 30 && (_0x56c3x8["keyCode"] >= 48 && _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] <= 57 && (ch = _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] - 48), _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] >= 65 && _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] <= 90 && ((ch = String["fromCharCode"](_0x56c3x8["keyCode"])), _0x56c3x8["shiftKey"] || (ch = ch["toLowerCase"]())), 32 == _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] && (ch = " "), (user["name"] += ch)), 8 == _0x56c3x8["keyCode"]) ) { return (user["name"] = user["name"]["slice"](0, -1)), !1; } 13 == _0x56c3x8["keyCode"] && user["name"] && " " != user["name"][0] && _0x56c3x1f("f"); } }), window.DXBall.intervals.push(setInterval(function () { _0x56c3x12["currentTime"] >= _0x56c3x12["duration"] - 1 && (6 == ++_0x56c3x11 && (_0x56c3x11 = 0), _0x56c3x12["pause"](), (_0x56c3x12 = window.DXBall.audioTracks[window.DXBall.audioTracks.push(window.DXBall.audioFiles[audioName[_0x56c3x11]]["cloneNode"](!0)) - 1])[ "play" ]()); }, 100)), (balls[balls["length"]] = new _0x56c3x16()), (paddle = new (function () { (this["x"] = 300), (this["type"] = 0), (this["anim"] = 0), (this["sizes"] = [36, 73, 146, 218, 292]), (this["size"] = 1), (this["draw"] = function () { for (vm = !1, i = 0; i < balls["length"]; i++) { balls[i]["magnet"] && (vm = !0); } bonus["shooting"] ? (vm && myFonts["fillImg"]( 123 + 4 * this["size"] + parseInt(this["anim"]), "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], 435 ), myFonts["fillImg"]( 103 + 4 * this["size"] + parseInt(this["anim"]), "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], 435 )) : vm ? (myFonts["fillImg"]( 123 + 4 * this["size"] + parseInt(this["anim"]), "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], 440 ), myFonts["fillImg"]( 83 + 4 * this["size"] + parseInt(this["anim"]), "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], 440 )) : myFonts["fillImg"]( 63 + 4 * this["size"] + parseInt(this["anim"]), "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], 450 ); }), (this["move"] = function () { (this["width"] = this["sizes"][this["size"]]), (this["x"] = parseInt( (mouse["x"] - getOffsetSum(canvas)["left"] - this["width"] / 2) / (canvas["offsetWidth"] / 640) )), this["x"] < 20 && (this["x"] = 20), this["x"] > 620 - this["width"] && (this["x"] = 620 - this["width"]), (this["anim"] += 0.2), this["anim"] > 4 && (this["anim"] = 0), this["draw"](); }); })()), (bonus = new (function (_0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xa) { (this["thru"] = !1), (this["magnet"] = !1), (this["shooting"] = !1), (this["fireball"] = !1), (this["fall"] = !1), (this["shball"] = !1), (this["x"] = 0), (this["y"] = 0), (this["type"] = -1), (this["xSpeed"] = 0), (this["ySpeed"] = -2), (this["weight"] = 0.1), (this["falling"] = function () { if (this["fall"]) { for (_0x56c3xa = 19; _0x56c3xa > 0; _0x56c3xa--) { for (_0x56c3x8 = 0; _0x56c3x8 < 20; _0x56c3x8++) { 0 == bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] && ((bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] = bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa - 1]["type"]), (bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["aframe"] = bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa - 1]["aframe"]), (bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa - 1]["type"] = 0)); } } _0x56c3x14("Orchblas"); } }), (this["init"] = function (_0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9) { if (-1 == this["type"]) { for ( _0x56c3x14("Bang"), this["xSpeed"] = balls[0]["xSpeed"], this["ySpeed"] = -4, this["x"] = _0x56c3x8, this["y"] = _0x56c3x9, this["type"] = parseInt(18 * Math["random"]()), (14 != this["type"] && 19 != this["type"]) || (this["type"] = 13), i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { (flash[nflash] = new _0x56c3x19( this["x"], this["y"], 8 * Math["random"]() - 4, 8 * Math["random"]() - 4, 24, 10, "255,255,255" )), nflash++, nflash >= 128 && (nflash = 0); } } }), (this["draw"] = function () { myFonts["fillImg"]( this["type"] + 34, "Mball2.sbk", this["x"], this["y"] ); }), (this["move"] = function () { if ( ((this["x"] += this["xSpeed"] * _0x56c3xe), (this["y"] += this["ySpeed"] * _0x56c3xe), (this["ySpeed"] += this["weight"] * _0x56c3xe), this["y"] > 480 && (this["type"] = -1), this["x"] >= 588 && ((this["x"] = 588), (this["xSpeed"] *= -1)), this["x"] <= 20 && ((this["x"] = 20), (this["xSpeed"] *= -1)), this["y"] >= 420 && this["x"] < paddle["x"] + paddle["width"] + 30 && this["x"] > paddle["x"] - 30 && this["type"] >= 0) ) { switch (((user["score"] += 100), this["type"])) { case 0: _0x56c3x14("Fanfare"), user["lives"]++; break; case 1: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (cl = !0), window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { user["level"]++, _0x56c3x1c(user["level"]); }, 200)); break; case 2: for ( _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), _0x56c3xa = 0; _0x56c3xa < 20; _0x56c3xa++ ) { for (_0x56c3x8 = 0; _0x56c3x8 < 20; _0x56c3x8++) { 2 == bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] && ((bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] = 20), _0x56c3xd++), 7 == bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] && (bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] = 6); } } break; case 3: for (_0x56c3x14("Peow!"), i = 0; i < balls["length"]; i++) { (balls[i]["xSpeed"] /= 2), (balls[i]["ySpeed"] /= 2); } break; case 4: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (function () { for (y = 0; y < 20; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { 8 == bricks[x][y]["type"] && ((bricks[x - 1][y]["type"] = bricks[x + 1][y]["type"] = bricks[x][y - 1]["type"] = bricks[x][y + 1]["type"] = -1), (bricks[x - 1][y]["aframe"] = bricks[x + 1][y]["aframe"] = bricks[x][y - 1]["aframe"] = bricks[x][y + 1]["aframe"] = bricks[x][y]["aframe"])); } } for (y = 0; y < 20; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { -1 == bricks[x][y]["type"] && (bricks[x][y]["type"] = 8); } } })(); break; case 5: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (this["thru"] = !0); break; case 6: for ( _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), _0x56c3xa = 0; _0x56c3xa < 20; _0x56c3xa++ ) { for (_0x56c3x8 = 0; _0x56c3x8 < 20; _0x56c3x8++) { 8 == bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["type"] && bricks[_0x56c3x8][_0x56c3xa]["bang"]( _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xa ); } } break; case 7: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (this["fireball"] = !0); break; case 8: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (this["shooting"] = !0); break; case 9: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (this["magnet"] = !0); break; case 10: _0x56c3x14("Effect2"), paddle["size"] < 4 && paddle["size"]++; break; case 11: _0x56c3x14("Effect2"), paddle["size"] > 0 && paddle["size"]--; break; case 12: for ( _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), a = balls["length"], i = 0; i < a; i++ ) { (t = balls["length"]), balls[i]["is"] && ((balls[t] = new _0x56c3x16()), (balls[t] = new _0x56c3x16()), (balls[t]["x"] = balls[i]["x"]), (balls[t]["y"] = balls[i]["y"]), (balls[t]["xSpeed"] = balls[i]["xSpeed"]), (balls[t]["ySpeed"] = balls[i]["ySpeed"] + 0.2), (balls[i]["xSpeed"] -= 0.2), (balls[t]["ySpeed"] /= 1.2), (balls[i]["ySpeed"] /= 1.2)); } break; case 13: _0x56c3x1e(!0); break; case 14: break; case 15: for (_0x56c3x14("Peow!"), i = 0; i < balls["length"]; i++) { (balls[i]["xSpeed"] *= 2), (balls[i]["ySpeed"] *= 2); } break; case 16: _0x56c3x14("Sweepdow"), (paddle["size"] = 0); break; case 17: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (this["fall"] = !0); break; case 18: _0x56c3x14("Peow!"), (this["shball"] = !0), (this["fireball"] = !1); } this["type"] = -1; } this["draw"](); }); })()), (window["requestAnimFrame"] = window["requestAnimationFrame"] || window["webkitRequestAnimationFrame"] || window["mozRequestAnimationFrame"] || window["oRequestAnimationFrame"] || window["msRequestAnimationFrame"] || function (_0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8) { window.DXBall.timeouts.push(window["setTimeout"](_0x56c3xc, 100)); }); var _0x56c3x20 = 50, _0x56c3x21 = 0; window.DXBall.intervals.push(setInterval(function () { (_0x56c3x20 = parseInt(_0x56c3x21)), (_0x56c3x21 = 0); }, 1e3)), (ctx["fillStyle"] = "#000"), ctx["fillRect"](0, 0, 640, 480), window["saveron"] || ((saver["drawing"] = !1), window.DXBall.audioFiles["Whine"]["pause"](), window["soundon"] && ((_0x56c3x11 = 0), _0x56c3x12["play"]()), _0x56c3x1b()), (function _0x56c3x8() { if ( !( shadow?.["drawing"] || highscore?.["drawing"] || saver?.["drawing"] || saver?.["drawing"] || paused ) && ctx?.