import { existsSync } from "fs"; import { basename, extname, join, relative, isAbsolute, resolve } from "path"; import { pathToFileURL } from "url"; import findUp from "next/dist/compiled/find-up"; import * as Log from "../build/output/log"; import { CONFIG_FILES, PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } from "../shared/lib/constants"; import { defaultConfig, normalizeConfig } from "./config-shared"; import { loadWebpackHook } from "./config-utils"; import { imageConfigDefault } from "../shared/lib/image-config"; import { loadEnvConfig, updateInitialEnv } from "@next/env"; import { flushAndExit } from "../telemetry/flush-and-exit"; import { findRootDir } from "../lib/find-root"; import { setHttpClientAndAgentOptions } from "./setup-http-agent-env"; import { pathHasPrefix } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/path-has-prefix"; import { ZodParsedType, util as ZodUtil } from "next/dist/compiled/zod"; export { normalizeConfig } from "./config-shared"; function processZodErrorMessage(issue) { let message = issue.message; let path = ""; if (issue.path.length > 0) { if (issue.path.length === 1) { const identifier = issue.path[0]; if (typeof identifier === "number") { // The first identifier inside path is a number path = `index ${identifier}`; } else { path = `"${identifier}"`; } } else { // joined path to be shown in the error message path = `"${issue.path.reduce((acc, cur)=>{ if (typeof cur === "number") { // array index return `${acc}[${cur}]`; } if (cur.includes('"')) { // escape quotes return `${acc}["${cur.replaceAll('"', '\\"')}"]`; } // dot notation const separator = acc.length === 0 ? "" : "."; return acc + separator + cur; }, "")}"`; } } if (issue.code === "invalid_type" && issue.received === ZodParsedType.undefined) { // missing key in object return `${path} is missing, expected ${issue.expected}`; } if (issue.code === "invalid_enum_value") { // Remove "Invalid enum value" prefix from zod default error message return `Expected ${ZodUtil.joinValues(issue.options)}, received '${issue.received}' at ${path}`; } return message + (path ? ` at ${path}` : ""); } function normalizeZodErrors(error) { let shouldExit = false; return [ error.issues.flatMap((issue)=>{ const messages = [ processZodErrorMessage(issue) ]; if (issue.path[0] === "images") { // We exit the build when encountering an error in the images config shouldExit = true; } if ("unionErrors" in issue) {[unionMessages, unionShouldExit])=>{ messages.push(...unionMessages); // If any of the union results shows exit the build, we exit the build shouldExit = shouldExit || unionShouldExit; }); } return messages; }), shouldExit ]; } export function warnOptionHasBeenDeprecated(config, nestedPropertyKey, reason, silent) { if (!silent) { let current = config; let found = true; const nestedPropertyKeys = nestedPropertyKey.split("."); for (const key of nestedPropertyKeys){ if (current[key] !== undefined) { current = current[key]; } else { found = false; break; } } if (found) { Log.warn(reason); } } } export function warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(config, oldKey, newKey, configFileName, silent) { if (config.experimental && oldKey in config.experimental) { if (!silent) { Log.warn(`\`${oldKey}\` has been moved out of \`experimental\`` + (newKey.includes(".") ? ` and into \`${newKey}\`` : "") + `. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.`); } let current = config; const newKeys = newKey.split("."); while(newKeys.length > 1){ const key = newKeys.shift(); current[key] = current[key] || {}; current = current[key]; } current[newKeys.shift()] = config.experimental[oldKey]; } return config; } function assignDefaults(dir, userConfig, silent) { var _result_experimental, _result_experimental1, _result_experimental2, _result_experimental3, _result_experimental4, _result_devIndicators, _result_experimental5; const configFileName = userConfig.configFileName; if (typeof userConfig.exportTrailingSlash !== "undefined") { if (!silent) { Log.warn(`The "exportTrailingSlash" option has been renamed to "trailingSlash". Please update your ${configFileName}.`); } if (typeof userConfig.trailingSlash === "undefined") { userConfig.trailingSlash = userConfig.exportTrailingSlash; } delete userConfig.exportTrailingSlash; } const config = Object.keys(userConfig).reduce((currentConfig, key)=>{ const value = userConfig[key]; if (value === undefined || value === null) { return currentConfig; } if (key === "distDir") { if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new Error(`Specified distDir is not a string, found type "${typeof value}"`); } const userDistDir = value.trim(); // don't allow public as the distDir as this is a reserved folder for // public files if (userDistDir === "public") { throw new Error(`The 'public' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be set as the 'distDir'.