import type { AppRouterInstance } from '../app-router-context.shared-runtime'; import type { Params } from './utils/route-matcher'; import type { NextRouter } from './router'; import React from 'react'; /** * adaptForAppRouterInstance implements the AppRouterInstance with a NextRouter. * * @param router the NextRouter to adapt * @returns an AppRouterInstance */ export declare function adaptForAppRouterInstance(router: NextRouter): AppRouterInstance; /** * adaptForSearchParams transforms the ParsedURLQuery into URLSearchParams. * * @param router the router that contains the query. * @returns the search params in the URLSearchParams format */ export declare function adaptForSearchParams(router: Pick): URLSearchParams; export declare function adaptForPathParams(router: Pick): Params | null; export declare function PathnameContextProviderAdapter({ children, router, ...props }: React.PropsWithChildren<{ router: Pick; isAutoExport: boolean; }>): React.JSX.Element;