["drawImage"] ) { for ( ctx["drawImage"](mbbkgrnd_img, 0, 0), paddle["move"](), y = 0; y < 20; y++ ) { for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { bricks[x][y]["move"](); } } for (i = 0; i < bullets["length"]; i++) { bullets[i]["move"](); } for (i = 0; i < bang["length"]; i++) { bang[i]["move"](); } for (i = 0; i < flash["length"]; i++) { flash[i]["move"](); } for ( -1 != bonus["type"] && bonus["move"](), i = 0; i < balls["length"]; i++ ) { balls[i]["is"] && balls[i]["move"](); } lightning["draw"](), _0x56c3x15(user["score"]); } if (!shadow?.["drawing"] && paused) { for (ctx["drawImage"](mbbkgrnd_img, 0, 0), y = 0; y < 20; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { bricks[x][y]["move"](); } } _0x56c3x15(user["score"]), myFonts["strokeText"]("PAUSED", "Thefont.sbk", 237, 210); } (animframe += 0.1), animframe > 0.8 && (animframe = 0), saver?.["drawing"] && saver?.["draw"](), highscore?.["drawing"] && highscore?.["draw"](), shadow?.["drawing"] && shadow?.["draw"](), myFonts?.["strokeText"]("FPS: " + _0x56c3x20, "Sfont.sbk", 585, 468), _0x56c3xd <= 0 && !cl && ((cl = !0), window.DXBall.timeouts.push(setTimeout(function () { user["level"]++, _0x56c3x1c(user["level"]); }, 200))), _0x56c3x21++, _0x56c3x10++, requestAnimFrame?.(_0x56c3x8); })(); }; var hex_chr = "0123456789abcdef"; function rhex(_0x56c3xc) { for (str = "", j = 0; j <= 3; j++) { str += hex_chr["charAt"]((_0x56c3xc >> (8 * j + 4)) & 15) + hex_chr["charAt"]((_0x56c3xc >> (8 * j)) & 15); } return str; } function str2blks_MD5(_0x56c3x8) { for ( nblk = 1 + ((_0x56c3x8["length"] + 8) >> 6), blks = new Array(16 * nblk), i = 0; i < 16 * nblk; i++ ) { blks[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < _0x56c3x8["length"]; i++) { blks[i >> 2] |= _0x56c3x8["charCodeAt"](i) << ((i % 4) * 8); } return ( (blks[i >> 2] |= 128 << ((i % 4) * 8)), (blks[16 * nblk - 2] = 8 * _0x56c3x8["length"]), blks ); } function add(_0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8) { var _0x56c3x9 = (65535 & _0x56c3xc) + (65535 & _0x56c3x8); return ( (((_0x56c3xc >> 16) + (_0x56c3x8 >> 16) + (_0x56c3x9 >> 16)) << 16) | (65535 & _0x56c3x9) ); } function rol(_0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8) { return (_0x56c3xc << _0x56c3x8) | (_0x56c3xc >>> (32 - _0x56c3x8)); } function cmn( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd ) { return add( rol( add(add(_0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xc), add(_0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xd)), _0x56c3xb ), _0x56c3x9 ); } function ff( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ) { return cmn( (_0x56c3x8 & _0x56c3x9) | (~_0x56c3x8 & _0x56c3xa), _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ); } function gg( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ) { return cmn( (_0x56c3x8 & _0x56c3xa) | (_0x56c3x9 & ~_0x56c3xa), _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ); } function hh( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ) { return cmn( _0x56c3x8 ^ _0x56c3x9 ^ _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ); } function ii( _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3x9, _0x56c3xa, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ) { return cmn( _0x56c3x9 ^ (_0x56c3x8 | ~_0x56c3xa), _0x56c3xc, _0x56c3x8, _0x56c3xb, _0x56c3xd, _0x56c3xe ); } function calcMD5(_0x56c3x8) { for ( x = str2blks_MD5(_0x56c3x8), a = 1732584193, b = -271733879, c = -1732584194, d = 271733878, i = 0; i < x["length"]; i += 16 ) { (olda = a), (oldb = b), (oldc = c), (oldd = d), (a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 7, -680876936)), (d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 1], 12, -389564586)), (c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 17, 606105819)), (b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 3], 22, -1044525330)), (a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 7, -176418897)), (d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 5], 12, 1200080426)), (c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 17, -1473231341)), (b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 7], 22, -45705983)), (a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 7, 1770035416)), (d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 9], 12, -1958414417)), (c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 17, -42063)), (b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 11], 