`); } // make sure distDir isn't an empty string as it can result in the provided // directory being deleted in development mode if (userDistDir.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid distDir provided, distDir can not be an empty string. Please remove this config or set it to undefined`); } } if (key === "pageExtensions") { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw new Error(`Specified pageExtensions is not an array of strings, found "${value}". Please update this config or remove it.`); } if (!value.length) { throw new Error(`Specified pageExtensions is an empty array. Please update it with the relevant extensions or remove it.`); } value.forEach((ext)=>{ if (typeof ext !== "string") { throw new Error(`Specified pageExtensions is not an array of strings, found "${ext}" of type "${typeof ext}". Please update this config or remove it.`); } }); } if (!!value && value.constructor === Object) { currentConfig[key] = { ...defaultConfig[key], ...Object.keys(value).reduce((c, k)=>{ const v = value[k]; if (v !== undefined && v !== null) { c[k] = v; } return c; }, {}) }; } else { currentConfig[key] = value; } return currentConfig; }, {}); const result = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; if (result.output === "export") { if (result.i18n) { throw new Error('Specified "i18n" cannot be used with "output: export". See more info here:'); } if (result.rewrites) { throw new Error('Specified "rewrites" cannot be used with "output: export". See more info here:'); } if (result.redirects) { throw new Error('Specified "redirects" cannot be used with "output: export". See more info here:'); } if (result.headers) { throw new Error('Specified "headers" cannot be used with "output: export". See more info here:'); } } if (typeof result.assetPrefix !== "string") { throw new Error(`Specified assetPrefix is not a string, found type "${typeof result.assetPrefix}"`); } if (typeof result.basePath !== "string") { throw new Error(`Specified basePath is not a string, found type "${typeof result.basePath}"`); } // TODO: remove after next minor (current v13.1.1) if (Array.isArray((_result_experimental = result.experimental) == null ? void 0 : _result_experimental.outputFileTracingIgnores)) { if (!result.experimental) { result.experimental = {}; } if (!result.experimental.outputFileTracingExcludes) { result.experimental.outputFileTracingExcludes = {}; } if (!result.experimental.outputFileTracingExcludes["**/*"]) { result.experimental.outputFileTracingExcludes["**/*"] = []; } result.experimental.outputFileTracingExcludes["**/*"].push(...result.experimental.outputFileTracingIgnores || []); Log.warn(`\`outputFileTracingIgnores\` has been moved to \`experimental.outputFileTracingExcludes\`. Please update your ${configFileName} file accordingly.`); } if (result.basePath !== "") { if (result.basePath === "/") { throw new Error(`Specified basePath /. basePath has to be either an empty string or a path prefix"`); } if (!result.basePath.startsWith("/")) { throw new Error(`Specified basePath has to start with a /, found "${result.basePath}"`); } if (result.basePath !== "/") { var _result_amp; if (result.basePath.endsWith("/")) { throw new Error(`Specified basePath should not end with /, found "${result.basePath}"`); } if (result.assetPrefix === "") { result.assetPrefix = result.basePath; } if (((_result_amp = result.amp) == null ? void 0 : _result_amp.canonicalBase) === "") { result.amp.canonicalBase = result.basePath; } } } if (result == null ? void 0 : result.images) { const images = result.images; if (typeof images !== "object") { throw new Error(`Specified images should be an object received ${typeof images}.\nSee more info here:`); } if ( { var _config_assetPrefix; if (!Array.isArray( { throw new Error(`Specified should be an Array received ${typeof}.\nSee more info here:`); } // static images are automatically prefixed with assetPrefix // so we need to ensure _next/image allows downloading from // this resource if ((_config_assetPrefix = config.assetPrefix) == null ? void 0 : _config_assetPrefix.startsWith("http")) { URL(config.assetPrefix).hostname); } } if (!images.loader) { images.loader = "default"; } if (images.loader !== "default" && images.loader !== "custom" && images.path === imageConfigDefault.path) { throw new Error(`Specified images.loader property (${images.loader}) also requires images.path property to be assigned to a URL prefix.