'use strict'; const Result = require('postcss/lib/result').default; const normalizeRuleSettings = require('../normalizeRuleSettings'); const { isPlainObject } = require('./validateTypes'); const getStylelintRule = require('./getStylelintRule'); /** * @type {import('stylelint').Utils['checkAgainstRule']} */ module.exports = function checkAgainstRule(options, callback) { if (!isPlainObject(options)) throw new Error('Expected an options object'); if (!callback) throw new Error('Expected a callback function'); const { ruleName, ruleSettings, root, result, context = {} } = options; if (!ruleName) throw new Error('Expected a "ruleName" option'); const rule = getStylelintRule(ruleName, result && result.stylelint.config); if (!rule) throw new Error(`Rule "${ruleName}" does not exist`); if (!ruleSettings) throw new Error('Expected a "ruleSettings" option'); if (!root) throw new Error('Expected a "root" option'); const settings = normalizeRuleSettings(ruleSettings, rule); if (!settings) { return; } const tmpPostcssResult = new Result( // NOTE: The first argument is unused, so passing `undefined` raises no problems. // But this PostCSS's behavior may change in the future. // @ts-expect-error -- TS2345: Argument of type 'undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Processor'. undefined, undefined, undefined, ); const [primary, secondary] = settings; const ruleFunc = rule(primary, secondary || {}, context); ruleFunc( root, // NOTE: This temporary PostCSS result doesn't have a property for Stylelint use. // Problems may occur if some rules use the property. // @ts-expect-error -- TS2345: Argument of type 'Result' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PostcssResult'. tmpPostcssResult, ); for (const warning of tmpPostcssResult.warnings()) callback(warning); };