"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); 0 && (module.exports = { ReadonlyHeadersError: null, HeadersAdapter: null }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { ReadonlyHeadersError: function() { return ReadonlyHeadersError; }, HeadersAdapter: function() { return HeadersAdapter; } }); const _reflect = require("./reflect"); class ReadonlyHeadersError extends Error { constructor(){ super("Headers cannot be modified. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/functions/headers"); } static callable() { throw new ReadonlyHeadersError(); } } class HeadersAdapter extends Headers { constructor(headers){ // We've already overridden the methods that would be called, so we're just // calling the super constructor to ensure that the instanceof check works. super(); this.headers = new Proxy(headers, { get (target, prop, receiver) { // Because this is just an object, we expect that all "get" operations // are for properties. If it's a "get" for a symbol, we'll just return // the symbol. if (typeof prop === "symbol") { return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.get(target, prop, receiver); } const lowercased = prop.toLowerCase(); // Let's find the original casing of the key. This assumes that there is // no mixed case keys (e.g. "Content-Type" and "content-type") in the // headers object. const original = Object.keys(headers).find((o)=>o.toLowerCase() === lowercased); // If the original casing doesn't exist, return undefined. if (typeof original === "undefined") return; // If the original casing exists, return the value. return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.get(target, original, receiver); }, set (target, prop, value, receiver) { if (typeof prop === "symbol") { return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.set(target, prop, value, receiver); } const lowercased = prop.toLowerCase(); // Let's find the original casing of the key. This assumes that there is // no mixed case keys (e.g. "Content-Type" and "content-type") in the // headers object. const original = Object.keys(headers).find((o)=>o.toLowerCase() === lowercased); // If the original casing doesn't exist, use the prop as the key. return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.set(target, original ?? prop, value, receiver); }, has (target, prop) { if (typeof prop === "symbol") return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.has(target, prop); const lowercased = prop.toLowerCase(); // Let's find the original casing of the key. This assumes that there is // no mixed case keys (e.g. "Content-Type" and "content-type") in the // headers object. const original = Object.keys(headers).find((o)=>o.toLowerCase() === lowercased); // If the original casing doesn't exist, return false. if (typeof original === "undefined") return false; // If the original casing exists, return true. return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.has(target, original); }, deleteProperty (target, prop) { if (typeof prop === "symbol") return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.deleteProperty(target, prop); const lowercased = prop.toLowerCase(); // Let's find the original casing of the key. This assumes that there is // no mixed case keys (e.g. "Content-Type" and "content-type") in the // headers object. const original = Object.keys(headers).find((o)=>o.toLowerCase() === lowercased); // If the original casing doesn't exist, return true. if (typeof original === "undefined") return true; // If the original casing exists, delete the property. return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.deleteProperty(target, original); } }); } /** * Seals a Headers instance to prevent modification by throwing an error when * any mutating method is called. */ static seal(headers) { return new Proxy(headers, { get (target, prop, receiver) { switch(prop){ case "append": case "delete": case "set": return ReadonlyHeadersError.callable; default: return _reflect.ReflectAdapter.get(target, prop, receiver); } } }); } /** * Merges a header value into a string. This stores multiple values as an * array, so we need to merge them into a string. * * @param value a header value * @returns a merged header value (a string) */ merge(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) return value.join(", "); return value; } /** * Creates a Headers instance from a plain object or a Headers instance. * * @param headers a plain object or a Headers instance * @returns a headers instance */ static from(headers) { if (headers instanceof Headers) return headers; return new HeadersAdapter(headers); } append(name, value) { const existing = this.headers[name]; if (typeof existing === "string") { this.headers[name] = [ existing, value ]; } else if (Array.isArray(existing)) { existing.push(value); } else { this.headers[name] = value; } } delete(name) { delete this.headers[name]; } get(name) { const value = this.headers[name]; if (typeof value !== "undefined") return this.merge(value); return null; } has(name) { return typeof this.headers[name] !== "undefined"; } set(name, value) { this.headers[name] = value; } forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) { for (const [name, value] of this.entries()){ callbackfn.call(thisArg, value, name, this); } } *entries() { for (const key of Object.keys(this.headers)){ const name = key.toLowerCase(); // We assert here that this is a string because we got it from the // Object.keys() call above. const value = this.get(name); yield [ name, value ]; } } *keys() { for (const key of Object.keys(this.headers)){ const name = key.toLowerCase(); yield name; } } *values() { for (const key of Object.keys(this.headers)){ // We assert here that this is a string because we got it from the // Object.keys() call above. const value = this.get(key); yield value; } } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.entries(); } } //# sourceMappingURL=headers.js.map