\nSee more info here:`); } if (images.path === imageConfigDefault.path && result.basePath && !pathHasPrefix(images.path, result.basePath)) { images.path = `${result.basePath}${images.path}`; } // Append trailing slash for non-default loaders and when trailingSlash is set if (images.path && !images.path.endsWith("/") && (images.loader !== "default" || result.trailingSlash)) { images.path += "/"; } if (images.loaderFile) { if (images.loader !== "default" && images.loader !== "custom") { throw new Error(`Specified images.loader property (${images.loader}) cannot be used with images.loaderFile property. Please set images.loader to "custom".`); } const absolutePath = join(dir, images.loaderFile); if (!existsSync(absolutePath)) { throw new Error(`Specified images.loaderFile does not exist at "${absolutePath}".`); } images.loaderFile = absolutePath; } } // TODO: Remove this warning in Next.js 14 warnOptionHasBeenDeprecated(result, "experimental.appDir", "App router is available by default now, `experimental.appDir` option can be safely removed.", silent); // TODO: Remove this warning in Next.js 14 warnOptionHasBeenDeprecated(result, "experimental.runtime", "You are using `experimental.runtime` which was removed. Check on how to use edge runtime.", silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "relay", "compiler.relay", configFileName, silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "styledComponents", "compiler.styledComponents", configFileName, silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "emotion", "compiler.emotion", configFileName, silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "reactRemoveProperties", "compiler.reactRemoveProperties", configFileName, silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "removeConsole", "compiler.removeConsole", configFileName, silent); if (result.experimental.outputStandalone) { if (!silent) { Log.warn(`experimental.outputStandalone has been renamed to "output: 'standalone'", please move the config.`); } result.output = "standalone"; } if (typeof ((_result_experimental1 = result.experimental) == null ? void 0 : _result_experimental1.serverActionsBodySizeLimit) !== "undefined") { const value = parseInt(result.experimental.serverActionsBodySizeLimit.toString()); if (isNaN(value) || value < 1) { throw new Error("Server Actions Size Limit must be a valid number or filesize format lager than 1MB:"); } } warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "transpilePackages", "transpilePackages", configFileName, silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "skipMiddlewareUrlNormalize", "skipMiddlewareUrlNormalize", configFileName, silent); warnOptionHasBeenMovedOutOfExperimental(result, "skipTrailingSlashRedirect", "skipTrailingSlashRedirect", configFileName, silent); if (((_result_experimental2 = result.experimental) == null ? void 0 : _result_experimental2.outputFileTracingRoot) && !isAbsolute(result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot)) { result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot = resolve(result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot); if (!silent) { Log.warn(`experimental.outputFileTracingRoot should be absolute, using: ${result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot}`); } } // only leverage deploymentId if (((_result_experimental3 = result.experimental) == null ? void 0 : _result_experimental3.useDeploymentId) && process.env.NEXT_DEPLOYMENT_ID) { if (!result.experimental) { result.experimental = {}; } result.experimental.deploymentId = process.env.NEXT_DEPLOYMENT_ID; } // use the closest lockfile as tracing root if (!((_result_experimental4 = result.experimental) == null ? void 0 : _result_experimental4.outputFileTracingRoot)) { let rootDir = findRootDir(dir); if (rootDir) { if (!result.experimental) { result.experimental = {}; } if (!defaultConfig.experimental) { defaultConfig.experimental = {}; } result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot = rootDir; defaultConfig.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot = result.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot; } } if (result.output === "standalone" && !result.outputFileTracing) { if (!silent) { Log.warn(`"output: 'standalone'" requires outputFileTracing not be disabled please enable it to leverage the standalone build`); } result.output = undefined; } setHttpClientAndAgentOptions(result || defaultConfig); if (result.i18n) { const { i18n } = result; const i18nType = typeof i18n; if (i18nType !== "object") { throw new Error(`Specified i18n should be an object received ${i18nType}.