import { NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY } from "../client/components/app-router-headers"; const INTERNAL_QUERY_NAMES = [ "__nextFallback", "__nextLocale", "__nextInferredLocaleFromDefault", "__nextDefaultLocale", "__nextIsNotFound", NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY ]; const EDGE_EXTENDED_INTERNAL_QUERY_NAMES = [ "__nextDataReq" ]; export function stripInternalQueries(query) { for (const name of INTERNAL_QUERY_NAMES){ delete query[name]; } } export function stripInternalSearchParams(url, isEdge) { const isStringUrl = typeof url === "string"; const instance = isStringUrl ? new URL(url) : url; for (const name of INTERNAL_QUERY_NAMES){ instance.searchParams.delete(name); } if (isEdge) { for (const name of EDGE_EXTENDED_INTERNAL_QUERY_NAMES){ instance.searchParams.delete(name); } } return isStringUrl ? instance.toString() : instance; } /** * Headers that are set by the Next.js server and should be stripped from the * request headers going to the user's application. */ const INTERNAL_HEADERS = [ "x-invoke-path", "x-invoke-status", "x-invoke-error", "x-invoke-query", "x-invoke-output", "x-middleware-invoke" ]; /** * Strip internal headers from the request headers. * * @param headers the headers to strip of internal headers */ export function stripInternalHeaders(headers) { for (const key of INTERNAL_HEADERS){ delete headers[key]; } } //#