"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "DevPagesRouteMatcherProvider", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return DevPagesRouteMatcherProvider; } }); const _pagesroutematcher = require("../../route-matchers/pages-route-matcher"); const _routekind = require("../../route-kind"); const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("path")); const _filecacheroutematcherprovider = require("./file-cache-route-matcher-provider"); const _pages = require("../../normalizers/built/pages"); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } class DevPagesRouteMatcherProvider extends _filecacheroutematcherprovider.FileCacheRouteMatcherProvider { constructor(pagesDir, extensions, reader, localeNormalizer){ super(pagesDir, reader); this.pagesDir = pagesDir; this.extensions = extensions; this.localeNormalizer = localeNormalizer; // Match any route file that ends with `/${filename}.${extension}` under the // pages directory. this.expression = new RegExp(`\\.(?:${extensions.join("|")})$`); this.normalizers = new _pages.DevPagesNormalizers(pagesDir, extensions); } test(filename) { // If the file does not end in the correct extension it's not a match. if (!this.expression.test(filename)) return false; // Pages routes must exist in the pages directory without the `/api/` // prefix. The pathnames being tested here though are the full filenames, // so we need to include the pages directory. // TODO: could path separator normalization be needed here? if (filename.startsWith(_path.default.join(this.pagesDir, "/api/"))) return false; for (const extension of this.extensions){ // We can also match if we have `pages/api.${extension}`, so check to // see if it's a match. if (filename === _path.default.join(this.pagesDir, `api.${extension}`)) { return false; } } return true; } async transform(files) { const matchers = []; for (const filename of files){ // If the file isn't a match for this matcher, then skip it. if (!this.test(filename)) continue; const pathname = this.normalizers.pathname.normalize(filename); const page = this.normalizers.page.normalize(filename); const bundlePath = this.normalizers.bundlePath.normalize(filename); if (this.localeNormalizer) { matchers.push(new _pagesroutematcher.PagesLocaleRouteMatcher({ kind: _routekind.RouteKind.PAGES, pathname, page, bundlePath, filename, i18n: {} })); } else { matchers.push(new _pagesroutematcher.PagesRouteMatcher({ kind: _routekind.RouteKind.PAGES, pathname, page, bundlePath, filename })); } } return matchers; } } //# sourceMappingURL=dev-pages-route-matcher-provider.js.map