\nSee more info here:`); } if (!Array.isArray(i18n.locales)) { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.locales should be an Array received ${typeof i18n.locales}.\nSee more info here:`); } if (i18n.locales.length > 100 && !silent) { Log.warn(`Received ${i18n.locales.length} i18n.locales items which exceeds the recommended max of 100.\nSee more info here:`); } const defaultLocaleType = typeof i18n.defaultLocale; if (!i18n.defaultLocale || defaultLocaleType !== "string") { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.defaultLocale should be a string.\nSee more info here:`); } if (typeof !== "undefined" && !Array.isArray( { throw new Error(`Specified must be an array of domain objects e.g. [ { domain: '', defaultLocale: 'fr', locales: ['fr'] } ] received ${typeof}.\nSee more info here:`); } if ( { const invalidDomainItems =>{ var _i18n_domains; if (!item || typeof item !== "object") return true; if (!item.defaultLocale) return true; if (!item.domain || typeof item.domain !== "string") return true; if (item.domain.includes(":")) { console.warn(`i18n domain: "${item.domain}" is invalid it should be a valid domain without protocol (https://) or port (:3000) e.g.`); return true; } const defaultLocaleDuplicate = (_i18n_domains = == null ? void 0 : _i18n_domains.find((altItem)=>altItem.defaultLocale === item.defaultLocale && altItem.domain !== item.domain); if (!silent && defaultLocaleDuplicate) { console.warn(`Both ${item.domain} and ${defaultLocaleDuplicate.domain} configured the defaultLocale ${item.defaultLocale} but only one can. Change one item's default locale to continue`); return true; } let hasInvalidLocale = false; if (Array.isArray(item.locales)) { for (const locale of item.locales){ if (typeof locale !== "string") hasInvalidLocale = true; for (const domainItem of || []){ if (domainItem === item) continue; if (domainItem.locales && domainItem.locales.includes(locale)) { console.warn(`Both ${item.domain} and ${domainItem.domain} configured the locale (${locale}) but only one can. Remove it from one config to continue`); hasInvalidLocale = true; break; } } } } return hasInvalidLocale; }); if (invalidDomainItems.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid values:\n${>JSON.stringify(item)).join("\n")}\n\ndomains value must follow format { domain: '', defaultLocale: 'fr', locales: ['fr'] }.\nSee more info here:`); } } if (!Array.isArray(i18n.locales)) { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.locales must be an array of locale strings e.g. ["en-US", "nl-NL"] received ${typeof i18n.locales}.\nSee more info here:`); } const invalidLocales = i18n.locales.filter((locale)=>typeof locale !== "string"); if (invalidLocales.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.locales contains invalid values (${", ")}), locales must be valid locale tags provided as strings e.g. "en-US".\n` + `See here for list of valid language sub-tags:`); } if (!i18n.locales.includes(i18n.defaultLocale)) { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.defaultLocale should be included in i18n.locales.\nSee more info here:`); } const normalizedLocales = new Set(); const duplicateLocales = new Set(); i18n.locales.forEach((locale)=>{ const localeLower = locale.toLowerCase(); if (normalizedLocales.has(localeLower)) { duplicateLocales.add(locale); } normalizedLocales.add(localeLower); }); if (duplicateLocales.size > 0) { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.locales contains the following duplicate locales:\n` + `${[ ...duplicateLocales ].join(", ")}\n` + `Each locale should be listed only once.\n` + `See more info here:`); } // make sure default Locale is at the front i18n.locales = [ i18n.defaultLocale, ...i18n.locales.filter((locale)=>locale !== i18n.defaultLocale) ]; const localeDetectionType = typeof i18n.localeDetection; if (localeDetectionType !== "boolean" && localeDetectionType !== "undefined") { throw new Error(`Specified i18n.localeDetection should be undefined or a boolean received ${localeDetectionType}.