22, -1990404162)), (a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 7, 1804603682)), (d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 13], 12, -40341101)), (c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 17, -1502002290)), (b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 15], 22, 1236535329)), (a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 5, -165796510)), (d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 6], 9, -1069501632)), (c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 14, 643717713)), (b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 0], 20, -373897302)), (a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 5, -701558691)), (d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 10], 9, 38016083)), (c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 14, -660478335)), (b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 4], 20, -405537848)), (a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 5, 568446438)), (d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 14], 9, -1019803690)), (c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 14, -187363961)), (b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 8], 20, 1163531501)), (a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 5, -1444681467)), (d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 2], 9, -51403784)), (c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 14, 1735328473)), (b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 12], 20, -1926607734)), (a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 4, -378558)), (d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 8], 11, -2022574463)), (c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 16, 1839030562)), (b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 14], 23, -35309556)), (a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 4, -1530992060)), (d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 4], 11, 1272893353)), (c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 16, -155497632)), (b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 10], 23, -1094730640)), (a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 4, 681279174)), (d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 0], 11, -358537222)), (c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 16, -722521979)), (b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 6], 23, 76029189)), (a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 4, -640364487)), (d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 12], 11, -421815835)), (c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 16, 530742520)), (b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 2], 23, -995338651)), (a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 6, -198630844)), (d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 7], 10, 1126891415)), (c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 15, -1416354905)), (b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 5], 21, -57434055)), (a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 6, 1700485571)), (d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 3], 10, -1894986606)), (c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 15, -1051523)), (b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 1], 21, -2054922799)), (a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 6, 1873313359)), (d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 15], 10, -30611744)), (c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 15, -1560198380)), (b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 13], 21, 1309151649)), (a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 6, -145523070)), (d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 11], 10, -1120210379)), (c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 15, 718787259)), (b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 9], 21, -343485551)), (a = add(a, olda)), (b = add(b, oldb)), (c = add(c, oldc)), (d = add(d, oldd)); } return rhex(a) + rhex(b) + rhex(c) + rhex(d); } function getOffsetSum(_0x56c3xc) { for (var _0x56c3x8 = 0, _0x56c3x9 = 0; _0x56c3xc; ) { (_0x56c3x8 += parseFloat(_0x56c3xc["offsetTop"])), (_0x56c3x9 += parseFloat(_0x56c3xc["offsetLeft"])), (_0x56c3xc = _0x56c3xc["offsetParent"]); } return { top: Math["round"](_0x56c3x8), left: Math["round"](_0x56c3x9), }; } dx_ball(true, true); }, };