import type { FlightDataPath, FlightRouterState } from './types'; import React from 'react'; import type { LoaderTree } from '../lib/app-dir-module'; import type { CreateSegmentPath, AppRenderContext } from './app-render'; /** * Use router state to decide at what common layout to render the page. * This can either be the common layout between two pages or a specific place to start rendering from using the "refetch" marker in the tree. */ export declare function walkTreeWithFlightRouterState({ createSegmentPath, loaderTreeToFilter, parentParams, isFirst, flightRouterState, parentRendered, rscPayloadHead, injectedCSS, injectedFontPreloadTags, rootLayoutIncluded, asNotFound, metadataOutlet, ctx, }: { createSegmentPath: CreateSegmentPath; loaderTreeToFilter: LoaderTree; parentParams: { [key: string]: string | string[]; }; isFirst: boolean; flightRouterState?: FlightRouterState; parentRendered?: boolean; rscPayloadHead: React.ReactNode; injectedCSS: Set; injectedFontPreloadTags: Set; rootLayoutIncluded: boolean; asNotFound?: boolean; metadataOutlet: React.ReactNode; ctx: AppRenderContext; }): Promise;