\nSee more info here:`); } } if ((_result_devIndicators = result.devIndicators) == null ? void 0 : _result_devIndicators.buildActivityPosition) { const { buildActivityPosition } = result.devIndicators; const allowedValues = [ "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right" ]; if (!allowedValues.includes(buildActivityPosition)) { throw new Error(`Invalid "devIndicator.buildActivityPosition" provided, expected one of ${allowedValues.join(", ")}, received ${buildActivityPosition}`); } } const userProvidedModularizeImports = result.modularizeImports; // Unfortunately these packages end up re-exporting 10600 modules, for example: // Leveraging modularizeImports tremendously reduces compile times for these. result.modularizeImports = { ...userProvidedModularizeImports || {}, // This is intentionally added after the user-provided modularizeImports config. "@mui/icons-material": { transform: "@mui/icons-material/{{member}}" }, "date-fns": { transform: "date-fns/{{member}}" }, lodash: { transform: "lodash/{{member}}" }, "lodash-es": { transform: "lodash-es/{{member}}" }, ramda: { transform: "ramda/es/{{member}}" }, "react-bootstrap": { transform: { useAccordionButton: "modularize-import-loader?name=useAccordionButton&from=named&as=default!react-bootstrap/AccordionButton", "*": "react-bootstrap/{{member}}" } }, antd: { transform: "antd/lib/{{kebabCase member}}" }, ahooks: { transform: { createUpdateEffect: "modularize-import-loader?name=createUpdateEffect&from=named&as=default!ahooks/es/createUpdateEffect", "*": "ahooks/es/{{member}}" } }, "@ant-design/icons": { transform: { IconProvider: "modularize-import-loader?name=IconProvider&from=named&as=default!@ant-design/icons", createFromIconfontCN: "@ant-design/icons/es/components/IconFont", getTwoToneColor: "modularize-import-loader?name=getTwoToneColor&from=named&as=default!@ant-design/icons/es/components/twoTonePrimaryColor", setTwoToneColor: "modularize-import-loader?name=setTwoToneColor&from=named&as=default!@ant-design/icons/es/components/twoTonePrimaryColor", "*": "@ant-design/icons/lib/icons/{{member}}" } }, "next/server": { transform: "next/dist/server/web/exports/{{ kebabCase member }}" } }; const userProvidedOptimizePackageImports = ((_result_experimental5 = result.experimental) == null ? void 0 : _result_experimental5.optimizePackageImports) || []; if (!result.experimental) { result.experimental = {}; } result.experimental.optimizePackageImports = [ Set([ ...userProvidedOptimizePackageImports, "lucide-react", "@headlessui/react", "@headlessui-float/react", "@heroicons/react/20/solid", "@heroicons/react/24/solid", "@heroicons/react/24/outline", "@visx/visx", "@tremor/react", "rxjs", "@mui/material", "recharts", "@material-ui/core", "react-use", "@material-ui/icons", "@tabler/icons-react", "mui-core", // We don't support wildcard imports for these configs, e.g. `react-icons/*` // so we need to add them manually. // In the future, we should consider automatically detecting packages that // need to be optimized. "react-icons/ai", "react-icons/bi", "react-icons/bs", "react-icons/cg", "react-icons/ci", "react-icons/di", "react-icons/fa", "react-icons/fa6", "react-icons/fc", "react-icons/fi", "react-icons/gi", "react-icons/go", "react-icons/gr", "react-icons/hi", "react-icons/hi2", "react-icons/im", "react-icons/io", "react-icons/io5", "react-icons/lia", "react-icons/lib", "react-icons/lu", "react-icons/md", "react-icons/pi", "react-icons/ri", "react-icons/rx", "react-icons/si", "react-icons/sl", "react-icons/tb", "react-icons/tfi", "react-icons/ti", "react-icons/vsc", "react-icons/wi" ]) ]; return result; } export default async function loadConfig(phase, dir, { customConfig, rawConfig, silent = true, onLoadUserConfig } = {}) { if (!process.env.__NEXT_PRIVATE_RENDER_WORKER) { try { loadWebpackHook(); } catch (err) { // this can fail in standalone mode as the files // aren't traced/included if (!process.env.__NEXT_PRIVATE_STANDALONE_CONFIG) { throw err; } } } if (process.env.__NEXT_PRIVATE_STANDALONE_CONFIG) { return JSON.parse(process.env.__NEXT_PRIVATE_STANDALONE_CONFIG); } // For the render worker, we directly return the serialized config from the // parent worker (router worker) to avoid loading it again. // This is because loading the config might be expensive especiall when people // have Webpack plugins added. // Because of this change, unserializable fields like `.webpack` won't be // existing here but the render worker shouldn't use these as well. if (process.env.__NEXT_PRIVATE_RENDER_WORKER_CONFIG) { return JSON.parse(process.env.__NEXT_PRIVATE_RENDER_WORKER_CONFIG); } const curLog = silent ? { warn: ()=>{}, info: ()=>{}, error: ()=>{} } : Log; loadEnvConfig(dir, phase === PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, curLog); let configFileName = "next.config.js"; if (customConfig) { return assignDefaults(dir, { configOrigin: "server", configFileName, ...customConfig }, silent); } const path = await findUp(CONFIG_FILES, { cwd: dir }); // If config file was found if (path == null ? void 0 : path.length) { var _userConfig_amp, _userConfig_experimental_turbo, _userConfig_experimental, _userConfig_experimental_turbo1, _userConfig_experimental1; configFileName = basename(path); let userConfigModule; try { const envBefore = Object.assign({}, process.env); // `import()` expects url-encoded strings, so the path must be properly // escaped and (especially on Windows) absolute paths must pe prefixed // with the `file://` protocol if (process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE === "jest") { // dynamic import does not currently work inside of vm which // jest relies on so we fall back to require for this case // userConfigModule = require(path); } else { userConfigModule = await import(pathToFileURL(path).href); } const newEnv = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(process.env)){ if (envBefore[key] !== process.env[key]) { newEnv[key] = process.env[key]; } } updateInitialEnv(newEnv); if (rawConfig) { return userConfigModule; } } catch (err) { curLog.error(`Failed to load ${configFileName}, see more info here`); throw err; } const userConfig = await normalizeConfig(phase, userConfigModule.default || userConfigModule); if (!process.env.NEXT_MINIMAL) { // We only validate the config against schema in non minimal mode const { configSchema } = require("./config-schema"); const state = configSchema.safeParse(userConfig); if (!state.success) { // error message header const messages = [ `Invalid ${configFileName} options detected: ` ]; const [errorMessages, shouldExit] = normalizeZodErrors(state.error); // ident list item for (const error of errorMessages){ messages.push(` ${error}`); } // error message footer messages.push("See more info here:"); if (shouldExit) { for (const message of messages){ console.error(message); } await flushAndExit(1); } else { for (const message of messages){ curLog.warn(message); } } } } if ( && !== "server") { throw new Error(`The "target" property is no longer supported in ${configFileName}.\n` + "See more info here"); } if ((_userConfig_amp = userConfig.amp) == null ? void 0 : _userConfig_amp.canonicalBase) { const { canonicalBase } = userConfig.amp || {}; userConfig.amp = userConfig.amp || {}; userConfig.amp.canonicalBase = (canonicalBase.endsWith("/") ? canonicalBase.slice(0, -1) : canonicalBase) || ""; } if (((_userConfig_experimental = userConfig.experimental) == null ? void 0 : (_userConfig_experimental_turbo = _userConfig_experimental.turbo) == null ? void 0 : _userConfig_experimental_turbo.loaders) && !((_userConfig_experimental1 = userConfig.experimental) == null ? void 0 : (_userConfig_experimental_turbo1 = _userConfig_experimental1.turbo) == null ? void 0 : _userConfig_experimental_turbo1.rules)) { curLog.warn("experimental.turbo.loaders is now deprecated. Please update next.config.js to use experimental.turbo.rules as soon as possible.\n" + "The new option is similar, but the key should be a glob instead of an extension.\n" + 'Example: loaders: { ".mdx": ["mdx-loader"] } -> rules: { "*.mdx": ["mdx-loader"] }" }\n' + "See more info here"); const rules = {}; for (const [ext, loaders] of Object.entries(userConfig.experimental.turbo.loaders)){ rules["*" + ext] = loaders; } userConfig.experimental.turbo.rules = rules; } onLoadUserConfig == null ? void 0 : onLoadUserConfig(userConfig); const completeConfig = assignDefaults(dir, { configOrigin: relative(dir, path), configFile: path, configFileName, ...userConfig }, silent); return completeConfig; } else { const configBaseName = basename(CONFIG_FILES[0], extname(CONFIG_FILES[0])); const nonJsPath = findUp.sync([ `${configBaseName}.jsx`, `${configBaseName}.ts`, `${configBaseName}.tsx`, `${configBaseName}.json` ], { cwd: dir }); if (nonJsPath == null ? void 0 : nonJsPath.length) { throw new Error(`Configuring Next.js via '${basename(nonJsPath)}' is not supported. Please replace the file with 'next.config.js' or 'next.config.mjs'.`); } } // always call assignDefaults to ensure settings like // reactRoot can be updated correctly even with no next.config.js const completeConfig = assignDefaults(dir, defaultConfig, silent); completeConfig.configFileName = configFileName; setHttpClientAndAgentOptions(completeConfig); return completeConfig; } export function getEnabledExperimentalFeatures(userNextConfigExperimental) { const enabledExperiments = []; if (!userNextConfigExperimental) return enabledExperiments; // defaultConfig.experimental is predefined and will never be undefined // This is only a type guard for the typescript if (defaultConfig.experimental) { for (const featureName of Object.keys(userNextConfigExperimental)){ if (userNextConfigExperimental[featureName] !== defaultConfig.experimental[featureName]) { enabledExperiments.push(featureName); } } } return enabledExperiments; } //#